My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Not many are walking “in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called”.  I count myself as one of those.  I find myself wandering far away at times.  It is so easy to get caught up in the daily routine that I forget Jesus.  Oh yes, I have my worships and go through the rounds, but keeping Jesus with me at all times is difficult with the pressures of life.  He has been so very patient with me.  I don’t deserve His grace.  I have to ask for forgiveness and keep Jesus always in my heart.

Struggling with faith, how difficult.  Not the faith of “believing about” Jesus, but the true faith of “living in” Jesus.  Turning every thought, every decision, every want and desire over to Jesus.  Faith that Jesus knows what is best even when I want what I want.  When our finances are strained to the breaking point.  When the demands for funds are more than the funds.  I cry out to Jesus and then wait in faith for Him to touch hearts to fulfill our needs.  At times I want to quit and give up.  At times it is so hard.  But then, I look to Jesus and see Him petitioning before His Father on my behalf.  I bow in humble obedience and wait upon the Lord.

Ephesians 4:1 to Ephesians 4:32

 I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, . . .

And to what were they called?  They were directed back to the Old Testament and taught to walk according to the righteous law Jesus had handed down to Moses on Mount Sinai.  The Old Testament reveals a God who is just, patient, gentle, loving and forgiving.

. . . with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 

To maintain unity we have to be “of the Spirit”.  Either you are in the Spirit that brings the bond of peace, or you have the spirit that brings chaos, hate, pain and selfishness.  This isn’t the “peace” of your church or the “peace” set by the policy of man.  This is God’s peace.  The peace of humility, gentleness, patience and obedience.

There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— . . .

If we get out of our churches and go to Jesus, living in obedience to Him, we would all live in unity.  But as long as we can pick and choose the church we want to attend, then there will never be unity.  Each church, denomination, minister and preacher claims to have “The Truth” and the rest be damned.  That is not the Spirit of Jesus.  That is not the peace of Jesus.  Yes, He is the truth, but we are to live it, not shove it down peoples throats.

. . . one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. 

All Heaven is filled to overflowing with the “one God and Father”.  His character is the character of all in Heaven.  Therefore, they are at peace.  It is a oneness of obedience, patience, love, humility and service.  With those characteristics there can be no discord.  But when you start cutting up the Bible into pieces, starting churches according to those bits and pieces, then you can pick and choose which ones you want to follow and which ones you don’t.  Now we get discord, strife and no peace.

But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift. 

Christ’s measure is measureless.  His grace is boundless.  He has given us  graces of peace, unity, gentleness, humility and service.  These and many more graces are for the unity of His body.  But few are accepting the graces of God.  Most are looking to the world for what the world offers.

Therefore it says, “When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men.” 

At one time, righteous people from all ages of the past were captives of Satan and bound in death.  But Jesus raised them as a “first fruits” of the resurrection that will happen when Jesus comes again.  As Lucifer brings more and more destruction, Jesus is giving more and more gifts to men to fight back against the destruction of Lucifer.

(In saying, “He ascended,” what does it mean but that he had also descended into the lower regions, the earth? 

Jesus experienced death as each of us must do.  Jesus became human in order to show us how we are to live and die.  Few understand that last concept, but it is just as important as to live.  To die to “my” wants, “my” desires, “my” way and “my” beliefs is very hard to do.  As Paul said, “I die daily”.

He who descended is the one who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things.) 

Jesus has experienced every conceivable aspect of humanity.  There is no excuse for sin.  He has given us every gift imaginable for our development in the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life.  He wants to fill our lives far above everything we could ever want.  Most just attend church thinking it is fulfilling their lives.  Unless they get out and go to Jesus, they will never find the peace He offers.

And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, . . .

This goes directly against those who claim, “All we need is the Spirit!”  No, God works through His designated channels for “the work of ministry”.  The Spirit is for our personal salvation, bringing to mind our sins, yet the work we are to do for Jesus comes through the channels He has assigned us.  That is not the same as “church”.  We, the “body of Christ” are His church, but the formal denominations and churches and religions of the world are not “His Body”.

. . . for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, . . . 

God works through many individuals for the purpose of keeping us humble and listening.  We are to work together, not run around thinking that “only I have the truth”.  Each of us has our mission.  One person will be able to teach a certain class of people, another person a different class of people, and on it goes.  Unfortunately, for most who call themselves Christian, instead of building up to the fullness of Christ, they are tearing down the body of Christ to their own level of existence by griping, complaining and finding fault with those God has called.  They never listen.

. .  so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. 

That is why our churches and denominations and religions are so dangerous for our eternal life.  It is easy to be brainwashed into thinking that every “wind of doctrine” they teach is from God.  We are no longer to “be children, tossed to and fro.”  We must grow up and look outside of our church, denomination and pastors to make sure we are not missing anything.  Human cunning and craftiness which are so prevalent in our churches and denominations will destroy your eternal life.  Go to Jesus and check everything from His Word.

Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, . . .

We are not to grow up into every way of our churches, denominations and pastors.  We are to grow up into Christ.  He is the truth.  He is our example.  We are to teach only His truth.  We are to speak only His truth.  Only what Jesus taught for our salvation are we to teach to others.  And what did Jesus teach?

“And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom.”  Matthew 9:34.

    1. Stop sinning.  John 8:11
    2. Be perfect.  Matthew 5:48
    3. Keep the Ten Commandments to get your eternal life.  Matthew 19:17

“Jesus became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him.”  Hebrews 5:9.

. . . from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. 

“When each part is working properly”.  That is the hard part.  Making sure that “I” am working properly for Jesus.  We are not to be looking at others to see if they are working properly.  That is the work of the Spirit of God.  We are to teach truth, but we must give each person the right to choose or reject it.  That is what Love does.  It allows!  So many want to control others and yet are unable to control themselves.  We must be joined to Jesus and Him alone.

Now this I say and testify in the Lord, that you must no longer walk as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their minds. 

That is a tough one.  The world today has produced futile minds.  Under the guise of religion, minds are on sex, money, power and glory.  The church opened its doors and the world walk right into it and turned it inside out.

They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart. 

Have you noticed the “hardness of heart” taking place in the world.  Without the love of God, the Ten Commandments in the heart, there is nothing but hardness.  All the laws of man will not subdue the evil in man.  The “Woke” want to destroy everything related to God.  What God created and said was “good”, the “Woke” hates.  Even churches are becoming “Woke”.  The devil has been very successful in turning minds to darkness.

They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity. 

The churches “have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity”.  They are nothing but entertainment and greed.  Impurity pervades every nook and cranny of the churches.  They have all let go of the Ten Commandments and are hanging on to their creeds, rites, rituals, traditions and services.

But that is not the way you learned Christ!— 

No it is not!  But who cares?!  The name “Christ” is no longer held in reverence or respect.  “Jesus” is used in profanity.  The churches laugh and giggle, throw around the name of Jesus and think they are Christian because they were baptized.  We are not ready for the hallowed halls of Heaven.

. . assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in him, . . .

Not many have.  Most who attend church have been taught “church”.  How to behave in the church.  How to do what the church wants you to do.  But to do it . . .

. . . as the truth is in Jesus, to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. 

No!  Never!  People only want to look like they have put off the old self.  But underneath the fake cloak is all the corruption of the old self.  “True righteousness and holiness” are not wanted for they get in the way of our worldly desires and lusts.  The only way to be renewed in the spirit of our minds is to stay immersed in the Word of God, not church.

Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. 

Not much of that going on.  People no longer know what “truth” is.  Why?  Because since about the 1980’s, we have been taught that truth is subjective and relative.  That truth is up to the individual.  That “my” truth is just as important as “your” truth.  God’s truth is no longer wanted.  Therefore, there is no “glue” to hold members together.  We are lonely individuals with no peace.  Falsehood is all we know.

Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. 

Anger in and of itself is not sin.  But by the time the sun sets, we should be over it.  We should have come to terms with it.  We should have confronted our anger, decide what is making us angry and solve the problem.  This is done by either getting rid of what made us angry, fixing what made us angry or accepting what made us angry and get on with life.  If someone has made us angry, go to that person in all honesty and explain what it was that made you angry.  Let that person explain.  It could have all been a misunderstanding.  Now you can walk away in peace instead of fretting all night in bed.  Don’t let the devil destroy your peace.  Take responsibility for your life.

Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. 

Many pat themselves on their backs feeling good about “doing honest work”.  They think that because they hold a steady job, taking care of their families and doing the “right” thing in society that they meet God’s standard.  Yet, the text goes on to explain that we are to share with those who are in need.  I need to clarify that “need” part.  “Need” are not the homeless who love being homeless.  “Need” are not those who want to do drugs and live a selfish lifestyle.  In the Bible, the concept of “need” is one who has been the victim of an accident, nature’s destruction, health issues and other unforeseen events that have laid a man low.  But his desire is to work, understand God’s will for him and getting himself back on his feet.  He is the man we are to help.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. 

I’m guilty of this.  I didn’t realize it at the time, but for years there was an anger deep down inside of me.  When I finally understood it I was able to clean up my mouth.  “Only such as is good for building up” is a real hard concept.  We humans want to tear other people down.  We think it will make us look better.  But it doesn’t.  It only destroys our own souls.  Giving “grace to those who hear”.  I had never really thought of that until I was writing this.  I’m guilty.  I must work harder and repent of so many sins in my life.  May God forgive me.

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 

I am beginning to understand more clearly why we need to be silent more often.  I think we “grieve the Holy Spirit of God” way too much.  I pray I am not sealed for the day of redemption for I am not sure on which side of that sealing I would stand right now.  May God forgive me as I work at correcting my faults.

Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 

Bitterness!  We may not be angry, but bitterness is another animal to tame.  I have to work on that one more.  We humans harbor way too much bitterness and grudges, malice and slander.  That last one, slander.  How we love to listen to gossip and slander on TV and the radio.  Like juicy morels, we love to swallow them when the commentator agrees with our own biases.  Turn it all off.  Go to Jesus and . . .

. . . Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. 

Sounds so easy.  We shrug it off thinking that we really did forgive.  But deep down there is that gnawing feeling.  We just don’t want to humble ourselves and either ask for forgiveness or give our forgiveness.  Notice, “give” is in the middle of “forgiveness”.  We must give of ourselves.  We must humble ourselves.  So few will be in heaven.  So hard to give of ourselves in humility.  We give as long as we get praise and notice, but in secret, not so much.



I am writing this letter because I received a card from you telling me about a Bible study.  I would love to take your Bible study course.  I want to get to know Jesus better.  I want to learn the holy Bible better.  So, thank you for giving me this opportunity.

Ruben, TX

Dear JCPM,

I am writing in hopes that I may sign up for your Bible study course.  I am new in the Christian faith and want to learn all I can about Jesus and His love for us.  I am 55 years old and now see the need to have Jesus in my life.  I want to go to Heaven when my time here on earth is through.  I also thank you in advance for your ministry.

Robert, FL

Hey Ron,

I am an inmate in Arkansas.  Over the past few years I have been in and out of jail and now I’ve ended up where everyone told me I was headed.  I’ve been trying to change my life, but nothing seemed to work.  I’ve quit drugs, but then I go back to them.  I found God a few years ago and since then He has been working wondrously with me.  I’ve felt drawn by the Holy Spirit to adhere closely to the Word.  I felt He was telling me that most people got it wrong.  I threw out everything I thought I knew and simply started reading the Bible and trusting His Spirit to guide me instead of my own understanding.  I would like to start your Bible study and change my life biblically.

Hank, AR

Dear Ron,

The first concept that changed my thinking was the idea of “being like Jesus”.  Often we hear the message of “have faith”, or “follow” Jesus, but not so much “be like”.  The reframing of this sets me up for success because it frames my life as working for perfection like Jesus.  Perfection means that I’m also following the Commandments.  It takes it farther than popular trends years ago of “WWJD”.  I have read a lot about “grace” in my studies, but in your ministry I see that “grace” isn’t a free pass to heaven.  I addressed this with an inmate who is very vocal about being “Christian”, but I saw him using that as a free pass to behave however he wished.  He believed that believing in Jesus and His sacrifice freed us from sin.  Your ministry confirmed his way of thinking was not correct.  I thought I was odd for thinking that many were using the sacrifice of Jesus as a way out of continually making sinful choices.  I’m grateful to hear that my thinking was confirmed in your teachings.

Jefferson, MN


“If you get your first thought wrong, everything after that will be wrong.”  This really hit me in the gut.  I was a Sunni Muslim for 25 years of my life.  It all started with perception.  Someone led me with the perception that this religion was the truth and that the trinity was all a lie.  So they captured my first thought and that shaped my perception about God.  So I followed.  This caused me to become “The blind following the blind into the pit.”  Since reading the chapter on “Faith & God”, I began to look at the title “God” differently.  Nobody has ever explained it the way you have in this chapter.  So I looked at Genesis 1:26 and the “us” part gives clarification that the translation of “God” in the singular form is incorrect.  The word “us” implies more than one and makes it plural.  Brother Ron, thank you again for this ministry.

Mark, VA

Dear JCPM,

I’m sorry it took me so long to get back to you.  A lot going on in my life right now.  I lost a couple of loved ones.  My grandad just passed from a heart attack.  I keep losing friends to gun violence or they are going to jail.  I’m really trying to change.  I don’t want my life to be like this.  I know I did wrong before, that’s why I ask for forgiveness.  I am mad I had to come to jail to realize that the stuff I was doing wasn’t right.  And to find out the people I thought oved me were just using me.  I’m reaching out to you to help me and pray for me.

Carlos, IL


I just finished reading some literature and got your address from a book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I was hoping you could please send me a copy of that book as I’d like to read it and complete it.  I hope you are still around.  Daniel, CA

Ronald John,

I’m writing in regard to your book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I read the introductory issue on loan from another inmate.  Your story is inspiring.  All I prefer to do is study the Word of God and learn myself.

James, KY


Being prone to follow directions, I’m prepared to share what I’ve learned so far.  First and foremost, I want to thank you for blessing me with this literature and allowing me to be apart of this quest.  I have to let you know, honestly, you got me with the “brainwashing” part.  You broke down faith in a way that was new to me.  I appreciate that.  I always knew that God was portrayed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  But the “Title” is now clearer to me.  I guess I have been brainwashed in some ways and reading the book is helping me put the pieces to the puzzle together.  The battle is very hard and it hurts but as you say, got to have faith.  I am still learning that I need to control myself because I am not obeying the Ten Commandments.  My misunderstanding has led me this far.  I like what I’m learning so far.  Thanks, Ron!

Tyree, IL


I would like to do a Bible study and learn more about God.  I am a Christian, and in two years in my faith have never experienced anything so amazing.  I’d like to learn more about being a true Christian.

David, TX


I’m a new born again Christian.  I have a friend who recently subscribed to your magazine.  I want to ask if I could please be sent a subscription and any Christian literature to read, study and learn more and stay close to Jesus.  As of right now I’m in 24-7 lockdown, single man cell.  I’m 33 and this is my 3rd time in prison.  I’ve been locked up 7 years this time.

Justin, TX


I’m writing you to learn more about your services.  I want to humbly ask for any and all information about the career opportunity program.  I want to get the Bible study workbook.  It will be greatly appreciated if I can get this information and workbook sent to me as soon as possible.

Jerron, MO

Hi Brother Ron,

I hope by the time you get this letter all is well and that the Lord has you in good health as well as in spirits.  I’m a friend of Greg.  He gave me your information.  I’m interested in a Bible study, “Change Your Life Biblically”.

Martin, CA


My Dear Family in Christ,

This journey we are taking together is a hard one.  Immense amounts for us to learn.  There isn’t much time left to change our characters.  It will take a lot of work, effort and humbleness.

Standing in front of others and giving the gospel of Christ can be very dangerous.  I was one of those.  Very dangerous!  The Lord has removed me from that and confined me to isolation.  I thank Him for that.  Many want to “work” for the Lord.  However, they only want to “work” as long as there is praise and recognition, or money.  Many want to “work” for Jesus as long as they can do it their way.  Working under the direction of Jesus is not so much fun.  Far better to work under the direction of the church where you have lots of applause and gratification.

Self-Conceit and Selfishness

Dear brother, you have made a sad mistake in standing before the patients in the parlor, as you have frequently done, and exalting yourself and wife. Your own children have learned lessons from these remarks that have given shape to their characters. You will now find it not an easy matter to correct the impressions that have been made. They have been proud and self-conceited. They have thought that as your children they were superior to children in general. You have felt anxious lest the people should not give you the respect due your position as a physician of the Health Institute. This has shown a vein of weakness in you which has hindered your spiritual advancement. It has also led to a jealousy of others, fearing that they would supplant you or not place the right estimate upon your position and value. You have also exalted your wife, placing her before the patients as a superior creature. You have been like a blind man; you have given her credit for qualifications which she does not possess. 

You should have remembered that your moral worth is estimated by your words, your acts, your deeds. These can never be hidden, but will place you upon the right elevation before your patients. If you manifest interest for them, if you devote labor to them, they will know it, and you will have their confidence and love. But talk will never make them believe that your arduous labor for them has taxed you and exhausted your vitality, when they know that they have not had your special attention and care. The patients will have confidence and love for those who manifest a special interest in them and who labor for their recovery. If you do this work, which cannot be left undone, which the patients pay their money to have done, then you need not seek to gain esteem and respect by talking; you will as surely have it as you do the work. 

This applies to those who call themselves Christian.  We need to be humble.  If we think we have the truth then we don’t need to place ourselves on a pedestal.  Let humble acts, words and deeds speak for Jesus.  There are many who think they are superior because they go to church, or, go to church on the 7th-day.  Following Jesus makes us servants.  Let us show those around us that we “manifest a special interest in them and who labor for their recovery” from sin.

You have not been free from selfishness, and therefore you have not had the blessing which God gives His unselfish workmen. Your interest has been divided. You have had such a special care for yourself and yours, that the Lord has had no reason to especially work and care for you. Your course in this respect has disqualified you for your position. I saw one year ago that you felt competent to manage the Institute yourself alone. Were it yours, and you the one to be especially benefited or injured by its losses and gains, you would see it your duty to have a special care that losses should not occur and that patients who were there upon charity should not drain the Institute of means. You would investigate and would not have them remain a week longer than it was positively necessary. You would see many ways by which you could reduce expenses and keep up the property of the Institute. But you are merely employed, and the zeal, interest, and ability which you think you possess to carry on such an institution do not appear. The patients do not receive the attention for which they have paid and which they have a right to expect. 

You were shown me as frequently turning away from invalids who were in need of your counsel and advice. You were presented before me as apparently indifferent, seeming rather impatient while scarcely listening to what they were saying, which was to them of great importance. You seemed to be in a great hurry, putting them off till some future time, when a very few appropriate words of sympathy and encouragement would have quieted a thousand fears, and given peace and assurance in the place of disquietude and distress. You appeared to dread to speak to the patients. You did not enter into their feelings, but held yourself aloof, when you should have manifested more familiarity. You were too distant and unapproachable. They look to you as children to a parent, and have a right to expect and receive attentions from you which they do not obtain. “Me and mine” comes between you and the labor your position requires you to perform. The patients and helpers need your advice frequently; but they feel an unwillingness to go to you, and do not feel free to speak with you. 

I’m guilty.  Because of the way I was brought up, I remain distant and unapproachable because of fear of being hurt.  I am sorry.  I am trying to change that.  I need to be more attentive and give more assurance.  I thank all of you for being very patient with me.  God bless all of you.

You have sought to maintain an undue dignity. In the effort you have not attained the object, but have lost the confidence and love which you might have gained had you been unassuming, possessing meekness and humility of mind. True devotion and consecration to God will find a place for you in the hearts of all, and will clothe you with a dignity not assumed but genuine. You have been exalted by the words of approval which you have received. The life of Christ must be your pattern, teaching you to do good in every place that you occupy. While caring for others, God will care for you. The Majesty of heaven did not avoid weariness. He traveled on foot from place to place to benefit the suffering and needy. Although you possess some knowledge, may have some understanding of the human system, and can trace disease to its cause,—although you may have the tongue of men and of angels,—there are yet qualifications necessary or all your gifts will be of no special value. You must have a power from God which can only be realized by those who make Him their trust and who consecrate themselves to the work that He has given them to do. Christ must be a portion of your knowledge. His wisdom instead of yours should be considered. Then you will understand how to be a light in the rooms of the sick. You lack freedom of spirit, power, and faith. Your faith is feeble for want of exercise; it cannot be vigorous and healthful. Your efforts for those who are sick in heart and body will not be as successful as they might be, the patients will not gain in physical and spiritual strength as they might, if you do not carry Jesus with you in your visits. His words and works should accompany you. Then you will feel that those whom your prayers and words of sympathy have blessed will bless you in return. 

The advice given is good for pastors, ministers, teachers and parents.  We all need to trust God more and lean less upon our own ego, pride and understanding.  I’m learning that.  It is amazing to see God work when we truly place our trust in Him.

You have not felt your whole dependence upon God and your inefficiency and weakness without His special wisdom and grace. You worry, fear, and doubt because you have worked too much in your own strength. In God you can prosper. In humility and holiness of mind you will find great peace and strength. They shine brightest who feel most their own weakness and darkness, for such make Christ their righteousness. Your strength should come from your union with Him. Be not weary in well-doing. 

That is such a powerful paragraph.  Please, go back and read it again.  Slowly, contemplating every word.  Understand it in your own life.  I need it so much in mine.  At times, I too find myself working too much in my own strength and not in the strength of Jesus through faith.

The Majesty of heaven has invited the weary ones: “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” The reason the burden sometimes seems so heavy and the yoke so galling is because you have got above the meekness and lowliness possessed by our divine Lord. Cease trying to gratify and exalt self; but rather let self be hidden in Jesus, and learn of Him who has invited you and promised you rest. 

I saw that the Health Institute can never prosper while those who hold responsible positions connected with it have more interest for themselves than for the institution. God wants unselfish men and women as workers in His cause; and those who take charge of the Health Institute should have an oversight of every department there, practicing economy, caring for the trifles, guarding against losses. In short, they should be as careful and judicious in their management as though they themselves were the actual proprietors. 

You have been troubled with a feeling that this and that was not your business. Everything connected with the Institute is your business. If certain things come under your observation that you cannot attend to properly, being called in another direction, call for the help of someone who will give these matters immediate attention. If this work is too arduous for you, someone should take your place who can perform thoroughly all the duties devolving upon one holding your responsible position. 

This is true in our spiritual life.  God’s work is not limited to those with theological degrees or schooling in religious matters.  If we call ourselves Christian, than we have responsibilities to every person around us.  If you are unable to attend to a specific need in someone’s life, find one you can.  Ask this ministry to send books to your family members and friends if you find it difficult to reach them personally.

In your parlor talks you have frequently charged the patients and helpers with bringing unnecessary burdens and cares upon you, while, at the same time, I saw that you were not performing half the duties resting upon you as a physician. You were not properly attending to the cases of the sick under your care. The patients are not blind; they perceive your neglect of them. They are away from their homes and upon expense to obtain the care and treatment that they could not receive at home. All this scolding in the parlor is injurious to the institution and displeasing to God. 

A lot of scolding going on in our Christian lives.  Churches, religious institutions and personal interaction with others produces far too much scolding, bickering and neglecting of duties.  Let us pick up our duties and responsibilities with a cheerful heart and rely on God to give us what we need to do the work.

It is true that you have had heavy burdens to bear, but in many cases you have blamed the patients and helpers when the trouble was in your own family. They require your constant help, but do not help you in return; there is no one in your home to stay up your hands or give you encouragement. Had you no burden outside the Institute you could bear up much better and not lose strength and fortitude. It is your duty to care for your family, but it is not at all necessary for them to be as helpless as they are and so great a weight upon you. They could assist you if they would. 

I found this very true in my life.  I thank God for those who stay up my hands and give me encouragement.  Here in this ministry, I need help!

It is your duty also to preserve your health; and if your family cares are so great that the work in which you are engaged is overtaxing you, and you are unable to devote the time and attention to the patients and the Institute which is actually their due, then you should resign your position and seek to place yourself where you can do justice to your family, yourself, and to the responsibilities you assume. The position you now occupy is an important one. It requires a clear intellect, strength of brain, nerve, and muscle. Earnest devotion to the work is necessary for its success, and nothing short of this will make the institution prosperous. To be a living thing, it must have live, disinterested workers to conduct it. 

Christianity is an “institution”, not of man-made brick and mortar, but of flesh and blood.  To prosper, we all need to live as disinterested workers working for the prosperity of God’s people.

Sister (church member), you have not been the help to your husband that you should have been. Your attention has been devoted more to yourself. You have not realized the necessity of arousing your dormant energies to encourage and strengthen your husband in his labors, or to bless your children with the right influence. Had you set yourself diligently about the duties God has enjoined upon you, had you helped to bear the burdens of your companion and united with him to properly discipline your children, the order of things in your family would have been changed. 

But you have yielded to feelings of gloom and sadness, and this has brought upon your dwelling a cloud instead of sunshine. You have not encouraged hope and cheerfulness, and your influence has been depressing upon those whom you should have aided by kindly words and deeds. All this is the result of selfishness. You have required the attention and sympathy of your husband and children, and yet have not felt that it was your duty to take your mind off yourself and labor for their happiness and well-being. You have given way to impatience, and have harshly reproved your children. This has only confirmed them in their evil ways and severed the cords of affection that should bind the hearts of parents and children together. 

You have lacked self-control and have censured your husband in the presence of your children; this has lessened his authority over them, and yours also. You have been very weak; when your children have come to you with complaints of others, you have immediately decided in their favor, and have unwisely censured and blamed those of whom they complained. This has cherished in the minds of your children a disposition to murmur against those who do not pay them the deference they imagine they deserve. You have indirectly encouraged this spirit instead of silencing it. You have not dealt with your children as firmly and justly as you should have done. 

You have had trials. You have been oppressed in mind. You have been discouraged, but have unjustly charged this unhappiness upon others. The main cause is to be found in yourself. You have failed to make your home what it should be and what it might have been. It is yet in your power to correct the faults there. Come out of that cold and stiff reserve. Give more love, rather than exact it; cultivate cheerfulness; let the sunshine into your heart, and it will shine upon those about you; be more social in your manners; seek to gain the confidence of your children, that they may come to you for advice and counsel; encourage in them humility and unselfishness, and set before them the right example. 

Awake, my dear brother and sister, to the needs of your family. Do not be blinded, but take hold of the work unitedly, calmly, prayerfully, and in faith. Set your house in order, and God will bless your efforts. 4T 98-104.