My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Sabbath is a very unique day in the universe.  It was created to bring healing, joy and happiness into our lives.  It was a day in which we could focus our attention on Jesus.  He is to be our most precious Friend that day. 

However, how do we show our “friendship” with Jesus?  Since about the 3rd Century, as the Catholic churches became the “norm” and multiplied throughout the Christian communities, “friendship” with Jesus was relegated to sitting in church and the amount of money you gave to it.  But that is not friendship with Jesus.  Jesus detests that.  “You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men.”  Mark 7:8.  Jesus gave example after example of what friendship with Him meant.  The “Good Samaritan” was one of the best.  Friendship with Jesus was doing good to the worthy poor, blessing those deserving of need.

To be “Christlike”!  Christ gave up all Heaven and His “body” to walk among His created beings as one of us.  He served those willing to humble themselves as He humbled Himself.  That is friendship with Jesus.  To be in oneness with Him.

Bringing blessings!  For many who claim to be Christian, they are always looking at the negative.  “You can’t do this.”  “You can’t do that.”  “This isn’t right.”  “That isn’t right”.  And on and on it goes.  Instead of bringing blessings, they bring pain.  But Jesus didn’t look at the negatives and the “I can’t”, but the positive, “I can” through the power of God.  It isn’t about “me”, but about “Him”.  Not what I can do, but what He can do.  Many are always looking for reasons why they can’t do something for God, such as “I can’t be perfect”.  I just look at what God said to do and go do it.  As I step out, the path opens up and what once looked impossible is now possible with Jesus.  “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Philippians 4:13.

Luke 14:1 to Luke 14:35

One Sabbath, when Jesus went to eat in the house of a prominent Pharisee, he was being carefully watched.

Yes He was!  Church hates Jesus.  Church has set itself up as “the way to heaven” and how dare anyone say otherwise.  The churches are carefully watching to see if you are living in obedience to their rules and regulations.  I often hear Christians talk about how they have to “hide” so the authorities won’t be able to find them during the “time of trouble”.  Jesus didn’t command us to go hide.  He taught us to go public with the good news.  We are to follow the example of Jesus.  He “went to eat in the house of a prominent Pharisee”.  We need to stop being afraid and start being bold for Jesus.

There in front of him was a man suffering from abnormal swelling of his body.  Jesus asked the Pharisees and experts in the law, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath or not?”  But they remained silent. So taking hold of the man, he healed him and sent him on his way.

That is all church leaders are interested in, “is it lawful”.  Jesus didn’t care about what was “lawful” to the church, He only cared what was “lawful” to His Father.  I would assume the Pharisees plotted to trap Jesus.  Otherwise, they would never have allowed the suffering man in to eat with them.  Caring about those deserving of need is the only “law” in His Father’s kingdom.  Everything else is lawlessness.  Everything in the Ten Commandments has to do with caring about others and not ourselves.

Then he asked them, “If one of you has a child or an ox that falls into a well on the Sabbath day, will you not immediately pull it out?”

There it is!  Do you want to be a friend of Jesus?  Go pull someone out of the well of sin.  You may get your clothes dirty, but what is that compared to eternal life?  It may make you late to your appointment, but what is that compared to eternal life?  Maybe you thought you needed a big crowd to speak to, or to hold services.  No, just pull out of the pit that one person next to you who is in the well of sin, and point Him to Jesus.

And they had nothing to say.

That is right, they will have “nothing to say” if you are doing good.  But if you are moping about because you can’t do what you want to do, you are not a friend of Jesus.  Go do what He has commanded, not what you want to do.

When he noticed how the guests picked the places of honor at the table, he told them this parable:

Way too much of that is going on in our churches.  The “pecking order” in our churches is not of God.  Jesus took upon Himself the duties of a servant.  I have not found one “leader” of a church who is a servant.  I’m not talking about the “put-on” servant for show, you know, the kind that passes the offering plate, helps old ladies to their seats in the church.  That is showmanship.  Leave the church and live the perfect, sinless and commandment keeping life.

“When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited.  If so, the host who invited both of you will come and say to you, ‘Give this person your seat.’ Then, humiliated, you will have to take the least important place.  But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, ‘Friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all the other guests.  For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

I suppose, in our modern world, we have solved that problem by putting “name tags” where people are to sit.  That solves a lot of problems.  However, it doesn’t solve the problem in a heart of pride.  Prideful hearts are always looking for the places of honor.

Then Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid.

People do look at the cost of things.  When it comes to giving, people look to see how little they can give and still look good to God and/or get their tax deduction, or, how soon they can recoup their “loss”. 

But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”

I really don’t think most people believe in the “resurrection of the righteous”.  If they did, their lives would reveal it.  No, we are way too busy inviting people of importance over hoping that in return they will invite us over.  Our lives are full of self, pride and arrogance.  Inviting the homeless into our homes is beyond our understanding today.  I guess that is why there will not be many in the “resurrection of the righteous”.

I would like to share about Joe.  When I learned that Joe would be a homeless veteran, the Spirit of God instructed me to invite him in.  Joe, who lived in Texas, was 87 at the time.  I was panicking.  Could I take care of him?  What problems would he bring?  But God said to bring him, so I invited him.  He came.  Now at 92, I am so thankful I invited and built a little bungalow for him.  Through my illness he has been a tremendous blessing.  Not only that, but his Social Security and disability from the Veterans administration has provided one-third of the ministry’s funding.  In other words, this ministry would be hard pressed without him.  I look back in amazement at how God provided for the future of the ministry.  In return for his help, his health has improved to where he now has the health of a 50 year old.  His mind is sharper and his eyesight has improved to where he can read again.  When we help others, we ourselves are helped.

When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said to Jesus, “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.”

Yes!  They will be blessed.  Why?  Because they blessed the poor.  They were willing to eat with the poor.  They supplied the worthy poor with food.  We are not talking about organizations who take 90% of your donations for their salaries, homes, cars and retirement.  No, we are talking about individuals giving to another worthy individual and sharing what they have, personally.  I thank those who give to this little ministry so we can give to those who are “poor in spirit” in the knowledge of God.  We would not be able to bring as many to Jesus without your support.  “Supply the needs of the saints.  Extend hospitality to strangers.”  Romans 12:13.

Jesus replied: “A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests.  At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, ‘Come, for everything is now ready.’

In our physical world today, not many would refuse such an invitation.  However, Jesus is describing what is taking place right now in the spiritual world.  He is preparing a great banquet for the righteous.  He has sent us, His servants, to invite those who claim to be Christians to “Come, for everything is now ready”.

“But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, ‘I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me.’

When I have invited young men to make this ministry their life, they all made excuses.  For most, it was “I must go and see” women, drugs and money.  Many are involved in their “field of work”; no time for living the Christian life.  And, of course, they either went back to prison or remained in prison.

“Another said, ‘I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I’m on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.’

Many are so involved with their work, cars, airplanes, jet skis, motorcycles and other toys, they have no time to live the Christian life.

“Still another said, ‘I just got married, so I can’t come.’

As blessed as marriage is, when entered into for the wrong reasons, it will keep you out of the “great banquet” Jesus is preparing.  Everything we do must be done for the purpose of living the Christian life of servitude.  Many inmates sit in a cell fantasizing about “getting” the right girl, car, house, job and so forth.  They just don’t get it, it is all fantasy.  They are so busy fantasizing they are not preparing themselves to handle the duties and responsibilities of marriage, family and society.

“The servant came back and reported this to his master. Then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.’

Since the educated, church leaders, professors, wealthy and honored of society were not willing to accept the invitation, Jesus became angry.  I don’t blame Him.  After all the preparation He went through to put on a wonderful banquet and then to be rejected, He had the right to become angry.  The banquet cost Him His life.  The work in preparing for the banquet was painful and sacrificial.  Then to be repulsed by the prideful, the arrogant, and the selfish was too much for Him.

We, His servants, have been ordered to go into the streets, alleys, prisons, jail cells and other despicable places, by human standards, and invite those rejected by society to partake of the richest banquet in all the universe.

“‘Sir,’ the servant said, ‘what you ordered has been done, but there is still room.’

There is always room for one more at the banquet Jesus is preparing.  No one will be turned away.  Those not there will be absent due to their own desires and wishes.  “Room” is not the problem in God’s kingdom.  “Will” and “desire” is the problem.  Most desire this world and “will” not to be in God’s kingdom.

“Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.  I tell you, not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.’”

So yes, not only have I been going to prisons, jails and the streets, but this ministry has now been going onto the internet to invite people to the banquet.  Not many are interested.  The world holds way too much power over people.  Even those who are going to church will not sit down at the banquet.  Church is far too powerful, and church members are not willing to break away from the brainwashing of their church.

Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said:

Large crowds are “following” Jesus today.  Oh yes, they shout His name, dance in the isles, sway their arms about, bow down before an altar or cross, read all about Him and memorize what He says, but few are becoming like Jesus.  It is all a show.  But the heart has not been changed.

“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.

We are to love unto death.  But we are never to let our love come between Jesus and our eternal life.  We are to love family and friends and even strangers, but never are we to let them come between God and our obligations to Him.  We are to serve all.  The question is, do you serve your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters?  Many inmates claim to love their families and especially their children.  But when they are on the streets, they are never at home or holding down a legitimate job to support their families.  No, they are out acting like children, buying and selling drugs or getting involved in criminal activity.  Not much love there for their families.  Only selfishness!  “Such a person cannot be my disciple.”

And the same is true with those who have not been to prison—yet.  They are wrapped up in work, money, hobbies and social gatherings and are not serving father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters.

And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

“Cannot be My disciple”!  We don’t live in a world of absolutes anymore.  We have been taught since childhood that everything is “relative”.  It is up to each individual to decide what is “right”.  No one has the right to tell anyone else what is right or wrong.  If you believe you are a women, than, even if you were born a man, you are now a woman.  Well, I hate to break it to all of you born after 1960, there is a right and a wrong.  There are absolutes!  If you are not living as Jesus commands, you are not His disciple.  And yes, there are only two genders: male and female.

“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?  For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’

I understand that perfectly.  I was in the process of building a gym and indoor pool.  I’m having to skimp and save every penny in order to have enough money to complete it and pay off the debt.  Because of my illness, walking, standing and moving are very difficult.  The aqua therapy has been powerful in my healing and “recovery”.  I thank all of you who are helping this ministry to pay off the ministry’s debt so God will not be ridiculed.

The same in our spiritual lives.  Do you have enough courage, backbone, stamina, desire and love for Jesus to finish the race?  Few will finish.  Most start out full of enthusiasm, but sputter out and get sidetracked by the things of this world.  As I am sacrificing to expand out for my health, so in my spiritual life.  I must sacrifice for my eternal salvation.

“Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Won’t he first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand?  If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace.  In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.

Sit down, right now, and consider whether you are able to withstand the judgments of God coming against you as a sinner.  If not, you need to make terms of peace with Jesus while He is still a long way off.  Days of peacemaking are coming to a close.  He is getting closer and closer.  You must give up everything of this world in order to make peace with Jesus.  This world and everything in it is at war with Jesus.  Cleanse your heart, your home, your work place, your thinking and every aspect of your life before it is too late, and peace can no longer be achieved.  Many have been hording funds in 401K and other savings.  But now, it is being eradicated by inflation.  How much better if it had been put to work for Jesus.  Trust God and support His work before it is too late.

“Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?  It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile; it is thrown out.

Will you be thrown out?  Salt stings in a wound in order to heal it.  Have you been “salt” to those around you?  Have you lost your saltiness?  Salt also makes food taste better.  Do you make the lives of those around you better?

“Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”


Hi! Dear Brother Ron,

My name is Jorge. I was sentenced on Nov 04, 2012, after many months of court, fighting for my freedom. After 17 months and four days I was tired of enduring the cold in the court cells, judicial and psychological abuse. One day in a cell I got in touch with God the Father and Jesus Christ.  I began to try to renew my personal relationship. In the beginning I did not understand why I had lost everything, God allowed me to be sent to prison to get away from my family, the churches with their doctrines of men, society with the vanity of life, the desires of the flesh and the desires and pleasures of the eyes.

I was sentenced to 17 years and 4 months. I was spiritually blind and in sin. I felt abandoned by God. My mind was darkened by bad desires, I was sentenced on a charge against a minor. For endangering a minor and for molestation and sexual abuse of a minor.

When I started entering the prison system I was very afraid but I started looking for God’s cover. Not to hide my sin or my problem with bad desires and bad thoughts.

This problem started at an early age, I was abused by my political aunts at the age of 11 and at 14, but my relatives did not listen to me. I became addicted to pornography and masturbation and having sex with many women. I got married at 29 and my marriage only lasted 5 years because of infidelity (fornication and adultery). I no longer felt satisfaction in pornography or touching myself and I was looking for women on the internet who wanted a relationship without rights or for money.

I inappropriately touched my victim with the intent to have sex with her. That’s why I’m here, I know that society abhors people like me and also prisoners. But I want the truth to be known, that men and women can be freed from these chains and these strongholds with bad wishes and bad thoughts.

My spiritual battle began after repenting of my sins and taking into account God the Father through Jesus Christ. I already knew the gospel of Christ when I was 17 years old but I did not practice my faith and the teachings of Jesus Christ. The gospel that I heard in the prisons and on the streets when I was outside just wanted to be under the grace of God but they deny His power and His efficacy for the liberty of their lives with sin, without the old man dying completely.

In the prison after finishing the service I could see that the prisoners returned to their bad habits or acts of lying, stealing, fighting with their cellies or with other prisoners, playing games of the prisoners, speaking ill of someone, divisions, plans with malice, envy … etc. As it happened in the streets, the prisoners did not change their behavior with the way they think, speak and do things. But this could also be seen in churches and dominations.

For 11 years I have been reading studies, bible courses, brochures, theological books but I did not grow up in a living and effective faith. I felt stuck until one day I found this book, “Change Your Life Biblically” that speaks of three eternal truths that Jesus taught and that we must keep: Be perfect, stop sinning or sin will dominate our lives more, obey the Ten Commandments, and consecrate the Sabbath which is Saturday, the seventh day, not Sunday.

All the churches, dominations, and associations are opposed to the Ten Commandments, to stop sinning by preaching that they will not stop sinning, and the Holy Sabbath to give thanks, give honor and glory to God the Father and do good works and keep it holy. I knew that we are “saved” by grace and that I did not need to keep the Ten Commandments. But what Jesus said was that this was part of the new life in Christ of the first commandment to love God above all things and the second commandment to love others as oneself.

They were not changed, they were fulfilled by Jesus so that we could put them into practice in our daily lives. Because grace is “undeserved”. This I could understand that I am not saved by my works or merits but by the blood of Jesus. And to refute or reject everything that is opposed to the knowledge of God, I had to understand what “grace” was and how I was “saved.” God has not changed his commandments and everyone who does not obey them is in prison or has died in their sins: violence, theft, anger, fights, bad thoughts, adultery, fornications, false testimonies, blasphemies … etc. These things are what pollute man.

This book “Change Your Life Biblically” is my best treasure that I have received although I found it in the trash. For me it is a great treasure. Very soon I will be out. God has blessed me every day when I made the decision to follow Him and serve Him with all my soul, my strength, my desires, my mind and all my heart, and take his commandments into practice in my life, through my faith in Jesus. God has opened the doors for me to preach and speak with his sheep on these foundations of this book inspired by the Spirit of God. “Change My Life Biblically” is truly to instruct the believer about the knowledge of God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit to do his holy will.

I am teaching the scriptures and this book is our guide. This Wednesday I will talk about The First and Most Important of the Commandments, pages 24 and 25 of this book. Trusting God to help the listeners understand his holy will. Ron, may God bless you with all the heavenly riches because this work is bigger than you imagine. Many murderers, thieves, liars, drunkards, lazy, infidels, wrongdoers, adulterers and fornicators and blasphemers are getting close to God thanks to this ministry “Change Your Life Biblically”.

This is the list of those who have accepted Jesus Christ in their lives and want to obey the “Change Your Life Biblically” and be doers of it and not just hearers of it. These are the brothers who want this copy of your book Ron, they have already been told about the Ten Commandments and about the Sabbath, they are eager to have a copy of your good work that God gave you through His Spirit.

And I also want to tell you that even abusers and homosexuals are leaving their evil ways and today they serve the One and True God and Jesus Christ, with the help of The Holy Spirit.

We stand for the Jesus Christ Ministry “Change Your Life Biblically”. Thank you dear brother Ron for your hard work and love towards all followers of Jesus. May God bless you!

Jorge, CA (Translated from his Spanish letter)

Dear JCPM,

I’m writing you regarding your “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I read some of the pages and was blown away at the proof of Scriptures that was in its pages.  History, backed by Scripture, made so much sense to me in regards to God’s Word.  I would like to obtain a copy of my own book to complete its study.  I’m also inclosing my wife’s address in hope you can send her a workbook also.  I’m 53 years old.  I’ve got 34 years in the prison system.  I’m very tired of my own way of thinking.  God has finally opened my blind eyes to truth through scripture. 

Martin, CA


I just received your letter, and as always, it has brought me great joy.  As far as pictures go, this one of Duke and Butch on the love seat is hands down my favorite.  Of course, I love all the pictures they send.  But this one I can see and feel the love they are sending my way.  Please make sure you give them lots of hugs and lov’n for me.  So Butch started chewing my letter?  I guess that’s just his way of saying he loves me too.  I also want to thank you for the beautiful pictures of your property.  This might sound a little unbelievable, but I’ve only seen mountains like that in magazines and movies.  I know you see them every day, but you’ve got to admit, they are beautiful. 

One of my favorite things about the “Book of Matthew with Commentary” is you don’t sugarcoat nothing.  You let the people who read it know there won’t be anyone sneaking into heaven – saved by grace.  You also remind us, it was the church who put Jesus on the cross.  Thank you for reminding me to stop defending myself and to just live in obedience.  I know Jesus can take care and defend me way better than I ever could.  Now I want to live for His glory and not my own.  I realize loving self does us no good unless we first love Jesus.  I just want to continue to thank you for this ministry.  You are always calling it, “This little ministry”, but I promise it’s doing big things.

Jack, AR


Thank you for sending me the booklet.  It was very interesting and nice to hear this story.  As I’ve read this booklet, I see you have a certification program and the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I would be interested in receiving this and being able to participate in your Biblical studies. 

Logan, TX


I’m in jail and I’m really trying to get into the Bible.  There is a lot I don’t understand.  Is there any way I can get some Bible study packs?  I really want to turn my life over to God and learn His Word.  Thank you.  I am 27 years old and I have had a drug problem from the age of 11.  I’m really trying to get help and turn my life around.  I have been told it is never to late to turn and ask God for help.

Chris, MS


I am 25 years old.  I have been in and out of the system since I was 13 years old.  I am tired of it, but I know God is with me.  I am writing because I’m interested in “Change Your Life Biblically”. 

Martin, CA

Brother Ron,

I have picked up so much reading the first part of volume 1.  It has impacted my view and aspect of the Holy Scriptures.  I have been beating myself up and my heart is heavy for my sins.  But now I feel liberated.  When I do walk and reflect His image, I feel a sense of wholeness.  Sin was hurting me so much and it did bring grief to me, along with my family.  Thank you, my brother.

Joel, CO


I would like to first say, “Thank you” for the ministry work that your group is engaged in.  The material you have compiled and organized within this book is fantastic.  The four of us are all in the same dorm together.  We have been many times caught in wonderful discussions about the history and authority of the Scriptures.  We have already found this book, “Change Your Life Biblically” to be extremely informative.  We are all excited to have our own copy and continue our studies together.  Thank you once again for your service.

Leon, TX

Brother Ron,

I would like to receive your free book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I got your name and address from a Christian brother.  I read your pamphlet and was amazed how you changed your life.  I look forward to hearing from you.  God bless you and thank you for sharing your story. 

Leo, MO

Brother Ron,

Just to write a note to you to tell you how amazing your book, “Change Your Life Biblically” is.  The Holy Spirit certainly had to guide your writing.  You certainly give validation because you focus on facts.  Any material that you can send, do.  I will share it throughout the prison.

David, GA


Thank you and God bless.  Your book is really helping me dig into the Scriptures.  Here are a few stamps to help get these two books out.  Jannelle and Scott are really interested and do believe Christ saves.  That’s for sure!  Well, I got to get started on this 5 page letter so I can share with you what I learned so far.  Jannelle is my mother and she wants to study with me.  I told her all about your book.

Joel, CO


I am 26 years old.  I’m serving a 15 year sentence.  I’m ready to give myself to God.  I would love to get everything that could help me in here and when I get out.  I’m ready for what God has planned for me. 

Joe, TX

Brother Ron,

I just received CYLB yesterday evening at mail time.  First, I will say I was immediately very excited, much more so than I would have imagined and jumped right in.  This is, and I mean this literally and absolutely, exactly what I have been looking for.  Having all the related texts right there and throughout the differing topics is awesome.  I have had an amazing time reading this book, so far.  The work that I feel happening inside of me already is amazing.  Something I had never heard before was about the eight steps Peter lays out in 2nd Peter.  I never knew that the book laid out “The Step-by-Step” process of salvation.  Brother Ron, this book has had such an amazingly substantial impact on my life so far.  I have probably quadrupled my time in the Word and grown so much closer to God.  I already can tell a change.  I truly can.  The ministry God has blessed and tasked you with truly is amazing.  You have really inspired me not only to get my life straightened out biblically, but to do so and then take that and be of service to the Lord. 

Christopher, VA

Dear Ron,

I have been reading your book of Matthew with Commentary.  I would like “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I admire your fervent desire to be obedient to God’s Word.  I’m excited to read your book and learn more about your ministry.  I’m very devout in my faith in Christ.  I rely on the Word of God to direct my life.  I share Scripture with everyone around me.  There is nothing more important to me than being obedient to God’s Word and growing as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Prentis, CA


Thank you for sending me your information guide.  I would love to study your workbook, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I would really enjoy learning more. 

Brian, CA


You have been sending me material to read about changing my life.  I’ve been reading your material.  I want to tell you, thank you so much.  I love reading your material about the Bible and our amazing Jesus Christ. 

David, CA

Brother Ron,

It was good to hear from you.  Thanks for the answer sheets and the brochure as well.  I read the brochure yesterday for the Sabbath.  It was good.  I enjoyed it and the whole day went by and I didn’t even realize it.  I kind of look at you as a kind of mentor in a way.  I really admire and appreciate you and what this ministry has done for me in my life.  I thank God every day for using you and this ministry to help me.  It has only been a few months since I first came into contact with this ministry and first started reading “CYLB”, but I’ve already seen and felt such a big change in my life.  I have so much hope now and I feel so positive.  I’m so thankful to God for not abandoning me when I needed Him most.  I look at things so differently now.  I have a whole new outlook on life and on God.  I know that God is real and that He answers prayers.  It comforts me because I can feel God’s presence in my life.  I know He has everything under control.  It is so hard for us to submit and just trust God to work His plan in our lives.  I feel God has sent you and this ministry to help me during this time.  I am just so thankful to God and to you for reaching out to me during this time.  I thank you for bringing light to me when I was trapped in darkness. 

Gregory, CA


Thank you for your ministry.  For giving us the opportunity to change our lives.  I’m 25 years old and I’m very interested in everything you can help me with.  Can you please send me your Bible studies? 

Daniel, CA


My neighbor let me look at the workbook you sent him.  I like it.  Please send me one.  It lifted me up.  I am 79 with a life sentence, no parole. 

Daniel, AZ


Yes, I am interested in continuing the Bible studies that are being offered.  I did read the “History of the Ministry” and I found it really interesting.  I am looking forward to start and see how I can use it to better my Christian walk.

Sergio, TX

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to ask if you could send me any Bible studies you may offer.  I would be very grateful. 

Stephanie, OK


I’m writing you all because I have read the “History of the Ministry” and it was interesting.  I enjoyed it.  I would like to continue on learning.

Danny, KS

To Whom It May Concern,

I would like to receive the “Change Your Life Biblically”. 

Levi, TN


My Dear Family in Christ,

Most who call themselves “Christian” do not recognize how presumptuous they are.  They presume that God owes them.  I don’t know why.  But churches are teaching a gospel of “saved by grace”, as if we were so important God owed us eternal life.  Some have even suggested that sin is God’s fault and therefore it is His responsibility to “save” us.  

Proper understanding of God is the problem.  He is either an all loving God who is going to save everyone, or He is a vengeful, fire-breathing God who is waiting to destroy us all.

The truth is, He loves us so much, He gave His life for us.  However, that love hates sin.  To save us, we must eradicate sin from our lives.  Sin is a cancer that must be radiated out.  We must cleans ourselves of sin.  The flip side is, we can’t.  You see, to cleans ourselves from sin is to acknowledge the fact that we need Jesus to do the eradicating.  Humbly submitting to His power is our part.  Living in obedience is our part.  But eradicating is His part.  Living sin-free is humbly recognizing it is His power and not ours.  Day by day, living in obedience to God’s law allows the power of God to burn sin out of us.  Our work is putting forth the effort to stop the sin in our lives.  Then, God will provide the power to that effort to stop the sin in our lives.


There are those who have a reckless spirit, which they term courage and bravery. They needlessly place themselves in scenes of danger and peril, thus exposing themselves to temptations out of which it would require a miracle of God to bring them unharmed and untainted. Satan’s temptation to the Saviour of the world to cast Himself from the pinnacle of the temple was firmly met and resisted. Satan quoted a promise of God as security that Christ might with safety do this on the strength of the promise. Christ met the temptation with scripture: “It is written, … Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” The only safe course for Christians is to repulse the enemy with God’s word. Satan urges men into places where God does not require them to go, and presents scripture to justify his suggestions. 

That would be like an alcoholic working in a bar, think he won’t take another drink.  He placed himself in a situation that he should not have been in.

God’s precious promises are not given to strengthen man in a presumptuous course or for him to rely upon when he rushes needlessly into danger. The Lord requires us to move with a humble dependence upon His providence. “It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.” In God is our prosperity and our life. Nothing can be done prosperously without the permission and blessing of God. He can set His hand to prosper and bless, or He can turn His hand against us. “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass.” We are required, as children of God, to maintain a consistent Christian character. We should exercise prudence, caution, and humility, and walk circumspectly toward them that are without. Yet we are not in any case to surrender principle. 

Our only safety is in giving no place to the devil, for his suggestions and purposes are ever to injure us and hinder us from relying upon God. He transforms himself into an angel of purity that he may, through his specious temptations, introduce his devices in such a manner that we may not discern his wiles. The more we yield, the more powerful will be his deceptions over us. It is unsafe to enter into controversy or to parley with him. For every advantage that we give the enemy, he will claim more. Our only safety is in rejecting firmly the first approach to presumption. God has, through the merits of Christ, given us sufficient grace to withstand Satan and be more than conquerors. Resistance is success. “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Resistance must be firm and steadfast. We lose all we gain if we resist today only to yield tomorrow. 

The sin of this age is disregard of God’s express commands. The power of influence in a wrong direction is very great. Eve had all that her wants required. There was nothing lacking to make her happy, but intemperate appetite desired the fruit of the only tree that God had withheld. She had no need of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, but she permitted her appetite and curiosity to control her reason. She was perfectly happy in her Eden home by her husband’s side; but, like restless modern Eves, she was flattered that there was a higher sphere than that which God had assigned her. But in attempting to climb higher than her original position, she fell far below it. This will most assuredly be the result with the Eves of the present generation if they neglect to cheerfully take up their daily life duties in accordance with God’s plan. 

People don’t like God’s plan.  Have you heard of “Women’s Rights”?  Oh yes, women have the right to do it their way, but the consequences are now being felt.  Women are feeling used, abused and missing out on the very blessings God designed for them.  The devil knows that if he can destroy the woman, and her God given place, he can destroy man who was created in the image of God and thus destroy the family and humanity.

There is a work for women that is even more important and elevating than the duties of the king upon his throne. They may mold the minds of their children and shape their characters so that they may be useful in this world and that they may become sons and daughters of God. Their time should be considered too valuable to be passed in the ballroom or in needless labor. There is enough necessary and important labor in this world of need and suffering without wasting precious moments for ornamentation or display. Daughters of the heavenly King, members of the royal family, will feel a burden of responsibility to attain to a higher life, that they may be brought into close connection with heaven and work in unison with the Redeemer of the world. Those who are engaged in this work will not be satisfied with the fashions and follies which absorb the mind and affections of women in these last days. If they are indeed the daughters of God they will be partakers of the divine nature. They will be stirred with deepest pity, as was their divine Redeemer, as they see the corrupting influences in society. They will be in sympathy with Christ, and in their sphere, as they have ability and opportunity, will work to save perishing souls as Christ worked in His exalted sphere for the benefit of man. 

A neglect on the part of woman to follow God’s plan in her creation, an effort to reach for important positions which He has not qualified her to fill, leaves vacant the position that she could fill to acceptance. In getting out of her sphere, she loses true womanly dignity and nobility. When God created Eve, He designed that she should possess neither inferiority nor superiority to the man, but that in all things she should be his equal. The holy pair were to have no interest independent of each other; and yet each had an individuality in thinking and acting. But after Eve’s sin, as she was first in the transgression, the Lord told her that Adam should rule over her. She was to be in subjection to her husband, and this was a part of the curse. In many cases the curse has made the lot of woman very grievous and her life a burden. The superiority which God has given man he has abused in many respects by exercising arbitrary power. Infinite wisdom devised the plan of redemption, which places the race on a second probation by giving them another trial. 

Satan uses men as his agents to lead to presumption those who love God; especially is this the case with those who are deluded by spiritualism. Spiritualists generally do not accept Christ as the Son of God, and through their infidelity they lead many souls to presumptuous sins. They even claim superiority over Christ as did Satan in contesting with the Prince of life. Spiritualists whose souls are dyed with sins of a revolting character, and whose consciences are seared, dare to take the name of the spotless Son of God in their polluted lips and blasphemously unite His most exalted name with the vileness which marks their own polluted natures. 

Men who bring in these damnable heresies will dare those who teach the word of God to enter into controversy with them, and some who teach the truth have not had the courage to withstand a challenge from this class, who are marked characters in the word of God. Some of our ministers have not had the moral courage to say to these men: God has warned us in His word in regard to you. He has given us a faithful description of your character and of the heresies which you hold. Some of our ministers, rather than give this class any occasion to triumph or to charge them with cowardice, have met them in open discussion. But in discussing with spiritualists they do not meet man merely, but Satan and his angels. They place themselves in communication with the powers of darkness and encourage evil angels about them. 

Spiritualists desire to give publicity to their heresies; and ministers who advocate Bible truth help them to do this when they consent to engage in discussion with them. They improve their opportunities to get their heresies before the people, and in every discussion with them some will be deceived. The very best course for us to pursue is to avoid them. 3T 482 – 485.