My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I fear for Christianity. Yes, God’s work will go forward. Yes, He will win in the end. Yes, Christians will be eternally saved. However, none of that has to do with what is called “Christian” today. “Christian” today is simply going to church. Being a “Christian” today is simply saying, “I’m a Christian”. Church members think they belong to Jesus because they believe in a historical figure called Jesus.
Pastors, church leaders and denominations are teaching because they think they serve Jesus. They think they are entitled to be a pastor or church leader because they know some Bible information or have received a degree. Nothing could be further from the truth.
True Christianity is a change of heart, habits, thoughts and actions. It has nothing to do with a “belief” and everything to do with work. Paul is very plain on this, even though the “Christians” of today refuse to listen. Paul says, “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” Philippians: 2:12, 13. The key is “His good pleasure”, not your church, pastor or denomination. If you are not working out your salvation for His good pleasure, you do not have God working within you. And what is God’s “good pleasure”? Jesus told us, “Be perfect”, “stop sinning” and “If you would enter life, keep the Commandments.” Matthew 5:48, John 5:14, Matthew 19:17.
The book of Galatians is a letter to Christians encouraging them in their obedience (works) to Jesus. To keep their minds on Jesus and His sacrifice and off of this “present evil world”. Good advice for Christians today. Christians today are very removed from Jesus and His gospel. It is all about the gospel of church, denomination and personal opinion.
Galatians 1:1 to Galatians 1:24
Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;) And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:
I understand Paul. Millions of people love the Lord and want to serve Him. Thousands decide to go to theological schools to become hirable to churches and denominations. Many start their own ministries because they have a desire to help others. Yet, in my case, like Paul, I was called directly to this work by the Lord Jesus Christ through His Spirit. It was, as it was with Paul, a most profound experience. Even today, as I look back upon it, it is something very difficult for me to understand or explain.
Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, . . .
Peace is only available from God the Father and Jesus. Why? Because when you believe in Jesus you recognize that you are putting your trust into someone who not only knows the future but has the power to protect you and provide for your needs. That is someone you can have peace and rest in. People putting their faith, hope and peace in a bank may wake up one morning with nothing. Therefore, they have no peace. People putting their faith in a church or denomination are finding there is no peace there either.
. . . Who gave himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father:
Did you catch that? God is our Father. He is a Father who loves us. Because of the Love of God for us poor creatures, it was His will that Jesus should give His life for our sins. It is His will to deliver us from evil. Evil hurts. Evil destroys. Evil leads to eternal death. Yet, just because it is His “will” doesn’t mean He “can”. It must also be our “will”. He can’t force one person to stop sinning. He can’t force one person to get out of this present evil world. He gave His life in order to open the door (Justification), but unless we abide by the rules of that deliverance (Sanctification) we will never make it to Heaven. We must walk through the door He has opened.
To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
He does deserve our praise. He does deserve glory. No praise or glory are ever to come to us. And yet, everything we do is bringing glory and praise to ourselves. Right? Why do you do what you do? How about your church? Do you bring glory to it instead of Jesus? Do you talk about your church? Do you bring people to your church? Why not bring glory to Jesus by talking about Him? Why not bring glory to Jesus by bringing people to Him?
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from Him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Pastors, churches and denominations use this verse to keep members under their control. “See! You can’t believe anything other than what I have taught you.” How sad. They are the ones removing people from Jesus and taking them “unto another gospel”. Jesus never taught the gospel the churches and pastors of the world today are teaching.
Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
“The gospel of Christ”. There it is. It isn’t the gospel of your church, pastor or denomination. It is the gospel of Christ. What was the gospel of Christ?
“And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom.” Matthew 9:35.
1) Stop sinning. John 8:11
2) Be perfect. Matthew 5:48
3) Keep the Ten Commandments to get your eternal life. Matthew 19:17
That is the gospel Paul is warning the Galatians not to depart from. Anything other than that gospel “is not another”. They “pervert the gospel of Christ” when they try to tell you that you are “saved by grace” and no longer “under the law”. They are perverting the gospel of Christ when they tell you that the law is done away with. Paul was faced with the same troubles that we are meeting today. The devil never gives up.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
And they are! Deuteronomy lays down the curses and the blessing for those who either disobey the gospel or obey it. Nothing in the New Testament is any different from the Old Testament for our salvation. The devil tried hard to move the Israelites away from the gospel of Jesus. Finally he succeeded so well that God had to destroy the nation and send them into the Babylonian Captivity. When they came back to their homes they made a new covenant to live in obedience to the Law. However, by the time of Jesus they were not living in obedience to the Law. “Has not Moses given you the law? Yet none of you keeps the law.” John 7:19. Therefore, they were being cursed.
I would like to bring to your attention a very important point. When the Old Testament talks about going back to, or finding, the “book of the law”, they are only referring to the book of Deuteronomy. The prophets are not talking about the first five books, the Pentateuch. As the Israelites were about to enter the Promised Land, Moses laid out the Ten Commandments and the curses and blessings that would come from either disobeying them or obeying them. We need to read Deuteronomy more often. It teaches the gospel!
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
Paul is doing nothing more than what the Old Testament did. He emphasized over and over again the importance of not departing from the Ten Commandments. But the people just don’t want to hear it. The churches today are filled with “another gospel”. But it isn’t the one Jesus taught. The “gospel” Paul and the disciples taught was the gospel taught in the Old Testament. The gospel, “good news”, was what Jesus taught Adam, Cain and all the Old Testament people: “If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis 4:7. “Love the Lord your God by walking in His ways and by observing His commands.” Deuteronomy 30:16.
For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
Pleasing men! Isn’t that what it is all about? I don’t know of any religion, denomination, church or pastor that isn’t out to “please men”. After all, if they don’t please men they don’t get paid. Interesting to hear Paul. “For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.” Very plain! You can’t serve both God and man. It is either one or the other. Either you serve your church or you serve God. Can’t be both.
I like the part, “or God?”. How true. The churches, pastors and denominations are working very hard to persuade God that He needs to change His Law. That was the argument Lucifer gave. He got tired of keeping the Law and thought it needed to be changed. The churches, pastors and denominations are all falling in behind Lucifer and supporting his claim.
But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.
The gospel of the Old Testament is not “after man”. It wasn’t to please man. God gave the “good news” in order to bring man back into oneness with God. That means man had to give up his sins, his earthly desires and live in obedience to the character of God: Ten Commandments.
For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.
There are two things going on here, and we must be very careful. First, we must never just take one text and build a theology around it. We must look closely at all the other texts pertinent to the topic. In this case, Paul kept referring people back to the Old Testament for the truths they needed for their salvation. Therefore, what was Paul taught “by the revelation of Jesus Christ”? Well, Paul didn’t know Jesus in the flesh, so, Jesus revealed Himself to Paul personally. That was the “revelation”. Since Jesus is the “gospel” in the flesh, Paul received it and then realized that the whole Old Testament is a revelation of Jesus. Now he saw the Old Testament with new eyes and could teach it as the “revelation” of Jesus and the gospel.
The churches, pastors and denominations of the world today claim that Paul has a “new” gospel for us. The he was given a new revelation that overrides what Jesus taught in both the Old Testament and in the first four books of the New Testament. How insane! When Jesus left the earth to go back to His Father, listen carefully what He said. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, . . . teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19, 20. Why would He command them to teach the world what He had commanded them, if He was going to change it?
For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews’ religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it:
Many today are as Paul was. They persecute and waste the “church of God”. I’m talking about pastors, teachers, church people, denominations and religions, who, as Paul was, are persecuting and wasting the “church of God” from their positions within their churches. The “church of God” Paul was talking about were those who live by the teachings of Jesus to stop sinning, be perfect and to keep the Ten Commandments to get eternal life. The religions, denominations and churches of today hate the “church of God”.
And profited in the Jews’ religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers.
Oh yes. If you hate the truth you will be “exceedingly zealous” for the traditions of your church and denomination. If you are not striving to live the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life, you have nothing in your life except the traditions, rites, ceremonies and services of your church and denomination. None of that will get you into Heaven. Paul was so good at keeping the traditions of the “fathers” that he was being promoted ahead of his peers.
But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace, to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:
Why was he called to preach Jesus “among the heathen”? Because his church was trying to destroy all who believed in Jesus and His truth to stop sinning, be perfect and keep the Ten Commandments to get eternal life. And why was that? Because he, as you and I are, was called to “reveal His Son in me”. That is our only mission in this life.
Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus.
For most to become a pastor in churches today, they must first go before man and learn from man the wisdom of man and of the church and denomination. Paul would have none of that. He had the wisdom of man and church and it did him no good for eternal life. None of it taught him to live in obedience to the Ten Commandments.
Therefore, he left the church and went into Arabia to be alone with God. He was well educated in the Old Testament. As he studied the Old Testament the Spirit of God was able to bring to his attention what the church was trying to hide. Now he saw clearly what the gospel was.
Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days.
Why Peter? I’m sure Paul had heard of Peter’s denial and conversion. Paul needed some assurance that even he could be forgiven. Then again, there may not have been too many disciples left in Jerusalem for Paul to visit. Most were being hunted and had left for other lands.
But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord’s brother.
If I was Paul, I would want to talk to James, “the Lord’s brother”, to learn all I could about Jesus from childhood on up. What a revelation that must have been to Paul. How awesome to sit at the feet of James and let him share the beauty of the character of Jesus as He grew up. I am sure James wept often as he related the story, thinking how many times he brought grief to Jesus.
Now the things which I write unto you, behold, before God, I lie not.
Keep in mind, the early Christians came out of their church. The church was not teaching the truth for eternal life. Therefore, Paul is wanting them to understand that he was not teaching the “church gospel”, but the gospel Jesus taught from the Old Testament. Could the Christians trust him?
Afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Cilicia; and was unknown by face unto the churches of Judaea which were in Christ:
No, they didn’t know him personally, “by face”, but they had heard of him.
But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed. And they glorified God in me.
Can people glorify God in you? Are you persecuting those of us who teach the gospel as Jesus taught it: to stop sinning, be perfect and to keep the Ten Commandments to get eternal life? Let us all receive the same “revelation” Paul received and begin revealing the glory of God “in me”.
Dear Brother Ron,
I’ve had your letter since 7-2-23. The same day I saw parole. I fear you are not going to be happy with me. After what parole done to me, I needed some time.
Parole raised my defer from a 6 to an 11 month defer. Everyone was surprised. So was I, but, I should have known better. Even staff and other inmates were surprised.
Brother Ron, I’m done. I’m done with religion. Don’t misunderstand, I know God is real. I know Christ is real. I just don’t care anymore. I accept that I will be cast into hell at judgment and die the second death. Be no more! I accept that.
You showed and helped me see and learn the truth. Thank you for that. I will forever be grateful for that alone. While I know I have received blessings over the 42 years I’ve been in prison, I have also been in hell. All I’ve wanted was a second chance at life. I have watched men who have actually committed murder be released after 20-35 years. Men who do not believe.
Brother Ron, I enjoy the newsletter and hope I may continue to receive it. I am going to stop writing and take a break. I have your address so, if in the future you receive a letter from me, out of the blue, don’t be surprised. I just don’t see how things can be any worse.
Duke, Butch, you boys take care of daddy. Thank you for everything, my friend. Do not think of this as a failure.
James, (an inmate)
(My heart goes out to James. Since 2016 we have communicated. James read the book, “Change Your Life Biblically” along with the Conflict of the Ages series. He has been receiving all the monthly newsletters. He knows the truth in his head, but he never let it into his heart.
James’ experience is no different than people who go to church. They listen, read and study, but it is only head knowledge. They haven’t put it into their hearts. They go to church and study and, like the Pharisees, do all the church activities thinking they can “earn” God’s blessings and “get” what they want from God. But when they don’t get what they want, they give it all up.
That is not how it works. The truth must be in the heart. We must live, practice and demonstrate in our lives the principles of the Ten Commandments if we want our prayers to be heard. “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.” Proverbs 28:9. That “hearing” isn’t just listening, it must be understanding. As Jesus said, “Indeed, in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says: ‘You will indeed hear but never understand, and you will indeed see but never perceive.’” Matthew 13:14.
I pray that each of you begin understanding how to live the Ten Commandments in your life. If you let them into your heart, all your prayers will be answered.)
I just wanted to introduce myself and say “Thank you” for reaching out and sharing your story. I felt it. For a few months I had lost faith and stopped reading the Bible. Your Bible study questions brought back my faith. Thank you.
Jonathon, NJ
To Jesus Christ Prison Ministry,
I just got your introductory newsletter. I am not sure how you got my address, but I’m glad you did. I need all the spiritual help I can get. I’m getting out in a few months. I don’t have a solid foundation to land on. I know God’s got a plan for me. I just don’t have the faintest idea what it is. I’m just taking it one day at a time. That is all I’m able to do right now. I would love to get your Bible study. It sounds right up my ally. Thanks for your support of prisoners. We really need it!
Brian, VA
I am writing this letter to you because I got a little book somebody gave me about your ministry, where you talk a little about your testimony. I agree on a lot of stuff you talk about. I’m in the minority that agree here in prison about the Sabbath and keeping the Commandments. Jesus did not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. Not everybody sees like that. But what really got me curious about your ministry was what happened to me the day I got your booklet. I’m reading my Bible that morning in Deuteronomy 5:29-32 and I wrote it down on a paper and taped it to my desk as a reminder. Later on that day a friend gave me your booklet. I’ve been locked up 20 years. Like Paul I was a persecutor of the brethren. I accepted Jesus in 2016.
Mando, TX
Dear Ron,
I found your story and testimony very inspiring. What you do is amazing and I just want to thank you for all the hard work you put in for your ministry. I have always been a Christian but I’m just now reconnecting with the Lord. I am in a Federal holding facility awaiting sentencing on conspiracy charges and would love the book, “Change Your Life Biblically” so I can start my studies. I have also enclosed a few of my fellow inmates’ information who would like to study as well.
Clayton, MO
I was reading JCPM introductory issue and it touched me. I can relate to all the stuff you said. In fact, I am going through the same problems with staff and inmates. They see me reading the Bible all day and I am the enemy no matter what. Thank you,
Kevin, NJ
Dear Brother Ron,
This really opened my eyes. I was blind to the truth of God and what He wants for the ones who faithfully follow His Word and laws. Satan can be very deceiving and don’t want us to obey His Word and laws. Thanks so much for reaching out to me.
Eddie, MN
I’m new to reading the Bible and want to take my relationship with God to a good/better level so I can learn to walk the right way in life. I have 4 kids and need guidance and help. Thank you,
Andrew, OR
Hello Ron,
God bless. I am writing because I finished with my state time and now have been turned over to the Bureau of Prisons to complete the Federal sentence that I have. I am requesting another book due to the fact that they didn’t let me bring anything with me. Not even my study Bible. I had to have another one ordered. Thank you for all that you do in spreading God’s Word. It means so much to so many. I am also listing a few names that asked me to help them
Joshua, AR
Dear Ronald John,
I just would like to say thank you for sending me an Introductory Issue of the Jesus Christ Prison Ministry. I don’t know how or what made you and your company send me that, but I read it and loved it. I believe the Lord is telling me something to change my life around. I am requesting my own Bible study and get your book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.
Rudy, AZ
Dear JCPM,
I am writing to you because I want to be part of the course book you provide to inmates. A friend gave me your information so I would be able to write to you. So, here I am. I am a lifer and have been in prison for 14 years.
James, CA
Dear JCPM,
Thank you for bringing God into my life and being here for me in these dark times. I was a follower of Christ already and you made me look at things in a whole different light. I would love a copy of “Change Your Life Biblically”. The real purpose for this letter is because I want to be closer to Jesus. I have so many sins and want to be washed clean. I want to turn away from my sin and I need Jesus’ help. I am surrounded by people who live in sin and drugs.
Adam, AZ
I got this address and I would like to request a Bible study so I can have my life changed by the time I get out. I want to continue to walk with the Lord.
Armando, TX
Dear JCPM,
I was moved during the pandemic and they misplaced the book you sent me. Would you please be willing to send me the book again? I was enjoying the work and learning more than some of the other Bible studies I have done. Am I able to send you donations/tithes?
Cyril, KS
To Whom It May Concern,
I came across your program in a book called “Prison Education Guide”. It stated you provide correspondence Bible study programs to inmate and I am interested in learning more. Please send me more information and the first course so I may get started right away. Thank you,
Daniel, NM
Dear Ron,
You sent me your history of your ministry with the questions to receive a book. I’ve been a Christian for seven years. The Lord has been really good to me as He has been with you. You are spot on with inmates in here. All want to be teachers but none want to be taught. I would like to read your book.
Daniel, CA
Hello JCPM,
I recently received your JCPM testimony and as severely backslidden, I was struck with a spark of rekindling by the Holy Spirit. All I really want to say is thank you for your testimony. It really hit home when I needed it most.
Shawn, CA
Good-day JCPM,
I’ve been studying with over a dozen Bible study ministries from Florida to Washington and Texas and not any of them offer what your ministry offers. Thank you for this special opportunity and I commend you all very well for visiting us least of these.
Zachary, TX
My Dear Family in Christ,
Withholding Means
The blessing of God will rest upon those in —– who have the cause of Christ at heart. The freewill offerings of our brethren and sisters, made in faith and love to the crucified Redeemer, will bring back blessings to them; for God marks and remembers every act of liberality on the part of His saints. In . . ., there must be a great exercise of faith and trust in God. In business transactions those who venture nothing make but little advancement; why not have faith also in an enterprise for God and invest in His cause?
Some, when in poverty, are generous with their little; but as they acquire property, they become penurious. The reason they have so little faith is that they do not keep moving forward as they prosper, and give to the cause of God even at a sacrifice.
In the Jewish system it was required that beneficence should first be shown to the Lord. At the harvest and the vintage the first fruits of the field—the corn, the wine, and the oil—were to be consecrated as an offering to the Lord. The gleanings and the corners of the fields were reserved for the poor. Our gracious heavenly Father did not neglect the wants of the poor. The first fruits of the wool when the sheep were shorn, of the grain when the wheat was threshed, were to be offered to the Lord; and it was commanded that the poor, the widows, the orphans, and the strangers, be invited to their feasts. At the close of every year all were required to make solemn oath whether or not they had done according to the command of God.
This arrangement was made by the Lord to impress upon the people that in every matter He must be first. By this system of benevolence they were to bear in mind that their gracious Master was the true proprietor of their fields, their flocks, and their herds; that the God of heaven sent them sunshine and rain for their seedtime and harvest, and that everything they possessed was of His creation. All was the Lord’s, and He had made them stewards of His goods.
The liberality of the Jews in the construction of the tabernacle and the erection of the temple illustrates a spirit of benevolence which has not been equaled by Christians of any later date. They had just been freed from their long bondage in Egypt and were wanderers in the wilderness; yet scarcely were they delivered from the armies of the Egyptians who pursued them in their hasty journey, when the word of the Lord came to Moses, saying: “Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring Me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take My offering.”
His people had small possessions and no flattering prospect of adding to them; but an object was before them—to build a tabernacle for God. The Lord had spoken, and they must obey His voice. They withheld nothing. All gave with a willing hand, not a certain amount of their increase, but a large portion of their actual possessions. They devoted it gladly and heartily to the Lord, and pleased Him by so doing. Was it not all His? Had He not given them all they possessed? If He called for it, was it not their duty to give back to the Lender His own?
No urging was needed. The people brought even more than was required, and were told to desist, for there was already more than could be appropriated. Again, in building the temple, the call for means met with a hearty response. The people did not give reluctantly. They rejoiced in the prospect of a building being erected for the worship of God, and donated more than enough for the purpose. David blessed the Lord before all the congregation, and said: “But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort? for all things come of Thee, and of Thine own have we given Thee.” Again in his prayer David gave thanks in these words: “O Lord our God, all this store that we have prepared to build Thee an house for Thine holy name cometh of Thine hand, and is all Thine own.”
David well understood from whom came all his bounties. Would that those of this day who rejoice in a Saviour’s love could realize that their silver and gold are the Lord’s and should be used to promote His glory, not grudgingly retained to enrich and gratify themselves. He has an indisputable right to all that He has lent His creatures. All that they possess is His.
There are high and holy objects that require means, and money thus invested will yield to the giver more elevated and permanent enjoyment than if it were expended in personal gratification or selfishly hoarded for greed of gain. When God calls for our treasure, whatever the amount may be, the willing response makes the gift a consecrated offering to Him and lays up for the giver a treasure in heaven that moth cannot corrupt, that fire cannot consume, nor thieves break in and steal. The investment is safe. The money is placed in bags that have no holes; it is secure.
Can Christians, who boast of a broader light than had the Hebrews, give less than they? Can Christians living near the close of time be satisfied with their offerings when not half so large as were those of the Jews? Their liberality was to benefit their own nation; the work in these last days extends to the entire world. The message of truth is to go to all nations, tongues, and people; its publications, printed in many different languages, are to be scattered abroad like the leaves of autumn.
It is written: “Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind.” And again: “He that saith he abideth in Him ought himself also so to walk, even as He walked.” Let us inquire: What would our Saviour have done in our circumstances? what would have been His efforts for the salvation of souls? This question is answered by the example of Christ. He left His royalty, laid aside His glory, sacrificed His riches, and clothed His divinity with humanity, that He might reach men where they were. His example shows that He laid down His life for sinners.
Satan told Eve that a high state of felicity could be gained through the gratification of unlicensed appetite, but the promise of God to man is through denial of self. When upon the shameful cross Christ was suffering in agony for man’s redemption, human nature was exalted. Only by the cross can the human family be elevated to connect with heaven. Self-denial and crosses meet us at every step on our heavenward journey.
The spirit of liberality is the spirit of heaven; the spirit of selfishness is the spirit of Satan. Christ’s self-sacrificing love is revealed upon the cross. He gave all He had, and then gave Himself, that man might be saved. The cross of Christ appeals to the benevolence of every follower of the blessed Saviour. The principle there illustrated is to give, give. This, carried out in actual benevolence and good works, is the true fruit of the Christian life. The principle of worldlings is to get, get, and thus they expect to secure happiness; but, carried out in all its bearings, the fruit is misery and death.
To carry the truth to the inhabitants of the earth, to rescue them from their guilt and indifference, is the mission of the followers of Christ. Men must have the truth in order to be sanctified through it, and we are the channels of God’s light. Our talents, our means, our knowledge, are not merely for our own benefit; they are to be used for the salvation of souls, to elevate man from his life of sin and bring him, through Christ, to the infinite God.
We should be zealous workers in this cause, seeking to lead sinners, repenting and believing, to a divine Redeemer, and to impress them with an exalted sense of God’s love to man. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” What an incomparable love is this! A theme for the most profound meditation! The amazing love of God for a world that did not love Him! The thought has a subduing power upon the soul and brings the mind into captivity to the will of God. Men who are crazy for gain, and are disappointed and unhappy in their pursuit of the world, need the knowledge of this truth to quiet the restless hungering and thirsting of their souls.
Missionaries for God are wanted in your large city to carry light to those who sit in the shadow of death. Experienced hands are needed, in the meekness of wisdom and the strength of faith, to lift weary souls to the bosom of a compassionate Redeemer. Oh, selfishness! What a curse! It prevents us from engaging in the service of God. It prevents us from perceiving the claims of duty, which should set our hearts aglow with fervent zeal. All our energies should be turned to the obedience of Christ. To divide our interest with the leaders of error is aiding the wrong side and giving advantage to our foes. The truth of God knows no compromise with sin, no connection with artifice, no union with transgression. Soldiers are wanted who will always answer to the roll call and be ready for immediate action, not those who, when needed, are found aiding the enemy.
Ours is a great work. Yet there are many who profess to believe these sacred truths, who are paralyzed by the sophistry of Satan, and are doing nothing for, but rather hinder, God’s cause. When will they act like those who wait for the Lord? When will they show a zeal in accordance with their faith? Many people selfishly retain their means, and soothe their conscience with a plan for doing some great thing for the cause of God after their death. They make a will donating a large sum to the church and its various interests, and then settle down with a feeling that they have done all that is required of them. Wherein have they denied self by this act? They have, on the contrary, exhibited the true essence of selfishness. When they have no longer any use for their money they propose to give it to God. But they will retain it as long as they can, till they are compelled to relinquish it by a messenger that cannot be turned aside.
Such a will is often an evidence of real covetousness. God has made us all His stewards, and in no case has He authorized us to neglect our duty or leave it for others to do. The call for means to advance the cause of truth will never be more urgent than now. Our money will never do a greater amount of good than at the present time. Every day of delay in rightly appropriating it, is limiting the period in which it will do good in saving souls. If we leave others to accomplish that which God has left for us to do, we wrong ourselves and Him who gave us all we have. How can others do our work of benevolence any better than we can do it ourselves? God would have every man, during his lifetime, the executor of his own will in this matter. Adversity, accident, or intrigue may forever cut off meditated acts of benevolence, when he who has accumulated a fortune is no longer by to guard it. It is sad that so many neglect the present golden opportunity to do good, and wait to be cast out of their stewardship before giving back to the Lord the means which He has lent them to be used for His glory.
One marked feature in the teachings of Christ is the frequency and earnestness with which He rebuked the sin of covetousness and pointed out the danger of worldly acquisitions and inordinate love of gain. In the mansions of the rich, in the temple and in the streets, He warned those who inquired after salvation: “Take heed, and beware of covetousness.” “Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
It is this increasing devotion to money getting, the selfishness which the desire for gain begets, that removes the favor of God from the church and deadens its spirituality. When the head and hands are constantly occupied with planning and toiling for the accumulation of riches, the claims of God and humanity are forgotten. If God has blessed us with prosperity, it is not that our time and attention should be diverted from Him and given to that which He has lent us. The giver is greater than the gift. We are not our own; we have been bought with a price. Have we forgotten that infinite price paid for our redemption? Is gratitude dead in the heart? Does not the cross of Christ put to shame a life of selfish ease and indulgence?
What if Christ, becoming weary of the ingratitude and abuse that met Him on every side, had left His work! What if He had never reached that period when He said: “It is finished.” What if He had returned to heaven, discouraged by His reception! What if He had never passed through that soul agony in the garden of Gethsemane that forced from His pores great drops of blood!
Christ was influenced in His labor for the redemption of the race by a love that is without parallel, and a devotion to the Father’s will. He toiled for the good of man up to the very hour of His humiliation. He spent His life in poverty and self-denial for the degraded sinner. In a world that was His own He had no place to lay His weary head. We are reaping the fruits of this infinite self-sacrifice; and yet when labor is to be done, when our money is wanted to aid the work of the Redeemer in the salvation of souls, we shrink from duty and pray to be excused. Ignoble sloth, careless indifference, and wicked selfishness seal our senses to the claims of God.
Oh, must Christ, the Majesty of heaven, the King of glory, bear the heavy cross, wear the thorny crown, and drink the bitter cup, while we recline at ease, glorifying ourselves and forgetting the souls He died to redeem by His precious blood? No; let us give while we have the power. Let us do while we have the strength. Let us work while it is day. Let us devote our time and means to the service of God, that we may have His approbation and receive His reward. 4T 76 -83