Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am very thankful for each of you who have been faithfully supporting this little ministry. Not only have you taken care of the ministry, but your support has been a blessing to me personally. I have food. I have a nice bed to sleep in. I have clothes. And now, I am able to keep my body healthy because of your support for the construction of the swimming pool and gym. This has been a huge blessing in the progress of my health.
God is very faithful in watching who gives from their heart. Many of you read of my illness and understood the need for aqua therapy to keep my health. You did not question or quibble. You did not condemn. You sacrificed for my wellbeing. Thank you. Jesus thanks you. Now I will be able to keep the ministry operating for another 30 years. Many more lives will have the opportunity to know Jesus and live with Him eternally. Thank you.
Luke 21:1 to Luke 21:28
Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, . . .
We look at the “rich” and conclude that they should be “putting their gifts into the offering box”. After all, they are not like us poor people. They can afford it. People look with pleasure on the wealthy who give. But Jesus sees the heart.
. . . and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them.
Yes, she did. Many use this example as an excuse to give “two small copper coins” thinking that will suffice since Jesus praised this poor lady. What they don’t want to see is the fact that . . .
For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”
“She put in all she had to live on”. Those patting themselves on the back can stop patting and realize few, if any, actually give all they have “to live on”. When God called me to this ministry it was interesting how the devil tempted me. I received a check for $3,000. I also had equipment worth thousands of dollars. I could have horded it and rejected the call of God. But instead, I gave it all to the work of God. I did not know if this ministry would last more than a few day, weeks or months. All I knew was, God called, and I must answer. I put it all in. Some thought I was nuts. I was. However, looking back, giving all to God was the greatest investment I ever made.
And while some were speaking of the temple, how it was adorned with noble stones and offerings, he said, “As for these things that you see, the days will come when there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.”
People feel a lot of pride when they give to their churches, religions, denominations and pastors. After all, they have carpets to walk on and soft seats to sleep on. They have expensive pianos, organs, altar pieces and baptismals. Their pastor and church staff receive salaries. It brings them lots of pride to think they are supporting such prideful things. And to think, most churches are only open one day a week. What a waste of money.
“After the return from Babylon, much attention was given to religious instruction. All over the country, synagogues were erected, where the law was expounded by the priests and scribes. And schools were established, which, together with the arts and sciences, professed to teach the principles of righteousness. But these agencies became corrupted. During the captivity, many of the people had received heathen ideas and customs, and these were brought into their religious service. In many things they conformed to the practices of idolaters.
“As they departed from God, the Jews in a great degree lost sight of the teaching of the ritual service. That service had been instituted by Christ Himself. In every part it was a symbol of Him; and it had been full of vitality and spiritual beauty. But the Jews lost the spiritual life from their ceremonies, and clung to the dead forms. They trusted to the sacrifices and ordinances themselves, instead of resting upon Him to whom they pointed. In order to supply the place of that which they had lost, the priests and rabbis multiplied requirements of their own; and the more rigid they grew, the less of the love of God was manifested. They measured their holiness by the multitude of their ceremonies, while their hearts were filled with pride and hypocrisy.” DA 29.
The same has happened in our churches, denominations and religions of today. The “heathen ideas and customs” manifested in our churches and “Christian” institutions today is unbelievable. We have become so accustomed to them, we don’t even notice. We call the heathen ideas and customs righteous and the righteous requirements of God heathen. How fallen we have become! God will destroy it all. Including all who continue to partake in them.
And they asked him, “Teacher, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when these things are about to take place?”
Oh yes, we all want to know so we can stay in our pagan churches, even if they do meet on the 7th day of the week, and then at the last moment jump out and greet Jesus. Not going to happen! If you won’t get out now, you won’t then. Your pride and ego are way too committed to your pagan churches and denominations to serve and love Jesus. Jesus is not going to just “pop” out of the sky. The events leading up to His coming are such that few will recognize until it is too late. Do not be led astray by those claiming, “Jesus is coming”.
And he said, “See that you are not led astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time is at hand!’ Do not go after them.
“I come in the name of Jesus”. Ever hear that from your church, denomination, religion or pastor? “This church is of God”. “We are the Remnant”. “You must belong to our denomination to be saved”. It is all of the devil. Nothing is going to heaven except character. Denominations full of people will be burned up because the people gave their salvation to the church instead of to Jesus.
And when you hear of wars and tumults, do not be terrified, for these things must first take place, but the end will not be at once.”
So when you hear of the Covid, plagues, terrorist activities, your government supporting wickedness instead of righteousness, “do not be terrified”. Stop running around claiming, “Jesus is coming”. “The end will not be at once.” There are events that still must take place.
Then he said to them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
When the United States of America became involved in the civil war of 1861, many in the USA taught that Jesus was coming “soon”. When the world was on the verge of World War I, many taught Jesus was coming “soon”. When the world was on the verge of World War II, many taught Jesus was coming “soon”. Those wars were simply “nation will rise against nation”, but the end was not then. Jesus is gracious and doesn’t want anyone to be lost. If Jesus had come then, those claiming “Jesus is coming” would have been lost. They were not ready for Jesus because they were not looking into their own hearts to make sure they were ready for Jesus to come. No, they were sitting in church patting themselves on their backs thinking they were saved by what they knew and claiming, “Jesus is coming”.
There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.
“There will be terrors”. We are getting there. Wars between nations doesn’t cause much “terror” to the citizens, only the soldiers. But terrorist, they cause terror to citizens. Especially if the terror is coming from your own government, as was happening in the United States of America in 2021 and on. Mandates, crime on the rise, government leaders promoting revolution and destruction of our society, ignoring the creation principles of God such as only two genders and the Sabbath, these are laying the foundation for the end of time.
But before all this they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors for my name’s sake.
Notice, “before all this”, they are “delivering you up to the synagogues”. That means the state and the church must be in cahoots. That isn’t happening yet. Why will they be delivered up to the church? Because the church and the state will hate those who live the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life. So, if all you are doing is going to church, but not living the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life, you have nothing to fear from the church or the state.
The dignitaries of church and state will unite to bribe, persuade, or compel all classes to honor the Sunday. The lack of divine authority will be supplied by oppressive enactments. Political corruption is destroying love of justice and regard for truth; and even in free America, rulers and legislators, in order to secure public favor, will yield to the popular demand for a law enforcing Sunday observance. Liberty of conscience, which has cost so great a sacrifice, will no longer be respected. In the soon-coming conflict we shall see exemplified the prophet’s words: “The dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Revelation 12:17. GC 592.
Settle it therefore in your minds not to meditate beforehand how to answer, for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict.
Decide now who you are willing to stand with. Perfectly before God, or in the company of church members and the state? If you are perfecting holiness before God now, by living the sinless and Commandment keeping life, you will not have to worry about what to say when persecuted. The Spirit of God will be with you to speak through you.
You will be delivered up even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and some of you they will put to death. You will be hated by all for my name’s sake.
During the Nazi and Communist eras, the state learned how to turn families against themselves. Children were taught how to spy on their parents and relatives. Children thought they were doing it for the “good” of society. During the pandemic of 2020/2021, again, governments took a page out of socialist dogma to indoctrinate children to spy on their parents, families and relatives. This is just a warm-up to what is coming. And let me be very clear on this, where did the Nazis, Communists and Socialists learn these tactics? Of course, from the Catholic Church. Read your history folks.
But not a hair of your head will perish. By your endurance you will gain your lives.
After the close of probation, which will begin at Passover, for seven month you will have to live in a state of great endurance in order to “gain your lives”. It is work to get salvation. But not one of those who live the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life will perish after probation closes.
“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation has come near.
To put that statement into context today, we must understand that Jesus is mixing concepts. Yes, when the disciples of Jesus saw Jerusalem surrounded by the armies of Rome, they knew it was time to get far away. And they did. Not one Christian perished in the destruction of Jerusalem.
Today we are not looking for armies to surround Jerusalem. Jerusalem stands for the righteous. Therefore, when you see laws enacted to surround those who live the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life with wickedness, then know that “desolation has come near” and Christ will be coming “soon”.
Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, and let those who are inside the city depart, and let not those who are out in the country enter it, for these are days of vengeance, to fulfill all that is written.
At the time of the disciples this was not a problem since they had lots of “free” space to run to. In the 1800’s, it was not impossible to “flee to the mountains” to hide. Today, not so much. All land is owned. Mountains and deserts are owned by governments. We won’t be able to “flee” physically to the mountains. After all, if Terrorists can’t hide from the government, what chance do you have? No, but we must flee to Jesus; He is our refuge. He will protect us if we do not fear by living the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life.
Alas for women who are pregnant and for those who are nursing infants in those days! For there will be great distress upon the earth and wrath against this people.
At some point, the godless political party will be seen for what it is, a terrorist organization. A political party for wickedness. Releasing the wicked from jails and prisons, promoting sin and destroying everything that is good. When the political party is seen for what it is, there will come a tidal wave of backlash which will bring about the destruction of the godless and pagan parties of “science” that were fighting against the natural order set up by God. Once that happens in the United States of America, the effects will reverberate around the world. Other nations will join the “Christian” wave against the godless and pagan governments that have been causing terror and anarchy in the world in order to set up a godless one world government.
Once these nations unite for “god”, the Protestant and Catholic religions will unite. Then there will only be one religion left to overcome: Islam. The battle of Armageddon will then take place with the destruction of Islam. This battle will either by political or physical. When that is accomplished the world can unite in their “Christian” program to bring in universal “peace and safety” in obedience to the Ten Commandments. All the Commandments, that is, except one, the 4th Commandment. The world will choose the pagan Sunday instead of the 7th day which God sanctified and made holy.
“The UAE is adopting a 4.5-day workweek and a Saturday-Sunday weekend.” “‘The extended weekend comes as part of the UAE government’s efforts to boost work-life balance and enhance social wellbeing, while increasing performance to advance the UAE’s economic competitiveness,’ said state news agency WAM, which announced the move on Tuesday”.
They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive among all nations, and Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
“Jerusalem” represents the Commandments of God. The 4th Commandment, and those who obey it, will be “trampled underfoot” until Jesus comes. Keep in mind, if you break one of the Commandments you have broken them all. Therefore, even though the world will boast of keeping the Ten Commandments, they will in truth be breaking all of them. When the world institutes the International Sunday Law then probation closes.
“And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
The signs of the “sun and moon and stars” has already been given in fulfilment in one aspect of this prophecy. It will happen again on a much larger scale near the end of all time. During the time the “Christian” nations are rising up against the pagan, heathen and godless governments, there will be “distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves”. Keep in mind, in Bible prophecy, sea and waves represent people, nations and governments. Are they “roaring”? How about Russia? How about China?
And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
Jesus will physically come. All eyes will see Him. Why will He come? Looking back through biblical history, the only reason God has had to “step in” was because wickedness got so bad it was about to wipe out righteousness from the earth. God can’t allow that. As long as people live under the principles of Heaven, God doesn’t have to “come”. He is already present in the characters of those who have His law in their hearts. Therefore, when the world rejects the 4th Commandment, it will then turn against those who obey it. A united front will be called against those who obey God and keep His Commandments. Keep in mind, what is done to the children of God is done to God Himself. He is coming to execute judgement against the wicked.
Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
It is time to “straighten up” and fly right. It is time to get your eyes off this world and off of your church and onto the Ten Commandments. It is time to develop the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life. There is no time to lose.
Hey Brother Ron,
I wrote you a couple months ago. I didn’t receive no letter back from you. Is everything OK? I hope so, Brother. I hope to hear from you soon. Brother, I wrote you what my situation was, how much time I had and what had happened to get me here. I’ve been praying God just get me through this difficult time and strength every day dealing with different people’s attitudes. I just pray for them and let God handle the rest. I got these two brothers interested in your book. I was telling them how awesome it is about the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation and the city of Gomorrah and Mt. Sinai. I had told them they will love it. I hope to hear from you soon.
Lee, NC
Dear Ron,
God is good! Thank you for what you have shown me and brought into my life. This book has changed every single way I move, eat, sleep in life. This book has changed me from the inside and from a new appearance on the outside. After 9 months of studying your book and finally finishing it, I am a Christian for life. I went ahead and continued reading because the ending was too good to stop reading. Let me tell you something Ron, never have I read a book that had so much knowledge and truth. I read books! But this one had me smiling the whole time. Especially the end. You ended this book with a bang. And I don’t mean the “Big Bang Theory”. I mean the Big Bang of God. The evidence, the pictures, the Scriptures and the way you wrote it out could have not been done one bit better. It was perfect. The ending is exactly what got me 100% onboard. All the proof and all the evidence I just could have not stop thinking of it all day long. Thank you for what you have taught me and how you have changed my mind and the way I think about life. The love and beauty I feel is unbelievable. Sometimes people will ask me about the Bible and try to act like they know it all. Then when I answer them with your knowledge, they get socked and have no comeback. Your knowledge on Jesus is straight to the point and facts. You are a gift from Jesus to us.
Daniel, IL
Dear John,
I came across your book, “Change Your Life Biblically”. I would love to have my own, please and thank you. I am 21 years old and want to change my life for the better. I really would love to meet you in person. Thanks for your help.
Angel, CA
Brother Ron,
It’s so good to hear from you. I got both of your letters and my book. Thank you so much, brother. You know, all my life I’ve been told to slow down. But it didn’t hit me like it did when you said it. I’ve even learned to read better. When I slow down and pay attention to what I read, I comprehend what I read better. Tell Duke I said “Hi” and I like his glasses!
Bill, LA
I have been incarcerated nearing 20 years. I would be interested in your JCPM Bible course in hopes of receiving your certificate. I heard of this through a friend of mine here.
Quawnrico, MI
I was referred by another Christian fellow and I’m writing this letter to request to be enrolled in your Bible study course.
Daniel, WA
Dear Brother Ron,
Just writing to let you know that I finally got moved. It is really sad to see how brainwashed they are and how brainwashed I was. Not any more though! It actually feels good to be my own man and stand on my own. Being in a gang was the worst mistake of my life. I love you brother. This workbook is awesome. It is so accurate.
Ricardo, TX
Dear Brother Ron,
I’m learning so much from your book. It blows me and brother Erwin away every time we bite into it. I know the Holy Spirit has His hand all over this. What I’ve learned so fare in this next assignment is that to have knowledge is to know the Lord. As we go on in this life, we will get to know Him more and more as we follow His teachings. As a matter of fact, that’s the only way we can keep our walk with God pure. We have to be obedient to the Word of God. That’s the only way into the kingdom of heaven. I’ve learned that God’s plan for our salvation has been the same since the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned against God. I always wondered why God didn’t accept Cain’s offering. But now I see that he wanted to do things his way instead of God’s way. Abel did the right thing and offered a lamb for his sins. That is what pleases God, obedience. Our works are like dirty rages to God. It is the keeping of the 10 Commandments that gets you salvation. By following Jesus and obeying the 10 Commandments, we become more and more like our Lord every day. I learned that there is no “new” covenant. The covenant was just renewed, like always when we would break God’s rules. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. What I didn’t know was that the 10 Commandments was called the Covenant of Love. I can see now that I understand the Bible better. What I’m learning is impacting my life. I’ve found a new love for Jesus. He loved me first before I even knew who He was. I see how He is working on me day by day. I feel His presence in my life. I am getting stronger and stronger in my life as I be obedient and yoked to the Holy Spirit and the 10 Commandments. I have a new respect for Jesus and I respect His temple, my body, better than before. Brother Ron, I thank God for this book being revealed to me. It has blessed my life in ways that I can’t explain in words. All I know is, that I can feel Jesus working in my life.
William, LA
Dear Sir,
May God richly bless your ministry. I got in the mail tonight a book from you all. The stories are very encouraging. Giving me and others a reason to start back hoping again. I would appreciate it if you send me the workbook, “Change Your Life Biblically”. I’d enjoy completing it.
Daniel, IL
Dear Friend,
A very close friend, a brother in Christ, told me about your ministry. He told me that the “Change Your Life Biblically” workbook was a blessing to him. I would like to request that you please send me my own copy. I would like to learn and study about Jesus and the Bible. Thank you so much for your ministry.
Joel, FL
I just read a pamphlet you sent to another guy. In the book you told me to request your book, “Change Your Life Biblically”. I would like to read any other works you have put out. I’ve been in 22 years and still have 11 more. Thank the Lord I’ve been sober 3 years and I want to continue my walk with Jesus.
Jeffrey, AZ
To Whom It May Concern,
I am very interested in your ministry and your “Change Your Life Biblically” book. I am on this journey to become more Christlike. Hoping to find more truth and history from your ministry.
Kevin, VA
Dear Brother Ron,
I’m studying the “First and Greatest Commandment” and now I see why I was so confused. The preachers that I used to believe! I can see how I got confused. Jesus never came and changed the 10 Commandments to two. He just made a summation of them. Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever. I don’t think I really knew what love was until I started practicing obedience to the 10 Commandments. It’s definitely life changing. I realize that love is an action. You shouldn’t say it if you don’t really mean it. I thought I was saved and full of the Holy Spirit. But I kept on sinning and coming back and forth to jail and prison. I see I was demon possessed. I was headed for destruction and didn’t know how to stop. But God has ordered my footsteps and brought me into His marvelous light. Thank you Jesus! I feel so much better now that I have the truth, brother Ron.
William, LA
My Dear Family in Christ,
The following information is directed to young ministers. However, each and every one of us are to be “ministers” before the Lord. The instruction given is valuable for each of us who claim the name of Christ. Let us listen carefully and apply the information to our “young” lives.
I have been shown that there is danger of our young ministers entering the field and engaging in the work of teaching the truth to others when they are not fitted for the sacred work of God. They have no just sense of the sacredness of the work for this time. They feel a desire to be connected with the work, but they fail to bear the burdens lying directly in the pathway of duty. They do that which costs them but little taxation and inconvenience, and neglect to put their whole souls into the work.
Some are too indolent to make a success of life in business matters and are deficient in the experience necessary to make them good Christians in a private capacity; yet they feel competent to engage in the work which is of all others the most difficult, that of dealing with minds and trying to convert souls from error to the truth. The hearts of some of these ministers are not sanctified by the truth. All such are merely stumbling blocks to sinners and are standing in the way of real laborers. It will take more stern labor to educate them to right ideas, that they may not injure the cause of God, than to do the work. God cannot be glorified or His cause advanced by unconsecrated workmen who are entirely deficient in the qualifications necessary to make a gospel minister. Some young ministers who go forth to labor for others need themselves to be thoroughly converted to the genuine religion of the Bible.
I do admit, I feel totally incapable of this work. At times I wonder if I am accomplishing anything for Jesus. Dealing with minds is very hard work. I’m not very patient. I plead with the Spirit to guide me and help me grow in my knowledge and experience in His work.
I also fear that we have “no just sense of the sacredness of the work for this time”. I think true sacredness has been waning in our lives. The world has produced so much to entertain us, we have truly lost all sense of God’s sacredness. Let us strive hard to find the sacredness of God.
I was shown the case of Brother (church member), which in many respects represents the cases of others. I was shown that Brother (church member) is no real advantage to the cause of God and never can be unless he has a thorough conversion. He has many defects in his character which he must see before he can be accepted of God as a laborer in His vineyard. The work of God is sacred. In the first place, Brother (church member) has not met with that change of heart which transforms the man and is called conversion. He has a religion of the head, but he needs the work of the grace of God upon the heart to be carried out in the life before he can understandingly point others to the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world. The work for this time is altogether too solemn and too important to be handled with unclean hands and impure hearts.
I wonder if I have “the grace of God upon the heart”. I want it. I desire it. But do I have it. I get frustrated way too easily with others. I feel so unworthy for this ministry. I pray that God will continue working on my heart.
At the same time, could it be said of us, that we have “no real advantage to the cause of God”? Are we so self-satisfied with our lives we have no sense of our obligation to God and His sacred work? Many are doing “their works”, what they want to do for God, but not doing the work “of God”. They gripe and complain and always have a negative outlook. That is not the work of God.
Brother (church member) has a very unhappy temperament. This makes trouble for himself and for his best friends. He is naturally jealous, suspicious, and faultfinding. Those most closely connected with him will feel this most deeply. He has much self-love and large self-esteem, and if he is not especially regarded and made an object of attention he feels as though someone were to blame. The fault exists in himself. He loves to have his vanity flattered. He is suspicious of the motives of others and shows in these feelings a very narrow, selfish mind. He thinks that he sees much to question, to find fault with, and to censure in the plan of others’ labors, when the real evil exists in his own unhumbled, unconsecrated heart. Self, in him, must die, and he must learn of Jesus, who is meek and lowly of heart, or he will fail of perfecting Christian character and of gaining heaven at last.
Brother (church member) has made a failure in his manner of seeking to teach the truth to others. His spirit is not winning. Self is mixed with all his efforts. He is quite particular about the externals, so far as his apparel is concerned, as though this would designate him as a minister of Christ; but he has neglected the inward adornment of the soul. He has not felt the necessity of seeking for a beautiful, harmonious character, resembling the character of Christ, the correct pattern. The meekness and humility which characterized the life of Jesus would win hearts and give him access to souls; but when Brother (church member) speaks in his own spirit, the people see so much self exhibited, and so little of the spirit of humility, that their hearts are not touched, but grow hard and cold under his preaching, because it lacks the divine unction.
The self-confident, self-exalted spirit of Brother (church member) must be put away, and he must see that he is sinful and in need of continual grace and power from God to press through the moral darkness of this degenerate age and reach souls who need to be saved. He has put on upon the outside the dignity of a gospel minister, while he has not felt that a real experience in the mystery of godliness and a knowledge of the divine will were essential to making a success of presenting the truth.
Many are going to church and involved in the appearance of religion, but few feel the need of true godliness and the need to perfect true Christian character. What they wear is more important than what they need to be: Christ-like.
Brother (church member) is too cold and unsympathizing. He does not come directly to hearts by the Christian simplicity, tenderness, and love which characterized the life of Christ. In this respect it is essential that every man who labors for the salvation of souls should imitate the pattern given him in the life of Christ. If men fail to educate themselves to become workers in the vineyard of the Lord, they might better be spared than not. It would be poor policy to support from the treasury of God those who really mar and injure His work, and who are constantly lowering the standard of Christianity.
Millions are being given to TV personalities who put on a good show. They dress in expensive garments and the stage glitters with entertainment. Everything the world says is needed to catch the attention. Yet, true ministers, the humble and who have nothing, are overlooked and looked down upon. We are struggling and in great need for the Lord’s Work.
In order for a man to become a successful minister, something more than book knowledge is essential. The laborer for souls needs integrity, intelligence, industry, energy, and tact. All these are highly essential for the success of a minister of Christ. No man with these qualifications can be inferior, but will have commanding influence. Unless the laborer in God’s cause can gain the confidence of those for whom he is laboring, he can do but little good. The worker in the Lord’s vineyard must daily derive strength from above to resist wrong and to maintain uprightness through the varied trials of life, and his soul must be brought into harmony with his Redeemer. He can be a co-worker with Jesus, working as He worked, loving as He loved, and possessing, like Him, moral power to stand the strongest tests of character.
Brother (church member) should cultivate simplicity. He should lay aside his false dignity and let the Spirit of God come in and sanctify, elevate, purify, and ennoble his life. Then he can bear the burden for souls which a true gospel minister must feel when presenting a message of solemn warning to those in peril, who must perish in their darkness unless they accept the light of truth. This dignity borrowed from his Redeemer will adorn with divine grace, for by it he is brought into close union with Jesus Christ.
It is that “burden for souls” which seems to be missing in most church members. We have been taught “saved by grace”, therefore, we truly don’t believe all “must perish in their darkness unless they accept the light of truth”. If all we have to do is “believe”, then what is the point of the “burden for souls”? However, if we understand that we must develop the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life, then we will realize that everyone is lost unless they accept the “light of truth”.
I was carried forward in the life of Brother (church member), and then carried back to review the result of his labors while he was attempting to teach others the truth. I saw that some few would listen, and, as far as the head is concerned, might be convinced; but Brother (church member) has not an experimental, daily, living knowledge of the grace of God and His saving power, and he cannot convey to others what he does not himself possess. He has not the experience of a truly converted man. How, then, can God make him a blessing to sinners? He is blind himself, while trying to lead the blind.
I was shown that his work has spoiled good fields for others. Some men who were truly consecrated to God and who felt the burden of the work might have done good and brought souls into the truth in places where he has made attempts without success, but after his superficial work the golden opportunity was gone. The minds that might have been convinced, and the hearts that might have been softened, have been hardened and prejudiced under his efforts.
That, I find, is the real problem. When this ministry presents the truth, so many have been “spoiled” by the “superficial work” of “saved by grace”, “unconditional love of God” and all the rest which church offers, that they have been “hardened and prejudiced” against the truth. I find more success working with those who have never been exposed to “Christianity” and church than those who think they have.
I looked to see what souls of value were holding on to the truth as the result of his labors. I watched closely to see what watchcare he had had for souls, to strengthen and encourage them, a labor which should ever accompany the ministry of the word. I could not see one who would not have been in a far better condition had he not received the first impressions of the truth from him. It is about impossible for a stream to rise higher than its fountainhead. The man who bears the truth to sinners stands in a fearfully responsible position. Either he will convert souls to Christ or his efforts will balance them in the wrong direction.
I have been shown that Brother (church member) is an indolent man. He loves his pleasure and his ease. He does not love physical labor, neither does he love close application of the mind to the study of the word. He wants to take things lazily. He will go to a place and attempt to introduce the truth there, when his heart is not in it. He feels no weight of the work, no real burden for souls. He has not the love of souls at heart. He lets his inclinations divert him from the work, suffers his feelings to control him, and leaves the work and goes back to his family. He has not an experience in self-denial, in sacrificing his ease and his inclinations. He labors too much with respect to wages. He does not apply himself closely to his work, but merely touches it here and there without perseverance or earnestness, and so makes a success of nothing. God frowns upon all such professed workers. They are unfaithful in everything. Their consciences are not sensitive and tender.
To introduce the truth into places and then lack courage, energy, and tact to carry the matter through is a great error, for the work is left without that thorough and persevering effort being made which is positively essential in these places. If matters go hard, if opposition arises, he makes a cowardly retreat instead of fleeing to God with fasting and praying and weeping, and by faith clinging to the Source of light and power and strength until the clouds break away and the darkness disperses. Faith grows strong by coming in conflict with doubts and opposing influences. The experience gained in these trials is of more value than the most costly jewels.
The result of your labors, Brother (church member), should make you ashamed. God cannot accept them. It would be better for the cause of God if you would cease preaching, and take up a work which involves less responsibility. It would be better for you to go to work with your hands. Humble your heart before God; be faithful in temporal matters; and when you show that you are faithful in the smaller responsibilities, God may commit to you higher trusts. “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.” You need a deeper experience in religious things. I advise you to go to work with your hands and earnestly plead with God for an experience for yourself. Cling to Jesus and never, never dare to assume the responsibilities of a gospel minister until you are a converted man and have a meek and peaceable spirit. You need to tarry away from the work of God till you are endowed with power from on high. No man can make a success of saving souls unless Christ works with his efforts and self is put out of sight.
A minister of Christ should be thoroughly furnished unto all good works. You have made a miserable failure. You must show in your family that kindly consideration, that tenderness, love, gentleness, noble forbearance, and true courtesy, that is becoming to the head of a family, before you can make a success of winning souls to Christ. If you have not wisdom to manage the small number with whom you are closely united, how can you make a success of managing a larger company, who are not especially interested in yourself? Your wife needs to be truly and thoroughly converted to God. Neither of you are in a condition to correctly represent our faith. You both need a thorough conversion.
How true that is of most who claim to be “Christian” today. We no longer understand the need of a “thorough conversion”. Going to church is about all we know of a “thorough conversion”.
Retirement from the work of God at present is best for you. Brother (church member), you have neither perseverance nor moral backbone. You are very deficient in those traits of character which are necessary for the work of God at this time. You have not received that education in practical life that is necessary for you in order to make a success as a practical minister of Christ. Your education has been deficient in many respects. Your parents have not read your character, nor trained you to overcome its defects, to the end that you might develop a symmetrical character, and possess firmness, self-denial, self-control, humility, and moral power. You know very little of practical life or of perseverance under difficulties. You have a strong desire to controvert others’ ideas and to press forward your own. This is the result of your feelings of self-sufficiency and of following your own inclinations in youth.
I understand this. My parents did nothing to help me “develop a symmetrical character”. Only by the grace of God am I where I am today. What a mess my life has been. I thank all of you for your kindness and love in putting up with me while I learn how to do what God has called me to do.
You do not see yourself and your errors. You are not willing to be a learner, but have a great desire to teach. You form opinions of your own and cling to your peculiar ideas with a persistency that is wearying. You are anxious to carry your points, and in your eyes your ideas are of greater importance than the experienced judgment of men of moral worth who have been proved in this cause. You have been flattered with the idea that you had ability that would be prized and make you a valuable man; but these qualities have not been tested and proved. You have a one-sided education. You have no inclination or love for the homely, daily duties of life. Your indolence would be sufficient to disqualify you for the work of the ministry were there no other reasons why you should not engage in it. The cause does not need preachers so much as workers. Of all the vocations of life, there is none that requires such earnest, faithful, persevering, self-sacrificing workers as the cause of God in these last days.
The enterprise of obtaining eternal life is above every other consideration. God wants no laggards in His cause. The work of warning sinners to flee from the wrath to come requires earnest men who feel the burden of souls and who will not be ready to avail themselves of every excuse to avoid burdens or to leave the work. Little discouragements, as unpleasant weather or imaginary infirmities, seem sufficient to Brother (church member) to excuse him from making exertion. He will even appeal to his sympathies; and when duties arise that he does not feel inclined to perform, when his indolence clamors for indulgence, he frequently makes the excuse that he is sick, when there is no reason why he should be sick, unless through indolent habits and indulgence of appetite his entire system has become clogged by inaction. He may have good health if he will strictly observe the laws of life and health, and carry out the light upon health reform in all his habits.
Brother (church member) is not the man for the work in these last days unless he entirely reforms. God does not call for ministers who are too indolent to engage in physical labor, to bear the testing message of warning to the world. He wants workers in His cause. Real, earnest, self-denying workers will accomplish something.
Brother (church member), your teaching the truth to others has been an entire mistake. If God calls a man, He will not make so great a blunder as to take one of so little experience in practical life and spiritual things as you have had. You have ability to talk, as far as that is concerned, but God’s cause requires men of consecration and energy. These traits you may cultivate; you may gain them if you will. By perseveringly cultivating the opposite traits of those wherein you now fail, you may learn to overcome those deficiencies in your character which have increased from your youth. To merely go out and speak to the people now and then is not working for God. There is no real work in it.
Those who labor for God have but just begun the work when they have given a discourse in the desk. After this comes the real labor, the visiting from house to house, conversing with members of families, praying with them, and coming close in sympathy to those whom we wish to benefit. It will not detract from the dignity of a minister of Christ to be awake to see and realize the temporal burdens and cares of the families he visits, and to be useful, seeking to relieve them where he can by engaging in physical labor. In this way he can have a power of influence to disarm opposition and break down prejudice, that he would fail to have if he were in every other respect fully efficient as a minister of Christ.
Our young ministers have not the burden of writing that the older and more experienced ones have. They have not a multiplicity of responsibilities which tax the mind and wear upon the man. But it is these very burdens of care that perfect Christian experience, give moral power, and make strong, efficient men of those engaged in the work of God. Avoiding burdens and disagreeable responsibilities will never make our ministers strong men that can be depended upon in a religious crisis. Many of our young ministers are as weak as babes in the work of God. And some who have been engaged in the work of teaching the truth for years are not yet able workmen, who need not be ashamed. They have not grown strong in experience by being called out by opposing influences. They have excused themselves from that exercise which would strengthen the moral muscles, giving spiritual power. But this is the very experience they need in order to attain to the full stature of men in Christ Jesus. They gain no spiritual power by shirking duties and responsibilities, and giving up to indolence and selfish love of ease and pleasure.
Brother (church member) is not lacking in ability to clothe his ideas in words, but he is lacking in spirituality and true heart holiness. He has not drunk deeply himself at the fountain of truth. Had he improved his golden moments in studying the work of God he might now have been an able workman, but he is too indolent to make close application of the mind and to learn for himself the reasons of our hope. He is content to take material which other minds and other pens have labored to produce, and to use their thoughts, which are prepared to his hand, without effort or exertion of mind, careful thought, or prayerful meditation himself.
Brother (church member) does not love close application either in the study of the Scriptures or in physical labor. He prefers an easier way, and as yet knows nothing experimentally of the burden of the work of God. It is easier for him to repeat the thoughts of others than to diligently search for the truth himself. It is only by personal effort, close application of the mind, and thorough devotion to the work that men become competent for the ministry.
Says Christ: “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted?” The savor of the salt is divine grace. All the efforts made to advance the truth are of but little value unless the Spirit of God accompanies them. You have made child’s play of teaching the truth. Your mind has been on your own ease and pleasure, following your inclination. You and your wife have no real sense of the sacredness of the work of God. You both think more of pleasing your fancies and studying to gratify your desires for ease and enjoyment than of engaging in the stern duties of life, especially the responsibilities connected with the work of warning the world of the coming judgment.
You have seen Brother (church member) weighed down with burdens and wearied with physical labor; but you have had so great a love for your ease and such a desire to maintain your own importance that you have held yourself aloof, excusing yourself from engaging in the duties which someone was obliged to perform. You have passed days in easy indolence without benefiting anyone, and then your conscience could permit you without compunction to bring in time mostly spent in indolence and to receive pay from God’s treasury.
You have shown by your course that you had not a high sense of sacred things. You have robbed God, and you should now seek to make thorough work of repentance. Do not attempt to teach others. When you are converted, then you may be able to strengthen your brethren; but God has no use for men of your stamp of character in His vineyard. When you get this stamp off, and bear the impress of the divine, then you may work for the cause of God. You have almost everything to learn and but a short time in which to learn these lessons. God help you to work earnestly and to the point. I have written much more upon general principles, but cannot find time to give it to you at present. 3T 551-560.