My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we are learning, there is no “new” nor “old” Testament. They teach the same everlasting gospel. In the Old Testament, the “Testament” was in the “the ark of the covenant” (Deuteronomy 10:8). In Revelation, the KJV calls it the “ark of His testament” (Revelation 11:19). The Ten Commandments, which reside in the Ark, is the testimony of God testifying to what is righteous, loving, pure, just and holy. Jesus came to “fulfill” them, to live them perfectly. That is why “Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom.” Matthew 9:34. What did Jesus teach?
- Stop sinning. John 8:11
- Be perfect. Matthew 5:48
- Keep the Ten Commandments to get your eternal life. Matthew 19:17
The only difference between Old and New Testaments – we no longer need that which pertained to Israel as a “nation”: no temple, feast days, circumcision, rites, rituals, sacrifices or services. That which pointed to the Messiah, and had nothing to do with eternal life, is gone. He came – they left. The only “ritual” that Jesus left for us was the “Last Supper”. Yet here again, it was never to be a “ritual”. It was to be heartfelt. First came humbling through the foot washing and confession of sins to the ones you sinned against. Then, with hearts renewed by the Spirit of God, they could partake of the Bread of His flesh and the Cup of His blood. However, they were not to “pick partners” for washing feet, they were to humbly confront those they had wronged, injured and sinned against. That way it never became a “ritual”, but confession and humbleness of heart.
“As the disciples waited for the fulfillment of the promise, they humbled their hearts in true repentance and confessed their unbelief. As they called to remembrance the words that Christ had spoken to them before His death they understood more fully their meaning. Truths which had passed from their memory were again brought to their minds, and these they repeated to one another. They reproached themselves for their misapprehension of the Saviour. Like a procession, scene after scene of His wonderful life passed before them. As they meditated upon His pure, holy life they felt that no toil would be too hard, no sacrifice too great, if only they could bear witness in their lives to the loveliness of Christ’s character. Oh, if they could but have the past three years to live over, they thought, how differently they would act! If they could only see the Master again, how earnestly they would strive to show Him how deeply they loved Him, and how sincerely they sorrowed for having ever grieved Him by a word or an act of unbelief! But they were comforted by the thought that they were forgiven. And they determined that, so far as possible, they would atone for their unbelief by bravely confessing Him before the world.” AA 36. Yet that is not what is taking place in our churches or services today.
We learned that grace does not save us eternally. It only keeps us alive so we have the opportunity to learn how to live the obedient, gospel-life that comes from faith. (Romans 1:5). That is what saves us—obedience. No obedience, no eternal life. (Matthew 19:17). Lucifer had lots of faith in God. He stood in His presence. But his belief in God did not save him. God could not save Lucifer. Lucifer chose not to live in obedience to the Ten Commandments and lost his place in Heaven. Soon his grace will run out and he will lose his eternal life. Not one disobedient person will be allowed into Heaven. Obedience to the Ten Commandments shows we love Jesus and accept His sacrifice for our past sins. “Obey My laws and do what I command. I am the LORD your God. Follow the practices and the laws that I give you; you will save your life by doing so. I am the LORD.” Leviticus 18:4, 5. “If you love Me, keep My commands.” John 14:15.
Ephesians 3:1 to Ephesians 3:21
For this reason I, Paul, am the prisoner of the Messiah Jesus for the sake of you gentiles.
Most churches teach that Paul had a “different” gospel for the Gentiles than that which was taught the Jews. They just don’t open their ears. God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). He is the God of the whole earth which He created. He doesn’t pick and choose what gospel goes to what nationality. All must live by the Ten Commandments or there is no eternal life. There was Adam, Enoch, Noah and then Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: all Gentiles. Then God chose the descendants of Jacob (Israel) (about twenty-five hundred years after the Gentile Adam) to keep fresh in the minds of the Gentiles God’s requirements. However, eventually the nation of Israel rejected God’s requirements and God had to give the Gentile Christians the privilege of teaching the Ten Commandments to the world.
Why was he the “prisoner of the Messiah Jesus for the sake of you gentiles?” Because the Jews hated the fact that Paul was preaching to gentiles that they were entitled to the same salvation the Jews had without having to go through all the ceremonies, rituals, rites, services, feast days and circumcision in order to belong to the “church” of “God”. Therefore, they wanted Paul dead. We have the same opinion as the Jews in our churches and denominations today.
Surely you have heard about the responsibility of administering God’s grace that was given to me on your behalf, . . .
In other words, Paul, instead of being struck down and killed on the road to Damascus for his wicked life of persecuting the Christians, the grace of God kept him alive in order for Him to take the gospel, first to the Jews, but after they rejected the truth, to the Gentiles. Therefore, it was by the grace of God that the Gentiles were to hear the gospel since the Jews were not willing to take it to them.
. . . and how this secret was made known to me through a revelation, just as I wrote about briefly in the past.
Yes, the “secret” is that the Good News, the Gospel, was to go to all the world. Paul got it! As a Jewish church member he didn’t get it! By revelation he got it and realized that Jesus was not only the Messiah to him as a Jew, but to the Gentiles as well.
By reading this, you will be able to grasp my understanding of the secret about the Messiah, . . .
Over and over and over again, Paul, the Apostles and every other Christian were trying to get across that Jesus fulfilled the temple obligations for the Jews and opened the door for the Gentles, which the Jews had shut on them. It wasn’t God’s design for that door to ever be shut on the Gentiles. The temple services were to show Jew and Gentile alike what God required for their salvation: repentance, obedience and a belief in the Messiah to come.
. . . which in previous generations was not made known to human beings as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to God’s holy apostles and prophets.
Why was it “not made known”? Because the Jews had shut it up unto themselves and made it very difficult for others to learn the secrets of the temple rites, services, rituals, sacrifices and the coming Messiah. They shut it up so tight, the Jews themselves had forgotten the reason for all those sacrifices, rites, rituals and services. That is why they killed Jesus.
And let me make this very plain. Most denominations, churches, pastors and teachers of theology seem to have this mind-set that there have always been “Jews” and Israelites since the creation of the world. They forget that Adam was a “Gentile”. Noah was a “Gentile”. Abraham was a “Gentile”. However, as “gentiles” they had the gospel. There were no “Israelites” until the day God changed the name of Jacob to Israel, about 2500 years after the creation of the world. The word “Jew” didn’t come about until the Babylonian captivity of the tribe of Judah, about 500 years before Jesus. In other words, in God’s eyes, there never was a distinction between people. That was man-made. God had simply called the nation of Israel to be His “priests” to teach His Law to the Gentiles. (Exodus 19:6). But they eventually failed. Yet, the “Christians” have also failed to be God’s priests to teach the world His Law.
This is that secret: The gentiles are heirs-in-common, members-in-common of the body, and common participants in what was promised by the Messiah Jesus through the gospel.
“Promised by the Messiah Jesus through the gospel.” This is where the churches go off the rails. If you believe Jesus is only in the New Testament, and the “gospel” began with Jesus in the New Testament, then you can believe this is a “new” gospel from Jesus for us Gentiles. Some go even further and state that the “gospel” began with Paul and supersedes Jesus, thereby making Paul our god and relegating Jesus to the dustbin.
However, Jesus is from eternity. Jesus is the God speaking and working in the Old Testament. Every word that came from “God” in the Old Testament was “Jesus” speaking. The gospel began in Heaven. What was that gospel? Do not sin, live perfect and keep the Ten Commandments to keep your eternal life. That is the Heavenly Gospel. That is the “Good News” the angels and all the other inhabitants of other worlds live by: the Good News Gospel Covenant. Lucifer broke the gospel covenant and was cast out.
Because of sin, our planet had to have an adjustment made to the gospel. It goes like this: Stop sinning, be perfect and keep the Ten Commandments to get your eternal life. That is all God wants of us: TO STOP THE SIN IN OUR LIVES! “‘Stop your transgressing—the deeds by which you’ve rebelled—and then make for yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. Why should you die, you house of Israel? I don’t take pleasure in the death of anyone who dies,’ declares the LORD. ‘So repent, so you may live!’” Ezekiel 18:31, 32. “Obey My laws and do what I command. I am the LORD your God. Follow the practices and the laws that I give you; you will save your life by doing so. I am the LORD.” Leviticus 18:4, 5.
So what was “promised by the Messiah Jesus through the gospel”? That not only the Jew, but everyone could find pardon and forgiveness of sins who live in obedience to the Ten Commandments to get their eternal life. That comes from the “eternal gospel” that came from eternity. (Revelation 14:6).
I have become a servant of this gospel according to the gift of God’s grace that was given me by the working of his power.
God wants each of us to have that “gift of God’s grace”. We are all to tell the world of God’s great love and His grace (probation) that keeps us all alive so we can learn how to live in faithful obedience to the Ten Commandments to get our eternal life. (Romans 1:5). That is why the devil loves war and conflict. He is trying to kill as many people as he can before they know of the “gift of God’s grace” and live.
To me, the very least of all the saints, this grace was given so that I might proclaim to the gentiles the immeasurable wealth of the Messiah . . .
Why did Paul feel he was “the very least”? Well, for one thing, he had persecuted the Christians. He did not deserve this “grace” of life that God gave Him in order for him to take the gospel to the Gentiles. Secondly, he had not walked and talk with Jesus as the other Apostles had.
And what was this “immeasurable wealth of the Messiah”? It was salvation that the Messiah offered to every single person. No one was or is excluded. We can all become “wealthy” with eternal life by living in obedience to the Ten Commandments.
. . . and help everyone see how this secret that has been at work was hidden for ages by God, who created all things.
What was hidden? The Messiah was hidden. When Adam and Eve sinned they were no longer able to walk and talk with Jesus personally. They were given the ritual of sacrifices for sin to keep reminding them of the Messiah who was to come and take their place as the sacrifice for their sins. They were not able to “see” the Messiah physically after they sinned, but by faith in the lamb they could “see” the secret and understand and love the Messiah. And yes, the Messiah “created all things”. Paul is trying to make certain that Christians understood that Jesus is the One who “created all things”. In other words, He is the “Creator-God” who walked and talked among us for thirty-three and a half years. “Another dangerous error is the doctrine that denies the deity of Christ, claiming that He had no existence before His advent to this world.” GC 524.2
He did this so that now, through the church, the wisdom of God in all its variety might be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realm . . .
First, let’s clear up the term “church”. Paul is not talking about our concept of “church” today. Our concept and understanding of church comes from the Pagan-Jewish system. The Christian “church”, the Ekklēsia, were those who had come out from their pagan and Jewish churches and were now “assembling” in the name of Jesus. “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Revelation 18:4.
They were not assembling to listen to sermons or be controlled by a church hierarchy, but to share with each other their love of Jesus and help each other to stop sinning. You don’t find that in our Pagan-Jewish Christian churches today.
Why was it necessary for the wisdom of God to be displayed to the “rulers and authorities in the heavenly realm”? That was another secret of God. He could have wiped Lucifer out of existence the moment he sinned. But the justice and love of God demanded that Lucifer be allowed to bring to fruition his plan of government. The whole universe was/is watching to see which form of government was/is the best, God’s government of love and obedience to the Ten Commandments, or Lucifer’s government of selfishness: “Do as you please”. No “authorities in the heavenly realm” had never experience sin. This was totally new to the universe. They had to be convinced that God’s way was just, righteous and loving.
. . . in keeping with the eternal purpose that God carried out through the Messiah Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and confident access through his faithfulness.
And that was the key! God’s “faithfulness”. Unlike Lucifer who does not keep the Ten Commandments, you can count on Lucifer to do one thing: whatever makes him happy no matter how much pain it causes you. Jesus showed the difference. His government is run on the principle of serving others no matter how much pain it caused the One who was serving. Jesus demonstrated that concept. He was willing to suffer and die for you. Lucifer is willing for you to suffer and die for his own gratification.
So then, I ask you not to become discouraged because of my troubles on your behalf, which work toward your glory.
Paul was simply following in the footsteps of His Savior. He saw Jesus for who He really was and bowed in submission, living as Jesus lived. He was willing to take whatever troubles necessary in order to bring the joy of the truth to others. Yet, I think that is the problem. Most do not find joy in the truth. They have only found church, but they haven’t found Jesus.
This is the reason I bow my knees before the Father of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, from whom every family in heaven and on earth receives its name.
We are all children of God. Not just the Jew. Not just this church or that church. Not just this denomination or that denomination. Not just this race or that race. No, Jesus is the Messiah of every single person since Adam. All have sinned and all need a Messiah. He came! Paul refused to bow his knees before any pastor, church or denomination: Jesus only.
I pray that he would give you, according to his glorious riches, strength in your inner being and power through his Spirit, and that the Messiah would make his home in your hearts through faith.
Paul always draws from the Old Testament to formulate his theology. In the Old Testament he read where we are to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul.” Deuteronomy 13:3. He read in the Old Testament of those who had been given great power and strength through the power of the Spirit because they lived in obedience to the Ten Commandments. He understood that those in the Old Testament who lived in obedience to the Ten Commandments had the Messiah living in their hearts. It could happen again in our hearts if we would have their faith.
And again I stress, it is in the Old Testament that Jesus, Paul, the Apostles and the early Christians found their salvation doctrine. They had no “New” Testament, as we know it today, until 300 years after Jesus. The devil is working very hard to keep you from the Old Testament. Don’t let Him. Dig into it. Remember, the “Testament” (Ten Commandments) was the same then as now.
Then, having been rooted and grounded in love, you will be able to understand, along with all the saints, what is wide, long, high, and deep— that is, you will know the love of the Messiah—which transcends knowledge, and will be filled with all the fullness of God.
If you are “rooted and grounded in love”, the Ten Commandments, “all the fullness of God” is waiting to fill you. I am experiencing that in my own life. It is awesome. I pray that each of you will understand and find it. It transcends human wisdom, church services, theological universities and everything else the world may claim as the path to Heaven. Go to Jesus and listen to Him.
Now to the one who can do infinitely more than all we can ask or imagine according to the power that is working among us— to him be glory in the church and in the Messiah Jesus to all generations, forever and ever! Amen.
Unfortunately, that prayer has not been fulfilled in the churches of today. They glory in the pastor, church or denomination. They glory in the world. I don’t know of any church that is giving glory to Jesus by living in obedience to His commands. That is why our generation has not received the power of Jesus. They have a form of godliness, called religion, but they don’t know the power of God to live the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life.
Because the world, and especially the United States of America, have rejected God and are sinning against God deliberately, we find the world in chaos, upheaval, rioting, killings, stealing and in a state of fear and anxiety. But the pendulum will swing back to the Right. For a while we will have peace and safety while the world recognizes the justice of the Ten Commandments. The world will institute the Ten Commandments as the Law of the One World Government. All, of course, except the 4th Commandment to keep the 7th-day, Saturday, Sabbath holy. (This was written in August of 2022).
To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Devin. I am an inmate in a county jail. I received a postcard from ya’ll and I’m interested in your Bible studies. Please respond to my request and let me know what you offer. Thank you for your time.
Devin, TX
Dear JCPM,
Thank you so much for this invitation. It really means a lot to me. Yes, I would love to participate in your Bible study. Thank you so much. God is good. You really have brought so much joy and happiness into my life.
Gonzalez, TX
I would like to enroll in your “Change Your Life Biblically” course. I am new to Christianity and would love to learn more. Whatever you have that you think I need in order to learn, I would gladly appreciate.
Valena, IN
I wanted to write you and see if you had any programs or resources that might be available to me. I’m 27 years old, I’m a Christian, and I get out within a year. I’m hoping to find some sort of guidance. I don’t know if what you do there will pertain to my situation, but I felt like I received a sign so I’m going to reach out, pray and hope for the best. If there are any opportunities you may offer that will help me to better myself, I would gladly be open to any and all suggestions or advice that you may have.
James, AZ
I’m very interested in your Bible study. I happen to run a men’s interfaith group here in this prison. So, I do a bit of ministry already. But, I’m always looking to grow and learn more. I would love to earn a certificate so I can help others and become a part of your ministry.
Travis, NJ
Last night I received what I believe to be an answer to my prayers, through the form of a postcard from your ministry. For the last 2 1/2 years I’ve been praying diligently and seeking a direction for my life. Then, out of nowhere, this postcard appears. I am interested in hearing more about the career opportunity you offer.
Kenneth, WA
I would like to be a part of the Bible study that one of my fellow inmates allowed me to see. I am a believer. I would really like to do the study with the hope and prayer that God will deepen my spiritual walk with Him.
Artis, NY
I hope and pray this letter reaches you in the best of health and spirits. I am responding to a postcard I received. It was titled, “Career Opportunity” and talked about a Bible study to help change your life. I am interested in changing my life. I’m at the point I need to do something different. I’ve tried it my way and it hasn’t worked. Just look at where I’m at. Well, I know it’s time to just have faith and let God work my life according to His will. I hope to hear from your son. Thank you for reaching out to me.
Paul, TX
I recently had someone reach out to me and mention your ministry. I wasn’t told much more information on it other than it would be of encouragement and something I am very much interested in. Can you please let me know what you all provide?
Meagan, TX
Dear JCPM,
I received your letter yesterday and was interested in your Christ centered Bible Study! I’ve been searching for Bible studies for a while now and the Lord has answered my prayers! I would love to participate and be more involved in God’s Word. My current parole date is 2040 and I’m currently 24 years old.
Austin, IL
To Whom It May Concern,
Can you please send me the Bible study that you are offering? I am ready to learn more about what Jesus is offering. Thank you and God bless. Hopefully someone can come into my life through Jesus Christ to help me learn.
Marc, TX
Dear JCPM,
It so happened that I was emptying the trash when I spotted the enclosed paper with the words “Change Your Life Biblically”. So, here I am writing to request the workbook. I feel that it was meant for me to find.
Arnold, CA
I am a born again Christian. After an episode of backsliding I rededicated my life to Christ in 2010. Now I live my life for Him and try to share with others of His love and grace. Although this was something passed on to me by a fellow prisoner, I am definitely interested. I would very much like to become active in your certificate program.
Jorge, AZ
Hello Ron,
I so love the books you send me. I’m reading the last book you sent, the “Book of John with Commentary”. It is a real eye opener for me. Although I tried sharing it with a friend and fellow believer and inmate, well, let’s just say he isn’t really talking to me much now. He thinks I am a “quack”. I learned right there and then that not all believers are of the same spiritual maturity. He wouldn’t even read it or discuss it. I asked him to please just read it with me and untangle it all. But nope, he wants to live in the dark and not face truth. Sadly, I see it so often that so-called believers that know the “words” do not know the Word (truth).
Sean, ID
I received a “Career Opportunity” card from you and sounds really exciting. I would like to get more information on this job/career opportunity. I also would like to receive the Bible study course you offer. I am shocked to hear from you and would love to hear more about this ministry.
Danny, CA
I didn’t know that I was getting brainwashed by churches and people who don’t know the Bible nor have the Spirit of God. All this time I was being brainwashed because so far, what I’m reading in this book, nobody or churches told or explained to me about it. I was taught the word “faith” was to “believe”. Now I understand the word faith to mean “I am to practice obedience that comes from faith”. Romans 1:5.
Rudy, AZ
Hello Ron,
I did point out Hebrews 10:26 to one fellow and he went and got his leather bound NKJV Bible to check me as I use the Abundant Life Bible with large print. Well, low and behold, it says almost the same thing. Well, he is studying some now because I think he might be seeing maybe he didn’t know the truth? I pray we can study together and we both are shown truth each day. But, it’s like you say, Ron, most think “well, it’s a good story and all, but it really doesn’t apply today”! Sad! They are so brainwashed by the church that they cannot believe the truth. Their eyes are closed, their ears are shut and their hearts are hard.
Sean, ID
Hey, I have studied your book “Change Your Life Biblically” for over a year. I requested it in Spanish so I could practice learning my Spanish. It has helped me tremendously. Now, here it is 2 years later and I find myself reading the book to other inmates. My book has seen much wear and tear. I want to share it with people that don’t read Spanish. Could you please resend me a copy of your book in English? Thank you so much.
Tyler, TX
Dear Brother Ron,
I enjoyed re-reading this part of the workbook and following along with the related texts using my Bible. I agree that having a clear concept of God is vital. The explanation of Jesus being in the Old Testament as LORD is the only explanation that makes sense in light of Him being an eternal being. My faith is like Swiss cheese: some substance, some holes and some mold. I’m looking forward to working through these workbooks to cut out the mold and fill in the holes.
Jason, IL
Dear Brother Ron,
I am contacting your ministry today in hopes of receiving an introductory packet for Bible study courses, if possible. My cellie was kind enough to give me your contact information so I could request help in furthering my thirst for knowledge where the Bible and God is concerned. He is currently in the process of taking your “Change Your Life Biblically” course, which has motivated me and has opened my heart to the Word. God willing, with your assistance, I can continue to grow and learn the truth of His grace. I honestly believe these lessons and your guidance will help me on this journey. Thoughts of gaining the knowledge you and the lessons offer fill me with happiness.
Richard-Lee, MI
One of the offenders here received CYLB then let me read it. Please send me a copy of it so I can start to write my 10-page overview. All of this makes so much sense. Things I have been seeing for years, you are talking about. Thank you for this. God is answering prayers through you.
Ronald, TX
Dear Brother Ron,
Well, first and foremost, I’d like to extend my respects to you. Thank you for sending me the “Change Your Life Biblically” book. I have been reading it. I kind of like the way you described the burglar. Sometimes we don’t realize how brainwashed we can get. I’m glad now that give me a better understanding not to let that happen. Thank you very much this is the first time doing this so this is new. This book explains so much more where I can understand even better.
Martin, CA
I am writing because I received a little card from you. It says you have a Bible study. I was wondering if there is any more information about your studies. I can’t afford to pay for anything, so it must be free. Anything you send to me will be used by me and other inmates here.
Anthony, AZ
Well, before I start off with assignment #3, I just want to say, “Thank you” for this book. I’m learning as I go and for assignment #3, all I can say is, “Wow!”. What I was taught is way different than in the book. I was never taught that if you live according to the sinful nature you will die. I was taught if you sin or do bad things, you still go to heaven. You are right when it comes to Christians, they do think all they have to do is “name the Name of Christ” and they will be saved in their sins. It makes sense when you say, “The Bible is like a jigsaw puzzle, 2 or 3 pieces don’t complete the picture”. When I went to church, the minister or preacher would only read off verses to support their position, but leave off everything else. That is why I love reading this book, because it breaks everything down and it explains to me and I understand it better. My mom tells me the same thing, just because you read the Bible or go to church, doesn’t mean you are a Christian. You have to walk as Jesus and live obedient. I agree, if we don’t experience the life changing power of Jesus Christ in our lives and stop sinning, you are wasting your time.
Rudy, AZ
My Dear Family in Christ,
Our schools and universities are totally indoctrinating our children to hate, forget God, be disobedient and rebellious. And where did they learn all this hate, forgetting God and being disobedient and rebellious? From the churches of the 1960’s. The churches taught us that we don’t need the Sabbath. They taught us we don’t need the Ten Commandments. They taught us we were “saved by grace”. Now we are reaping the whirlwind.
Instead of the churches teaching us to fall on our knees and repent before God, we blame God for all of our problems. We have been taught that God is the problem and we are the victims. Unless we recognize that all good comes from God and all bad comes from Lucifer, we will never be able to see our sinful natures and change them by the power of Jesus. It isn’t up to Jesus to change our characters. He has given us everything we need to change our lives. All we have to do is humbly submit to His plan and use the power He has provided.
Unfortunately, those who call themselves “Christian” are too involved in what the world is teaching. We listen to this doctor, that psychologist, those TV daytime talking heads for our education on living. God created us and knows how we are to live. Go to Him and begin listening.
Dear Brother and Sister I,
I have been shown that you have erred in the management of your children. You received ideas at —– from Dr. J, which you have spoken of before the patients and before your children. These ideas will not bear to be carried out. From Dr. J’s standpoint they may not appear so objectionable; but viewed from a Christian standpoint, they are positively dangerous. The instruction which Dr. J has given in regard to shunning physical labor have proved a great injury to many. The do-nothing system is a dangerous one. The necessity for amusements, as he teaches it and enjoins it upon his patients, is a fallacy. In order to occupy the time and engage the mind, they are made a substitute for useful, healthful exercise and physical labor. Amusements such as Dr. J recommends excite the brain more than useful employment.
Few are listening. However, medical “science” is recognizing that video games, TV watching, the music being listened to and all the other “amusements” are destroying the young and in return, society. More and more states are requiring schools to go back to “shop” classes to teach the youth habits of industry and skills they can make a live at.
Physical exercise and labor combined have a happy influence upon the mind, strengthen the muscles, improve the circulation, and give the invalid the satisfaction of knowing his own power of endurance; whereas, if he is restricted from healthful exercise and physical labor, his attention is turned to himself. He is in constant danger of thinking himself worse than he really is and of having established within him a diseased imagination which causes him to continually fear that he is overtaxing his powers of endurance. As a general thing, if he should engage in some well-directed labor, using his strength and not abusing it, he would find that physical exercise would prove a more powerful and effective agent in his recovery than even the water treatment he is receiving.
I want to thank each of you for your understanding when I had to put in a gym and indoor pool. I could hardly walk, let alone get exercise outdoors. Therefore, with the gym equipment and the pool, I can keep my body healthy in order to continue the ministry. God bless each of you for your understanding with out criticizing and condemning.
The inactivity of the mental and physical powers as far as useful labor is concerned is that which keeps many invalids in a condition of feebleness which they feel powerless to rise above. It also gives them a greater opportunity to indulge an impure imagination,—an indulgence which has brought many of them into their present condition of feebleness. They are told that they have expended too much vitality in hard labor, when, in nine cases out of ten, the labor they performed was the only redeeming thing in their lives and was the means of saving them from utter ruin. While their minds were thus engaged, they could not have as favorable an opportunity to debase their bodies and to complete the work of destroying themselves. To have all such persons cease to labor with brain and muscle is to give them ample opportunity to be taken captive by the temptations of Satan.
Dr. J has recommended that the sexes mingle together; he has taught that physical and mental health demands a closer association with one another. Such teaching has done and is doing great injury to inexperienced youth and children, and is a great satisfaction to men and women of questionable character, whose passions have never been controlled, and who for this reason are suffering from various debilitating disorders. These persons are instructed, from a health standpoint, to be much in the company of the opposite sex. Thus a door of temptation is opened before them, passion rouses like a lion within their hearts, every consideration is overborne, and everything elevated and noble is sacrificed to lust. This is an age when the world is teeming with corruption. Were the minds and bodies of men and women in a healthy condition, were the animal passions subject to the higher intellectual powers of the mind, it might be comparatively safe to teach that boys and girls, and the youth of still more mature age, would be benefited by mingling much in the society of one another.
Now you understand the LGBQ+ movement. We love everyone, but we hate the sin and work against the laws that promote sin.
If the minds of the youth of this age were pure and uncorrupted, the girls might have a softening influence upon the minds and manners of the boys, and the boys, with their stronger, firmer natures, might have a tendency to ennoble and strengthen the character of the girls. But it is a painful fact that there is not one girl in a hundred who is pure-minded, and there is not one boy in a hundred whose morals are untainted. Many who are older have gone to such lengths in dissipation that they are polluted, soul and body; and corruption has taken hold of a large class who pass among men and women as polite gentlemen and beautiful ladies. It is not the time to recommend as beneficial to health the mingling of the sexes, their being as much as possible in the society of one another. The curse of this corrupt age is the absence of true virtue and modesty.
Dr. I, you have advanced these ideas in the parlor. The young have heard you, and your remarks have had as great an influence upon your own children as upon others. It would have been better to have left those ideas at —–. Close application to severe labor is injurious to the growing frames of the young; but where hundreds have broken down their constitutions by overwork alone, inactivity, overeating, and delicate idleness have sown the seeds of disease in the system of thousands that are hurrying to swift and sure decay.
The reason the youth have so little strength of brain and muscle is because they do so little in the line of useful labor. “Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before Me; therefore I took them away as I saw good.”
There are but few of the youth of this degenerate age who can even endure the study necessary to obtain a common education. Why is this? Why do the children complain of dizziness, headache, bleeding at nose, palpitation, and a sense of lassitude and general weakness? Should this be attributed mainly to their close study? Fond and indulgent parents will sympathize with their children because they fancy their lessons are too great a task, and that their close application to study is ruining their health. True, it is not advisable to crowd the minds of the young with too many and too difficult studies. But, parents, have you looked no deeper into this matter than merely to adopt the idea suggested by your children? Have you not given too ready credence to the apparent reason for their indisposition? It becomes parents and guardians to look beneath the surface for the cause of this evil.
In ninety-nine cases out of one hundred the cause, searched out and revealed to you, would open your understanding to see that it was not the taxation of study alone that was doing the work of injury to your children, but that their own wrong habits were sapping the brain and the entire body of its vital energy. The nervous system has become shattered by being often excited, and thus has been laid the foundation for premature and certain decay. Solitary vice is killing thousands and tens of thousands.
Children should have occupation for their time. Proper mental labor and physical outdoor exercise will not break the constitutions of your boys. Useful labor and an acquaintance with the mysteries of housework will be beneficial to your girls, and some outdoor employment is positively necessary to their constitution and health. Children should be taught to labor. Industry is the greatest blessing that men, women, and children can have.
You have erred in the education of your children. You have been too indulgent. You have favored them and excused them from labor, until to some of them, it is positively distasteful. Inactivity, a lack of well-regulated employment, has injured them greatly. Temptations are on every side, ready to ruin the youth for this world and the next. The path of obedience is the only path of safety.
You have been blind to the power that the enemy had over your children. Household labor, even to weariness, would not have hurt them one-fiftieth part as much as indolent habits have done. They would have escaped many dangers had they been instructed at an earlier period to occupy their time with useful labor. They would not have contracted such a restless disposition, such a desire for change and to go into society. They would have escaped many temptations to vanity and to engage in unprofitable amusements, light reading, idle talking, and nonsense. Their time would have passed more to their satisfaction and without so great temptation to seek the society of the opposite sex and to excuse themselves in an evil way. Vanity and affectation, uselessness and positive sin, have been the result of this indolence. The parents, and especially you, the father, have flattered and indulged them to their great injury. 4T 94-97.