My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
When most people read the Bible, they read it as if it were a novel, nice stories but has nothing to do with my “real” life. Faith in the Word of God for our “real” lives has been eroded by the churches. Those who claim to believe in God are the very ones destroying belief in God. For some reason, churches, denominations, ministers, pastors and teachers believe they have the right to add their own opinions while subtracting the underlying principles of God’s Word.
There was a time when people gave their lives to hear the Word of God. Few were able to own even a portion of the Bible. Yet they hungered for the Word of God. The church kept the Bible chained up. The church refused to let the population own or read the Bible for themselves. It had to be interpreted by the church. But with the Reformation of the 1500’s, the people were able to hear the Word of God without interpretation or church bias. It was taught straight from the pulpit.
The devil was not pleased with the unleashing of the Word of God. People wanted the Word of God because it was valuable and rare. Scarcity made it desirable. With the unchaining of the Word of God, the world was enlightened and prospered. Therefore, the devil played along. If you can’t beat them, join them. Soon the Bible was in every home. Not only one, but many Bibles where in the homes. It was available for everyone to read. With that availability came danger. Anyone with a Bible could now teach what they wanted. Disinformation became the game. With so many voices claiming to be of God, few read the Bible any more. What people died to obtain, now sits unused and unread in people’s lives.
Luke 11:14 to Luke 11:54
Jesus was driving out a demon that was mute. When the demon left, the man who had been mute spoke, and the crowd was amazed.
The devil has done a wonderful job of destroying our faith in God. Why are we amazed when God shows His loving powers? Is it because we have been brainwashed into thinking God hates us and is looking for every sin by which to destroy us? Why don’t we see a Father who loved us before we even knew we needed a loving Father. All love comes from God. But so few want to love the One who loves them, or even learn about His love. For some reason we have become scared of the love of God. How sad.
But some of them said, “By Beelzebul, the prince of demons, he is driving out demons.”
Basically it came down to two things: 1) Doubt! They really didn’t believe in God. We find that in our churches today. Most who go to church doubt God. 2) Church identity. If it wasn’t done in the name of “my” church, therefore, it could not be done by “God”. In saying that, the only other source had to be evil that did the “good”. How satanic.
Others tested him by asking for a sign from heaven.
They had seen two years of signs and wonders performed by Jesus, but to a doubting heart no amount of “sign from heaven” would convince them. Jesus wasn’t here to “convince” the world, He was here to show the world. By His life and death He demonstrated the love of God to the world . If they wanted to be convinced, all they had to do was open their eyes.
Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: “Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall.
Yes it will. millions of households are divided and falling today. The devil is working hard to destroy the family. The “Left” today is under the control of demons to demolish every institution and good God has set up for us. The “Left” hates God and is working to remove Him in every way possible from this nation and our lives. This “house” of America will fall as a God-given democracy if we let the devil divide us. “A wise man’s heart tends toward his right, but a fool’s heart tends toward his left.” Ecclesiastes 10:2.
If Satan is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand? I say this because you claim that I drive out demons by Beelzebul.
Satan’s government will not stand. His angels do fight among themselves. They are in constant warfare within their own “kingdom”. It cannot stand. It will fall. Every nation that rejected the principles of God has fallen. God gives it time to develop either His righteous principles or its evil principles and then it falls. When the world comes to the realization that God’s way is the only way that works, then Jesus will be able to come and destroy the world. Why? The world will come to the realization that the Ten Commandments are just, righteous and must be obeyed for the good of the nations. That means that the people of the world will eventually reject the wicked “Left” and return to the “Right” conservative principles. The problem is, they will accept all of the Commandments except the 4th Commandment. Therefore, when the world declares death to those who obey the 4th Commandment, God will have the right to declare death to the world.
We are in that situation today. God is withdrawing His Spirit a little in order for the world to see the chaos, destruction, misery and death the “Left” policies produce. Reasonable, thinking men and women are realizing that “freedom” is not in doing away with laws, but enforcing the laws. “But the one who looks at the perfect law (Ten Commandments) of freedom and remains committed to it—thereby demonstrating that he is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of what that law requires—will be blessed in what he does.” James 1:25. FREEDOM!
Now if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your followers drive them out?
As back then, so today, many who are filled with demons are driving out demons in the name of “god” in order to deceive the multitudes. It is all a show. And yes, they will be your judges. You see this happening in our politics today. The “Left” will cause riots, carnage and death and then blame the Right. It is all a show to divide and conquer.
So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
The Kingdom of God was standing before them. The embodiment of the Ten Commandments stood before them. The One who will come in the clouds of glory to destroy the wicked and save His people had “come upon you”. But they knew it not. They refused to look, study and examine for themselves. They trusted their church to their own destruction.
“When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe. But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up his plunder.
We are the “house” of God when we live in obedience to Jesus. He is “fully armed” and will guard “His own house” and keep us, “His possessions”, safe. But if we wander away from Jesus, evil is much stronger than us. It will plunder us and take away the “armor in which the man trusted”. We must never let temptation lead us away from Jesus. We must put on the whole armor of God, trusting in God’s strong armor to keep us safe. Never take it off!
The world is very tempting. The “Left” tempts people with free food, free education, free medical, free this and free that just to get you to lower your guard. You take off your armor and trust the state. And when you have been overpowered by the state, it will take away everything you have worked for.
The devil offers us free salvation, free eternal life, a free home in Heaven and freedom from the Law. Ok, how has that worked out in your life? Everything going smooth and peaceful?
“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
Over and over again Jesus reiterates that concept. Either we are living in obedience to Jesus, or we are against Him. We are with Jesus as we live in obedience to Him when He tells us to be perfect, stop sinning and to keep the Ten Commandments to get our eternal life. If not, you are not gathering with Jesus but scattering. As we live in obedience to Jesus, His love through us will gather people. “Come unto Me” is His invitation. But without the love of Jesus we will scatter people from us. Let us be gatherers and not scatterers.
“When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.”
Many “an impure spirit” has been eradicated from people who have accepted the truth. However, soon that person sits in church feeling content and happy. He has cleaned up his “house” and feels pretty good about himself. What he forgot to do was fill his house with Jesus. He has been doing the work of sweeping and putting in order by himself and forgot to fill the house with the Spirit of God. It was all a show. It will not take long before the impure spirit comes back to check out its old haunting grounds and finds it very habitable. Then he goes looking for roommates to share such a nice place with. Soon the alcohol bottles, cigarettes, drugs, women, money, position, work, pride, ego and other things have cluttered up the house “worse than the first”. We must be vigilant in keeping our house filled with the furnishings of the Spirit of God: humility, love, forgiveness, peace and joy, the fruits of living the Ten Commandments.
As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.” He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”
That woman was a good Catholic. Most of us are always looking around to praise someone other than Jesus. We praise our denominations, pastors, churches, and others, but Jesus would rather we “hear the Word of God and obey it”. That is all that counts. There is a lot of hearing, praising and shouting going on, but little obeying.
As the crowds increased, Jesus said, “This is a wicked generation.
Not very politically correct! Can you imagine someone coming to your church and stating, “This is a wicked congregation!” A lot of ears would close up, get up and walk out. And yet, churches are very wicked. They are taking the eyes and ears away from Jesus and His truths and placing them squarely on themselves. It is all about what the church says and does and nothing about our obligations to live in obedience to the teachings of Jesus.
And since our churches have been teaching lies, the people sitting in those churches are the ones running our government agencies. This is a “wicked generation”. Government is telling us lies. Government is telling us it will take care of us. It will heal us. It will educate us. All we have to do is obey it. People are trusting government instead of Jesus. But as you can see, people are beginning to rebel against government institutions. They are losing all faith in governmental agencies. By so doing, they will turn to their churches and unite with the Catholic Church to set up a “Christian” government to run the nations of the world.
It asks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah. For as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, so also will the Son of Man be to this generation. The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with the people of this generation and condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom; and now something greater than Solomon is here. The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and now something greater than Jonah is here.
Jonah was a “wetback” and had nothing when he entered Nineveh, and yet the people did not judge the man by his situation but listened to the message. The “Queen of the South” rose up and took gifts to Solomon, putting her throne at risk by traveled over twenty-five hundred miles to listen to Solomon. How few listen when God tells us to stop sinning, be perfect and to keep His Ten Commandments. How true it is that they will stand up in the judgment and condemn this generation. This is a wicked generation because it has rejected God in every aspect of their lives.
For 23 years God has used this little ministry to reach the people of the world. The world would never have chosen me for such an important job. But Jesus didn’t want the praise, honor or glory going to anyone but Himself. So He chose the stupidest, most reviled (an inmate), and most incompetent person on the face of the earth to be His messenger. God is checking hearts!
“No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.
Those who claim to have the light usually hide it in church. The church building is not the light. The “light” that is to shine is the Light of Jesus through us. We are to have His Light in us individually. Then we are to spread that light around so all may see. That “Light” is the character of Jesus, His perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping Light.
Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness. See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness. Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you.”
“When your eyes are healthy”. When you are able to see clearly! When you are able to see the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life of Jesus, you will then want to mimic that life. When you can see that Light and walk in it you will not walk in darkness. But our churches today are extinguishing that Light. It doesn’t matter how much of the Bible they read or quote to you. It doesn’t matter if they agree with 60% of His teachings. Only those with a 100 watt light will go to Heaven.
Walking around carrying a Bible is like carrying around a light bulb. Unless it is connected to power and turned on, it won’t do you any good. Many put thousands, if not millions of dollars into their churches and construct them in the most conspicuous places. But those attending are burned out light bulbs. It doesn’t matter how many light bulbs you have, if they do not work or are not turned on, you sit in darkness.
When Jesus had finished speaking, a Pharisee invited him to eat with him; so he went in and reclined at the table. But the Pharisee was surprised when he noticed that Jesus did not first wash before the meal.
As long as the Pharisee saw Jesus from a distance gathering crowds and healing the sick, not a problem. But when he saw Jesus up close and “noticed that Jesus did not first wash before the meal”, surprise! How terrible! We do the same in our religious lives. People look good at a distance when we view them on TV, the internet or the radio when all we see and hear are the acceptable things. But when we get closer and put our judging eye on them, how terrible! They don’t eat the right foods, speak and act so piously or think as we think. Truth is never to be judged by the messenger. We must, individually, take the time to do a thorough investigation of the “truth” that is being propagated. Never think that just because you haven’t heard what is being propagated makes it false. It doesn’t matter how long you have believed something, God requires us to continuously study and check everything that we think to be truth.
Then the Lord said to him, “Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You foolish people!
Most people who go to church are “foolish people”. They look clean on the outside, but the inside is “full of greed and wickedness”. Can you imagine what church members would do to one who told them, “You foolish people!”? We don’t want truth, we want platitudes, “goody-goody” speeches. Look at who got into the USA government in 2020. “Goody-goody” platitudes and praises were showered upon the Democratic candidates. Look how that turned out!
Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also? But now as for what is inside you—be generous to the poor, and everything will be clean for you.
We can make the outside of a cup look clean and sparkly, but would you drink out of it if it hadn’t been washed on the inside in a month or two? Personally, I don’t care what the outside of the cup looks like, I do care that the inside is clean. Remember, the Pharisees went out of their way to put on a show of being “generous to the poor”, but it was only a show. Can you relate that to our political parties today. The party that makes a show and noise about helping minorities and illegal aliens and criminals is doing nothing but making money off of them while destroying minorities, illegals, criminals and society.
“Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone.
Many have told me that tithing was only for the Old Testament. It goes to show how few people read with their eyes open. Most read with eyes wide shut. They read, but they interpret what they read by what their church tells them to understand. Here we have a very plain statement by Jesus that we are to continue the practice of tithing even in the New Testament. The problem was not tithing, but neglecting justice and the love of God. Oh, maybe justice and love were only for the Old Testament also. No, we must not neglect justice and the love of God, nor the former of giving “God a tenth”: tithe.
“Woe to you Pharisees, because you love the most important seats in the synagogues and respectful greetings in the marketplaces.
I’m sorry, but that sounds so much like our churches today. Pastors, elders, ministers and deacons are all vying for the “most important seats” to be seen by the congregation. Others must be called “reverend” or “pastor” or “elder”, etc. People have the same problem with the name “Jesus”. They are all hung up over what to call Him. Maybe we should just call Him what the angel said to call Him: Jesus. Let us look at each other, not from status, but from the heart.
“Woe to you, because you are like unmarked graves, which people walk over without knowing it.”
Would that be like saying they were all puffed up among themselves without even noticing that others didn’t care? You know, headstones thinking they are better than others, and then someone comes along and steps on them and there goes their ego.
One of the experts in the law answered him, “Teacher, when you say these things, you insult us also.”
Oh yes, “But that’s not me!” “You hurt my feelings”. “I have a degree from Andrews University”. So many trying to find a reason why they should not be included in the “insult”. Ever see that going on in your church?
Jesus replied, “And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.
We would be better off keeping quiet and investigating our own hearts to make sure our lives are sinless, perfect and Commandment keeping. Our churches are looking around at other churches going, “We are not like them!” “We go to church on the Sabbath!” And all the while they are loading people down with church burdens they can hardly carry while the pastor, General Conference President, leaders and ministers are not lifting the same burdens or help those under burdens. I am sure you have seen that attitude in our government leaders. Such hypocrisy!
“Woe to you, because you build tombs for the prophets, and it was your ancestors who killed them.
Have you noticed the money that goes into tombs? The Lutherans spend lots for Martin Luther’s tomb. There is money spent by the Methodist’s on Wesley’s tomb. Money spent by the Seventh-day Adventist’s on Ellen White’s tomb. The Catholics spend immense amount of funds on tombs of saints and shines. I’m sure the money could be better spent on the worthy poor.
So you testify that you approve of what your ancestors did; they killed the prophets, and you build their tombs.
There is more than one way to “kill” a prophet. We uphold them when they are dead, but we killed them in our thoughts, tongues, looks and writings while they were alive. The churches don’t even live by what their “prophets” taught and lived. But they sure can spend lavishly on them now that they are dead.
Because of this, God in his wisdom said, ‘I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and others they will persecute.’
God has given every generation an opportunity to repent and make their lives right. Fewer and fewer are making it right. Much easier to spend money on tombs for show than to change the character.
Therefore this generation will be held responsible for the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the beginning of the world, from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, this generation will be held responsible for it all.
And yes they were. The Jewish nation was totally destroyed, and the people were sent into exile to the ends of the earth. An exile that is still in effect. They have been scattered around the world.
“Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering.”
And so it was, and so it is. The “experts in the law” do not teach the teachings of Jesus to stop sinning, be perfect and to keep the Commandments to get eternal life. The experts refuse to enter that knowledge which unlocks eternal life. They have made up new “knowledge” to hinder those who are entering. The churches, denominations, religions, pastors, ministers and leaders have truly “taken away the key to knowledge” and substituted it with “saved by grace”, “unconditional love of God”, “can’t stop sinning”.
When Jesus went outside, the Pharisees and the teachers of the law began to oppose him fiercely and to besiege him with questions, waiting to catch him in something he might say.
How true! People, religions, churches and denominations oppose this ministry fiercely and besiege me with questions and wait to catch me in something I might say. Nothing has changed since Lucifer was cast out of Heaven.
Thank you for my “Change Your Life Biblically” book. I teach a discipleship class and I have shared the book with these classmates and others. We appreciate all your work and willingness to be led by God. I am sure that they will enjoy it as I do. Thanks again for all you do for the least of these.
Rodney, NC
Brother Ronald John,
I’m requesting the “Change Your Life Biblically”. I got your info from Greg. I’m trying to make a genuine change in my life.
Joel, CA
A brother turned me onto some knowledge and wisdom that you might be able to share with me. He told me to ask for a copy of the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”. If you can bless me with a copy of this book, it would be so much appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Jonathan, CA
Could you please send me a copy of your book called, “Change Your Life Biblically”?
Jesus, CA
I am sending this letter to say I am also interested in Bible studies.
Jason, WA
Dear JCPM,
Please send me the workbook, “Change Your Life Biblically”. I really enjoyed reading your testimony and it seems we have similar prison experiences.
Robert, CT
I’m interested in your free Christian book, “Change Your Life Biblically”. Can you please send me this book?
Sam, TN
I am interested in the opportunity to grow in Christ, learn and use what your organization has to offer me. Thank you and everyone that does for us.
Adam, TX
I am on 24 hour lock down. I have been on it for one year now. This time I have been set apart from the world and has been a wonderful time to grow into the wisdom and knowledge of my calling and purpose in life. I was fellowshipping with a brother and he highly recommended that I write to you in hopes of receiving some books. If it is possible, please send me “Change Your Life Biblically”. Thank you very much.
Joseph, FL
Dear Brother Ron,
Matthew 5:48 has echoed throughout my mind on a daily basis since starting this workbook. “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Coming up in a life of sin, it sounds like an impossible task. I am not Jesus! Only He can be perfect! Plus, He died for all of our sins! Anyway, perfection doesn’t matter! Poor excuses learned in a church where I never opened a Bible to know any better. When in fact, the Bible not only tells me out right that it is possible, but shows us how. Yes, the nature of man is to sin, however, the life of Christ is our guide to show us the way to that perfect sinless life.
For a long time I have been very aware of the mass manipulation and brainwashing taking place on a global level through the guise of many religions and other institutions. All claiming to be people of God. For a long time this made me skeptical of them all and overwhelmed by trying to sift for truth among the lies of man. Eventually I decided against conforming to any one altogether, because none of them have seemed to have gotten it right yet, and all have obvious faults. So, instead, I prayed and studied, knowing God gave us a mind to think and a brain to reason. I know how easy it is to be fooled when we allow others to do the thinking for us. God made the Bible available and easy to read and understand for a reason. God wants us to come and reason together so that we do not get brainwashed. It is easy for me to take what someone says and compare it to the clear words of God. If it doesn’t stand up to the wisdom of God, then I know to get away. They hide behind churches, titles and power, but through proper study into the Word of God I am now able to remove their mask and see them for the frauds and blatant liars they are. Only in discovering truth are we able to get to heaven and discover eternal salvation.
I still realize I am not quite there yet and still have some un-brainwashing to do. Simply because I am just now realizing my understanding of the word “faith” was completely distorted. I was the man turning the car key for 30 minutes. That was what I was led to believe my whole life. Blind faith. Not knowing all along God sent clear instructions and even a step-by-step process on attaining salvation through Peter. And that if I am to truly have faith in God and His Word, then I am to obey.
I am really working to change my life here. I am putting a lot into this and have began to read the “Book of Matthew with Commentary”. I appreciate having Duke to study with me as well.
Kendrick, KY
I am writing to see if it is possible for me to receive a copy of “Change Your Life Biblically”? I want to continue to grow in His Word. Thank you.
Skyler, FL
Dear Brother Ron,
First off, I want to say, “Thank you very much” for sending me this great workbook! I was really surprised by how fast it got to me. Also, after I read the back cover letter from “Jerry”, I was like, “That’s me!”. Different prison gang, but pretty much the same story. Talk about brainwashing. Well, I am no longer a member of a gang. And thank God for that. At the moment I am working my way out of Ad-Seg. Brother Ron, I ain’t going to lie. At first when I received the CYLB workbook and went through it, I was a bit discouraged. I was like, man this is a lot of work, and going to be hard. But like it says in Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for man”. And like you say, “The more you put into it, the more you receive out.” So, here I am writing with my first assignment. I realize that change for the better through Jesus is possible. But I must leave behind my past sinful life. I’ve been on the wrong road in and out of prison over half of my life. I have done nothing but caused harm and grief to myself and my loved ones. Now I am in here with life. JCPM and CYLB have come at the right time. Brother Ron, after reading your story and how you turned your life around and built this great workbook and prison ministry, as well as reading all of these other stories of people changing their lives around, I see that anything is possible through Jesus. I grew up Catholic. I can see how easily it is to be brainwashed. I must test everything. Truly, brother Ron, I am learning so much. CYLB has impacted my life immensely. I just want to thank you for creating such a wonderful prison ministry and book.
Ricardo, TX
Dear Brother Ron,
Can you please send me the answer sheets for CYLB? I also want to tell you, after reading, I learned a lot from it. I’ve been in a few different churches since I was born, and even at the young age of 54 now, I thought I knew all about God. Your book has taught me things I never even knew and I never realized I wasn’t a real Christian. You have taught me a lot. Thank you.
Darrin, FL
My Dear Family in Christ,
Love is a hard thing. To love someone is to help them improve their life. A coach who loves his players does not coddle them. He doesn’t let them train as easy as they want. He doesn’t let them eat as much as they want, when they want. He reproves their mistakes, bad habits and wrong thinking in order to produce men who can handle the hard life of the sport.
We are in the “sport” of our lives. But this “sport” has consequence that have to do with eternal life or eternal death. Our Coach is attempting to reprove, rebuke and correct our sinful lives so we will make it to the finish line and cross over. However, most players refuse to accept the “love” of the Coach and continue playing the game their own way. They don’t see any reason to change their playing technics. They are satisfied with the way they play. Let us listen carefully to the rebukes of our Coach and change our lives before we fail the game.
Elijah Reproves Ahab
The people of Israel had gradually lost their fear and reverence for God until His word through Joshua had no weight with them. “In his [Ahab’s] days did Hiel the Bethelite build Jericho: he laid the foundation thereof in Abiram his first-born, and set up the gates thereof in his youngest son Segub, according to the word of the Lord, which he spake by Joshua the son of Nun.”
There is no reverence for God today. A lot of show of reverence and piety, but few reverence God enough to live in obedience to Him. The words of God’s prophets have no weight in the world today. It is all about man’s word, man’s opinions and what “I want to do”. Hiel wanted to rebuild Jericho against the word of God. He lost two of his sons. What are you willing to lose?
While Israel was apostatizing, Elijah remained a loyal and true prophet of God. His faithful soul was greatly distressed as he saw that unbelief and infidelity were fast separating the children of Israel from God, and he prayed that God would save His people. He entreated that the Lord would not wholly cast away His sinning people, but that He would by judgments if necessary arouse them to repentance and not permit them to go to still greater lengths in sin and thus provoke Him to destroy them as a nation.
Sometimes our love has to get tough in order to save the soul. I have turned my children over to God to deal with them as He sees fit, no matter how tough He must get in order to wake them up. I pray it won’t be too late.
The message of the Lord came to Elijah to go to Ahab with the denunciations of His judgments because of the sins of Israel. Elijah traveled day and night until he reached the palace of Ahab. He solicited no admission, and waited not to be formally announced. All unexpectedly to Ahab, Elijah stands before the astonished king of Samaria in the coarse garments usually worn by the prophets. He makes no apology for his abrupt appearance, without invitation; but, raising his hands to heaven, he solemnly affirms by the living God, who made the heavens and the earth, the judgments which would come upon Israel: “There shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.”
Sinners need to be awakened. We must be so close to God that we are willing to take our complaints to God and listen for Him to tell us what to do. We are to reprove sin. Elijah loved the sinner but hated the sin. He wanted to save Israel from the disaster he knew would come if they didn’t repent. What could he do? He prayed and pleaded with God for the salvation of the sinner. Then when God showed him his duty, he did it. Are you doing your duty?
This startling denunciation of God’s judgments because of the sins of Israel fell like a thunderbolt upon the apostate king. He seemed to be paralyzed with amazement and terror; and before he could recover from his astonishment, Elijah, without waiting to see the effect of his message, disappeared as suddenly as he came. His work was to speak the word of woe from God, and he instantly withdrew. His word had locked up the treasures of heaven, and his word was the only key which could open them again.
For most, they want to give the denunciation and then smugly wait around, like Jonah, to see the wrath of God against sinners. Or they wait around for approbations and congratulations. Not Elijah. He loved Israel and the king. He was not interested in waiting around. He just did his duty and left. We need to study our Old Testaments more.
The Lord knew that there was no safety for His servant among the children of Israel. He would not trust him with apostate Israel, but sent him to find an asylum among a heathen nation. He directed him to a woman who was a widow and who was in such poverty that she could barely sustain life with the most meager fare. A heathen woman living up to the best light she had was in a more acceptable state with God than the widows of Israel, who had been blessed with special privileges and great light, and yet did not live according to the light which God had given them. As the Hebrews had rejected light, they were left in darkness, and God would not trust His servant among His people, who had provoked His divine anger.
The same is happening today. Those who have been given great light are not living by that light. They have rejected it. Oh, they may assent to it, but they refuse to live by it. Therefore, God is sending this little ministry, God’s present-day Elijah, to those with less light but with hearts willing to live by the new light they will be receiving. It so hurts me when church people reject what God has and is teaching through this ministry.
Now there is an opportunity for apostate Ahab and pagan Jezebel to test the power of their gods and to prove the word of Elijah false. Jezebel’s prophets are numbered by hundreds. Against them all stands Elijah, alone. His word has locked heaven. If Baal can give dew and rain, and cause vegetation to flourish; if he can cause the brooks and streams to flow on as usual, independent of the treasures of heaven in the showers of rain, then let the king of Israel worship him and the people say that he is God.
Elijah was a man subject to like passions as ourselves. His mission to Ahab, and the terrible denunciation to him of the judgments of God, required courage and faith. On his way to Samaria the perpetually flowing streams, the hills covered with verdure, the forests of stately, flourishing trees,—everything his eye rested upon flourishing in beauty and glory,—would naturally suggest unbelief. How can all these things in nature, now so flourishing, be burned with drought? How can these streams that water the land and that have never been known to cease their flow, become dry? But Elijah did not cherish unbelief. He went forth on his mission at the peril of his life. He fully believed that God would humble His apostate people and that through the visitation of His judgments He would bring them to humiliation and repentance. He ventured everything in the mission before him.
Those of us who know the prophecies and the predictions from the prophets of God also look around and wonder how they could ever be fulfilled. Yet, we continue on our mission at the peril of our lives. I truly believe God’s Word. I have ventured everything in this mission God has given me. I believe!
When Ahab recovers in a degree from his astonishment at the words of Elijah, the prophet is gone. He makes diligent inquiry for him, but no one has seen him or can give any information respecting him. Ahab informs Jezebel of the word of woe that Elijah has uttered in his presence, and her hatred against the prophet is expressed to the priests of Baal. They unite with her in denouncing and cursing the prophet of Jehovah. The news of the prophet’s denunciations spread throughout the land, arousing the fears of some and the wrath of many.
There is so much hatred against God’s Word by the churches, pastors, denominations and teachers of the world today. They do denounce and curse the truth we teach. But I am not afraid of man. What can man do to me. The devil has tried to kill me over five times that I know of. God has never allowed him to succeed. I trust my God. I wish I could do more for Him. But right now, like Elijah sitting quietly in the home of the poor woman and her son, so I sit quietly in the desert doing the job God has called me to.
After a few months the earth, unrefreshed by dew or rain, becomes dry, and vegetation withers. The streams that have never been known to cease their flow, decrease, and the brooks dry up. Jezebel’s prophets offer sacrifices to their gods and call upon them night and day to refresh the earth by dew and rain. But the incantations and deceptions formerly practiced by them to deceive the people do not answer the purpose now. The priests have done everything to appease the anger of their gods; with a perseverance and zeal worthy of a better cause have they lingered around their pagan altars, while the flames of sacrifice burn on all the high places, and the fearful cries and entreaties of the priests of Baal are heard night after night through doomed Samaria. But the clouds do not appear in the heavens to cut off the burning rays of the sun. The word of Elijah stands firm, and nothing that Baal’s priests can do will change it.
I wonder if the same isn’t happening today. Not just in nature, but in humanity. I see the civility of society withering up. I see the Christian virtues drying up. I see the world lingering around the pagan altars of fame and money. The world is definitely trying to appease their gods. Men and women through legislation think they can manipulate nature and save the world. But God is in control of nature. Our characters will decide the fate of the world.
An entire year passes, and another commences, and yet there is no rain. The earth is parched as though a fire had passed over it. The flourishing fields are as the scorching desert. The air becomes dry and suffocating, and the dust-storm blinds the eyes and nearly stops the breath. The groves of Baal are leafless, and the forest trees give no shade, but appear as skeletons. Hunger and thirst are telling upon man and beast with fearful mortality.
We are told that just before the coming of Christ there will be a real hungering and thirsting for the Word of God. But the churches are not filling the people with truth. Their lies are not really fulfilling, but the people don’t want the truth. It is too much trouble to change their lives.
All this evidence of God’s justice and judgment does not awaken Israel to repentance. Jezebel is filled with insane madness. She will not bend nor yield to the God of heaven. Baal’s prophets, Ahab, Jezebel, and nearly the whole of Israel, charge their calamity upon Elijah. Ahab has sent to every kingdom and nation in search of the strange prophet and has required an oath of the kingdoms and nations of Israel that they know nothing in regard to him. Elijah had locked heaven with his word and had taken the key with him, and he could not be found.
This will happen! The world will be so angry at God that they will search out those of us who have been teaching truth and will try to kill us. Their wrath will be poured out on us. Their ministers, pastors, teachers, churches, denominations and religions will blame God’s messengers, but refuse to submit to God’s laws.
Jezebel then decides that as she cannot make Elijah feel her murderous power, she will be revenged by destroying the prophets of God in Israel. No one who professed to be a prophet of God shall live. This determined, infuriated woman executes her work of madness by slaying the Lord’s prophets. Baal’s priests and nearly all Israel are so far deluded that they think that if the prophets of God were slain, the calamity under which they are suffering would be averted.
But the second year passes, and the pitiless heavens give no rain. Drought and famine are doing their sad work, and yet the apostate Israelites do not humble their proud, sinful hearts before God; but they murmur and complain against the prophet of God who brought this dreadful state of things upon them. Fathers and mothers see their children perish, with no power to relieve them. And yet the people are in such terrible darkness that they cannot see that the justice of God is awakened against them because of their sins and that this terrible calamity is sent in mercy to them to save them from fully denying and forsaking the God of their fathers.
How true that will be. The nations are so far in darkness, along with all the religions, denominations, churches, pastors and teachers, they are not able to see their sins. They cannot fathom that God would bring such calamity against them. After all, God loves and we are saved by grace.
It cost Israel suffering and great affliction to be brought to that repentance that was necessary in order to recover their lost faith and a clear sense of their responsibility to God. Their apostasy was more dreadful than drought or famine. Elijah waited and prayed in faith through the long years of drought and famine that the hearts of Israel, through their affliction, might be turned from their idolatry to allegiance to God. But notwithstanding all their sufferings, they stood firm in their idolatry and looked upon the prophet of God as the cause of their calamity. And if they could have had Elijah in their power they would have delivered him to Jezebel, that she might satisfy her revenge by taking his life. Because Elijah dared to utter the word of woe which God bade him, he made himself the object of their hatred. They could not see God’s hand in the judgments under which they were suffering because of their sins, but charged them to the man Elijah. They abhorred not the sins which had brought them under the chastening rod, but hated the faithful prophet, God’s instrument to denounce their sins and calamity.
“And it came to pass after many days, that the word of the Lord came to Elijah in the third year, saying, Go, show thyself unto Ahab; and I will send rain upon the earth.” Elijah hesitates not to start on his perilous journey. For three years he had been hated, and hunted from city to city by the mandate of the king, and the whole nation have given their oath that he cannot be found. And now, by the word of God, he is to present himself before Ahab.
During the apostasy of all Israel, and while his master is a worshiper of Baal, the governor of Ahab’s house has proved faithful to God. At the risk of his own life he has preserved the prophets of God by hiding them by fifties in a cave and feeding them. While the servant of Ahab is searching throughout the kingdom for springs and brooks of water, Elijah presents himself before him. Obadiah reverenced the prophet of God, but as Elijah sends him with a message to the king, he is greatly terrified. He sees danger and death to himself and also to Elijah. He pleads earnestly that his life may not be sacrificed; but Elijah assures him with an oath that he will see Ahab that day. The prophet will not go to Ahab but as one of God’s messengers, to command respect, and he sends a message by Obadiah: “Behold, Elijah is here.” If Ahab wants to see Elijah, he now has the opportunity to come to him. Elijah will not go to Ahab.
With astonishment mingled with terror the king hears the message that Elijah whom he fears and hates, is coming to meet him. He has long sought for the prophet that he might destroy him, and he knows that Elijah would not expose his life to come to him unless guarded or with some terrible denunciation. He remembers the withered arm of Jeroboam and decides that it is not safe to lift up his hand against the messenger of God. And with fear and trembling, and with a large retinue and an imposing display of armies, he hastens to meet Elijah. And as he meets face to face the man whom he has so long sought, he dares not harm him. The king, so passionate, and so filled with hatred against Elijah, seems to be powerless and unmanned in his presence. As he meets the prophet he cannot refrain from speaking the language of his heart: “Art thou he that troubleth Israel?” Elijah, indignant, and jealous for the honor and glory of God, answers the charge of Ahab with boldness: “I have not troubled Israel; but thou, and thy father’s house, in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the Lord.”
There will come a time when the “Loud Cry” will go out to the world that God is about to destroy them because they “have forsaken the commandments of the Lord”. There will be little opportunity for repentance. The nations have fallen so far it will be almost impossible to change. Yet, they must know and understand that what is about to happen is because of their sins and actions against God’s people.
The prophet, as God’s messenger, had reproved the sins of the people, denouncing upon them the judgments of God because of their wickedness. And now, standing alone in conscious innocence, firm in his integrity, surrounded by the train of armed men, Elijah shows no timidity, neither does he show the least reverence to the king. The man whom God has talked with, and who has a clear sense of how God regards man in his sinful depravity, has no apology to make to Ahab nor homage to give him. As God’s messenger, Elijah now commands and Ahab at once obeys as though Elijah were monarch and he the subject. 3T 273-278.