Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It pains me to see the lives of those who call themselves Christian. Jesus said to “strive” to enter the Kingdom of God. That doesn’t mean striving to get to church. That means striving to produce the character of Jesus in our lives.
We work hard to produce the character of Jesus in the lives of others. We point out their sins and gripe and complain about them. We tell them what we think they should be doing, while all the time we are forgetting our own duties and responsibilities in producing the character of Jesus in our own lives.
We are to be living as aliens and foreigners here on this earth. Yet, that is not what I see. I understand this because I thought I was living a good Christian life while living for this world. I went to church. I loved my family. I thought I was helping people. However, God had to send me to prison in order for me to step back, take the time and see how far I had fallen. In the Bible, that is called meditation. Most who call themselves Christian are not able, or do not want to see how far they have fallen.
In order to see how far we have fallen, it is vital that we pick up the Bible and read slowly, with care and thought, understanding what is being said and apply it to our lives. And not just the New Testament, but the Old Testament from which we are told to find our salvation. That is another reason why it is clear so few will experience salvation when Jesus comes, they haven’t studied the Old Testament as Jesus, the disciples and Paul did. They studied it and encouraged everyone to do the same. Are you?
1 Peter 2:1-25
Therefore, rid yourselves of every kind of evil and deception, hypocrisy, jealousy, and every kind of slander.
I looked up the word “try” in the Bible. In the context of being perfect, not once was I able to find the word “try”. We are not to “try” to be perfect, we are to be perfect. We are not to “try” to be sinless, we are to be sinless. We are to keep the Ten Commandments, not try to keep them.
However, I did find an interesting verse with the word “try” in it. “For they are ignorant of the righteousness that comes from God while they try to establish their own, and they have not submitted to God’s means to attain righteousness.” Romans 10:3. Get the point? Today we are taught to “try” to become Christians. Back then, as today, the wicked were the ones trying to establish their own righteousness. Why? Because they, as most today, have not submitted to God’s means to attain righteousness. What is that “means”? The Ten Commandments! As we submit to Jesus, giving Him our entire life, He gives us the power to live in obedience to the Ten Commandments.
As you commit yourself to living the Ten Commandment life, you will then be able to “rid yourselves of every kind of evil and deception, hypocrisy, jealousy, and every kind of slander”. However, I think most prefer their deceptions, hypocrisies, jealousies and slander. It makes them feel so good inside.
Like newborn babies, thirst for the pure milk of the word so that by it you may grow in your salvation.
Have you ever watched a newborn baby thirst for its milk? It hunts all over for the mother’s nipple in order to drink. It will even cry for it. I don’t think too many Christians hunt and cry for the Ten Commandments in their life. Few even thirst for the “pure milk of the Word”. They like their milk diluted with human wisdom, church doctrine and fancy soundbites. They even ask you to stop communicating to them anything that would help them change their lives.
Did you notice? In order to grow in your salvation, you have to have the pure Word. Now we know why people have no salvation. And did you notice, we have to “grow” in our salvation. This isn’t a once-saved-always-saved Christianity; this is hard work. That is why we are commanded to strive to work out our salvation.
Surely you have tasted that the Lord is good!
Most have never realize that all the good they have experienced is from the Lord. No, it comes from a human or worldly source, therefore, we praise the worldly source, not the Lord. So, in effect, not many have tasted that the Lord is good.
I have! I would be on the street or in prison if it wasn’t for the Lord. He picked me, chose me and called me to this ministry. For 28 years He has kept this ministry operating so I would have a place to sleep, food to eat and clothes to wear. He has provided the buildings and equipment to conduct the affairs of this ministry. Oh yes, I have tasted that the Lord is very, very good. No griping or complaining from me.
As you come to him, the living stone who was rejected by people but was chosen and precious in God’s sight, . . .
First, Jesus is the Rock, the “Living Stone” of both the Old and New Testaments. And yes, for most of history, He has been rejected by people; and the church has replaced Him. But God chose Him and thinks of Him as “precious”, like a rare jewel or fine gold. I once held approximately $25,000 worth of gold in my hands. In fact, the owner asked me to take the gold rock and try to sell it to the appropriate people. However, my estimation of gold just wasn’t as fine as the owners.
. . . you, too, as living stones, are building yourselves up into a spiritual house and a holy priesthood, so that you may offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Jesus, the Messiah.
Paul expected his readers to know and understand the Old Testament. To become a priest in the Old Testament you must have no defects. The priest represented Jesus: perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping.
What are the “spiritual sacrifices” we are to offer? When the wilderness tabernacle was being built, only sacrificial offerings were made: freewill offerings. We are to be building our spiritual temple by offering ourselves freely to God. Only material sanctioned by God will be accepted. We cannot bring what we want, we must use material authorized by God. And, oh yes, bringing was a gift. They did not think of the temple as a bank to deposit and then withdraw. They did not come crying back asking for their money back.
The sanctuary was built for one purpose, to house the Character of God: physically (Ten Commandments), spiritually (instructions on how to keep the Ten Commandments) and metaphorically through the shekinah (light). So it is to be in our body-temples. Nothing human, in the spiritual realm, is to be used to develop our spiritual natures. We are to be perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping.
This is why it says in Scripture: “Look! I am laying a chosen, precious cornerstone in Zion. The one who believes in him will never be ashamed.”
We can know the Ten Commandments. We can understand the truth. But if we do not have the “Cornerstone” in our lives, the rest is useless. The Cornerstone holds it all together so it doesn’t fall apart. Believing in Jesus isn’t about believing in a historical figure. That kind of belief won’t get you into heaven. True belief is to produce action that will live in obedience to Jesus.
Let’s say I’m taking a trip. I believe the brochure when it states that the trip will be wonderful. I believe the boat I will be traveling on will be safe. I believe it will leave the harbor on time. I believe the captain and staff are proficient. But if I refuse to believe physically by getting myself down to the harbor on time and getting myself onboard, all my belief will be for nothing. Belief must be accompanied by action.
Therefore he is precious to you who believe, . . .
If the cruise I am taking to Hawaii is believed to be precious, you can be sure I will be at the dock on time and will board the boat. Especially if I have paid thousands of dollars for the trip. Are we laying up treasure in Heaven?
. . . but to those who do not believe, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone, a stone they stumble over and a rock they trip on.” They keep on stumbling because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do.
And there it is, “they disobey”. Disobedience isn’t a philosophy or a belief, it is an action that accompanies true belief. I don’t believe in evolution of the species and therefore, I am not going around looking for evidence of evolution of the species. I do believe in Jesus as the Creator of the world, and therefore, I do look for evidences of His Creative power.
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people to be his very own and to proclaim the wonderful deeds of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
Here is the problem as I see it, not many who claim to be Christian want to be called “out of darkness”. They love their sins. Maybe they don’t love the sins of others, but boy, do they love their own. They may not love the consequences of their sins, but they still love their sin. They have not experienced the “marvelous Light” that Jesus offers us. Not until it is too late will we realize what a wonderful life we could have had if we had just live in obedience to that “marvelous Light”.
Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God. Once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
There is a mercy that God gives to everyone, just like grace. Yet, there is that special grace and mercy reserved for His people. Without this special grace and mercy, in actuality, we are not a people. We are just living organisms doomed to destruction and oblivion. But when we believe and act upon that belief, we become people of the Living God who are destined for eternal life.
Dear friends, I urge you as aliens and exiles to keep on abstaining from the desires of the flesh that wage war against the soul.
To sum that up, stop being selfish. Never think about yourself. Jesus never thought about Himself. Not once! Selfishness wages war against the soul. Selfishness is an alien presence in the soul. All selfishness is derived from the tenth Commandment: Do not covet! We were not created to house selfishness. We were created to house love, courtesy, kindness, respect, obedience and every other action that glorifies God. It all comes from Him and is to be used for Him.
Continue to live such upright lives among the gentiles that, when they slander you as practicers of evil, they may see your good actions and glorify God when he visits them.
The “evil” they may slander you for is not the “evil” of the wicked one, but the perceived “evil” of evildoers. They have become so evil that they call good, evil and evil, good. And yes, when God comes, or when He visits them in adversity, they will recognize they were wrong and will glorify God. Yet, they refuse to change their evil course.
For the Lord’s sake submit yourselves to every human authority: whether to the king as supreme, or to governors who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right.
“For the Lord’s sake”. It may not be for your sake, if you are guilty, but we do it for the “Lord’s sake”. We never want to bring disgrace, shame or a bad reputation to the Lord’s name. We are not to judge a king, governor or the President of the United States, just simply obey. We let God sort it all out. He is in control. We may not like our leaders, we may not think their policies are good, yet, unless they go against the Ten Commandments, God is working out His will.
In the present situation, I see God working out His will in the governments of the world today. He has allowed the Democrats and their godless policies to run their course. Look at what is happening because of their blatant hate of God. Now God is raising up men and women to reverse that course.
For it is God’s will that by doing right you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.
And in today’s world, there are a lot of foolish people with ignorant talk. The airwaves are full of them. Turn them off. Do what is right. Spend time with God.
Live like free people, and do not use your freedom as an excuse for doing evil. Instead, be God’s servants.
In my own life, I find this extremely difficult. Try exchanging “blessings” for “freedom”. Under difficulties and trials, “doing evil” really is difficult to do. But when you are free from those difficulties and trials, or are blessed, it is very easy to slip back into evil thoughts and habits. Learning to “be God’s servants” in the good times is actually very hard to do. We must develop new habits.
Honor everyone. Keep on loving the community of believers, fearing God, and honoring the king.
“Honor everyone” isn’t a suggestion or an opinion. It is a command. A Christian is duty bound to honor everyone. Jesus honored everyone. Honoring and loving are not the same. We are to love the “community of believers”. That is a higher bar than “honor”. We honor through obedience. Unless what is expected of us goes against the Ten Commandments, we are duty bound to live in obedience to the government.
“Loving the community of believers” is harder than honoring the government. Following in the footsteps of Jesus is very difficult. But if we expect to live with Him in Heaven, we must live with Him here on earth. Living with Him isn’t done in church, but in a real world with all of its hate, abuse and sin.
You household servants must submit yourselves to your masters out of respect, not only to those who are kind and fair, but also to those who are unjust.
Substitute “employees” for “servants” and you get the point. We too often make up a myriad of excuses why we don’t need to “respect” our bosses. As Jesus submitted to the authorities unto death, so we are to submit, no matter how trifling, to the request of the boss, the one in charge. I’m understanding more and more why Jesus said that few would be saved. If we can’t submit to our bosses and the authority over us, we will never submit to Jesus. That is one reason why there are so many churches. People don’t want to submit to the plain teachings of Jesus, therefore, they find churches that agree with their disobedience.
For it is a fine thing if, when moved by your conscience to please God, you suffer patiently when wronged.
Jesus suffered patiently under abuse. He pleased God. He is our example.
What good does it do if, when you sin, you patiently receive punishment for it? But if you suffer for doing good and receive it patiently, you have God’s approval.
We have all experienced this. We have “sinned”, done something we know is wrong, and accepted the punishment without much fuss. However, you have probably experienced the “rage” you experienced when you were punished for something you didn’t do. It is that “rage” we must turn over to Jesus and let it go. It isn’t healthy, and God is not pleased.
This is, in fact, what you were called to do, because: The Messiah also suffered for you and left an example for you to follow in his steps.
Not many want to do what they were “called to do”. They would rather do what they want to do and pretend they are saved. Not much suffering in doing what we want to do. Well, suffering comes after in the consequences.
“He never sinned, and he never told a lie.”
Following in His footsteps!? “Never told a lie”!? We Christians have a lot of repenting to do.
When he was insulted, he did not retaliate. When he suffered, he did not threaten. It was his habit to commit the matter to the one who judges fairly.
Ouch! “He did not retaliate”! “He did not threaten”! How easy to want to threaten and retaliate in word or action when we don’t get what we think we should. I think we need to develop the habit of committing everything that comes our way to the “One who judges fairly” and leave it in His hands. Not easy, yet, that is how we develop patience, self-control and eternal life.
“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the tree, so that we might die to those sins and live righteously. “By his wounds you have been healed.”
I wonder, did He bear your sins on the tree? Have you died to your sins? Are you living righteously? Only by His wounds can we be healed. And only can those wounds heal us if we follow His example and “die to those sins” and “live righteously” as He did.
You were “like sheep that kept going astray,” but now you have returned to the shepherd and overseer of your souls.
I think we need a big sheep dog. Most of us keep going astray. However, that brings shame to Jesus. This isn’t a game. Most Christians do not take Christianity seriously. They want what this world has to offer so bad, they put on a show of Christianity, but in their hearts, they keep going astray. We need to return once and for all to the “Shepherd and Overseer” of our souls.
And did you notice, we are to do the returning. Yes, Jesus is the good Shepherd, but if we are not willing to be returned, there is nothing He can do to return us. Same with the prodigal son. Only he could do the returning. The father waited, but only when the son returned was the father able to take him back.
I have been a Christian for 4 years now and still have so much I want to learn. I received a form to sign up for your Bible study, “Change Your Life Biblically” and would love to sign up for it. I don’t have any money, but am a fellow Christian and would absolutely love and enjoy your course.
William, ID
I am 23 years old and looking to start the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”. Can you please send it to me so I can start to get closer to God? I am a young believer in Christ,
Colby, ID
I am interested in starting “Change Your Life Biblically” study book. Can you please send it to me? I am a Christian and I want to learn more about Jesus Christ.
Luke, ID
To Whom It May Concern,
My friend has one of your “Change Your Life Biblically” workbooks. And we have been working through it together. But I would really love my own copy of it for myself. I was wondering if you possibly help me out with that?
Joseph, WI
My cellie has your book “Change Your Life Biblically”. He is struggling with it, but to me, it is an extremely important book for the end times. I explained to him that if he can’t read it, others will be blessed by God! It must have been sent in to bless me and others as it will be passed on. I wish for you to send me a copy of CYLB. I have read just a little of your book. It inspires me to read all of it.
Mervin, MT
To Whom It May Concern,
Thank you for sending me that postcard with your ministry’s information. I look forward to hearing back from you. I am a man who is trying to be better and make new friends and create bonds with positive members of the community.
Jacob, CA
I’m writing in response to the letter I received from you in regards to your Bible study program. I’m 33 years old and have only been out for a couple of months since I was 18 years old. So, as you can tell, I’ve spent most of my life in here. I was raised in a good Christian home, but strayed from the Lord. I want to get back in God’s favor. I’m hoping that this Bible study will help me.
Zachary, CA
I am super excited to hopefully be able to make this as a career. I love Jesus and want to show people that someone who is in prison can make a difference. I am interested in being a part of the Bible study and just want to change my life. Thank you.
Dillon, ID
Dear John,
I have met a real good friend that started your program, but was unable to finish. I would love to try your program, if you will?
Larry, IN
Dear John,
I apologize about the delay in my assignment to your valuable gift from God. I was transferred and not all of my property made it. I would like to inform you that I don’t have that “amazing” workbook you had sent me. I would like to restart the entire program of yours if you will, please?
Bryson, IN
I am in a federal prison. Not a lot of people here even talk about Jesus. It shouldn’t be that way. I’m 28 years old and my faith is strong, but it gets heard sometimes. I try my best everyday so I can make it back to my daughters. I just feel like I could use some help.
John, MD
Dear JCPM,
I do not get much mail, or have much contact with the outside world. I have stopped talking to all my immediate family because they are a bad influence. I would love to do whatever it is that you would like me to do.
Mark, WA
I’m writing because I got a postcard from you guys a few weeks back and would like to know more about JCPM. Also, how I can get free Bible study. Thank you.
Tyshon, NY
I’m Mexicano from Calexico, CA. I’m locked up in Nebraska for drugs and guns. I have been down almost 10 years. I heard from my cellie about you guys. I would love the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”. I’m learning a little bit about God. I just want a new life. I have been doing this since the age of 13. I no longer gang bang. I just want a better life with Jesus. I have four children and I’m just really tired of being locked up. I would like to read the book.
Victor, NE
To Whom It Concerns,
I would like to start your program. I have 4 years left before I top out. I would like to grow closer to God with my time and continue it when I get out.
Casey, ID
I am interested in your Bible study. We have started our own Bible study among us inmates and it would really help us.
Tayler, ID
Dear JCPM,
I have finished reading your CYLB study book and would love to receive more reading material from your ministry. I loved this study book and will continue to re-read it along with God’s Word. I especially loved the 8-step diagram. It has helped me thoroughly identify where I am at in my spiritual growth. It encourages me not to get complacent in my walk with Jesus. Practicing self-control is where I am currently at. I strive to progress even further. I understand that Christ’s power and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit keep me from falling. I keep rejoicing in what Christ has, and is doing in my life.
Christopher, CA
I would love to receive a CYLB Bible study. A Christian brother of mine has one and he loves it. He gave me your address so that I can request one too. I have looked at his a little and am very impressed.
Samuel, GA
Brother Ron,
Your letter really meant a lot to me. So far, I’ve been incarcerated for 3 1/2 years. Your letter is the 3rd letter I’ve received. It’s been a struggle to be sure, but its my own fault that I am here. I’ve read your Bible study 4 times. I can’t put it down. I can’t wait for more.
Luis, KY
How Are You?,
I appreciate the invitation to participate in your correspondence program. I’m 31 years old and have been incarcerated since the age of 17. I’ve done a lot of self-reflection and self-improvement over the years. I have learned to appreciate any and every opportunity to grow further. I feel the chance to learn and grow more is a possibility you offer. I consider myself to be agnostic, but I am open to any religious or philosophical conversations. I currently have 8 years left in prison.
Ian, IL
I am a lifer whose been in prison for almost 10 years so far. I was legally a juvenile when I got incarcerated. I am a firm believer in God and Jesus Christ. You might throw this letter away, but I’m actually a Muslim. I still would absolutely love to talk about life and God.
Christopher, CA
I received a postcard from your organization and would like a copy of “Change Your Life Biblically”. Thank you for your consideration and taking the time to reach out to me.
Shane, OR
I would like to join your ministry. I’ve read and I’ve heard so many good stories about you guys. I’m curious to find out how it is. I would like to know if you could send me the book.
Terrence, CA
Testimony for God’s Children
My Dear Family in Christ,
I see the beginnings of “birth pains” taking place in the world today. When the world was younger, and the population smaller, each group of people could have their own beliefs. But now that the world’s population has grown to cover the whole face of the earth, beliefs are colliding with each other. Islam is out to dominate the world. Christianity will not accept it. Neither will the Chinese nor India. As you can see, the conflict is now taking place. Soon you will see the Christian countries stand up and force all Muslims to either convert or return to Islamic countries. The end is upon us. Going to church will not save you. Have you the self-control to live the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life? Only the character that lives the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life will be redeemed from off the face of this earth without seeing death.
Duty of Self-Control
The appetites of our animal natures ought to be kept in rigid subjection. These appetites were given us for important purposes, for good, and not to become the ministers of death by being perverted and becoming warring lusts. The appetite for tobacco, which you, Brother G, strengthen by indulgence, is becoming a warring lust against your soul. An intemperate man cannot be a patient man. The almost imperceptible indulgence of the taste will create an appetite for stronger stimulants. If the thoughts, passions, and appetites are kept in due subjection, the tongue will be controlled. Call to your aid moral power, and abandon the use of tobacco forever. You have tried to hide from others the fact that you used tobacco, but you did not hide the matter from God. “Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double-minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.” I commend these words to you in the name of Jesus, who has given me my commission. Do not reject them.
You would never have rejected the Testimonies as you have, had your wrongdoings not been reproved. You thought it would be easier to sacrifice the Testimonies and close your eyes to the light God has given you than to give up your tobacco and cease your life of levity and joking with unbelievers. The cleansing process involves denial and restraint which you have not moral power to endure; therefore you think to excuse your sins by your unbelief of the light God has sent you. Remember, you must meet all these things again; for they are written in the book, with all the warnings and reproofs that God has committed to me to give to you.
Brother J is to be pitied, for he has naturally a defective organization. His hope is small. His unbelief and doubts control his judgment. It is in his nature to place himself on the side of doubting and questioning. The only way to overcome this great evil is to cultivate opposite traits of character. He should repress unbelief, and not cultivate it. He should not express his doubts. He has no right to thrust the defects of his character before others, to cause them sadness and discouragement. If he must be affected with this sad evil, he should not embitter the happiness of others by introducing his unbelief to chill the faith of his brethren. He is inclined to pass over almost everything in every discourse and exhortation from which he might draw comfort and encouragement, and pick up something which he thinks will afford an excuse for his questioning and criticism. The avenues of his soul are thrown open and left unguarded for Satan to come in and mold his mind to his purposes.
I was shown that your meetings are losing interest because God’s Spirit does not attend them. The brethren and sisters are in complete bondage because of these two men. They dare not exercise their freedom and speak out their faith in the simplicity of their souls, for here is Brother J, with his cool, severe, critical eye, watching and ready to catch at any word which will give him a chance to exercise the faculties of his unbelieving mind. Between these two, the Spirit of God is grieved away from the meetings. When brethren manifest the spirit of the dragon, to make war upon those who believe that God has communicated light and comfort to them through the Testimonies, it is time for the brethren and sisters to assert their liberty and perfect freedom of conscience. God has given them light, and it is their privilege to cherish the light and to speak of it to strengthen and encourage one another. Brother J would confuse the mind by seeking to make it appear that the light God has given through the Testimonies is an addition to the word of God, but in this he presents the matter in a false light. God has seen fit in this manner to bring the minds of His people to His word, to give them a clearer understanding of it.
The church of —– are growing weaker and weaker because of the influence which has been exerted over them—not an influence to help them advance, but to clog the wheels. It is the privilege of Brother J to cast aside his unbelief and to advance with the light, if he will. If he refuses to do this, the cause of God will advance all the same without his aid. But God designs that a change shall be made in the church at —–. They will either advance or retrograde. God can do more with six souls who are united and of the same mind and judgment, than with scores of men who do as Brother J and G have been doing. They have brought with them into the meeting, not angels of light, but angels of darkness. The meetings have been unprofitable and sometimes a positive injury. God calls for these men to come over on the Lord’s side and to be united with the body, or to cease hindering those who would be wholly for the Lord.
The great reason why so many professed disciples of Christ fall into grievous temptation and make work for repentance is that they are deficient in a knowledge of themselves. Here is where Peter was so thoroughly sifted by the enemy. Here is where thousands will make shipwreck of faith. You do not take your wrongs and errors to heart, and afflict your souls over them. I entreat you to purify your souls by obeying the truth. Connect yourselves with heaven. And may the Lord save you from self-deception. 4T 244-246.