My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It is very easy to get caught up in the world. Sex, drugs, money, fame, ego, pride, church, politics and power are just a few of the ways the devil is attempting to divert our attention from what really matters. What really matters is our eternal life. When all is said and done, when life comes to an end, only one thing will count, did we humble ourselves and live in obedience to Jesus and His Ten Commandments?
Many people are so caught up in politics and conspiracy theories and don’t see how senseless they are. God has told us He is in charge of the world and we are not to worry about it. All your worry and concern about what is going on in the world won’t change anything. God is still in control. Even if you don’t like the way He is controlling it.
Our job is to do our duties and responsibilities to Jesus and leave the rest up to Him. By trusting Him we show our “trust” in Him. If we are trying to work it all out for Him, we show we have no trust in God to do what He says He will do. The only people going to Heaven are those who trust and obey God.
Luke 13:1 to Luke 13:35
About this time Jesus was informed that Pilate had murdered some people from Galilee as they were offering sacrifices at the Temple.
Do you get it? They were very concerned about what was happening in their world. Two thousand years later, did it make any difference? No! So why be concerned about what is going on around you? Your job is to bring people to the saving knowledge of Jesus. That is all that will make a difference in two thousand years from now.
“Do you think those Galileans were worse sinners than all the other people from Galilee?” Jesus asked. “Is that why they suffered? Not at all! And you will perish, too, unless you repent of your sins and turn to God.
Why don’t we listen to Jesus? Why do we let the world control us? Maybe it’s because we don’t really trust Jesus. Our hearts are in a selfish world that we are trying to control, instead of in Jesus and trusting Him with our lives. Also, bad things happen! We live in a world of sin. Sin destroys. It is just that simple. On the other hand, Jesus has promised to protect those of us who live in obedience to Him. Oh, I guess that is the real problem. We don’t trust Jesus because we are not living in obedience to Him. He can’t protect us if we are living in known sin. The Jews had rejected God and were living in sin. Therefore they did not have the protection of God. Jesus warned them, “you will perish, too, unless you repent of your sins and turn to God”. They didn’t listen. Earlier, Jesus warned them through the crippled man he healed. He told him, “Now you are well; so stop sinning, or something even worse may happen to you.” But we refuse to listen. We love our sins. Just not the consequences.
And what about the eighteen people who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them? Were they the worst sinners in Jerusalem? No, and I tell you again that unless you repent, you will perish, too.”
Over and over and over again Jesus reiterates the concept that we must stop sinning. But we love our sins. We love the world way too much. Oh, only when “something worse” comes upon us do we cry out to God and wonder “Why”. For some reason, we think “they the worst sinners” are the ones God punishes. No! It is the little, tiny sins in our lives that will destroy us. How stupid our churches have made us. When will we leave our churches, go to Jesus and actually repent and turn from our selfish sins and follow Him?
Then Jesus told this story: “A man planted a fig tree in his garden and came again and again to see if there was any fruit on it, but he was always disappointed.
Is Jesus coming to you “again and again to see if there” is any fruit? Who have you, personally, brought to Jesus? Brought not to a church, but to Jesus. Who have you shared the truth with that they must stop sinning and become like Jesus: perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping? Are you giving them the example?
Finally, he said to his gardener, ‘I’ve waited three years, and there hasn’t been a single fig! Cut it down. It’s just taking up space in the garden.’
Are you “taking up space in the garden” of God? Enjoying the benefits of God, but yielding no fruit? Take care, you are about to be cut down and thrown onto the compost pile.
“The gardener answered, ‘Sir, give it one more chance. Leave it another year, and I’ll give it special attention and plenty of fertilizer. If we get figs next year, fine. If not, then you can cut it down.’”
That is called “grace”. It saved the tree for another year. But it didn’t save the tree eternally. You may have grace from God to keep you from being cut down in the next few months or years, but at some point your grace will run out and you will be cut down. Please, get out of your church and stop listening to the fables of the devil and live in obedience to Jesus. Start producing fruit.
One Sabbath day as Jesus was teaching in a synagogue,. . .
Notice, He didn’t go to sit as a member. He was in church doing what He commanded all of us to do: teach. When He rose and went to Heaven, He commanded us to teach “them to obey everything that I have commanded you”. Matthew 28:20. That is what He was doing in church. What are you doing in church?
. . . he saw a woman who had been crippled by an evil spirit. She had been bent double for eighteen years and was unable to stand up straight. When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said, “Dear woman, you are healed of your sickness!” Then he touched her, and instantly she could stand straight. How she praised God!
That also is our work. We are to “heal” people by sharing with them the healing power of God’s Word to be perfect, stop sinning and to keep the Ten Commandments to get eternal life. Reading from the Sabbath School Lesson or any denominational or church material is not what Jesus commands of us. Get out of church now and go to Jesus. Open His Word and read from Genesis to Revelation.
But the leader in charge of the synagogue was indignant that Jesus had healed her on the Sabbath day. “There are six days of the week for working,” he said to the crowd. “Come on those days to be healed, not on the Sabbath.”
And yes, your pastor, Sabbath School leader and others will be indignant with you. But you will be in good company. Do you have the guts Jesus had? Where is your backbone? The backbone of Jesus was so strong, it ended up rubbing up and down on a splintery post for you. Will you stand up straight for Jesus? And yes, there are six days for working. How come most of our churches are only open one day of the week? They must not be working for Jesus.
But the Lord replied, “You hypocrites! Each of you works on the Sabbath day! Don’t you untie your ox or your donkey from its stall on the Sabbath and lead it out for water?
Well of course they did. Why? Because their ox and donkey were profitable for them. The old crippled lady just wasn’t profitable for them.
This dear woman, a daughter of Abraham, has been held in bondage by Satan for eighteen years. Isn’t it right that she be released, even on the Sabbath?” This shamed his enemies, but all the people rejoiced at the wonderful things he did.
Those in power set up rules that on the surface may seem humane, but destroy humanity. It is all about power, greed and money. Look how important we are, we can control what you can and can’t do. But the people rejoiced when Jesus taught that they were more important than the man-made rules of the church. Let us put aside the church and clothe ourselves with the works of Jesus.
Then Jesus said, “What is the Kingdom of God like? How can I illustrate it? It is like a tiny mustard seed that a man planted in a garden; it grows and becomes a tree, and the birds make nests in its branches.”
How can we mortals, who have never seen or experienced the Kingdom of God, understand it? We can’t. Just as the birds are not able to understand how the tree grows from a tiny mustard seed. However, the birds are able to make nests in its branches. That they understand! Same with us. The Kingdom of God is far beyond our ability to understand it. But if we will let the seed of the Kingdom of God be planted in us, water it, nurture it and protect it, it will grow within us and become a mighty Kingdom we and others can rest in.
He also asked, “What else is the Kingdom of God like? It is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough.”
A point here is, it starts out small. None of us get the “full” Kingdom of God all at once. Some may get a larger seed than others, but it is still a seed. We must nurture it. That is our job. We must water it. We must make sure the weeds of sin do not destroy it. If we take care of it, it will in time permeate every part of our lives. That is what it must do. If there is any part of your life you don’t want the Kingdom of God to permeate, that part will eventually rot out the rest of the soul.
Jesus went through the towns and villages, teaching as he went, always pressing on toward Jerusalem.
As Jesus was always pressing on toward His goal, so we must press on towards our goal. And as we press on, we must be teaching as we go.
Someone asked him, “Lord, will only a few be saved?” He replied, “Work hard to enter the narrow door to God’s Kingdom, for many will try to enter but will fail.
“Work hard”! We have it so easy in America. We have no idea how to “work hard” for Jesus. We want everything easy. Dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, car washes and other labor saving devices. Working hard is a lost virtue. Even farmers can sleep in their cabs while the GPS drives the tractor. Unfortunately, all these labor saving devices, allowed by God to give us time to share the Gospel, has only made us spoiled and soft. Few will make it to Heaven! “Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,” Philippians 2:12. It is a continuous work.
When the master of the house has locked the door, it will be too late. You will stand outside knocking and pleading, ‘Lord, open the door for us!’ But he will reply, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from.’ Then you will say, ‘But we ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets.’ And he will reply, ‘I tell you, I don’t know you or where you come from. Get away from me, all you who do evil.’
When probation closes, there will be those who knew of the times and seasons, who were taught and understood what it meant to be a true Christian, but they did not put their heart and soul into the work, it was just theological. They will stand outside knocking and pleading. They will tell Jesus that they eat and drank the Lord’s Supper in church with Him. That He taught in their homes and on their TV’s and through newsletters they received. But He will tell them to “Get away from Me, all you who do evil”. They have no fruit. Not one person did they teach to stop sinning, be perfect and to keep the Ten Commandments to get their eternal life. They were more interested in what the church thought of them than what Jesus thought of them.
“There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, for you will see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets in the Kingdom of God, but you will be thrown out.
We are told that those who knew, but refused to live in obedience, will rush at us and will attempt to kill us, however, they will be powerless to touch us. Many will fall down at our feet, weeping and wailing and asking what they must do to get in, but nothing can be done; the door has been closed and locked.
And people will come from all over the world—from east and west, north and south—to take their places in the Kingdom of God. And note this: Some who seem least important now will be the greatest then, and some who are the greatest now will be least important then.”
Those who knew, but thought themselves to privileged to share the truth, will find themselves shut out. They will look up and see those they looked down upon standing next to Jesus. Their pastors, church leaders, educators and ministers will be standing beside them waiting for their punishment. Their titles, positions and education will not save them.
At that time some Pharisees said to him, “Get away from here if you want to live! Herod Antipas wants to kill you!”
Yes, there are those who will tell you to “get away from here” since they do not want to feel guilty for their sins. Many have turned off this ministry because they didn’t want to feel guilty. They have rejected the last call from the Spirit of God and will now have to wait for their reward of fire.
Jesus replied, “Go tell that fox that I will keep on casting out demons and healing people today and tomorrow; and the third day I will accomplish my purpose.
Jesus didn’t try to hide from the authorities. He didn’t find a cabin in an isolated mountain region to hid in. He didn’t try to raise a revolt or rebellion. He continued on in His work for His Father. He did His duty. Are you?
Yes, today, tomorrow, and the next day I must proceed on my way. For it wouldn’t do for a prophet of God to be killed except in Jerusalem!
We “must proceed on” towards our goal of serving Jesus. Nothing is to keep us from finding sinners and sharing the wonderful news that sin no longer has to bind them and destroy them. What good news!
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me. And now, look, your house is abandoned. And you will never see me again until you say, ‘Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord!’”
That was true. Jerusalem never saw Him again until they cried out, “Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” This happened when He entered Jerusalem a few days before His death. He left His church to go where He was wanted.
The world today has done the same thing. “O America, America, churches, the nation that is killing the prophets and stones God’s messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me.” No, America, churches and the world are killing, imprisoning, canceling and demeaning the people of God. What God has called “good”, they are calling “evil”. Terrible things are soon to fall upon this world.
Dear Sir,
I ran across a copy of the book “Change Your Life Biblically”. I am sincerely interested in obtaining a copy for myself. I want to work through all of it with diligence and care. It looks like a phenomenal resource, both for now and in the future. I would appreciate immensely if you could mail me a copy at your earliest convenience. Thanks for your attention to this.
Greg, MT
Dear Ron,
What was my obligation was what had me in the dark for so long. Now, reading and studying the Bible, I’ve come to actually see how years of teachers, preachers, ministers and church and different denominations only gave selected verses to support their concepts and thoughts and left off the whole facts that brought fourth the whole understanding and truth leading me as blind as they were. They were leading me to the destruction that’s been in my life for so long to this point in my life. Through His power I can produce fruits, works, deeds and actions that are in keeping with belief in Him. Not just doing only some things like we were taught in the past. Now I actually strive to do daily all the goodness I know to do. Looking at my current situation, this is not me. This is not the life I want or live by. My actions, my life is all wrong. Thanks to this new found book, I now know how to read the blueprint and build my life the right way.
Gregory, VA
Dear Ron,
I want to start off by saying I was in total shock when I got called for “mail call” and got handed CYLB Study booklet, especially with my name on the book. I believe everything happens for a reason. I still don’t know who sent me the book, but believe it is an invitation that I cannot refuse. I grew up in the barrios of West Los Angeles. I have been a gang member since 10 years old. I started selling drugs at the age of 12 years old. My family was poor so I was determined to help my mom through hard times. I never had my pop around to teach me anything. Everything I learned was from my role models: drug dealers, king pins and “big homies”. As time went by, I had proved myself. I had different vehicles: BMW, Mercedes-Benz and surrounded by different beautiful women every night. I was so ambitious my crimes went to a whole other level. Throughout my career of crime and sin, I was never happy. Sure, I was having fun, but at the very moment I was alone at night, I would feel lonely. It was when I got that phone call that one who was like a “Big Brother” to me was killed by a drive-by shooting that I was devastated. Now my mission was to hurt those who killed him. I went to 16 funerals throughout my life. None of them natural deaths. I was the youngest member to be alive. I never thought I would make it this long. I appreciate and thank you for doing God’s work.
Darren, CA
Dear JCPM,
I’m serving a 25 year sentence for selling drugs. I’m now committed to serving the Lord for the rest of my life. Here on earth I want to learn as much as I can about the Word of God.
Devlin, VA
I was referred to you by a fellow inmate. This Bible study is exactly what I need. I ask that you keep me in your prayers. My desire is to grow as close to God and Jesus as possible and being a vessel right where I am. I have a ways to go, but I’m taking that leap of faith.
Stacy, TX
Hey Ron,
I just want to get to know our Father. I was just sitting here and I got this Jesus Christ Prison Ministry booklet. I was shocked because I didn’t ask for it. It just came and I was stuck on the fact like, “How did I get this”? Then I just knew God had something to do with it. I want to get to know Jesus better. I’m new to this. Can you send me the book, CYLB? I would love to read and learn from it.
Alonzo, OR
Profound Greetings,
I received and read your introductory issue. I must say, I was inspired. I couldn’t wait to write and receive the “Change Your Life Biblically” correspondence so I can get started. Some of the things that were mentioned about the jailhouse Christians exist now more than ever. I was in the system in the early 90’s as well. I think the devil is working now more than ever.
De’veron, CA
I have read your introductory issue. It could not have been written any better. Good work for the Lord. I am also a believer in Christ. I’m ready for this walk, brother, and I know it is not going to be easy. I’m sure the Holy Spirit will guide me. I just want to do the will of God. I have let go of the gangs and picked up my cross. I know what you mean when you expressed feeling free on the inside. It’s amazing how God opened up all the doors of opportunity for you through your sentence.
Joel, CO
Brother Ron,
I am currently housed in jail. I have been writing to someone who recommended you to me. Greg has been telling me about the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”. I have been thirsting for something spiritual since I got here. I feel like I’m in a void right now. Would you please send me a copy of the book.
Krysten, CA
Dear Ron,
I used to be in a program called, “Paws for Prison” where I trained dogs for adoption. Churches, religions and the world have no clue what is going on. The reason inmates are willing to take the time to learn the truth is because we realize our need of our Lord and Savior. In all honesty, most people don’t believe they need a Savior because they have always gotten what they wanted in life. When you think you have everything, you stop looking for what you need. I’ve got one name for you for the Bible Studies. I’ll continue looking for people.
I love this section on “Law”. Am I a genius or is it really this simple to understand? How can other people not see this as well? I’m just not understanding how people are continuing to be so blind when it’s right in our faces. You would think every one would want to be loved by Jesus. What I really think is happening is people are just reading the Bible as they would any other book. They can tell you nothing but a story or two at most. It is sad how I see all these professed Christians running around thinking they can read one or two Scriptures on a Sunday and call themselves saved.
I love and understand the four steps to the “new birth” and coming to God. The 4th one stood out to me the most because you talk about trying to clean up your house on your own. And without the power of Jesus our wicked sins will come back with a vengeance. I had tried cleaning up my life on my own and it would work a little while. But then I would go right back to doing the same things I was doing, plus some sins that I hadn’t been doing before. So I know firsthand if you don’t have Jesus living in you, then your house isn’t clean.
I got the “Book of Matthew with Commentary” a few days ago. Thank you. I’ve already started it and love the commentary. You actually tell things how they are. None of that sugar coating or trying to tell people all’s OK. The way you talk people shouldn’t be able to continue to act as if they don’t know what is commanded of them any longer. I guess I’ll close. I love you, Duke, Butch and your ministry.
Jack, AR
Brother Ron,
I am writing from prison. A friend gave me your pamphlet describing the History of the Ministry to read. I enjoyed it very much. God does bless those that bless Him. I never thought that I would be in prison. If possible, I am requesting your book.
Charles, MO
I just received your letter and as always it has brought me great joy. As far as pictures go, this one of Duke and Butch on the love seat is hands down my favorite. Of course, I love all the pictures they send. But this one I can see and feel the love they are sending my way. Please make sure you give them lots of hugs and lov’n for me. So Butch started chewing my letter? I guess that’s just his way of saying he loves me too. I also want to thank you for the beautiful pictures of your property. This might sound a little unbelievable, but I’ve only seen mountains like that in magazines and movies. I know you see them every day, but you’ve got to admit, they are beautiful.
One of my favorite things about the “Book of Matthew with Commentary” is you don’t sugarcoat nothing. You let the people who read it know there won’t be anyone sneaking into heaven – saved by grace. You also remind us, it was the church who put Jesus on the cross. Thank you for reminding me to stop defending myself and to just live in obedience. I know Jesus can take care and defend me way better than I ever could. Now I want to live for His glory and not my own. I realize loving self does us no good unless we first love Jesus. I just want to continue to thank you for this ministry. You are always calling it, “This little ministry”, but I promise it’s doing big things.
Jack, AR
Dear JCPM,
Something caught my eye about the free Bible to inmate program so I decided to drop a few lines hoping to further my education as a Christian. I am very interested in receiving everything that JCPM has available.
Lopez, TX
Thank you for sending me the booklet. It was very interesting and nice to hear this story. As I’ve read this booklet, I see you have a certification program and the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”. I would be interested in receiving this and being able to participate in your Biblical studies.
Logan, TX
I’m in jail and I’m really trying to get into the Bible. There is a lot I don’t understand. Is there any way I can get some Bible study packs? I really want to turn my life over to God and learn His Word. Thank you. I am 27 years old and I have had a drug problem from the age of 11. I’m really trying to get help and turn my life around. I have been told it is never to late to turn and ask God for help.
Chris, MS
Dear Brother Ron,
Thank you for taking the time to send me this flyer about your workbook, CYLB. I’m very interested in the different perspectives that I will see in the book. I come from a family of various religious backgrounds – Mormon, Methodist, Seventh-day Adventist and Lutheran. A lot of them seem to hit on certain parts of the Bible and totally blow over other parts that I feel are just as important. I look forward to receiving CYLB.
Michael, TX
Good day to you. I received your “History of the Ministry”. I would like to start Bible studies. I would love to read the CYLB. I am currently serving a life sentence. I am 31 years old. You know, some days can be stressful and something positive to read will always be nice. I will read the CYLB and write about what I am getting/learning from it.
Ricardo, CA
Dear Ron,
Thank you for my book, “Change Your Life Biblically”. I have never encountered such an in-depth and intense Bible study. I have learned a lot of things that have opened my eyes to a different view of the world. It has always been difficult for me to understand what the Bible says and teaches. With the help of your book, I have a better understanding of what it teaches. I am learning my true identity and who I am in Christ. I recently signed for 4 years prison time and I don’t have any family or anyone that I can write and talk to. I have been craving spiritual milk and better knowledge and understanding of the Word: Scripture. Your study book has done just that. Things that seemed alien and foreign to me now make sense. Now that I am and have become a new creation in Christ, there have been many battles with the enemy. Through better understanding of the Word through your workbook, I can be on my toes about what it says. The enemy has used Scripture against me before in the past, because I was not equipped like I am now. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do for the brethren in Christ Jesus and for your ministry. God bless you brother Ron and all the saints with Jesus Christ Prison Ministry.
David, TX
Brother Ron,
My name is Edwin. I am lost and I’m searching for a brighter path. I am serving a natural life sentence. But I want to serve a life for our Father who is most gracious to us. I have a lot on my shoulders and would like to accept Christ as my Lord and Savior. I am writing your ministry due to the fact that I have been reading your introductory newsletter which is very inspiring and uplifting. I believe that your ministry will provide me with the encouragement and proper tools needed to grow in my walk with the Lord. Your ministry has a lot to offer a person who is lost and has no one on the outside. Your studies will help me get into the Word more as it is currently a struggle for me as I have sort of given up on hope. I am 27 years old. I was arrested when I was 19 years old. I would like to take this opportunity to serve the Lord, share my testimony and if possible I would like to serve in your ministry while I am in here.
Eddie, FL
Ronald John,
I received your book on how everything came into effect. Wonderful story of the way Jesus work is. I would like to read the book He inspired you to write. I also keep the Sabbath and think prison ministry has lost its sense of direction. I’ll be waiting for your material.
Buddy, AZ
Dear Brother Ron,
I did receive “The Gospel”, part 3 and am happy for your recovery. Which is truly an example of the power of God. It shows that God still has work for you Brother Ron. Sorry I took so long on my assignments. Here I am sending in the last two assignments from Volume I.
Romans 7: Really, the way I see it, people like to use this chapter as an excuse to keep sinning under the delusion that they will be saved. I hear it all of the time. “Saved by grace”.
Romans 3: Here we learn that contrary to what churches teach, we can, through the power of our Lord, and through our faith and obedience, be perfect. We can live the sinless, righteous life. Otherwise, Jesus’ dying on the cross for us would be pointless.
False Prophets: I see and hear this every day. Whether it be on the radio or these so-called Christian stations . Everybody preaching “Saved by Grace”. Everyone wants to make a big show of going to church, singing, and reading Scriptures that they want to hear. No one is teaching truth: Stop sinning, be perfect and keep the Ten Commandments. Otherwise, very few people would show up. Here I have learned to be vigilant. You don’t have to be a part of a church to get your eternal life. You can do this on your own from anywhere. You don’t need to put on a show. Nor do you need an audience.
Sabbath: This is really the sad part because all of my life I was taught that “Sunday” was the Lord’s day. I never really put much thought into it until CYLB. But the truth has always been there to learn. And what’s even more sad, is how just about all “so-called” Christians worship on Sunday as the Sabbath. But it’s not! This has had a huge impact on my life.
Ricardo, TX
Dear Ron,
I am currently doing your Bible study with Lila. We are both incarcerated and are on Book III of your Bible study. We both have enjoyed your teaching. Thank you so much for your wonderful Bible study.
Gina, AR
Hi There Ron,
I just finished reading the book you sent me, “Change Your Life Biblically”. It was a really good book to read. It gave me a lot of understanding that I did not have. It made a lot of sense to me. Thank you. I don’t know who gave you my info, but I’m so glad they did. You really broke down to me to better understand the background of the Bible. Thank you so much. I am going to take what I’ve learned from your lessons to better my understanding. I will teach my fellow inmates.
Michael, IL
I am 21 years of age. I have never had life changing opportunities to become better and successful. Someone gave me this address and a paper to read. All I know is, when I read the paper, it fit my prayer.
Airen, TX
To Whom It May Concern:
First off, I would like to thank you for your time and consideration in offering this program for the incarcerated. To be honest, I read my Bible every day and the one thing I know, there is always more to learn. I’m currently in Ad-Seg with some new charges filed against me this month. I know that in order for me to move forward in my life, something has to change. So, it is that my neighbor passed me this piece of paper that says “Change Your Life Biblically”. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Maybe it is time I open my heart and ears to Him.
Ronald, CO
Brother Ron,
I have learned more in these 8 pages about religion period. But mainly about Christianity then I have in my whole entire life. Not because I never picked up the Bible, because I’ve always read the Bible from time to time. Never have I read it from front to back. I’ve been to church lots of times in and out of prison. I read religion books. However, the way you have broken it down with power, proof and I know its had to come from Jesus and God Himself. To explain and break down the Bile the way you have here is flawless. The impact it has brought upon me is mainly willingness to have the knowledge of what the Bible is actually saying with no cutthroat. I know it is real because it is not giving me the shortcut or easy way out. It isn’t telling me what I want to hear, but only what I need to hear and acknowledge. My whole life I’ve been working for my self and for man. I’ve been so selfish and blind. I remember I used to pick up the Bible and slammed it down because no matter how many times I read it, I could not understand it. I now have the best book on this planet that will guide me.
Daniel, IL
My Dear Family in Christ,
The true church of God is very small. Those who belong to a denomination, religion or church structure are not the true church of God. God did not raise up one church, not one. The people of “Israel” whom God brought out of Egypt were not a “church”, they were a nation. God did not instruct them to build one “church” building. They did not gather in a church building for Sabbath worship. The true “church” of God were those among them who lived in obedience to God. 40 years later only two adults, out of two million, who had come out of Egypt and proved themselves obedient to God, entered the promised land. Two out of two million.
If the devil can eradicate our past history, keep us from learning about our past history, he can keep us from learning truth. We will then feel secure in our churches thinking we are saved. Why? Because we didn’t read how God dealt with those who thought they were saved but continued in sin. Therefore, we feel secure in our sins thinking God is too loving to destroy “me”. Yes He will.
We need to reread the Old Testament and see how God dwelt with sin. He destroyed it and those who practiced it. If we do not repent and turn from our sins, we will be destroyed and will not enter the Promised Land.
“The righteous person who sins will not be allowed to live even though they were formerly righteous. If I tell a righteous person that they will surely live, but then they trust in their righteousness (go to church) and do evil, none of the righteous things that person has done will be remembered; they will die for the evil they have done. And if I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ but they then turn away from their sin and do what is just and right— . . . follow the decrees that give life, and do no evil—that person will surely live; they will not die.” Ezekiel 33:12-15.
Keep in mind, the New Testament writers went back to the Old Testament to learn what God wanted for them, then wrote down the essence for us. The New Testament is simply a compilation of principles from the Old Testament.
The State of the Church
There is great necessity for a reformation among the people of God. The present state of the church leads to the inquiry: Is this a correct representation of Him who gave His life for us? Are these the followers of Christ and the brethren of those who counted not their lives dear unto themselves? Those who come up to the Bible standard, the Bible description of Christ’s followers, will be found rare indeed. Having forsaken God, the Fountain of living waters, they have hewn them out cisterns, “broken cisterns, that can hold no water.” Said the angel: “Lack of love and faith are the great sins of which God’s people are now guilty.” Lack of faith leads to carelessness and to love of self and the world. Those who separate themselves from God and fall under temptation indulge in gross vices, for the carnal heart leads to great wickedness. And this state of things is found among many of God’s professed people. While they are professedly serving God they are to all intents and purposes corrupting their ways before Him. Appetite and passion are indulged by many, notwithstanding the clear light of truth points out the danger and lifts its warning voice: Beware, restrain, deny. “The wages of sin is death.” Although the example of those who have made shipwreck of faith stands as a beacon to warn others from pursuing the same course, yet many rush madly on. Satan has control of their minds and seems to have power over their bodies.
The churches, denominations and religions of the world do not think a “reformation among the people of God” is needed. No, they think your church or denomination needs reformation, but not “mine”. That is why many claim to be “The Remnant”. They will tell you that their church is of God and you must belong to it to be saved. That is why all churches, denominations and religions have fallen. None are of God. Only individual people who live in obedience to God are the “church” of God. The churches and denominations and religions are all careless in their faith. None have the faith of Jesus who looked not to himself, to others or the church, but to God and His Word to find how to live. “Beware, restrain, deny!”
Oh, how many flatter themselves that they have goodness and righteousness, when the true light of God reveals that all their lives they have only lived to please themselves! Their whole conduct is abhorred of God. How many are alive without the law! In their gross darkness they view themselves with complacency; but let the law of God be revealed to their consciences, as it was to Paul, and they would see that they are sold under sin and must die to the carnal mind. Self must be slain.
How many are told by their churches that they don’t need to “fear” God. God is love. Just that paragraph above should put the “fear of God” into our hearts. A fear that will compel us to humble our hearts and slay our wicked hearts.
How sad and fearful the mistakes that many are making! They are building on the sand, but flatter themselves that they are riveted to the eternal Rock. Many who profess godliness are rushing on as recklessly, and are as insensible of their danger, as though there were no future judgment. A fearful retribution awaits them, and yet they are controlled by impulse and gross passion; they are filling out a dark life record for the judgment. I lift my voice of warning to all who name the name of Christ to depart from all iniquity. Purify your souls by obeying the truth. Cleanse yourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. You to whom this applies know what I mean. Even you who have corrupted your ways before the Lord, partaken of the iniquity that abounds, and blackened your souls with sin, Jesus still invites you to turn from your course, take hold of His strength, and find in Him that peace, power, and grace that will make you more than conquerors in His name.
And why do they think they are building on the “eternal Rock”? Because they go to church. They look to their church instead of to the “eternal Rock”. Therefore, their sand pile will collapse and they will die eternally. Church members are not taught “perfecting holiness in the fear of God”. No, they are taught, “saved by grace”.
The corruptions of this degenerate age have stained many souls who have been professedly serving God. But even now it is not too late for wrongs to be righted and for the blood of a crucified and risen Saviour to atone in your behalf if you repent and feel your need of pardon. We need now to watch and pray as never before, lest we fall under the power of temptation and leave the example of a life that is a miserable wreck. We must not, as a people, become careless and look upon sin with indifference. The camp needs purging. All who name the name of Christ need to watch and pray and guard the avenues of the soul; for Satan is at work to corrupt and destroy if the least advantage is given him.
My brethren, God calls upon you as His followers to walk in the light. You need to be alarmed. Sin is among us, and it is not seen to be exceedingly sinful. The senses of many are benumbed by the indulgence of appetite and by familiarity with sin. We need to advance nearer heaven. We may grow in grace and in the knowledge of the truth. Walking in the light, running in the way of God’s commandments, does not give the idea that we can stand still and do nothing. We must be advancing.
In today’s world, becoming familiar with sin is as simple as turning on the TV, going on-line or reading a newspaper. “Running in the way of God’s commandments” is not what we desire. We want to run in the way of our churches, denominations and religions. We want to have fun.
In self-love, self-exaltation, and pride there is great weakness; but in humility there is great strength. Our true dignity is not maintained when we think most of ourselves, but when God is in all our thoughts and our hearts are all aglow with love to our Redeemer and love to our fellow men. Simplicity of character and lowliness of heart will give happiness, while self-conceit will bring discontent, repining, and continual disappointment. It is learning to think less of ourselves and more of making others happy that will bring to us divine strength.
In our separation from God, in our pride and darkness, we are constantly seeking to elevate ourselves, and we forget that lowliness of mind is power. Our Saviour’s power was not in a strong array of sharp words that would pierce through the very soul; it was His gentleness and His plain, unassuming manners that made Him a conqueror of hearts. Pride and self-importance, when compared with lowliness and humility, are indeed weakness. We are invited to learn of Him who was meek and lowly of heart; then we shall experience that rest and peace so much to be desired. 3T 474-477.