Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As I have been watching the political landscape, many prophesies come to mind.  The godless Left almost took over the world.  But thank God, He is raising up men and women from around the world to stand up and put a stop to them. 

Let me explain a little of what God has shown me with regards to the “last days”.  God cannot come until the whole world recognizes that His law is just and righteous.  That can’t happen as long as the “Left” is in power.  The “Left” has been, and is, being used to destroy everything God has created or commanded.  Let’s count the ways.  God said He created a man and a woman.  The Left says, you can be any gender you want.  That puts man above God.  If a man or boy wants to be a woman, we will recreate you into a woman.    God said that He is in control of the weather.  The Left says that man must control the weather.  Instead of recognizing the judgments of God in the weather, they claim it is “climate change”.  God has given freedom so we can share the truth.  The Left says that we are not allowed to be free and must only believe what they want us to believe.  Need I go on?  After the “Left” has been overthrown by the uniting of the conservatives and “Christians”, the United States of America will accept the Ten Commandments as the rule for all nations on earth.  All the Ten Commandments, except the 4th Commandment.  (This will take place over time.)

Therefore, I realized that Jesus wasn’t coming “soon” as a lot of people, churches and denominations have been shouting and broadcasting.  Since the Left would not allow the Ten Commandments, therefore, I knew that God would have to raise up people to bring the Left to justice and defeat them.  This is a religious war and God will not allow His law to be defeated.

However, I do realize what will be coming after the Left has been defeated.  The world will rise up to bring back law and order. This, of course, is for the peace and safety of the world.  At the time of this writing, 11/22/2023, it has already begun.  Many countries are voting out the Left and bringing back sanity to their countries.

Yet, as that happens, a push will be made to convert the whole world to the Ten Commandments.  As it is, no nation on earth is opposed to any of the Ten Commandments, except the 4th Commandment.  Therefore, since all laws are based on the other nine, the consensus will be to bring all nations into conformity to the Ten Commandments. 

Keep in mind, this is a religious war.  The “Christian” nations are in the process of rising up to return Muslims to their own countries.  Since the Muslims do not believe in “freedom” of thinking or belief, the West will remove them from their countries.  As that happens, the Islamic Nations must make a decision, either accept the migrants back or reject them.  Why reject them?  Because they have been tainted with “freedom”. 

However, as the noose tightens, the 4th Commandment will become more visible.  The nations of the world will begin to question what to do with the 4th Commandment.  Those, like Israel, have no problem with the 4th Commandment.  Those nations that allow religious freedom, 1/3 of the world’s population, have swaths of communities who keep the 4th Commandment.  But on the other hand, 1/3 of the world’s population, Islam, keeps Friday as their holy day.  And then you have the other 1/3, the pagans: Communism, China, India and the far East, who keep the pagan Sunday, the 1st day of the week. 

The nations with “freedom of religion” laws will force all their people to keep the pagan Sunday, the 1st day of the week.  This will be the “Little Time of Trouble”.  Then, those pagan nations will eventually unite with the “Christian” nations in order to force Islam to change from Friday to Sunday for their holy day.  Islam will either elect to do it peacefully, or there will be a war.  Islam, either way, will be defeated and will come under the “Christian” umbrella. 

As the whole world then fights against the 4th Commandment, God will begin pouring out his wrath, mixed with mercy, in order to warn the world not to mess with those who keep the 4th Commandment.  Lucifer will come to explain to the world that he is causing the “wrath” because of those who keep the 4th Commandment and that they should be eliminated.  When the world puts into effect the International Sunday Law at the behest of Lucifer, probation closes at Passover, God pours out His wrath unmixed with mercy, a plague every month.  Christ then comes seven months later at Feast of Trumpets.

The hurricanes, flooding, fires, earthquakes and other disasters we are now (September-October 2024) experiencing is not about the 4th Commandment, but the falling away from the Christian principles the Left has be pushing on the world.

Back to why Jesus can’t come, yet.  In order for Jesus to be just in His judgment of the wicked, they must admit that He is just.  As the world condemns to death those who reject their 1st-day Sunday laws, Jesus then has the right to condemn the world to death for breaking His 7th-day Sabbath Command.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Jesus can now do unto them. 

2 Timothy 3:1 to 2 Timothy 3:17

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 

We are in the “last days”.  But that is not to say, “The End of Time”.  When Paul talked about “last days”, he wasn’t referring to the “end of time”, but the days leading up to the destruction of the Temple.  For all intent and purposes, that destruction would mean the end of the nation of Israel.  Difficult times indeed.  (Keep in mind, a prophecy can be used multiple times.)

We can now see the events leading up to the close of probation and know we are in the “last days” of earth’s history.  Difficult times truly started with Covid-19 when churches were shut down and people lost their jobs over “the jab” and religious convictions.  But that was just the beginning.  People were being cancelled for their beliefs.  This is just the wake-up call.

We are told in Daniel about the “the abomination that makes desolate”.  There are many things in the Bible that are call an “abomination”, but only two, that I have been able to find, makes “desolate”.  The first is the spiritual and that was the introduction of “saved by grace”.  If we are saved eternally by “grace” we don’t need the Ten Commandments or a Savior.  Therefore, it brings us desolation in our spiritual lives.  We no longer need to perfect holiness and sinlessness.  Therefore, this “abomination” should not be found in any person, church or denomination that claims to be of God.

The second is in the physical world.  Homosexuality brings desolation since it produces no offspring.  And when it is found where it should not be found we will be very close to the end of time.  Where should homosexuality not be found?   In the church that claims to be “God’s Remnant People” and who claim to keep the 7th-day Sabbath.  Is that happening today?  Yes!  Within the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and its many institutions, homosexuals and the LGBTQ+ are being hired and their way of life accepted.

For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, . . .

At no time in earth’s history, at least since the flood and Sodom, has the world become so money hungry, proud, arrogant, abusive, ungrateful, unholy and disobedient to their parents.  (Possibly the Jewish nation at the time of Christ and its fall.)  The news and internet are full of it.  Even laws have been enacted to give children the right to be disobedient to their parents.  All promoted by Lucifer to destroy God’s creation: man!

. . . heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, . . .

“Not loving good”.  In many cities and states run by the Left, the criminal is hailed as the hero while victims are treated like criminals.  Politicians slander the good and show no self-control in their brutal conduct against anyone who disagrees with them.  They are truly unappeasable and heartless against the “enemy”: Righteousness.  Watch the pendulum swing back.

. . . treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, . . .

The treachery of the Left in their actions to take over the world and make all mankind slaves is totally unbelievable.  From government to education, they are working to bring about a godless world.  They hate a God who will hold them accountable.  Lucifer, knowing the love of God, is hoping He will change His law so billions of people will not have to die eternally.  Lucifer has invented so much pleasure man has almost forgotten there is a loving God.

. . . having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. 

However, don’t be fooled.  The world will become more religious and people will return to the churches who will tell them lies.  The people will feel good about themselves because the churches will show them how to put on an appearance of godliness to satisfy their pride and ego.  I have been watching “Christian” movies and am struck by the appearance of godliness.  They make you feel so good.  But underneath all that appearance they are denying the power of God to change their lives.

“Today there is a class in our world who are self-righteous. They are not gluttons, they are not drunkards, they are not infidels; but they desire to live for themselves, not for God. He is not in their thoughts; therefore they are classed with unbelievers. Were it possible for them to enter the gates of the city of God, they could have no right to the tree of life, for when God’s commandments were laid before them with all their binding claims they said, No. They have not served God here; therefore they would not serve Him hereafter. They could not live in His presence, and they would feel that any place was preferable to heaven. 

“To learn of Christ means to receive His grace, which is His character. But those who do not appreciate and utilize the precious opportunities and sacred influences granted them on earth, are not fitted to take part in the pure devotion of heaven. Their characters are not molded according to the divine similitude. By their own neglect they have formed a chasm which nothing can bridge. Between them and the righteous there is a great gulf fixed. COL 270-271.

“The priests and elders of Israel spent their lives in religious ceremonies, which they regarded as too sacred to be connected with secular business. Therefore their lives were supposed to be wholly religious. But they performed their ceremonies to be seen by men that they might be thought by the world to be pious and devoted. While professing to obey they refused to render obedience to God. They were not doers of the truth which they professed to teach. COL 278.1

“The Jewish leaders looked with pride upon their magnificent temple, and the imposing rites of their religious service; but justice, mercy, and the love of God were lacking. The glory of the temple (churches of today), the splendor of their service, could not recommend them to God; for that which alone is of value in His sight they did not offer. They did not bring Him the sacrifice of a humble and contrite spirit. It is when the vital principles of the kingdom of God are lost that ceremonies become multitudinous and extravagant. It is when the character building is neglected, when the adornment of the soul is lacking, when the simplicity of godliness is lost sight of, that pride and love of display demand magnificent church edifices, splendid adornings, and imposing ceremonials. In all this God is not honored. A fashionable religion that consists of ceremonies, pretense, and display, is not acceptable to Him. Its services call forth no response from the heavenly messengers.” COL 297.

For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, . . .

“Creep” is no longer the word.  It is full blown assault through the media.  The devil is using women to destroy the world through various passions.  The devil has put it into the minds of “woke” women to hate men and they are out to destroy him who was made in the image of God.  It started with Eve and is continuing today.  Everything God created, from the family to work, has been attacked by Lucifer and the Left.

Another assault is spiritualism.  Ellen White was so correct.  I have been studying movies that claim to be “Christian”.  They are introducing spiritualism as a wonderful experience.  People coming back from the dead to guide the living and helping them have a better life.  Wow!  I am blown away by the straight-up push in the Christian world towards spiritualism.

. . . always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. 

As I watch the different podcasts and online programs, there is so much learning, but they are not able to “arrive at a knowledge of the truth”.  They want their truth, but not God’s truth.  Many are led astray.  There are many who have a true desire to know the truth.  That is one reason we keep putting out the truth every day.  God will use it to reach the hearts who are honest and want to know truth.

Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith. 

Almost every day I am challenged over the truth.  I cannot understand why people who claim to be “Christian” want to make liars out of Jesus and Paul.  They refuse to accept the simple statements made by Jesus, and cling to the fallacies of man.  Unbelievable!

But they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men. 

I have looked for those two men, Jannes and Jambres, but have not been able to find them anywhere in the Bible.  However, I am sure Paul had sources and knowledge that we today do not have.  Some sources believe they were magicians in the Egyptian court throwing down their rods and making snakes out of them.  But it is plain that whoever they were, apposing God’s servant is the key.  Those who oppose those of us sent by God will not get very far “for their folly will be plain to all”.

You, however, have followed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness, . . .

In contrast to Jannes and Jambres, Timothy did not oppose Paul.  He studied Scripture, his Old Testament, closely in order to learn the teachings, the conduct, aim of life and faith, patience, love and steadfastness of Paul.  He did everything he could to put those attributes into his life.  I think we need more role models of the same.  I am trying very hard to put them into my life.  I did not have those roll models while growing up.  I thank God for His grace in teaching me.

. . . my persecutions and sufferings that happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, and at Lystra—which persecutions I endured; yet from them all the Lord rescued me. 

And of course, if you live those attributes, you will be persecuted and experience sufferings for Jesus.  But that is what develops our character.  The Lord will rescue us when needed in order to purify us and bring out His character in each of us.  Therefore, rejoice!

Another point.  Paul was a huge persecutor of the Christians.  The Lord allowed Paul to suffer persecution, not just for his sake, but that the Christians would see his sincerity in his walk as a Christian and could trust his conversion.  How is your sincerity?

Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, . . .

Notice, “in Christ Jesus”.  There are many who live an outward appearance of godliness, yet they are acceptable to the world.  Why?  Because it is a self-made godliness.  It is a show of godliness.  It is a prideful godliness.  All of that is acceptable to man.  But if you live the godliness of Jesus Christ, you will be persecuted.

However, there are those who are persecuted for many reasons, political is one.  That doesn’t count.  Only if they are persecuted for living “a godly life in Christ Jesus”.  Many Catholic priests have been persecuted and killed in the past for “their church”, but it doesn’t count for righteousness if not done for Jesus Christ.

. . . while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 

Most of the churches, denominations and religions of the world are going from “bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived”.  Especially when attempting to explain law and prophecies.  Wow, what fantasies they dream up.  They are being deceived by Lucifer, and then deceiving their followers.  But if you mention truth, they will turn and revile you.

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it . . . 

We must be very careful what we are believing and from whom we are learning from.  Unless the person you are listening to is teaching you the teachings of Jesus to stop sinning, be perfect and to keep the Ten Commandments for your eternal life – run!

. . . and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 

And that is the key.  Old Testament is “able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus”.  Have you ever wondered why Paul and the New Testament writers combine “Christ” with Jesus?  Because they were trying to equate the concept the Jews had of the “Messiah”, which in Greek is “Christ”, with the Man Jesus.  He came!  They had to have faith in the Man as the Messiah, the Lamb of God, before they could become “wise for salvation” through what they were being taught in the Old Testament.  Unfortunately, in today’s churches, denominations and religions, few are “acquainted with the sacred writing”.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 

I understand that concept “breathed out”.  When the Spirit of God was sent to me and dictated and directed the book, “Change Your Life Biblically” and other material this ministry is putting out, it is an experience hard to explain.  Paul said it best, “breathed out”.

Very few Christians are studying “all Scripture” for their eternal life.  The New Testament is simply an add-on to tell us the Messiah, the Lamb of God, had come.  No need for the temple services, rites, rituals or traditions: all gone.  Yet, that which is necessary for eternal life, the Ten Commandments, is eternal and will make you a “man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”  Is everything you do a, “Good Work”?

Inmate Letters

Dear Brother Ron,

After going through the first 30 pages, I found the most fascinating aspect was changing my perspective from looking at God as not a name, but a title.  I just received the book less than an hour ago from writing this letter.  I am truly humbled.  The brainwashed question really opened my eyes and made me look inside myself.  Not only did I say the 2 guys with the mask were thieves, I had to take a step back and ask, “Wait, why is that the first thing I thought?”  Well, it dawned on me that I still have the negative criminal thinking.  Instead of asking questions about weather, or is it night or day, I didn’t even give the 2 people a chance.  I just assumed because I know before prison if you caught me with a mask any time of day, stealing or robbing was probably exactly what I was doing.  Also, I’ve learned that even though I have a high reading, I need to be more attentive to terminology and when certain words are used when reading my Bible, such as different names of God like Yahweh, Rock, Shepherd and I AM, etc.  And while I know Jesus is prophesied many times in the Old Testament, sometimes I miss Him being mentioned like in your example from Micah 5:2.  Thank you for the opportunity to do this Bible study.  And thank you for listening to God when He told you to write this with Him.  I admire your strength when dealing with the health issues satan threw your way.  God truly is good. 

Kenen, MI


I found this study Bible in the library, but, unfortunately, it was in pieces.  Someone didn’t take care of it.  I would really like a copy of it fi that is possible.  I’ve got 81/2 years left.  I feel that the book would help me in my walk. Thank you and God bless,

Kyle, CA

Dear Ron,

I got to read some of your book.  A guy here let me read some but I was hoping to get a copy for myself.  If I could, that would be great.  I know that from what I have got to read of the book has helped me out a lot.  I would like to be able to share it with others as well.  Any other stuff you could send me would be very good.  This is the first time I have had to do time.  To be honest, I plan on it being the last. 

Steven, GA


Enclosed you will find 2 requests for “Change Your Life Biblically”.  The two inmates are in the same housing unit.  Also, because I am assisting one who can not read and has a learning disability.  Please accept our requests.

Brandon, LA


I received a postcard from your ministry.  I am interested.  I’ve been trying to find a Bible study group that’s more about faith than it is about church and religion. 

Craigory, KY


I got the card you sent and would love to find out about your program.  I love to draw and can submit some art for your ministry’s website and Facebook page.  Please let me know what I have to do.

Enrique, IL


Thank you for reaching out to me.  I do believe in God.  I am interested in your Bible study.  I’ve always wanted to completely read the Bible but as of yet, I haven’t I’m hoping this Bible study can help me.  I’m from California.  I have been praying for such things to happen so I’m happy you guys contacted me.

Carlos, CO

Hi Brother Ron,

I know you haven’t heard nothing from me.  I’ve just been here and there.  I told one guy about “Change Your Life Biblically” and he reached out to you.  I’m here with him.  He is a nice guy spiritually.  There is a few of them in the block I’m in.  I would like the 2nd Edition book.  I seen the guy got his last week.  It’s something hew to me and I would like to have one.  Once again brother, I’m doing fine and hope you are too.

Lee, NC

Dear Ronald,

Today, I got your letter and it really touched my heart.  The reason I don’t say much is because I know you have a lot on your plate.  I know there are a lot of inmates all over the US you have to write back.  To tell you the truth, Ron, every study I take, they write me for a few months then they stop.  My sentence seems like a burden to them and they really don’t understand me.  I can do my time with Jesus.  That is all that matters.  This life without parole sentence is only temporary.  I’m going on 17 years now.  Ron, I read my Bible every day and I study a lot too.  All those scriptures you have in your study, I read them and I check them out.  Ron, I’ve learned a lot from your study.  The God-Title really gave me a lot of insight who God really is.  I looked up all your Scriptures and everything came to the light.  Thank you for writing me.  It is always a blessing to hear from you.

Ruben, TX

Testimony For God’s Children

My Dear Family in Christ,

This revelation from God is 100 times more true now than it was in 1875.  But not just those of us who live in California, but all of us who claim to believe the truth and go to church on the Sabbath.  We are so Laodicean.  I pray to God we wake up.  May God bless us as we read this revelation from God and put it to work in our lives.

Opposition to Faithful Warnings

January 3, 1875, I was shown that there is a great work to be done for those who profess to believe the truth in California, before God can work for them. Many are flattering themselves that they are right with God, when they have not the principles of the truth in their hearts. This class can be brought into working order only by seeking with diligent, persevering earnestness to heed the counsel of the True Witness. They are in a cold, formal, backslidden state. These are addressed by the True Witness: “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of My mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich, and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.” 

Brother G, God has claims upon you to which you do not respond. Your spiritual strength and growth in grace will be proportionate to the labor of love and good works which you do cheerfully for your Saviour, who has withheld nothing, not even His own life, that He might save you. You have the injunction of the apostle: “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” It is not enough to merely profess faith in the commandments of God; you must be a doer of the work. You are a transgressor of His law. You do not love God with all your heart, might, mind, and strength; neither do you live in obedience to the last six commandments and love your neighbor as yourself. You love yourself more than you love God or your neighbor. Keeping the commandments of God requires more of us than you are willing to perform. God requires of you good works, self-denial, self-sacrifice, and devotion to the good of others, that through your instrumentality souls may be brought to the truth. 

Our good works alone will not save any of us, but we cannot be saved without good works. And after we have done all that we can do, in the name and strength of Jesus we are to say: “We are unprofitable servants.” We are not to think that we have made great sacrifices and that we should receive great reward for our feeble services. 

Self-righteousness and carnal security have closed you about as with bands of iron. You need to be zealous and repent. You have been unfortunate in sympathizing with the disaffected, whose course has been in opposition to the work that the Lord through His servants was doing upon this coast. The wrong men have had your sympathy. Because your heart was not right with God, you did not receive the light He sent to you. You set up your stubborn will to resist the reproof which the Lord gave to you in love. You knew these things were true, but tried to close your eyes to the true state of your case. Whether you heed the voice of reproof and warning God has sent to you or not; whether you reform, or retain your defects of character, you will one day realize what you have lost by placing yourself in a defiant position, warring in spirit against the servants of God. Your bitterness of feeling toward Elder H is astonishing. He has endured and sacrificed and toiled on this coast to do the work of God. But in your blindness, while unconsecrated in heart and life, you have ventured, in connection with I and J, to handle the servant of God in a cruel manner. “Touch not Mine anointed,” saith God, “and do My prophets no harm.” It is not a small matter for you to array yourself, as you have done, against men whom God has sent with light and truth for the people. Beware how your influence turns souls from the truth which God has sent His servants to declare, for a heavy woe hangs over you. 

Satan has been using you as his agent to insinuate doubts and to reiterate insinuations and misrepresentations which have originated in an unsanctified heart, which God would have cleansed from its pollution. But you refused to be instructed, refused correction, rejected reproof, and followed your own will and way. Souls are defiled by this root of bitterness and are, through these questioning, murmuring ones, placed where the testimony of reproof which God sends will not reach them. The blood of these souls will be chargeable to you and to the spirits with whom you are in harmony. 

God has given us, as His servants, our work. He has given us a message to bear to His people. For thirty years we have been receiving the words of God and speaking them to His people. We have trembled at the responsibility, which we have accepted with much prayer and meditation. We have stood as God’s ambassadors, in Christ’s stead beseeching souls to be reconciled to God. We have warned of danger as God has presented before us the perils of His people. Our work has been given us of God. What, then, will be the condition of those who refuse to hear the words which God has sent them, because they cross their track or reprove their wrongs? If you are thoroughly convinced that God has not spoken by us, why not act in accordance with your faith and have no more to do with a people who are under so great a deception as this people are? If you have been moving according to the dictates of the Spirit of God you are right and we are wrong. God is either teaching His church, reproving their wrongs and strengthening their faith, or He is not. This work is of God, or it is not. God does nothing in partnership with Satan. My work for the past thirty years bears the stamp of God or the stamp of the enemy. There is no halfway work in the matter. The Testimonies are of the Spirit of God, or of the devil. In arraying yourself against the servants of God you are doing a work either for God or for the devil. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” What stamp does your work bear? It will pay to look critically at the result of your course. 

It is not a new thing for a man to be deluded by the arch-deceiver and array himself against God. Consider your course critically before you venture to go any further in the path you are traveling. The Jews were self-deceived. They rejected the teachings of Christ because He exposed the secrets of their hearts and reproved their sins. They would not come to the light, fearing that their deeds would be reproved. They chose darkness rather than light. “This is the condemnation,” said Christ, “that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” The Jews pursued their course of rejecting Christ until, in their self-deceived, deluded state, they thought that in crucifying Him they were doing God service. This was the result of their refusing light. You are in danger of similar deception. It will be profitable for your soul, Brother G, to consider where the path which you are now traveling will end. God can do without you, but you cannot afford to do without God. He does not compel any man to believe. He sets light before men, and Satan presents his darkness. While the deceiver is constantly crying, “Light is here; truth is here,” Jesus is saying: “I am the truth; I have the words of eternal life. If any man follow Me, he shall not walk in darkness.” God gives to us all evidence sufficient to balance our faith on the side of truth. If we surrender to God we shall choose the light and reject the darkness. If we desire to maintain the independence of the natural heart, and refuse the correction of God, we shall, as did the Jews, stubbornly carry out our purposes and our ideas in the face of the plainest evidence, and shall be in danger of as great deception as came upon them; and in our blind infatuation we may go to as great lengths as they did, and yet flatter ourselves that we are doing work for God. 

Brother G, you will not long stand where you now are. The path you have started upon is diverging from the true path and separating you from the people whom God is testing in order to purify them for the final victory. You will either come into union with this body, and labor earnestly to answer the prayer of Christ, or you will become more and more unbelieving. You will question point after point of the established faith of the body, become more self-willed in your opinion, and grow darker and darker in regard to the work of God for this time, until you set light for darkness and darkness for light. 

Satan has great power to entangle souls by confusing the minds of those who do not cherish the light and the privileges which Providence sends them. Minds which are submitted to Satan’s control are led continually from the light of truth into error and darkness. If you give Satan the least advantage, he will claim more and will watch the outposts to make the most of any circumstance to advantage his cause and ruin your soul. 

Brother and Sister G, you are neither of you in a safe position. You despise reproof. Had smooth words been spoken to you rather than words of reproof, had you been praised and flattered, you would now occupy a very different position from what you do in regard to your belief in the Testimonies. There are some in these last days who will cry: “Speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits.” But this is not my work. God has set me as a reprover of His people; and just so surely as He has laid upon me the heavy burden, He will make those to whom this message is given responsible for the manner in which they treat it. God will not be trifled with, and those who despise His work will receive according to their deeds. I have not chosen this unpleasant labor for myself. It is not a work which will bring to me the favor or praise of men. It is a work which but few will appreciate. But those who seek to make my labor doubly hard by their misrepresentations, jealous suspicions, and unbelief, thus creating prejudice in the minds of others against the Testimonies God has given me, and limiting my work, have the matter to settle with God, while I shall go forward as Providence and my brethren may open the way before me. In the name and strength of my Redeemer I shall do what I can. I shall warn and counsel and reprove and encourage as the Spirit of God dictates, whether men will hear or whether they will forbear. My duty is not to please myself, but to do the will of my heavenly Father, who has given me my work. 

Christ warned His disciples: “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” Here is a test, and, Brother G, you can apply it if you will. You need not go in uncertainty and doubt. Satan is at hand to suggest a variety of doubts, but if you will open your eyes in faith you will find sufficient evidence for belief. But God will never remove from any man all causes for doubts. Those who love to dwell in the atmosphere of doubt and questioning unbelief can have the unenviable privilege. God gives sufficient evidence for the candid mind to believe; but he who turns from the weight of evidence because there are a few things which he cannot make plain to his finite understanding will be left in the cold, chilling atmosphere of unbelief and questioning doubts, and will make shipwreck of faith. You have seemed to consider it a virtue to be on the side of the doubting rather than on the side of the believing. Jesus never praised unbelief; He never commended doubts. He gave to His nation evidences of His Messiahship in the miracles He wrought, but there were some who considered it a virtue to doubt and who would reason these evidences away and find something in every good work to question and censure. 

The centurion who desired Christ to come and heal his servant felt unworthy to have Jesus come under his roof; his faith was so strong in the power of Christ that he entreated Him just to say the word and the work would be done. “When Jesus heard it, He marveled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.” 

Here Jesus exalted faith in contrast with doubt. He showed that the children of Israel would stumble because of their unbelief, which would lead to the rejection of great light and would result in their condemnation and overthrow. Thomas declared that he would not believe unless he put his finger into the prints of the nails and thrust his hand into the side of his Lord. Christ gave him the evidence he desired and then reproved his unbelief: “Because thou hast seen Me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” 

In this age of darkness and error, men who profess to be followers of Christ seem to think that they are at liberty to receive or reject the servants of the Lord at pleasure and that they will not be called to an account for so doing. Unbelief and darkness lead them to this. Their sensibilities are blunted by their unbelief. They violate their consciences and become untrue to their own convictions and weaken themselves in moral power. They view others in the same light with themselves. 

When Christ sent out the twelve, He commanded them: “And into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter, inquire who in it is worthy, and there abide till ye go thence. And when ye come into an house, salute it. And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you. And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city.” They were warned to beware of men, for they should be delivered up to the councils and scourged in the synagogues. 

Men’s hearts are no softer today than when Christ was upon the earth. They will do all in their power to aid the great adversary in making it as hard as possible for the servants of Christ, just as the people did with Christ when He was upon the earth. They will scourge with the tongue of slander and falsehood. They will criticize, and turn against the servant of God the very efforts he is leading them to make. They will, with their evil surmisings, see fraud and dishonesty where all is right and where perfect integrity exists. They lay selfish motives to the charge of God’s servants, when He Himself is leading them, and when they would give even their lives if God required, if by so doing they could advance His cause. They who have done the least, and made the least investment in the cause of truth, are the most forward to express lack of faith in the integrity of the servants of God who are placed in a position to bear financial responsibilities in the great work. They who have confidence in the work of God are willing to venture something for its advancement, and their spiritual prosperity will be in proportion to their works of faith. God’s word is our standard, but how few follow it! Our religion will be of but little worth to our fellow men if it is only theoretical and not practical. The influence of the world and of selfishness is carried about by many who profess to be following the Bible. They are like a cloud, chilling the atmosphere in which others move. 4T 227-234.