My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In part 1 of Romans, we learned that the “gospel” is not about the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus.  The “gospel” is everlasting and has existed from the beginning of time.  It is the “good news” God gave to every created individual He brought into existence.  That “good news” was, if you live in obedience to the Ten Commandments, you will live forever.

The Ten Commandments are the foundation of God’s government.  No individual can live under God’s government who does not live in obedience to the Ten Commandments.  Those who live the perfect, sinless and commandment keeping life have the privilege of living eternally.  That is “good news”.

As we continue in our study of Paul’s letter to the Romans, we will find that this concept of obedience is the primary thrust of Paul.  Not only in his letter to the Romans, but in all his letters.  He was commanded by Jesus to teach the gospel.  He would never stop being obedient to Jesus.  Have you?  Are we as determined to live in obedience as Paul was?  Jesus has commanded every person who takes the name of “Christian” to “proclaim the gospel to everyone”.  Mark 16:15.  Without obedience, no one will enter the kingdom of God.

Again, going back to our study on Romans, part 1, Paul understood the differences between the four basic laws of the Jews.  We will continue making those distinctions available in this study.  Paul was trying to get across to the Gentiles that they were just as saved keeping the Ten Commandments as the Jews were.  That joining the church and keeping all the religious rites, ceremonies, traditions and services had nothing to do with eternal life.  Going to church had nothing to do with belonging to God.  While the Jews sat back in their self-righteous church judging the gentiles, God was judging the Jews and their church.

Romans 2:1 to Romans 3:31

Therefore, you have no excuse—every one of you who judges. For when you pass judgment on another person, you condemn yourself, since you, the judge, practice the very same things. 

Obviously, if a person is judging, that person is using a standard to do the judging.  For Christians, that standard is the Ten Commandments.  Therefore, instead of passing judgment on others, we need to be very careful that we ourselves are living in obedience to the Ten Commandments.  On the other hand, if we are using church or worldly dogma as our standard of judgment, then we are not Christians.

Now we know that God’s judgment against those who act like this is based on truth

As much as the religious organizations of today try to change God and make the Jesus of the New Testament different from the God of the Old Testament, God’s truth never changes.  The Ten Commandments are the same in the Old Testament as they are in the New Testament.  Jesus is very plain on that.  He stated, “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I didn’t come to destroy them”.  No, He did not!  He came to live them.  He came to fulfill them in His life as we are to fulfill them in our lives.  He set the example of how we are to fulfill them.  He taught the Ten Commandments for our eternal life.  Matthew 19:17.  God’s truth for our eternal life has never changed since Adam.  God’s judgment is “based on truth”.  Is yours?

So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on those who practice these things and then do them yourself, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? 

The Christian world today narrows that down to doing the exact same things that they judge against.  But the Bible is very plain, “For whoever keeps the whole Law but fails in one point is guilty of breaking all of it”.  James 2:10.  It is our sinful nature to put others down in order to make ourselves look better.  We love comparing ourselves with others we think are worse than us.  But it is all sin.  Paul tells us not to compare ourselves among ourselves.

Or are you unaware of his rich kindness, forbearance, and patience, that it is God’s kindness that is leading you to repent? 

How quickly we forget that all of us are sinners.  All of us deserve nothing but death.  Only by “His rich kindness, forbearance, and patience” (grace) that we are not struck down.  Therefore, none of us has anything to boast about.  It is the kindness of God that leads us to repentance.  We are to follow the example of Jesus and show the same to others.  Our mission is not to compare ourselves with others, but to compare ourselves with Jesus and lead others to repentance through kindness, forbearance and love.

But because of your stubborn and unrepentant heart you are reserving wrath for yourself on the day of wrath, when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed. 

I pray to God that those sitting in, and supporting, religious organizations will get out so they will be able to see how stubborn and unrepentant their hearts are.  It is religious members who are so deserving of God’s wrath.  But they don’t see it.  Like the Jews of Christ’s day, they think their beliefs qualify them for Heaven.  They don’t!

“Again, the command is given: ‘Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob (churches and religious organizations) their sins.’ It is not the wicked world, but those whom the Lord designates as ‘my people,’ that are to be reproved for their transgressions. He declares further: ‘Yet they seek Me daily, and delight to know My ways, as a nation (religious organizations) that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God.’ Isaiah 58:1, 2.  Here is brought to view a class who think themselves righteous and appear to manifest great interest in the service of God (church and religious organizations); but the stern and solemn rebuke of the Searcher of hearts proves them to be trampling upon the divine precepts.” GC 452.

For he will repay everyone according to what that person has done: eternal life to those who strive for glory, honor, and immortality by patiently doing good; but wrath and fury for those who in their selfish pride refuse to believe the truth and practice wickedness instead

It is hard to fathom that going to or belonging to a religious organization is wickedness.  However, we must change our perceptions or be destroyed.  Jesus did not, nor does He, command us or require us to “go to church”.  Religious organizations were invented by the devil to destroy our souls.  We are invited to go to Jesus and Jesus only.  Matthew 11:28.  We are to lay down our lives at the feet of Jesus, not religious organizations.  We are to “strive for glory, honor, and immortality by patiently doing good”, not belonging to religious organizations.  No eternal good is being done in church.  Unless people are standing up and confessing, weeping and repenting, church is destroying souls.  We must get out of our churches and strive to live the perfect, sinless and commandment keeping life.

There will be suffering and anguish for every human being who practices doing evil, for Jews first and for Greeks as well. 

God gave the Jews the awesome privilege of sharing the Ten Commandments with the world.  They had the glory and honor of living the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life before the world.  But instead, they turned practical Christianity into a religious organization and then it became their god.  They made religious organization their salvation.  Religious organization satisfied their ego.  Confessing, repenting and turning away from sin was not welcome.

But there will be glory, honor, and peace for everyone who practices doing good, initially for Jews but also for Greeks as well, because God does not show partiality. 

If you think going to church is giving you points with God, “God does not show partiality”.  Get out of your religious organization, go home and open your Bible and learn how to live the perfect, sinless and commandment keeping life.  Start practicing “doing good” and forget church.  There is no salvation “good” in church.  NONE!

The devil does lots of “good”, but none of it will get him or you into heaven.  The Catholic Church does a lot of “good”, but none of it will get any of its members into heaven.  Jesus said that only God is good.  The only good that will get you into Heaven is the good that comes from God.  The only good that has come from God is His character, the Ten Commandments.  Those who live His Ten Commandments have His “good”.  There is not one word about “church” in the Ten Commandments.  Keeping the Sabbath holy has nothing to do with going to church.  In fact, going to church in today’s world is breaking the Sabbath.  If you want to keep the Sabbath holy, stay home and live the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life.

For all who have sinned apart from the Law will also perish apart from the Law, and all who have sinned under the Law will be judged by the Law. 

God is the God of the whole earth.  Everyone, whether they know it or not, is under the Ten Commandments.  God will judge the whole world by the Ten Commandments.  Therefore, it doesn’t matter if you belong to a religious organization and break the law, or don’t go to church and break the law, all will be judged by the Law.  Therefore, get out from under your religious organization and look into the Law of God and change your life. 

This is what was intimated when Christ taught that the, “servant who knew what his master wanted but didn’t prepare himself or do what was wanted will receive a severe beating. But the servant who did things that deserved a beating without knowing it will receive a light beating. Much will be required from everyone to whom much has been given. But even more will be demanded from the one to whom much has been entrusted.”  Luke 12:47, 48.  Paul is simply restating what Christ and the Old Testament taught.

For it is not merely those who hear the Law who are righteous in God’s sight. No, it is those who follow the Law, who will be justified. 

And that is the fallacy of church.  Church members go to church listening to some fool talk about the law, but it will do them no good.  Unless they get out of their religious organizations and begin following the Law of God in their hearts, they have no justification.  And keep in mind, there is a difference between being justified and sanctified.

For the most part, Paul talks about justification because the Jews thought you had to belong to their religious organization to “start” the process of salvation: justification.  Paul is letting his readers know that it isn’t about belonging to any church, organization or through any ritual, ceremony or tradition that we are “justified”.  We are justified by having faith in the “Lamb of God”: Jesus Christ.  No different from the Old Testament.  Through the symbol of the lamb being sacrificed on the altar, the repentant sinner was to look forward in faith to the “Lamb of God”.  In the New Testament we look back upon that same “Lamb of God” on the cross.  Whether it was Adam in the Old Testament or us in the New Testament, our justification begins with faith in the “Lamb of God” to take away our past sins.

For whenever gentiles, who do not possess the Law, do instinctively what the Law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the Law. 

Again, Paul is emphasizing that the gentiles who did not have, or “possess” the actual written Ten Commandments, but instinctively did what the Ten Commandments required, they had the law in their hearts. 

They show that what the Law requires is written in their hearts, a fact to which their own consciences testify, and their thoughts will either accuse or excuse them on that day when God, through Jesus the Messiah, will judge people’s secrets according to my gospel. 

Therefore, in the judgment, they will be able to stand before God and their consciences will be able to “excuse them” since they lived by the Law that they did not know about.  It was in their hearts.  They were susceptible to the workings of the Holy Spirit in their lives and lived up to all the law they knew.  It’s about those “secrets” of the heart that will trip you up.  Putting on a show, going to church, while the heart is breaking the law, won’t get you into heaven.  Why you do what you are doing will carry more weight with God than what you are doing.  Therefore, why are you going to church?  To please God?  It doesn’t, so why go?

Now if you call yourself a Jew, and rely on the Law, and boast about God, and know his will, and approve of what is best because you have been instructed in the Law; . . .

And there you have it.  Going to your religious organization, claiming you are a member of God’s household or claiming to be a part of the “remnant” because you know the law, isn’t going to do you any good.  Going to church on the Sabbath will not save you any more than it saved the Jews who were destroyed.

. . . and if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a light to those in darkness, an instructor of ignorant people, and a teacher of infants because you have the full content of knowledge and truth in the Law— . . .

Do you proudly sit in your religious organization convinced you are a guide and “savior” to those around you because you have a knowledge of the Sabbath?  Do you arrogantly think of yourself as “saved” because you sit in church on the Sabbath?  Are you standing up front thinking you are a “guide for the blind”?  Do you pay your tithes to the church because you think you are getting “brownie points”?  Won’t do you any good.

–as you teach others, do you fail to teach yourself? As you preach against stealing, do you steal?  As you forbid adultery, do you commit adultery? As you abhor idols, do you rob temples? 

Are you sitting in church stealing joy from family, friends and coworkers?  Do you look lustfully at other women?  Do you abhor other religious organizations while robbing them of the joy and Christian experience they may actually bring their members, which you do not have?  Many claim to be “Christian” because they are living longer by eating a certain way.  That has nothing to do with Christianity.  You can’t eat your way into heaven.  Eating healthfully isn’t going to give you eternal life.  Only obedience to the Ten Commandments will give you eternal life.  And the last time I checked, there was nothing in the Ten Commandments about going to church or eating certain foods.

As you boast about the Law, do you dishonor God by breaking the Law? 

Most who go to religious organizations are dishonoring God by breaking the law.  Their minds are not set on what they must do to get eternal life.  No, their minds are set on their religious organizations.  How to look good to church members.  How to put on a show of “Christianity” while living for the world.  “When the professed people of God are uniting with the world, living as they live, and joining with them in forbidden pleasures; when the luxury of the world becomes the luxury of the church; when the marriage bells are chiming, and all are looking forward to many years of worldly prosperity—then, suddenly as the lightning flashes from the heavens, will come the end of their bright visions and delusive hopes.” GC 338.  I think the year 2020 showed us how quickly our prosperity can change.

As it is written, “God’s name is being blasphemed among the gentiles because of you.” 

And so it is.  When the world, or other church members, see you living no differently than they are living, you blaspheme God’s name.  It isn’t what you think you know, it isn’t what you “believe” that will count in the judgment, it is what you do from your heart.

For circumcision is valuable if you observe the Law, but if you break the Law, your having been circumcised has no more value than if you were uncircumcised. 

Circumcision was their “baptism” into the religious organization.  You became a “Jew” by being circumcised.  A Jew thought a person had access to Heaven by being a Jew.  Without belonging to “my” religious organization, you have no right to heaven.  Paul debunks that thinking.  Belonging to any or no religious organization will not get you into or keep you out of heaven.  Belonging to Jesus is the only requirement for Heaven.  Living in obedience to Jesus.  Belonging to a religious organization may have value, but only if you are living the perfect, sinless and commandment keeping life.  Other than that, there is no value in belonging to any church, denomination or religious organization.

So if a man who is uncircumcised keeps the requirements of the Law, his uncircumcision will be regarded as circumcision, won’t it? 

Yes, if a man who does not belong to a church, denomination or religious organization keeps the requirements of the Law, the Ten Commandments, his non-membership will be regarded as membership, “won’t it”?  Of course.  So why waste your time in a religious organization?  Get out and live in obedience to the Ten Commandments.

The man who is uncircumcised physically but who keeps the Law will condemn you who break the Law, even though you have the written Law and circumcision. 

The man who is not a member of a church, denomination or religious organization but keeps the Ten Commandments will condemn you who are members of a church, denomination or religious organizations but do not obey the Ten Commandments; even if you have them hanging on your church wall, talk about them and are baptized into a church that meets on the Sabbath.

For a person is not a Jew because of his appearance, nor is circumcision something just external and physical. 

That’s right!  No one is a Christian because of his appearance, the cross hanging around his neck, the music he listens to, the Bible he carries, the church he goes to or the day he goes to church on.  Being a Christian isn’t just something external and physical. 

No, a person is a Jew inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, brought about by the Spirit, not by a written law. That person’s praise will come from God, not from people. 

Therefore, a person is a Christian when the Law, the Ten Commandments, are in the heart by the Spirit of God.  That person’s praise will come from God and not from the church.  The “written law” hanging on the wall or door frame will not make you a Christian.  Even being able to recite them from memory will do nothing for your eternal life.  But if they are in the heart, lived and applied to everyday life, then God will praise you.

Then what advantage has the Jew? Or what is the value of circumcision? 

The concept is simple.  Was there any advantage to being a Jew?  Yes!  Not for salvation, but because being a Jew brought many advantages in health and lifestyle.  You grew up with good health principles.  You didn’t participate in pagan rites and rituals that demoralized the mind and the body.  Because of the health principles, you lived longer and had less sicknesses and diseases.  So, yes, there were many advantages to being a Jew.  But none that had anything to do with eternal life.  Today, with all our avenues of educational reach, church is no longer “needed”.  The information that was almost wholly to be found in “church” during the first 1900 years of Christianity, can now be found on your cellphone. 

Much in every way. To begin with, the Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God. 

The oracles of God were those instructions that made the Jewish lifestyle the envy of the world.  They were healthy and lived long.  Mentally and physically, through obedience to the health laws, they surpassed the pagans in every way.  Therefore, a person raised as a Jew was very fortunate and had many advantages over the pagans.  A Jew also had the opportunity of learning the requirements for eternal life: the keeping of the Ten Commandments.

What if some were unfaithful? Does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God? 

However, just because the nation of the Jews had misused the information God gave them, that did not in anyway disqualify the information as being “good” for mankind.   

By no means! Let God be true though every one were a liar, as it is written, “That you may be justified in your words, and prevail when you are judged.” 

The information God gave the Israelites was of the highest caliber for the human race.  If the world had kept the health laws, what a magnificent species of humanity we would have become.  If the Ten Commandments had been kept, what a different world we would now be living in.

But if our unrighteousness serves to show the righteousness of God, what shall we say? That God is unrighteous to inflict wrath on us? (I speak in a human way.) 

Just because the Jews chose to turn away from God’s plan of salvation and set up their own “church”, did that make God “unrighteous” to inflict His wrath on them?  To punish them for their wrongdoing?  Of course not!

By no means! For then how could God judge the world? 

It is because God’s truth is unchangeable that God had to inflict wrath on the Law breakers.  They broke His law.  Punishment was necessary.  That would prove to the world that God could, and would, judge the world by that Law.  There are consequences for breaking God’s law.

But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? 

It was because of the lies that were being taught by the church that the truth of God was magnified.  It is because we are condemned as sinners that God’s law stands justified as righteous.  It doesn’t matter what you do or say, everything will, in the end, make God’s truth abound to His glory.

And why not do evil that good may come?—as some people slanderously charge us with saying. Their condemnation is just. 

Most churches, religious organizations and denominations actually do believe that.  They teach that we are “saved by grace” and that “God loves sinners” and therefore, we are not accountable for the evil that we do.  In fact, many claim that it is our evil behavior that brings out God’s grace all the more and therefore, we should do more evil.  “Their condemnation is just”. 

What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not at all. For we have already charged that all, both Jews and Greeks, are under sin, 

As far as salvation is concerned, no!  All have sinned and no matter what church, denomination or religious organization you belong to, it will not save you.  The following verses are “quotes” given by Paul from the Old Testament.  They do not pertain to righteous people but to wicked people: those going to church and thinking they were “saved” but were sinning and were not righteous.  The “none is righteous” pertains only to those who refuse to stop sinning and live the Ten Commandment life perfectly.  Go back to the Old Testament and check out the context for each of the texts given below!

· as it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one; (of the wicked)

· no one understands; no one seeks for God. (of the wicked)

· All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.” (of the wicked) 

· “Their throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to deceive.” “The venom of asps is under their lips.” (of the wicked)

· “Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.” (of the wicked)

· “Their feet are swift to shed blood; in their paths are ruin and misery, and the way of peace they have not known.” (of the wicked)

· “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” (of the wicked)

Those belonging to the church organization, and living wickedly, had “no fear of God before their eyes”.  We who live the righteous, perfect and sinless life do have the fear of God before our eyes.  We know the “way of peace” while the wicked do not.  Therefore,

Now we know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world may be held accountable to God. 

The whole world is under the Law of the Ten Commandments.  However, some do not know that.  Yet, through the workings of the Spirit of God, every person who comes into this world has an understanding of right and wrong.  Therefore, every mouth may be stopped and have no excuse for sinning.  However, more specifically, those who claim to have the Law (under the Law) of God, will be far more accountable to God than those who do not know the Law.

For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin. 

We must be very careful here.  Paul is talking about being “justified”.  There is a huge difference between justification and sanctification.  The Ten Commandments cannot “JUSTIFY” anyone.  The Ten Commandments can only bring us SANCTIFICATION and eternal life.  But that can only happen when we are first justified.  The Ten Commandments gives us the knowledge of what sin is so we can stop sinning.  Just as a mirror cannot clean your face, but it can show you how dirty it is so you can clean your face.  Therefore, since all have sinned, we must first be justified.  How does that happen.

The Jews looked to their church membership, services, rituals, traditions and ceremonies for “justification”.  According to the church, you were justified by belonging to the church.  At that point, you could then keep the Ten Commandments to get your eternal life.

However, that was never God’s righteousness.  The righteousness of God’s justification was for the repentant sinner to recognize that since he had already sinned, he deserved nothing but death.  Therefore, no WORK on earth could JUSTIFY your PAST sins.  That is why we need a Savior who can take our past sins upon Himself and justify us in the eyes of the Father.  His taking our sins and justifying us didn’t save us, but it opened the door for our salvation.

But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it— . . .

Paul is still talking about justification.  Righteousness is the Ten Commandments: the character of God.  When we broke them and sinned, we no longer had the righteousness of God.  Therefore, we needed a “righteousness” apart from the Ten Commandments, which we broke, to repair the breach between God and us by taking away our sin.  The Ten Commandments can’t take away your past sins. 

. . . the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: 

That Righteousness was Jesus Christ.  He lived the righteous, commandment keeping life in order to show us how it is to be done.  He could repair the breach.  He could take past sins from us, if we believed in Him, and give us the righteousness of God to make up for our unrighteousness.  However, it is only for those “who believe”.  To believe is to have faith in Christ to repair the breach.  It means living in obedience to what Jesus taught.  Then, we are to lived the “sanctifying action of the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus”.  1 Peter 1:2.  It was because of our selfish, prideful lives that we broke the Ten Commandments.  Believing in Jesus means we lay down our selfish, prideful lives and live humbly in obedience to the Ten Commandments, just as Jesus commanded.  When we believe, we then live in obedience to every Word of God.  Romans 1:5.

Belonging to a church will not get you into heaven.  Going through rites, rituals, ceremonies, services and traditions cannot JUSTIFY us.  None of that can repair the breach.  Your works will do nothing to take the place of your reward, death, for breaking the Ten Commandments.  Only Jesus can do that.  Why?

. . . for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, . . .

Since churches, denominations and religious organizations are all man-made, they are all in the same boat: sinners.  No sinner can justify you before God. 

. . . and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins

There it is.  So very simple.  God’s “gift” of grace opened the way for our justification.  It can’t “save” us eternally, but it can justify us.  The “redemption” of Christ is our “propitiation” (The act of gaining or regaining the favor or goodwill of someone.  Webster’s Dictionary) by His blood.  Only the death of the Creator could pay the penalty for our breach.  Instead of wiping us out of the universe, God, “in His divine forbearance” through the redemption of Christ, “passed over former (past) sins”.  But that is only justification.  To get to heaven, we now must walk as Jesus walked: perfect, sinless and commandment keeping.  That is our sanctification, bringing our sinful characters back into harmony with God’s sinless, perfect and commandment keeping character.  That is why Paul was so adamant that it was “the will of God, your sanctification”.  1 Thessalonians 4:3.  Justification is on God.  Sanctification and your eternal life is on you.  As Paul said in Philippians 2:12, “Work out YOUR salvation”.

It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. 

Justification shows the righteousness of God toward us.  Sanctification shows our righteousness towards God.  We cannot justify ourselves from our past sins.  We deserve nothing but death.  Jesus shows His love and justice to us by being so very gracious in providing us grace – probation.  But His justification can only happen if we have faith in Jesus to be our “Lamb of God” who pays the penalty for our sins.  Going to church, belonging to a denomination or religious organization, going through rituals and ceremonies will do nothing for your eternal life.  Therefore, you cannot boast about belonging to a church, denomination or religious organization.  You cannot boast about being baptized or circumcised.   You cannot boast about eating this or not eating that, knowing this or knowing that. 

Then what becomes of our boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? By a law of works? No, but by the law of faith. 

No amount of your works can repair the breach for justification.  No amount of your works can restore your standing with God.  No amount of your works can justify you before God.  Your works are what broke the Ten Commandments and condemned you to eternal death.  All you deserve is death.  Only faith in Jesus can put within you the desire to change your sinful nature and come back into atonement with the righteous character of God.  The example in the Old Testament for this is found in Zechariah.  “Now Joshua was wearing filthy clothes (your works and sins) as he stood in the presence of the angel.  So the angel continued to tell those who were standing in his presence, ‘Remove his filthy clothes (justification by removing our past sins).’ And he told Joshua, ‘Look how I’ve removed your iniquity. Now I’m clothing you with fine garments (the Character of Jesus as God sees us).’”  Zechariah 3:3, 4.

For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law. 

Once you have broken the Ten Commandments, no amount of “keeping” them will make up for past sins.  Every sin must meet its penalty: death.  Once the Law has been broken, keeping them will do you no good for JUSTIFICATION: past sins.  A human illustration would be committing murder.  Once you have committed murder you have broken the civil laws and are a murderer.  It doesn’t matter if you keep all the civil laws perfectly after that, you are still a murderer and must endure the punishment for committing that murder and breaking the civil law.  Once you have finished your prison sentence and paid your debt to society, then you are considered “rehabilitated” and “at-one-ment” with the law of society and can return to society by continuing to keep the law.  In our case, death is our punishment.  But Jesus, the Judge, commuted our sentence of death if we show our faith in His atonement for our death.

Or is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles also? Yes, of Gentiles also, . . .

In the religious world of the Jew, to be JUSTIFIED, you had to become a Jew.  You had to belong to the nation of Israel.  You had to show your JUSTIFICATION by circumcision.  Much as our religious world today expects you to be baptized into a church in order to show you have been justified and ready for eternal life. 

. . . since God is one—who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith. 

The only thing that counts for our justification is faith in Jesus.  That faith leads us, as Paul stated, to obedience to the Ten Commandments.  You see, it was selfishness that caused us to sin in the first place.  Something has to be more powerful than our filthy garments of selfishness.  Something has to take our attention off of ourselves.  The only power in the universe strong enough to do that is love.  We must love Jesus so much we would rather die than commit a sin.  Those are the only people Jesus can trust to take to Heaven.  Therefore, we must have faith in Jesus that His sacrifice was sufficient for our past sins – justification.  Then, we must love Him so much for His sacrifice, and the new garment He has wrapped us in, that we get involved with our sanctification process by keeping the Ten Commandments to develop His character of righteousness in us.  At Justification His outer garment of righteousness will surround us, but we must develop His character of righteousness within us to match His outer garment of righteousness to be saved.

Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law.

Yes we do!  We can never do away with the Law.  It shows what is righteous.  We broke it.  We deserve death.  Jesus showed His love for us in taking the death penalty for us.  Therefore, we are to show our love to Him by believing, having faith, that He did take our penalty.  Then in love to Him, we begin to “work out” our salvation with fear and trembling so we can regain the character of righteousness that we lost in disobedience.  Our work is to keep the Ten Commandments perfectly as Jesus did.  Philippians 2:12.

This concept of the law was revealed by God in 1888 in a book called, “The Great Controversy”.  Today it is neglected by the very church which claims to be following God’s law and keeping His Sabbath.  The denomination has totally abandoned it.  It is all about “church” now.  I want to share a quote with you from that book.

“The law reveals to man his sins, but it provides no remedy. While it promises life to the obedient, it declares that death is the portion of the transgressor. The gospel of Christ alone can free him from the condemnation or the defilement of sin. He must exercise repentance toward God, whose law has been transgressed, and faith in Christ, his atoning sacrifice. Thus he obtains “remission of sins that are past,” and becomes a partaker of the divine nature. He is a child of God, having received the spirit of adoption, whereby he cries, ‘Abba, Father!’  (This is the outer garment that God now sees.)

“Is he now free to transgress God’s law? Says Paul: ‘Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid; yea, we establish the law.’ ‘How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?’ And John declares, ‘This is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not grievous.’ [Romans 3:31; 6:2; 1 John 5:3.]  In the new birth the heart is brought into harmony with God, as it is brought into accord with his law. When this mighty change has taken place in the sinner, he has passed from death unto life, from sin unto holiness, from transgression and rebellion to obedience and loyalty.  The old life of alienation from God has ended; the new life of reconciliation, of faith and love, has begun. Then ‘the righteousness of the law’ will ‘be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.’ [Romans 8:4.]  And the language of the soul will be, ‘O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day.’ [Psalm 119:97.]

“‘The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.’ [Psalm 19:7.] Without the law, men have no just conception of the purity and holiness of God, or of their own guilt and uncleanness. They have no true conviction of sin, and feel no need of repentance. Not seeing their lost condition as violators of God’s law, they do not realize their need of the atoning blood of Christ. The hope of salvation is accepted without a radical change of heart or reformation of life. Thus superficial conversions abound, and multitudes are joined to the church who have never been united to Christ.” GC88 467-468.

Those last two sentences are the condition of our churches today.  Even those who go to church on the Sabbath.  Instead of changing the life, they go to church.  They have the hope of salvation without the “radical change of heart”.  Folks, get out of your church.  Turn off all religious media.  Go to your Bibles, get on your knees and repent, turn from your sins and reform your life.

In 2008 the housing market collapsed.  This was due to the fact that millions of people were lied to.  They were told that they could own a home by simply stating (believing) they had a job.  Or, they could state what ever they wanted as an income.  Therefore, illegal immigrants, poor people and others who could not afford a home, bought homes under false pretenses.  Then they went out and bought more homes to “flip” or rent.  This started what was called the “housing bubble”.  But no one saw it coming.

In 2005, one man did something that no other person did, he looked.  He looked at the portfolios of the mortgages the banks and financial institutions held and determined that they were bogus and would collapse in 2008.  He was so sure of himself, and his truth, he went to banks and did something that had never been done before, he bet against the mortgages.  Everyone laughed at him.  They made fun of him.  He was ridiculed and scorned. 

There is a “Christian bubble” at this time.  Everyone wants to call themselves “Christian”.  Everyone can join the club just by “stating” they “believe”.  Then, anyone brave enough can go out and teach others the lie.  And the bubble keeps on expanding.  But there is a day coming when Jesus is going to stick His pin into that bubble.  I have done something, it seems, no one else has done, I’ve looked.  I pray that you listen and take to heart what God has been showing me.


Dear Ron,

The reason why it took me so long to respond is because I have been slowly and carefully studying your book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  Hopefully, this letter will be sufficient enough to start me on my certification process.  I find your book very enlightening.  Especially from a realistic and spiritual perspective.  Very few people understand the true meaning of grace.  Grace is basically a spiritual force that gives and sustains our physical body.  Without grace we wouldn’t be able to stay alive.  Faith is very important only if backed by works.  That is, like a person who prays to the Holy Spirit for wisdom but don’t constantly study and read God’s Word.  Another example is a person who prays for good health but is constantly abusing their temple body with alcohol and drugs.  Ron, I like how you interpreted Daniel’s prophecies.  From a historical perspective, I have often wondered where other nations came into play with the Jews.  The knowledge you shared with me about Rome becoming the Byzantine Empire was very insightful.  I had no idea that the Catholic Church was so diabolical and manipulative.  I believe without the true teachings of Jesus things will become like the “Reign of Terror” like what happened in France.  This will create degradation, cruelty and brutality.  Some people have been brainwashed to believe the way to get saved and have eternal life is by believing in the resurrection of Jesus.  That is false.  The original teachings of Jesus and the good news that He brought was: Stop sinning, be perfect and follow the Ten Commandments.  So often I find myself living in the past old offenses.  You helped me to realize holding on to the past offenses only causes me to be worn out by thoughts of revenge and anger.  If I expect God to forgive me of my sins, I must do the same for those who have caused me pain and hurt.  Once I let it go, I feel a great sense of relief and peace.  Ron, I found your temple diagram of the 8 steps insightful and logical.  The first step begins with Faith.  Through this you then enter the court yard.  After being washed clean by the blood of Christ, you enter the door of the Holy Place, leaving justification behind and entering sanctification.  The reason why I like and find your ministry interesting is because you have facts to back what you say.  But you also make plain what the true teachings of Jesus is. 

Robert, MI


First off, I would like to thank the makers of the Jesus Christ Prison Ministry and the Holy Spirit that has instilled the word of God into the hearts and minds of the ministry.  Honestly, it’s a blessing to have men and women of God that truly want to save souls rather than live for the world.  I have been reading about God’s plans that helps us to achieve perfection.  I have heard the concept of becoming perfect and achieving perfection, but before actually studying and obtaining the knowledge, I always thought human beings would never obtain perfection in our fleshly state.  I never thought man could be sin-less.  Well, in Matthew 5:48 He directly says, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect”.  God’s Word never returns void, therefore, perfection must be very attainable.  I’m tired of my old life of sin and I have decided to accept God’s steps of achieving perfection.  I have accepted the responsibility of becoming a new creature in Christ.  I understand the concept of brainwashing amongst the churches.  I say this because growing up, I wasn’t taught about achieving perfection through Christ.  People like you are the ones that help men and women like me that really want to live for God.  I thank you. 

Stephen, TX

Brother Ronald,

I’ve read your Introductory Issue that was sent to me.  Therefore, I would like to continue to the next step, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I wasn’t a nice person out there, so in a way, I’m glad that I’m in here.  You may send me your book so that I may read it.  Thank you very much.  What you say about prison is true in every level, as with the churches too.  Your work makes me move deep into all this studying. 

Mauricio, NM


I wanted to touch base with you and let you know I received the book you presented to me, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I am very grateful and thankful for it.  I really appreciate it. 

Eldon, CA

Dear Brother Ron,

I would like to still do your Bible study.  I think it would help me in my walk with God. 

Travis, CA

Brother Ron,

My brother in Christ, Frank, sincerely requested I receive this book.  I have fellowshipped with my brother and he has requested I write you guys.  Oh, he has this “Duke” dog he sits to guard his cell at night.  What’s he talking about?

Raymundo, TX


I’ve read this “History of the Ministry” and I would really like to continue my learning about my faith and changing my life.  I’m really looking forward to receiving the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.

Richard, WY


I hope you can help me to continue my walk with Jesus.  I read one of your newsletters and hoping you can send all of your programs, Bible studies.  I thank you for your time.

Cory, AZ


I got your address from the chaplain’s office here.  They said that you offer free Bible studies.  I am very interested in learning more about Jesus Christ.  Will you please send me what you can?

Marshall, TX


Jeremiah and myself are very interested in the certification process.  We want to get closer to God.  We have finally realized that God is what we are missing in our lives and why we can’t stay sober.  We need a life changer and we believe God is the answer.

Codi, TN


I would like to finish this study, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I was already looking or thinking of getting myself into something like this.  Then, out of the blue, I received this in the mail.  All things happen for a reason.  Thank you for doing God’s work.

Joseph, TX


I’m writing you guys to see if I can get the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I want to know more about the Lord and how He can change my life.  I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. 

Santos, CA


I recently received your “History of the Ministry”.  I must say, I am very interested in reading your “book”, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  To be honest with you, I about threw the pamphlet out when I saw the word “Christian”.  I am glad I read it.  Let me explain by telling you I grew up going to Baptist churches from ages 1 to 16.  I haven’t been back since and I am now 31.  This is because “Christians” I witnessed and was around were a bunch of hypocrites that left a bad taste in my mouth.  Although I still call myself a Christian, I can totally agree and relate to some of your thoughts about pastors, people, churches and denominations.  So please, if you would, send me a copy of your book.  I’d love to read it.

Mark, PA


I have read your “History of the Ministry”.  I would like to continue in the Bible studies you offer.  The “Change Your Life Biblically” workbook.  Thank you so much for taking the time to send these to me. 

Stephanie, OK


I was reading “Change Your Life Biblically” and was like, “Wow!”  I really do appreciate how you break things down so the simplest can understand.  I just want to say thank you for your time and dedication. 

Joe, CA


I have been in and out of prison since I was 14 years old.  I would like to get your workbook, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I’m really ready to bring Jesus into my heart and keep Him there.  I would love to receive anything that will help me get closer to Jesus.  Thank you for sending me the little booklet of the “History of the Ministry”.  It really opened my eyes and I want to change and become a true believer in Christ.  Thank you for your time.

Brian, IL

Dear Brother Ron,

I want to thank you from my heart for your labors of love and sharing the truth in this ministry.  The things I am learning are amazing for a couple of reasons.  First, because God had shown me a lot of things about the churches and people who attend them as well as the leaders.  Next, because it is based on Jesus and God’s divine word.  I have a lot of work to do and things I am removing from my life.  At first I was overwhelmed because I felt like it was too much to handle.  But as I pray daily, God is leading me step by step so my faith in God is growing.  I have been deceived and misled by those I sat under.  I took their truths as truths instead of seeking for myself.  God always showed me something wasn’t right about these teachings and their walk.  Now, through this book, my eyes are being opened as well as my mind and heart.  I was 24 when I started this time, now I’m 56.  All my adult life has been behind bars.  I have been left and forsaken by family and friends.  Until your letter came, I was lonely and unfulfilled.  Now my life has direction and purpose.  I read this book and everything I have experienced in my life is brought back to my attention: false prophets, people I knew, the Word of God they twisted to serve their own will and understanding.  I thank God for you brother Ron.  Your labors of love.  I feel my future is full of promise and peace.  I can only imagine the battles you have, standing for the truth of God’s Word.  I admire your love for God and His people, brother Ron.  Thank you again for being the vessel God’s love flows through and for sharing the real truth about God’s Word.

James, LA


Wow, this book, “Change Your Life Biblically” has opened my eyes so much.  I have been brainwashed for so long.  I never knew or understood that “God” was a title and not a person.  That “God” as a title was really covering all three people.  I love this book.  It’s opening me up to grow and change my thoughts, my attitude and my direction of how I live for God.  I feel so much closer to God as I read and re-read your book.  I never knew faith was so powerful or how much it truly encompassed my whole life.  As I sit here I am being blessed by your book that God sent to me to help me grow and deepen my faith in Him.  I know now that if I study my Bible, live my life by the Ten Commandments and walk and follow in Jesus footsteps, I will be actually saved and have eternal life.  I am starting to see the Bible in new light.  I am truly, for the first time in my life, understanding the Bible.  I am already seeing a positive change in the responses I am receiving from people.  The Lord truly inspired you and your work.  It is such a blessing.  I feel like the anchor on my neck has been lifted.  My family and loved ones see the change.  A few times even asking if I’m OK.  It has given me the chance to be a witness for God and to share with them what this book has started to do for my life.  So far, I’ve had a couple of family and friends ask me how they can get this book.  I am finding God for the first time and I can’t thank you enough for helping, leading, guiding and directing me to finding God. 

Bradley, IL

Brother Ron,

I want to thank you for responding so quickly to my request for your Bible study guide.  I am now requesting that you send me “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I am looking forward to being filled with more godly wisdom.  I want to let that wisdom exhibit itself in gentle, peaceable qualities in my life.  I pray to help others to be drawn to you through me as I emulate Jesus Christ. 

Rolando, WV

Brother Ron,

I have learned since my last letter that like the majority of people, instead of focusing on today in striving for perfection in Christ, I have lived most of my life thinking I can do it in the future.  That is dangerous for only God knows if I’ll awake tomorrow or the next day.  So, today is the time for us all to repent and apply God’s Word to our lives.  I have learned we are deceived from childhood because people refuse to seek the truth and apply it to their daily lives.  But as in the Bible, each generation grows further away from God because of lack of knowledge.  But we are responsible for obtaining knowledge of God’s Word.  It is easy to be deceived.  I thank God for you brother Ron. 

James, LA


I’m sending this short notation in hopes that I might be blessed with the chance to participate in your prison ministry course.  It would be a great way to get closer to Christ and learn a lot of wisdom.

Joshua, TX

Dear JCPM,

I would like to enroll and receive the “Change Your Life Biblically” workbook.  I filled out the form and tried to send it, but the mailroom here returned it due to me using the indigent supplies program to send out correspondence.  Mailroom told me that it has to be “written” correspondence, so, here I am sending out a “written” correspondence.  Hopefully the mailroom will now allow me to mail this out.  God bless you!  I hope to receive the “Change Your Life Biblically” workbook.

Ricardo, TX


I just finished reading a pamphlet that was sent to me.  I had goosebumps and my breathing was heavy and tears started in my eyes.  I am a strong believer in God, but my heart is not sure what religion is the real one.  Every time someone preaches God’s Word to me, I cry, feel joy and I start feeling weird sensations.  I just turned 21.  I’ve been in jail since I was 17.  I need God in my life.  I don’t have the right guidance and I am worried my life might be over do to my charges.  I have so many flaws that I don’t know if I have the strong will power to do God’s work.  I want to go to Heaven and finally be happy. 

Austin, CT


A fellow inmate here at the jail allowed me to browse his book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I had to inquire as to how I may request a copy.  He said to ask you fine folks.  I attended church in the world until I moved about 6 months ago.  Yet, I still read my Bible and try to maintain Christian values.  After reading some of the book, I was amazed on the eye opening pages: the questions and explanations. 

Richard, MS

Brother Ron,

It brought me joy to know you got the books out to the 2 brothers that transferred out.  Especially the one in Tehachapi because he was the layover that I had as a cellie.    From the near moment he came in my cell, until 3 in the morning, I was sharing Scripture with him and he enjoyed it because I shared things with him in the Bible he never knew.  The way I helped him understand made him have the desire to get more into the Word.  I am once again sending another batch of names for Duke to inspect.  🙂  Hopefully Duke takes you on long walks to burn off calories from all the “seeds” you are “watering” and eating.  🙂 

     I commend you for your honor and steady discipline to keep doing what you do for as long as you have.  What I like about the book is that it breaks down all the history and separates God’s Word from “religion and traditions” of man.  With this book, it helps educate the lost and confused to come to the understanding of the truth.  I’ll be honest, I get frustrated some times having to repeat myself with different people.  But most of all, with the stubborn ones.  They drain the most out of me.  I simply want people not to be ignorant of the truth or keep away from God because the false teachings of man. 

Luis, CA

Brother Ron,

As always, I hope and pray you and Duke are well.  I received your letter last night and I’m glad you enjoyed my letter.  I too really enjoy your letters.  The studies I’ve done in the past I never got a response on a personal level as you do.  It feels good actually knowing someone is reading my letters and is willing to tell me what needs to be said.  You said, “Nobody is being taught to take responsibility for their own lives”.  I completely agree.  You said, “I don’t want to tell me what’s right or wrong, but allow me to make my own judgments based on truth”.  I’m very grateful for that.  I can say, I’ve heard many lies.  I guess sometimes I just feel like I need to be doing more learning.  Most of the Bible studies I’ve done have also been lies.  I’ve still got a long way to go and a lot of habits and mind-sets that need changing.  I was on the “saved by grace” bandwagon.  I now, however, realize my error.  I have taken the church at face value because I wasn’t taught better.  This section has really opened my eyes to obedience and what it means to our salvation.  This makes me realize that much more, that if we are not understanding the Word properly, then we are staying lost and our churches are keeping us this way.  In order to purify ourselves we must obey the truth.  I understand salvation isn’t obtained by just one aspect of the Bible, but a combination of many.  If that wasn’t the case, then the Bible would only talk about one aspect.  But the churches I’ve been to like to pick and choose the ones they feel are important to our salvation to preach about.  None, however, are stressing obedience.  One of the greatest issues I see around us is, too many people who want to be “Christians” are letting these churches feed them lies.  That’s easy to do when you are raised that way.  I almost put down your book.  We are taught to walk and ride bikes at a young age and it has always stayed with us.  If we were taught to walk or ride backwards all the time, that’s what we would do.  Christians are walking backwards, not knowing any better.  One reason is, because, although we say we read our Bibles, we aren’t doing so with the Holy Spirit.  As I close this, I want to touch on something you said in your letter.  You said I may have to walk alone and that you live alone with no contact with the outside world.  That has actually crossed my mind many times.  I just feel the world in here and out there has kept me distracted from my walk with Jesus.  I’ve been in this cell for two years and have only left it to go to doctor call.  But I’ve always been okay with being by myself. 

Jack, AR

Dear Brother Ron,

Hello.  May our Lord Jesus keep on blessing you.  I just got through finishing volume I of “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I must say, it is quite an eye opener in regards to expanding and opening my mind.  A lot of things that I read I hadn’t even thought about or looked at in the context of what was printed in volume I.  I feel that after reading the words of volume one, that I have been deceived on the truth about what Christ is really trying to teach me.  I’m so thankful for the awakening that your book has enabled me to experience.  AMEN. 

Michael, CA

Dear JCPM,

I would like to request a “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I’ve always prayed and talked to and believed in the Lord.  I want to get closer to God physically and spiritually.  Someone in my pod showed me and talked to me about this book.  It has helped them understand better and study differently.  It’s a big help.  I would appreciate my own copy very much.  It will help me on my spiritual journey.

Eric, CA

Dear Brother Ron,

First off, I want to tell you that this book has been a saving grace for me.  I’ve been struggling eternally with a lot of things in my life.  I had no direction or ambition.  I’m currently doing a 20 year sentence for robbery.  I was 18 when I was first incarcerated.  I’m 28 now.  I battle with the gang-banging.  I received a flyer from a fellow brother and I never looked at it until I went to Segregation.  As I was going through my mail, the flyer sat on top of my mail for days.  Finally I said, “Let me read this”.  I picked it up and I saw you were willing to do something nobody else was willing to do: Help me better myself.  So, I wrote you and asked to start the course.  I just completed the CYLB and every answer I needed was inside of it.  Actually, from cover to cover, it was helpful and I mean that in a literal sense. 

Brother Ron, I was fighting temptation on the daily before receiving your book.  I once loved to gamble, now I stay completely away from it, the pornography, the foul language of the tongue and all the temptations from the devil I displayed, I’ve been delivered from them over the last 3 months of reading your book.  This book has taught me how to be bigger than the judgement bestowed upon me by my peers when I speak about the Lord.  I get funny looks and dudes say things about me, but I know what the truth is and as you said, God will bless you as you live in obedience to the teachings of this book.  So, that’s what I stand firm on.  My belief that I’ll be rewarded for living a life of Christ. 

I’m at peace with myself.  I believe in myself and I have an abundance of love for my brothers and most of all I love the Lord for what He’s done for my life.  Every day I see the Lord at work and the evidence I need to show those who are blind and oblivious to the Lord’s truth. 

As I walk the life of a Christian, this book has been my guidance every day.  Even after reading the whole thing cover to cover, I still go back to it and read certain chapters for situations I deal with on the daily.  I’ve used the knowledge I acquired to lead and try to influence my peers.  There is a lot of recruiting going on for gangs, but I always tell the guys my age that I’m recruiting for Jesus.  So far, I’m 2 for 4.  One of them recently received his book and he is elated.  We hold Bible studies and use this book a lot.  Thank you brother Ron for being the one who gave me and my brothers mental and spiritual freedom. 

Nadi, VA


My Dear Family in Christ,

If we could go back in time, what a revelation we would have.  Because the world has dazzled us with technology, we think “we” are at the height of our human capacity.  Not so!  We, the human race, have sunk to about our lowest levels of physical and mental capabilities.  We can put men into space, but we can’t put righteousness into our hearts.  Any time the laws of God are broken or modified to suit our human “wisdom”, we degenerate ourselves.  God is the ultimate in physical and mental conditioning.  Anything else is substandard.

Obedience is truly the foundation for all success.  When we live in obedience to the laws of God, our minds and bodies achieve the highest levels of attainment.  However, achieving the highest attainment will not guarantee us a place in Heaven.  You could have the perfect body of an athlete, living hundreds of years as a vegan, and still not make it to heaven.  Heaven is a character thing.  God can restore the physical and the mental.  What He can’t change is the character of the heart.  Character development is our responsibility.  Learning to live in exact obedience to God’s Ten Commandments is our only key to eternal life.

Physical Decline of the Race

The book of Genesis gives quite a definite account of social and individual life, and yet we have no record of an infant’s being born blind, deaf, crippled, deformed, or imbecile. There is not an instance upon record of a natural death in infancy, childhood, or early manhood. There is no account of men and women dying of disease. Obituary notices in the book of Genesis run thus: “And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.” “And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years: and he died.” Concerning others, the record states: He lived to a good old age; and he died. It was so rare for a son to die before the father that such an occurrence was considered worthy of record: “And Haran died before his father Terah.” Haran was a father of children before his death.

And yet, with all that great health and longevity, the people, before the flood, refused to use God’s blessings of health to develop healthy characters fit for Heaven.  They were the healthiest people to ever live on the face of this earth, yet lost their eternal lives.

God endowed man with so great vital force that he has withstood the accumulation of disease brought upon the race in consequence of perverted habits, and has continued for six thousand years. This fact of itself is enough to evidence to us the strength and electrical energy that God gave to man at his creation. It took more than two thousand years of crime and indulgence of base passions to bring bodily disease upon the race to any great extent. If Adam, at his creation, had not been endowed with twenty times as much vital force as men now have, the race, with their present habits of living in violation of natural law, would have become extinct. At the time of Christ’s first advent the race had degenerated so rapidly that an accumulation of disease pressed upon that generation, bringing in a tide of woe and a weight of misery inexpressible.

However, living in obedience to God’s health laws does have an impact on our physical and mental abilities which can sway our character development.  By putting into practice the health habits, we train ourselves to live in obedience to God’s laws.  Yet, many leave it at the physical and mental point and refuse to go on to the next level: character development.

The wretched condition of the world at the present time has been presented before me. Since Adam’s fall the race has been degenerating. Some of the reasons for the present deplorable condition of men and women, formed in the image of God, were shown me. And a sense of how much must be done to arrest, even in a degree, the physical, mental, and moral decay, caused my heart to be sick and faint. God did not create the race in its present feeble condition. This state of things is not the work of Providence, but the work of man; it has been brought about by wrong habits and abuses, by violating the laws that God has made to govern man’s existence. Through the temptation to indulge appetite, Adam and Eve first fell from their high, holy, and happy estate. And it is through the same temptation that the race have become enfeebled. They have permitted appetite and passion to take the throne, and to bring into subjection reason and intellect.

It wasn’t the eating of the “fruit” that was wrong, it was disobeying God that was wrong.  The fruit of the tree was simply the testing point.  God requires absolute obedience to His laws.  Any violation begins the downward trajectory of our physical, mental and spiritual lives.  We have become so accustomed to evil, we watch it on the news as cities are burned, people are killed and property destroyed, that we don’t even bat an eye over it. 

The violation of physical law, and the consequence, human suffering, have so long prevailed that men and women look upon the present state of sickness, suffering, debility, and premature death as the appointed lot of humanity. Man came from the hand of his Creator perfect and beautiful in form, and so filled with vital force that it was more than a thousand years before his corrupt appetite and passions, and general violations of physical law, were sensibly felt upon the race. More recent generations have felt the pressure of infirmity and disease still more rapidly and heavily with every generation. The vital forces have been greatly weakened by the indulgence of appetite and lustful passion.

The patriarchs from Adam to Noah, with but few exceptions, lived nearly a thousand years. Since the days of Noah the length of life has been tapering. Those suffering with disease were brought to Christ from every city, town, and village for Him to heal; for they were afflicted with all manner of diseases. And disease has been steadily on the increase through successive generations since that period. Because of the continued violation of the laws of life, mortality has increased to a fearful extent. The years of man have been shortened, so that the present generation pass to the grave, even before the age at which the generations that lived the first few thousand years after the creation came upon the stage of action.

Disease has been transmitted from parents to children, from generation to generation. Infants in the cradle are miserably afflicted because of the sins of their parents, which have lessened their vital force. Their wrong habits of eating and dressing, and their general dissipation, are transmitted as an inheritance to their children. Many are born insane, deformed, blind, deaf, and a very large class are deficient in intellect. The strange absence of principle which characterizes this generation, and which is shown in their disregard of the laws of life and health, is astonishing. Ignorance prevails upon this subject, while light is shining all around them. With the majority, their principal anxiety is, What shall I eat? what shall I drink? and wherewithal shall I be clothed? Notwithstanding all that is said and written in regard to how we should treat our bodies, appetite is the great law which governs men and women generally.

The moral powers are weakened because men and women will not live in obedience to the laws of health and make this great subject a personal duty. Parents bequeath to their offspring their own perverted habits, and loathsome diseases corrupt the blood and enervate the brain. The majority of men and women remain in ignorance of the laws of their being, and indulge appetite and passion at the expense of intellect and morals, and seem willing to remain in ignorance of the result of their violation of nature’s laws. They indulge the depraved appetite in the use of slow poisons which corrupt the blood and undermine the nervous forces, and in consequence bring upon themselves sickness and death. Their friends call the result of this course the dispensation of Providence. In this they insult Heaven. They rebelled against the laws of nature and suffered the punishment for thus abusing her laws. Suffering and mortality now prevail everywhere, especially among children. How great is the contrast between this generation and those who lived during the first two thousand years!  3T 138-140.