Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we have been learning, the book of Romans is about the gospel of Jesus. As Jesus taught the gospel in the Old Testament to be perfect, stop sinning and to keep the Ten Commandments to get eternal life, so in the New Testament. Jesus taught and lived from the Old Testament since there was no New Testament until 300 years after Jesus when the Catholic Church compiled it. Paul and all the New Testament writers continued the gospel theme of the Old Testament by living the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life.
Let us continue listening to Paul as he instructs us how to turn our bodies into living sacrifices for Jesus. He is giving us practical instruction on how to live the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life. As I went for my prayer walk this morning, I asked God to put within me a greater love and desire for His perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life. I want to experience even more of the joy God offers those who live in obedience to Him.
Romans 12:1 to Romans 12:21
I therefore urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercies, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices that are holy and pleasing to God, for this is the reasonable way for you to worship.
Wow! That just threw out all of our churches, denominations, religions, services, rituals and ceremonies. The only worship God considers “reasonable” and pleasing is to make our “bodies as living sacrifices”. How? By living “Holy”. How do we live “Holy”? By living the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life.
Do not be conformed to this world, but continually be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you may be able to determine what God’s will is—what is proper, pleasing, and perfect.
Okay, God has shown us what “God’s will is”! He wrote out His will for us on two tablets of stone so all the world would never forget. Therefore, to be continually “transformed” we must be continually “renewing” our minds by putting in to them the will of God. That is “what is proper, pleasing, and perfect”. There is no longer any doubt as to what “God’s will is”. From Genesis to Revelation God’s will has been made very plain. He doesn’t change His mind. His character doesn’t shift like clouds in the sky. He is the Rock of stability we can stand on and know “what is proper, pleasing, and perfect”. All you have to do is accept it into your life.
For by the grace given to me I ask every one of you not to think of yourself more highly than you should think, rather to think of yourself with sober judgment on the measure of faith that God has assigned each of you.
Ah, that is the real problem. Pride! The world today, including those who call themselves Christians, are thinking of themselves more highly than they should. In fact, a true Christian never thinks of himself. Why? Because true Christians are to be Christ-like, who never thought of Himself. God has assigned you a “measure of faith”. Like a teacher who is giving out assignments to his students. However, if the students refuse to do the assignments, it won’t do them any good. Are you doing your assignments from God?
For we have many parts in one body, but these parts do not all have the same function.
If your car was all one part it wouldn’t get you very far. Nothing in this world is of one part. Everything is made up of many parts in order to function properly. However, for that “thing” to function properly, all the parts within it must be working as an orderly and perfect unit. Each part must be in unity with the manufacture’s designed function for the “thing” to operate perfectly.
We as Christians may be many parts to one body, but we must all be working in perfect order and in unity with the Manufacture’s designed function for our part, and the body, to function properly. No matter what your designed function, every part must be in perfect unity with the Ten Commandments. As each part functions in perfect unity with the Ten Commandments, each part will then function as a unit in perfect harmony within God’s plan for the body of Christ.
In the same way, even though we are many people, we are one body in the Messiah and individual parts connected to each other.
The connection is the Ten Commandments. The character of Jesus is to be ours. By being grafted into Jesus, sucking on His character of perfect obedience to the Ten Commandments, we become like Jesus in character. Then we, as individual parts, will be “connected to each other” through that same character: perfection.
We have different gifts based on the grace that was given to us. So if your gift is prophecy, use your gift in proportion to your faith.
Your perfection may express itself through the different gifts God has given you, but you will still be perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping. No matter what your gift from God, it will be dedicated to the work of God and not to this world.
If your gift is serving, devote yourself to serving others. If it is teaching, devote yourself to teaching others.
For most who claim they are serving or teaching, etc., it is only a front to self-serving. They are not using their gifts for God. It is all selfishness. That word, “devote”, is interesting. Are you devoted to serving or teaching others for God? Or are you using God as the excuse to make money, work your way up the ladder of worldly success and building worldly influences?
If it is encouraging, devote yourself to encouraging others. If it is sharing, share generously. If it is leading, lead enthusiastically. If it is helping, help cheerfully.
For most, if we encourage, we don’t do it devotedly. We don’t want others to be more encouraged than we are. If we share, we don’t want to share generously in case they get more than we have. If we lead, we don’t want to lead enthusiastically just in case they become greater than ourselves. And helping others? Seldom is it done cheerfully. Unless we get something out of it, we grudgingly help others.
Your love must be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.
Oops! Most of what we call “love” is true hypocrisy. Worldly “love” is about putting on a show in order to get what we want. Few are abhorring evil. Few “cling” to what is good. The world and churches of today have gone mad. Sin and evil have become so accepted, we don’t see sin as evil.
Be devoted to each other with mutual affection. Excel at showing respect for each other.
It is hard enough for family members to be “devoted to each other”, let alone to the “family of God”. We have become so devoted to ourselves and our churches, we only see others as a means of getting what we want. Jesus was so devoted to us that He sacrificed His home and his life. How devoted are you?
Never be lazy in showing such devotion. Be on fire with the Spirit. Serve the Lord.
How do we serve the Lord? By being on fire with the Spirit in showing devotion to one another. Not much of that going on. Everyone is taking advantage of everyone else for their own glory and good. Church is full of it.
Be joyful in hope, patient in trouble, and persistent in prayer.
I think we need a lot more work in our Christian walk. Are you serving the Lord? Are you joyful in your hope of Heaven? Are you patient in trouble when the world comes against you? Or do you avoid living the Christian life by staying away from trouble? Persistent in prayer? Not many are persistent in prayer. We may say a quickie every now and then. But to be persistent, laying our need to stop sinning and to live perfectly before Jesus, I don’t think so. When was the last time you asked God to take a specific sin out of your life?
Supply the needs of the saints. Extend hospitality to strangers.
I want to thank every one of our donors who has been faithful in supplying the needs of this ministry. So many of you have extended your hospitality to this stranger. Thank you! Without asking anything in return or exchange, you have sacrificed mightily by helping this little ministry fulfill its part in God’s plan.
Bless those who persecute you. Keep on blessing them, and never curse them.
That’s a hard one. Over the years I have been learning the truth of that text. To bless and love at all times, what a difference it makes in the life. Blessing others will always bring blessings back.
Rejoice with those who are rejoicing. Cry with those who are crying.
As simple as that may sound, have you ever found it difficult to “rejoice with those who are rejoicing”? I have. I think it is the old nature that doesn’t want others to get more rejoicing than I get. I’m truly trying very hard to look closely at my “rejoicing” to make sure the motive is true and honest.
It is hard for me to “cry with those who are crying”. My life has been so full of sorrow, I sometimes wonder if there is any room left to include the sorrow of others close up. And yet, at a distance, I do weep for those who are weeping, crying and in pain. Maybe it is because their pain hurts me so much that it is hard for me to express it when I am around them.
Live in harmony with each other. Do not be arrogant, but associate with humble people. Do not think that you are wiser than you really are.
Living in harmony with others is really hard to do. I suppose that is why Paul tells us not to associate with bad company. To live in harmony, everyone in the group must have the same goals, the same outlook and the same desires. I suppose that is why light and darkness cannot dwell together. Maybe that is why we are only to “associate with humble people”. Even prideful people cannot dwell in harmony with each other. When we realize that God is wiser than us, then learning to listen and care as Jesus did will become easy.
Do not pay anyone back evil for evil, but focus your thoughts on what is right in the sight of all people.
That is not the same as rebuking, correcting and warning. Payback is revenge. We leave revenge to God. We love! But love, true love, is about warning, rebuking and correcting because we don’t want to see anyone burned up. We are to encourage each other in righteousness. We are to encourage each other in living the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life. That is what Jesus did. We are to follow His example. And let me make this very plain, rebuking, correcting and warning does not have to be with a mad or angry attitude. It can actually be with a smile on the face and joy in the heart. After all, the object of rebuking, correcting and warning is to bring joy and happiness to the life.
If possible, so far as it depends on you, live in peace with all people.
That is not a blanket acceptance of sin. We live in peace with all people as far as it depends on us. Yet, we are never to live in peace with sin. We are never to accept sin. We are at war with sin. We love people so much, as Jesus did, that we are to warn them, correct them and rebuke them when they are in sin. Then, we encourage them in living as Jesus commands. Rejoice always!
Do not take revenge, dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written, “Vengeance belongs to me. I will pay them back, declares the Lord.”
God has His “payback” ready to go. However, He loves the sinner so much He is patiently giving the sinner time to repent and return to righteousness. Soon, however, that patience, His grace, will come to an end. We love and do all we can to work with the plan of God in bringing the sinner back to God. We are to be loving undershepherds.
I have found that concept to be so true. Those who have hurt me, caused me trouble and hated me and this ministry, later I have learned of “God’s wrath” that was put upon them. Do I rejoice? No. I am sad they did not listen and turn from their wicked ways.
But “if your enemy is hungry, feed him. For if he is thirsty, give him a drink. If you do this, you will pile burning coals on his head.”
Doing good to the sinner is not accepting his sin. Jesus pours out good to sinners and the righteous all day long. Every drop of water that falls from the sky. Every ray of sunshine that hits the earth. Every breath we take is from God. That is not an acceptance of sin, but a revelation of the character of God. We are to reveal the same character in our lives. It was through acknowledgement of God’s great love to me, a sinner, who did not deserve His grace, which brought me to repentance and obedience. Let us pile up truckloads of “burning coals” of goodness onto the heads of our enemy.
Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.
I am finding that statement to be so very true. Many claim they cannot stop sinning because they have tried. The problem is, they are focusing on the sin. When we stop focusing on the sin and turn our focus to our duties and responsibilities as Christians, living the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life, we will find there is no time for sin. That is how we “conquer evil with good”. It is all about focus. Where is your focus?
Brother Ron,
So, I went to the “SHU” and started to read the book you sent me, “Change Your Life Biblically”. Then I couldn’t believe how great your book is. I wrote 5 pages of what I have understood about God. I will love to keep learning more about the truth. This opened my eyes and has taught me more things that I never knew. I was lost. I learned in order to live the eternal life, we have to obey God’s Commandments. I need this in my life. The way I was going it was destroying my life. I really want to change my life. Honestly, I love this book. I have spent my whole youth behind prison bars. I have never read the Bible. I decided to start reading the book, “Change Your Life Biblically” because I feel I need to learn more about God. I’ve heard so many different stories that I honestly didn’t know what to believe or listen to. I strived, fought and climbed to become a gang member. What a joke. I realized I was being used by other men. I decided to drop out of the gang. When I first started reading the book, I wanted to throw it on the ground because it went against what I had been taught. Now I want to keep studying. Just because people say they are Christians doesn’t mean they walk the same walk as Jesus.
Steve, NY
I want to take some of your Bible studies, please. Thank you very much.
Alfredo, CA
To Whom This Concerns,
I was told that you all had a book that might help me understand the relationship that I should be having with Christ. So, I was wondering if I could get that book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.
Christian, FL
Dear Ron,
Your book is truly changing the process of my thinking. I have done a lot of reading and Bible studies, but I am gaining so much from your book. Wow! What a wealth of knowledge your book contains. You never stop providing me with information that I had never gained until opening the pages of your work and reading what you reveal. Thank you for your work.
Jamie, MI
Dear Ron,
I really appreciate this opportunity to study the Bible more deeply. This study course has given me a guide that from the first scripture quoted on the second page let me know that I would like it. We live in a world where people hide behind titles and positions of power and influence. Matthew 5:48 highlights my potential and capacity. Jesus would not tell me to be perfect if I do not possess the capacity to be so. God is making it clear that whole hearted repentance is a prerequisite for Him to forgive us for our sins. I am really enjoying this course.
Joey, MI
Dear Ron,
I can honestly feel the thought and meaning that you have put into your writing this book. It shines from the pages as a beacon in the night directing us which way to go. It is on us if we will listen and be true Christians and enter into Heaven through that narrow gate. Jesus is our example of perfection and we are to live as He did. Thank you for the work that you are doing in trying to open the eyes of those who have been led astray for too long.
Jamie, MI
Dear JCPM,
I would like to participate in the life changing course of study entitled, “Change Your Life Biblically”. I look forward to renewing my commitment to the Lord. Thank you for your help and program. Thank you for not forgetting about God’s children behind bars.
Henry, MI
Brother Ron,
I am truly amazed at the book you sent me called “Change Your Life Biblically”. I truly see truth in God’s word like I’ve never seen before. Mostly because I never examined God’s truth the way I was able to do when I read your book. The churches I went to never opened up to the truth the way your book does. And truthfully, if I would have never read your book, there is no telling if I would have been exposed to the truth. Everything I mostly heard was all about the New Testament. Never anything about faith. And there was always the grace talk. But the true part that grace plays was never explained to me. Jesus’ teachings are not the subject in any of the churches I have attended. I was lost to the importance of keeping the 10 Commandments.
Quincy, VA
Hello Brother Ron,
I have to say, your experience has really touched me in more then one way. It’s crazy how throughout life God always finds a way to grab my attention. And, like many times, I ignored Him. I will give your book a try.
Jose, TX
I am interested in receiving the free Christian book called, “Change Your Life Biblically”. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Jeremy, FL
Received your very welcomed letter. Have to admit, sure felt good to receive mail. Very much grateful for your sincere generosity and kindness. I filled out the little slips you sent, passed out the other ones. So, you should hear from other inmates, hopefully. Let me share a brief story about my past. At the age of nine, I pretty much raised myself. The only true mentor I had was an old bum. He was a bum by choice. He had a good family, but chose to live on the streets as a bum. My own family were being such idiots towards one another, always fighting, stealing from each other. No real love of any kind. By the age of 18 I killed two people. I have been down 30 years. I never really gave it a shot to serve Jesus or accept Him as my Lord and Savior. I would finally like to do something right in my life, before I die. It truly breaks my heart and soul that my life ended this way.
Frank, TX
Dear Ron,
I get a special feeling within when I see your letters come in. It’s hard to explain. I am so blessed that I finally have someone here on earth who will not judge me for who I am. I have tried contacting several friends and family members since coming to prison. But I receive nothing back from them. They don’t understand how much a simple hello means during times like this. Thank you for choosing me and taking time out of your busy life to speak to me. I don’t get much opportunity to spread the truth. Whenever the opportunity arises I do my best. The guy I walk with on the yard listens and seems to take in the truth. I will continue to pray for guidance and keep an eye out for those in need. I hope one day you will be able to receive your reward from putting so much hard work into me.
Jamie, MI
Dear Ron,
I can’t believe I’m writing you. The Lord pressed it against my heart to write. The way God protected you really spoke to me about my own life. I would love to read your book. It sounds great. Your flyer you sent me really spoke to me. I think what you are doing is great. I really admire you and your stance against organized religion. God wants us to have a relationship with Him, not a church.
Chris, ID
Dear Ron,
Grace, works, deeds! I was truly ignorant on that until reading these new chapters. All my life, from my understanding from the priest always stating, “We were saved by grace”. Myself and others took it eternally. But was false. For so long I’ve done only what pleases me and makes me look good in the eyes of society. Now I feel good helping others because of my love of Jesus.
Christopher, VA
Brother Ron,
I read your booklet, “History of the Ministry” and it motivated me in two ways. I want to find my purpose in life because right now I don’t feel I’m living it. I can see you are living yours from what I read. I want and need that in my life. So, my mission is to find a place in this world. Your “FAITH” is awesome! How do you know it is the Lord talking to you? You took steps with no $ and anybody, well, most people would have never took the steps you took. Everything around them says, “Now is not the time”. But the voice you heard is what leads you and I believe with all my heart that is God. I got your booklet in the mail and I feel it is the Lord telling me something. I just can’t put my finger on it. But, JCPM sounds so right to me, like that is my place. I filled the form in so that I can receive your book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.
Pablo, TX
To Whom It May Concern,
My cellie received one of your books. I picked it up and started to read it. All this time I been in jail I haven’t touched or read a Bible until I started reading your book. I’ll be out by the time you send me one, however, I dearly pray that you send me one to my home so that I continue to walk with Jesus.
Roger, TN
Brother Ron,
Thank you for your letter and for sending a copy of CYLB. It was kind of hard for me to do, I won’t lie. You really have to think about it and kind of dig in a little bit. I like the book so far because it touches on things that you haven’t realized or thought of before. The Bible can be difficult to understand. I learned how easy it is to be brainwashed. How if your first thought is wrong, everything after that is wrong too. I told a friend of mine about the book. I gave him your address and I hope he writes you. Thank you brother Ron and for your ministry. I hope that one day you and I could sit down and I could tell you my story.
Gregory, CA
I would like to receive a “Change Your Life Biblically” book.
Tony, NE
Dear JCPM,
I got your pamphlet in the mail. I would like to express my gratitude for it and the chance to grow and learn more from the Word of Christ. I have recently decided to come back to Him after straying for a very long time in the life of sin. I would like to do what is necessary to receive my certificate.
Richard, CO
Brother Ron,
I would like to thank you for the “Change Your Life Biblically” book. I appreciate what you do for those who are incarcerated. Growing up I never went to church except for holidays with my grandmother. My mother never had a Bible in the house so we were never knowledgeable of the Bible. I grew up in a rough neighborhood in Omaha Nebraska where gangs and drugs was all around. I smoked weed at a young age. I started going to youth detention at the age of 12. Over the years and the many times being detained there, I would pick up the Bible and say, “God, if You are real and if You love me, then will you get me out of jail?” I am now 33 years old and have five children. I am currently on my second prison term. My first term I did 11 ½ years. I was out for 6 months and now I have to do another 7 ½ years before I parole. I have been really thinking about what my purpose is in life. I have been reading the Bible, but get discouraged because I don’t really understand what it is that I’m reading. When I received your book, it gave me some relief. I found myself highlighting almost every sentence. I like how the book really breaks everything down. I really like the saying “Bad company corrupts good character”. I now read your book to find answers and insight to my problems. It gives me a clear understanding of the sacrifices God made and troubles He encountered. Your book showed me what it is that God wants from me. How I should go about my life. I would like to say “Thank You”. Your book allowed me to become a believer. I now find myself identifying the blessings of God, no matter how small. Just receiving your initial booklet in the mail was a blessing because it came at the right time. I feel very comfortable with the way I am right now. My whole focus is being a man of God and a great father to my children. I accept responsibility for my actions and I know that the Lord has great plans for my future.
Orlando, NE
Dear Brother Ron,
I pray my letter finds you well. I just received your pamphlet in the mail. The Lord works in so many great ways. I have been locked up for 22 years. I am so filled with a complete turn around.
Ervin, FL
Dear Ron,
Today I received your second response to my letters. It really made me feel connected. When I received your first letter, I couldn’t tell if it was an actual personally written response, or if it was a standard response sent to everyone. Thank you Ron for your personal interest in spreading the word to inmates. It is admirable and appreciated. The reading material on Prayer couldn’t have been more timely. So much has been going on with me these last couple of weeks that I needed prayer to center myself.
Joey, MI
Dear Ron,
You are doing the Lord’s work. You came into my life just a month or two ago and you have changed my thinking in so many ways. You are important not only to me, but to all those lives that you touch. The Holy Spirit inspired you to write your books with purpose and meaning. God was at work in my life, but I never took the time to take my eyes off of the things of the world long enough to notice Him hard at work. Then out of nowhere I received your book in the mail and my whole thought process got a wake-up call. You opened my eyes to so many lies that I have accepted as truth.
Jamie, MI
Dear Sir,
I would like a copy of “Change Your Life Biblically”. Thank you.
William, FL
Dear Ron,
Enclosed is my information to send me the Bible study course, “Change Your Life Biblically”. I am very encouraged by your testimony. How God is working in you and through you and your ministry. I should say, God’s ministry over which you have been given stewardship. Like you, I was raised in a “Christian” home, going to church, participating and at times leading Bible studies. I did not start reading Scripture from Genesis to Revelation until I came to prison over 4 years ago. As I began reading Scripture without commentary or any other Bible aides, I discovered (God revealed to me) so much I did not know. I realized much of my doctrine was based on popular opinion instead of the Word itself. I understand now that Scripture means what it says and it says what it means. It is refreshing to know there is a small contingent of God fearing Christians who understand that God’s grace is freedom from sin, not freedom in sin. I am very excited to receive your Bible study course.
Perry, CO
I was wondering if you have any Bible study course, books or material that may help me get a closer relationship with Christ and God?
Misty, CA
Dear Brother Ron,
Just checking in. Here are a few more brothers that want to be enlightened. So far, so good. I thank you for your obedience to the Almighty Father and doing His will. The brothers are blown away that have received their books.
Luis, CA
Brother Ron,
I just read the newsletter that you sent. It was great and it really made my day. It’s taken me awhile to read it. I’ve fallen behind on “CYLB”. I’m picking that back up tomorrow. I just wanted to write you a quick note to let you know what’s been going on with me. To be honest, I’ve been distracted with nonsense and have fallen off track a bit. I’ve also been moving around a lot from one housing location to another. I received your letter, thank you very much. It’s amazing how you are able to personally respond to each letter and still do all that you do with all the printing, writing and everything else. I’ll keep my eye open for someone to help you. I really enjoy your ministry. I thought I was the only one who felt that way about the churches of today. I’ve been kind of depressed lately. After reading that newsletter and praying, I feel better than I have in a few weeks.
Gregory, CA
I’m very grateful that I’ve heard about the Bible study course, “Change Your Life Biblically”. I’m very much interested in this step by step process so that I may continue to be reconciled back into fellowship with God through Jesus Christ.
Sean, FL
Dear Brother Ron,
I received your letter today. As always it was good to hear from you and Duke. Let Duke know I love him also and his friendship has helped me as much as yours. What you have is what I want. Meaning, the peace, joy and happiness and freedom. I found that the guy I thought was God-sent, was not God’s child at all, but Satan’s. One who uses Jesus as a front. God bless.
Darren, LA
Dear JCPM,
My brother in Christ gave me this address to write for a free workbook. I would be glad to receive this workbook to learn more about Jesus Christ.
Ray, TX
I read your pamphlet you sent. It was very motivating. I’m interested in the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”. I’d like to study and learn the Word and teachings of Jesus. I found your story very inspiring. I hope to learn and incorporate His teachings. Thank you for your unwavering service and dedication to doing God’s work.
Cuitlahuac, CA
I got your pamphlet two or three months ago. I left it on my table for some reason when I usually throw stuff like that away right off. I am reaching out to be a part of your community. I need a change to make a difference for myself.
Darryl, VA
Dear JCPM,
I received the paper to fill out for the Bible study. I must say that it is no better time than now to reach out to me. So, thanks for contacting me. I am more than ready to receive what this ministry has in store for me. Please send me all that you can. I prayed last night to God asking Him to prepare me for my release. Now, you pop up with something that I know will make me a better man.
John, VA
To Whom It May Concern,
There are a few of us in the pod here who would like to get your Bible studies and book. I hope that by sending multiple cards in one envelope doesn’t mix things up? I myself am also looking for not just the Bible study, but also the pen-pal program.
John, VA
Brother Ron,
I just finished writing down some thoughts about this next section in CYLB. I thought I would include a note as well. I’m really enjoying CYLB and it’s really thought provoking. I’m learning a lot of things that I never knew before. Ron, I definitely would like to come out and meet you and check out what’s going on in the ministry out there. I’m not sure when I will be out of here. I would like to offer to help out if I can. I think your ministry is really doing God’s work and is helping people who are really in the most need.
Gregory, CA
I found this booklet with your information and hopefully you can give me more of God’s good grace in my life. Your booklet, ‘History of the Ministry’ I found on a table where everything else goes and where we sharpen pencils as well. I picked this up and in turn I felt such a chill and it is hard to describe. This booklet I just happened to see is an Introductory Issue.
Paul, FL
I just received your Introductory Newsletter. So, I’m writing to inquire about the “Change Your Life Biblically” workbook. Also, I’m housed in administrative segregation which means I’m confined to a small windowless cell for 23 to 24 hours a day.
Juan, TX
Ok, so I have received my book and got to the first assignment. The first thing I really reflected on was the “Brainwashing” and automatically putting a perception on something and really believing it even if it is false or totally wrong. So, like you said, every move or thought I make after that is wrong. The faith part really struck my heart. I find myself not really wanting to believe what I can’t see. But as I really look into the Bible, I find obedience is a key to faith. Most of this material has made me more open to really learning the truth the Bible speaks of. The impact would be to just slow down and crawl in the Word till I am stable to walk.
Chez, TX
My Dear Family in Christ,
Sharing the truth of Jesus is not popular. Few want to give up the world for Heaven. As long as “Heaven” is a “theory”, a fantasy of the mind, fine. We can continue in our worldly pursuits while claiming to actually be “Christian”.
While driving along a road you may see a sign that says, “Road Ends 2 Miles Ahead: 300 foot Drop”. Now, the scenery may look great. The road may be smooth and enjoyable. You may have wonderful music playing in the car. You may even have enjoyable company to share your conversation with. Your car may be washed and beautiful. However, all of that only lulls you to sleep in your danger if you do not heed the sign. For two miles you may feel very secure in your car. But if you keep going, you will die.
Most who claim to be Christians are in beautiful churches, playing nice music, enjoying life and having wonderful conversations about Jesus. But few are paying any attentions to the signs. This ministry is putting up the signs. Who will read them and take them to heart?
Dangers and Duties of Youth
Last December I was shown the dangers and temptations of youth. The two younger sons of (church member) need to be converted. They need to die daily to self. Paul, the faithful apostle, had a fresh experience daily. He says: “I die daily.” This is exactly the experience that these young men need. They are in danger of overlooking present duty and of neglecting the education that is essential for practical life. They regard education in books as the all-important matter to be attended to in order to make life a success.
In a sense, we do the same in our churches. We overlook our present duty in the Christian life while we sit in church paying close attention to theology and book learning. Few are developing their present duty of drawing closer to Jesus.
These young men have duties at home which they overlook. They have not learned to take up the duties and bear the home responsibilities which it is their duty to bear. They have a faithful, practical mother, who has borne many burdens which her children should not have suffered her to bear. In this they have failed to honor their mother. They have not shared the burdens of their father as was their duty, and have neglected to honor him as they should. They follow inclination rather than duty. They have pursued a selfish course in their lives, in shunning burdens and toil, and have failed to obtain a valuable experience which they cannot afford to be deprived of if they would make life a success. They have not felt the importance of being faithful in little things, nor have they felt under obligation to their parents to be true, thorough, and faithful in the humble, lowly duties of life which lie directly in their pathway. They look above the common branches of knowledge, so very necessary for practical life.
How true. Most who go to church “follow inclination rather than duty”. Church is so much fun. It gives you a sense of accomplishing something for Jesus without actually having to accomplish anything.
If these young men would be a blessing anywhere, it should be at home. If they yield to inclination, instead of being guided by the cautious decision of sober reason, sound judgment, and enlightened conscience, they cannot be a blessing to society or to their father’s family, and their prospects in this world and in the better world may be endangered. Many youth receive the impression that their early life is not designed for caretaking, but to be frittered away in idle sport, in jesting, in joking, and in foolish indulgences. While engaged in folly and indulgence of the senses, some think of nothing but the momentary gratification connected with it. Their desire for amusement, their love for society and for chatting and laughing, increases by indulgence, and they lose all relish for the sober realities of life, and home duties seem uninteresting. There is not enough change to meet their minds, and they become restless, peevish, and irritable. These young men should feel it a duty to make home happy and cheerful. They should bring sunshine into the dwelling, rather than a shadow by needless repining and unhappy discontent.
Instead of being “guided by the cautious decision of sober reason, sound judgment, and enlightened conscience”, church members are “engaged in folly and indulgence of the senses, some think of nothing but the momentary gratification”. Today, with motorcycles, ski boats, snow skiing, video games, great church camp outs and other activities, there is plenty to keep us busy with “momentary gratification”. Are you spending time with Jesus?
These young men should remember that they are responsible for all the privileges they have enjoyed, that they are accountable for the improvement of their time and must render an exact account for the improvement of their abilities. They may inquire: Shall we have no amusement or recreation? Shall we work, work, work, without variation? Any amusement in which they can engage asking the blessing of God upon it in faith will not be dangerous. But any amusement which disqualifies them for secret prayer, for devotion at the altar of prayer, or for taking part in the prayer meeting is not safe, but dangerous. A change from physical labor that has taxed the strength severely may be very necessary for a time, that they may again engage in labor, putting forth exertion with greater success. But entire rest may not be necessary, or even be attended with the best results so far as their physical strength is concerned. They need not, even when weary with one kind of labor, trifle away their precious moments. They may then seek to do something not so exhausting, but which will be a blessing to their mother and sisters. In lightening their cares by taking upon themselves the roughest burdens they have to bear, they can find that amusement which springs from principle and which will yield them true happiness, and their time will not be spent in trifling or in selfish indulgence. Their time may be ever employed to advantage, and they be constantly refreshed with variation, and yet be redeeming the time, so that every moment will tell with good account to some one.
The world tells us we need to think about ourselves. We need to have more “ME” time. We need to pay more attention to our needs. How selfish. Jesus came and showed us that our lives are not to be centered in self, but in others. Our duties and responsibilities are what prepare our characters for Heaven.
You have thought that it was of the highest importance to obtain an education in the sciences. There is no virtue in ignorance, and knowledge will not necessarily dwarf Christian growth; but if you seek for it from principle, having the right object before you and feeling your obligation to God to use your faculties to do good to others and promote His glory, knowledge will aid you to accomplish this end; it will help you to bring into exercise the powers which God has given you, and to employ them in His service.
But, young men, if you gain ever so much knowledge and yet fail to put that knowledge to a practical use you fail of your object. If, in obtaining an education, you become so absorbed in your studies that you neglect prayer and religious privileges, and become careless and indifferent to the welfare of your souls, if you cease to learn in the school of Christ, you are selling your birthright for a mess of pottage. The object for which you are obtaining an education should not be lost sight of for a moment. It should be to so develop and direct your faculties that you may be more useful and bless others to the extent of your ability. If by obtaining knowledge you increase your love of yourselves, and your inclination to excuse yourselves from bearing responsibilities, you are better without an education. If you love and idolize books, and allow them to get between you and your duties, so that you feel a reluctance to leave your studies and your reading to do essential labor that someone must do, you should restrain your desire to study and cultivate a love for doing those things in which you now take no interest. He that is faithful in that which is least will also be faithful in greater things.
You need to cultivate love and affection for your parents and for your brothers and sisters. “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another; not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.” Young men, you cannot afford to sacrifice your eternal interests for your school studies. Your teachers may stimulate you by applause, and you may be deceived by the sophistry of Satan. You may be led on step by step to seek to excel and to obtain the approbation of your teachers, but your knowledge in the divine life, in experimental religion, will grow less and less. Your names will stand registered before the holy, exalted angels and before the Creator of the universe and Christ, the Majesty of heaven, in a very poor light. Opposite them will be a record of sins, of mistakes, failures, neglects, and such ignorance in spiritual knowledge that the Father and His Son, Jesus our Advocate, and ministering angels will be ashamed to own you as children of God.
Have you noticed the applause given to our pastors, ministers and teachers? Have you noticed how we applaud those who entertain us? The world is completely under the control of Lucifer. The “religious” world has no understanding of what it means to live as Jesus lived.
In attending school you are exposed to a variety of temptations to which you would not be exposed at home in your father’s house, under the watchcare of God-fearing parents. If while at home you prayed by yourselves twice or three times a day for grace to escape the corruptions that are in the world through lust, you need to pray as much more earnestly and constantly when at school, exposed to temptations and the contaminating influences which prevail in schools in this degenerate age, as your surroundings are more unfavorable to the formation of Christian character.
My family in Christ, are you feeling the need to spend three or four times a day in pray to escape the corruptions around you? Or have you become so immune to temptation you don’t even recognize it? You may think you are walking the Christian life, but if you look closely into the Word of God and the life of Jesus, you will probably find how far you have been misled.
These young men have not sufficient strength of Christian character; especially is this the case with (church member). He is not settled, rooted, and grounded in the truth. His hold of God has been so slight that he has not been receiving strength and light from above, but has been gathering darkness to his own soul. He has heard unbelief talked so much and has taken so little practical interest in the truth that he is not prepared to give a reason of his hope. He is unstable like a reed trembling in the wind. He is kind at heart, yet loves fun, idleness, and the company of his young friends. He has indulged this inclination to the sacrifice of his soul’s interest. It is important, my brother, that you avoid mingling too much in the society of irreligious youth. The culture of your mind and heart, in connection with the practical duties of life, requires that a large share of your time be spent in the society of those whose conversation and faith will increase your faith and love for the truth.
You have tried to throw off the restraint that the belief of the truth imposes, but you have not dared to be very bold in your unbelief. Too often the levities of the world, and the society of those from whom self-communion and religion are excluded, have been your choice, and you have been, to all intents and purposes, reckoned with that class who bring the truth into contempt. You are not strong enough in faith or purpose to be in such society. In order to kill time you have indulged in a spirit of trifling which has done positive injury to you by blunting your conscience. You love approbation. If you gain this in an honorable way, it is not so sinful; but you are in danger of deceiving yourself and others; you need to be guarded on this point and see that you earn all the approval you receive. If you are approved because of your sound principles and moral worth, this is your gain. But if you are petted and courted and flattered because you can make bright speeches and apt remarks, and because you are cheerful, lively, and witty, and not because of intellectual and moral worth, you will be looked upon by sensible, godly men and women as an object of pity rather than envy. You should be guarded against flattery. Whoever is foolish enough to flatter you cannot be your true friend. Your true friends will caution, entreat, and warn you, and reprove your faults.
Does your minister court and flatter you by making bright speeches and apt remarks? Do you think he is a good pastor because he is “cheerful, lively, and witty”? Do you go to church to be flattered as a Christian? Or do you go to church to be reproved of your sins? Is your church showing you your sins in order for you to live the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life Jesus requires?
You have opened your mind to dark unbelief. Close it in the fear of God. Seek for the evidences, the pillars, of our faith and lay hold upon them with firm grasp. You need this confidence in present truth, for it will prove an anchor to you. It will impart to your character an energy, efficiency, and noble dignity that will command respect. Encourage habits of industry. You are seriously lacking here. Both you and your brother have brilliant ideas of success, but remember that in God is your only hope. Your prospects may at times look flattering to you, but anticipations which exalt you above simple, humble home duties, and above religious duties, will prove a failure. You, my dear young friends, need to humble your hearts before God and be obtaining a rich and valuable experience in the Christian life by following on to know the Lord and blessing others by daily lives of spotless purity, of noble integrity, of thoroughness in the performance of Christian duty and the duties of practical life. You have duties to do at home; you have responsibilities to bear which you have not yet lifted.
That which ye sow ye shall also reap. These young men are now sowing the seed. Every act of their lives, every word spoken, is a seed for good or evil. As is the seed, so will be the crop. If they indulge hasty, lustful, perverted passions or give up to the gratification of appetite or the inclination of their unsanctified hearts; if they foster pride or wrong principles and cherish habits of unfaithfulness or dissipation, they will reap a plentiful harvest of remorse, shame, and despair.
Angels of God are seeking to lead these young men to cry unto the Lord in sincerity: “Be Thou the guide of my youth.” Angels are inviting and seeking to draw them from the snares of Satan. Heaven may be theirs if they will seek to obtain it. A crown of immortal glory will be theirs if they will give all for heaven. 3T 221-227.