Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We are living in the last days of Earth’s history.  The “future” will be very short.  I think no more than a lifespan.  Of course Jesus can stretch out the time, or shorten it.  We are no longer living by time, but by events.

The churches have wandered so far from righteousness that few people are left to bring the world back from the precipice.  Like the world before the flood, there just isn’t enough righteousness to stem the tide of wickedness.  In the few short years ahead the world will become far more religious, but far from righteousness.  For those who are not spending hours a day in study of God’s word, they will be deceived. The “religion” of the world will look perfectly righteous.

The churches of today, all of them, have fallen away from the righteousness of Christ.  It is all about money, power and numbers.  The original gatherings of Christians had nothing to do with “membership” but relationship with Jesus.  Jesus didn’t say, where hundreds are gathered together, but where “two or three” are gathered together.  The concept of “gathering” had nothing to do with how many, but with sincerity of heart.  “Gathering” had nothing to do with church.  “Gathering” had to do with those who were willing to change their lives and give up the world?  Now you see why it was just “two or three”.

The churches of today have departed “from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons”.  Yes they have.  The demons do not care how many times you sing about Jesus.  They do not care how many times you pray to Jesus.  They do not care how many times you use the name of Jesus.  They only care if you live in obedience to Jesus.  After all, Lucifer will come as Jesus.  So all these churches that are using the name of Jesus are actually bowing down to Lucifer.  He loves it!

1 Timothy 4:1 to 1 Timothy 4:16

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, . . .

People love the “deceitful spirits and teachings of demons”.  Those teachings give them what they want.  What do they want?  Sin!  They want the world and Heaven too.  The churches are filled with “deceitful spirits and teachings of demons”.

When Lucifer comes as Jesus, the churches will accept him with open arms, just as the Jews welcomed Barabbas into their arms while crucifying Jesus.  Barabbas represented everything the church wanted: separation from Rome, power, authority, willingness to fight for the nation.  Jesus was a wimp.  He was just wandering around the country listening and being kind to poor retches.  Not the kind of “man” the church wanted to follow.

. . . through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, . . . 

Walk into any church and listen to the “insincerity of liars”.  It doesn’t matter if they are quoting a text from the Bible or mentioning the name of Jesus.  The intent is to get you to believe in the man or institution instead of Jesus.  Truly, their “consciences are seared”.

. . . who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 

There are religions that forbid marriage to their priests.  Totally against the Bible.  God created man to marry a woman and populate the earth.  Then of course, there are those individuals who require you to abstain from all foods that are not organic, vegan and sanctioned by the god of climate change.  Their consciences are truly seared with selfishness, pride, ego and religious nonsense.

For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, . . .

If one doesn’t know how to swim and jumps into the deep end of the pool, he is liable to drown.  If you don’t know how to swim, the deep end can be dangerous.  Most people are jumping into the deep end of the Bible without learning how to swim first.

Paul knew his Old Testament.  There was no “New” Testament for Paul to read from.  He read and studied his Old Testament and knew Israel was allowed to eat anything that had been approved by God.  There were certain conditions for health reasons.  However, by the time of Christ, the church had so perverted the teachings of God that rituals surrounding food became more important than the food.  Paul was attacking those church rules, rituals, ceremonies and traditions and not the Old Testament rules given by God.

. . . for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. 

The church of Christ’s day thought that their rituals, rites and ceremonies made the food holy.  No, it was the Word of God and prayer.  Being thankful.  If you bought meat from the market, that had been offered to idols, and you prayed over it, it was fine to eat.  But the church was afraid it might have been offered to idols and therefore, had to be cleansed by ritualistic services, etc.  Such nonsense.

If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, being trained in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine that you have followed. 

And what did Timothy follow?  The Old Testament!  That is why Paul chose him.  “I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.”  2 Timothy 1:5.  And where did they get that “sincere faith”?  Of course, Old Testament.  There was no New Testament for them to read.

Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness; . . .

How true!  Silly myths.  Silly people running around saying you can’t eat peanut butter, or margarine or food that isn’t organic or food that is Genetically Modified, etc.  I don’t think God has a problem keeping you safe from all of the above since God is able to keep you safe if you “pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison”.  Mark 16:18.

. . . for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. 

Yes, “bodily training is of some value”.  Whether that bodily training is self-control in your appetite, thinking, sexual life, or physical life, it has “some value”.  But godliness, righteousness and living the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life “holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come”.  But again, churches and religions are trying to make foods, rites, rituals, ceremonies and bodily training more important than character development.

I understand about “bodily training”.  I was paralyzed from the neck down for some time.  Bodily training has been very important in my life.  But I try never to let it become more important than my character training.  It wasn’t the “bodily training” that saved me, it was the word of God that told me to get up and walk.  God does the healing.

The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance. 

The churches need to believe this.

For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe. 

That is correct.  Our hope is not set on food, drink or clothes.  Our hope is “set on the living God”.  When we get our focus off of our churches, our pastors, our denominations, our religions and plant our focus squarely on Jesus and His teaching, then everything else will fall into place.

Command and teach these things?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our churches, religions and denominations actually commanded and taught these things.

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. 

Just because someone is middle-aged with a lot of degrees and letters after their name doesn’t make them worthy of our ears.  Those who live as an “example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity” are worthy of our ears.  Since I didn’t have a Paul to guide me and teach me, I’m still working on those last examples.

Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching. 

That is an interesting statement, “devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching”.

  • Public reading of Scripture.  This does not include man-made philosophy, theology or arguing about Scripture.  Just read it!  That is what this ministry is attempting to do.  Just put out Scripture in a way people can understand.
  • To exhortation.  As we read Scripture, we are to exhort, urge, persuade, appeal and to encourage people to live in obedience to Scripture.  We are not to exhort them to come to church.  We must make every effort to bring them to Jesus.  Jesus is in His Word.
  • To teaching.  As people are drawn to Scripture and Jesus, they need teaching, schooling and training in order to live the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life.

Each of us is responsible for those three things in our lives.  Look around you and see whom you can begin the process of bringing to Jesus.  As you pray for help, Jesus will send His Spirit to help you.  That is what He did for me so that now I am putting out His Scripture publicly through many avenues.

Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you. 

We all of gifts.  Each one of us has been endowed with gifts from the Spirit of God.  These gifts vary from one person to another, but they all come from God to fulfill His plan.  All you have to do is take inventory of yourself and ask, “What can I do to draw people to Jesus?”  The Spirit of God will point you in the right direction.

Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress. 

  • Practice.  I wonder how much practice we put into our Christianity each day?  If you were practicing for a part in a play, you would spend hours rehearsing and rehearsing your part.  How about an instrument?  How much time do you spend on it?  Practice makes perfect.  You are an instrument of the Lord and have a part to act in His play.  How good are you?
  • Immerse yourself.  I grew up a few miles from the beach.  We went there often.  I notice there were those who stood back and watched the water.  They were not interested in touching it.  Then, there were those who stuck their toe in the water, but that was about it.  They would walk along the water line letting the water lap upon their feet.  Then there were those who immersed themselves in the water.  They loved the water and were very active in swimming, surfing, diving and just immersing themselves in the water.  How is your immersion?
  • All may see your progress.  People walking along the water line can claim to be great swimmers.  People on the beach can claim to be great swimmers.  But only those immersed in the water and are swimming, actually let people see their progress and joy in the water.  Which one are you?

Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers. 

Keeping watch on our thoughts, actions and what we see and hear is an interesting concept.  Most just go by their feelings and what they want or what the church tells them.  Probably that is why few will be saved.  They just aren’t keeping a close watch on what God requires for their salvation.  How sad.

Let us look to Jesus and change any and everything in our lives that does not adhere to the teaching and life of Jesus.


Inmate Letters


Mr. John,

I hope that you will be sending me a Bible study.  A friend of mine came from a different prison and had the book and he let me browse through it.  I am very interested in getting to know Jesus a lot more.

David, NC


Hello JCPM,

I have been incarcerated since I was 17 years old.  I feel as if I am finally understanding the truth and accepting it.  I am 27 years old.  I am extremely lost as to my calling.  I strive to find out how I can be of use to God’s Kingdom.  I have yet to determine these things.  Your pamphlet came in the mail to me out of nowhere.  I kind of brushed it off as “another” Bible study I didn’t even plan on looking at until my cellmate pointed it out.  I picked it up and read Ron’s story and what really caught my attention was how he broke stuff down about the church and how the Sabbath is on Saturday and not Sunday.  I see how he went through a lot in life.  How he found his place by just trusting in God.  Thank you for your time and what you do for people.

Apollo, TX


Dear Ron,

I pray you are well.  I’ve read over your booklet that a fellow cellmate has.  I would really like to do your study if you will, could you send it to me?

Christopher, TX



Thank you for sending me your pamphlet and your testimony.  Your story is quite miraculous indeed.  I thank God for you and your ministry.  Our Creator never ceases to amaze me.  Prior to receiving your pamphlet I had been a little bit down and out, feeling the blues, somewhat.  Even though I know the truth, I still suffer at times because I feel so alone.  I look forward to receiving your materials in the future.

Martin, NV



I am writing you because I would like to be a part of your teaching of Jesus Christ.  I would like to start your correspondence course by mail.  I would like to learn more about Jesus.

James, IL


Dear JCPM,

I’m an inmate in New York State Prison and I’m writing to your organization to request a Bible study.  Thank you.

Kristofer, NY


To Whom It May Concern,

I was introduced to your program by a friend.  I started to read and look through the book.  I have borrowed the book, but just yesterday he decided to give it to me.  I have another friend that is like my little brother and another who is my nephew.  I would like to show and introduce them to your program.

Gaylen, ID



I am currently serving a 45 month prison sentence for a felony DUI.  I have so many questions about God.  Why I’m still so self-centered.  Why I am unable to grasp His greatness.  When I think of my children, the love, compassion, guilt, sorrow and desire to do and be different is overwhelmingly strong.  What am I doing wrong in my relationship with God.  I strongly believe He is there and gave His only Son for me, but what am I lacking, or missing?  I’ve had disorders and addictions of all kinds since I was 14.  I am now 51 years old.  I would welcome any and all supplies you offer.

Lisa, WY


Dear Ron,

I wrote you from jail.  I did the few Bible study questions you sent me.  I wasn’t allowed to bring the book to prison with me.  Can you please send it to me again?

Cecil, WA



I am writing in order to sign up for the Bible study course that you offer.

Michael, TX



I found this book written by you.  It is the most interesting book I have seen in many years.  It had pages torn out and written all over inside this book.  I would like to have a copy myself.  I appreciate the effort you have gone through to get this material for this book.  Thank you.

Joyce, TN



I am writing you because I am interested in your Bible study program.  I am new to learning and am surrounded by negativity.  I would also like to learn more about God and I have a lot of questions.  I have been in prison since I was 20 years old and am now 27 years old.  I still have 4 years to go.

Huston, KY


Dear Ronald John,

Somehow, I got your book in the mail.  I don’t remember sending you anything, but I am so thankful I got this “History of the Ministry” by the grace of God.  I can’t wait to read “Change Your Life Biblically”.

Edward, TN



Please send any religious material that you have available.  I look forward to hearing back from you all.

Nicholas, TX


Testimony For God’s Children

My Dear Family in Christ,

There are those who claim to be Christian, yet, they are constantly looking at the negative and impossibilities in their lives.  Jesus has all the power in the world and can do anything.  The problem is not with Jesus, but with our faith.  We must learn to simply trust God and live in obedience no matter what we think or feel.  God is always right.  Most of the problems in our lives comes from our lack of faith and obedience.

The Twelve Spies

The Lord commanded Moses to send men to search the land of Canaan, which He would give unto the children of Israel. A ruler from each tribe was to be selected for this purpose. They went; and after forty days they returned from their search, and came before Moses and Aaron, and all the congregation of Israel, and showed them the fruit of the land. All agreed that it was a good land, and they exhibited the rich fruit which they had brought as evidence. One cluster of grapes was so large that two men carried it between them on a staff. They also brought of the figs and pomegranates which grew there in abundance. After they had spoken of the fertility of the land, all but two spoke very discouragingly of their ability to possess it. They said that the people were very strong that dwelt in the land, and the cities were surrounded with great and high walls, and, more than all this, they saw the children of the giant Anak there. They then described how the people were situated around Canaan and expressed the fear that it would be impossible for them ever to possess this land.

As the people listened to this report, they gave vent to their disappointment in bitter reproaches and wailing. They did not wait to reflect and reason that God, who had brought them out thus far, would certainly give them the land. They left God out of the question. They acted as though in taking the city of Jericho, the key to the land of Canaan, they must depend solely on the power of arms. God had declared that He would give them the country, and they should have fully trusted Him to fulfill His word. But their unsubdued hearts were not in harmony with His plans. They did not reflect how wonderfully He had wrought in their behalf, bringing them out of their Egyptian bondage, cutting a path for them through the waters of the sea, and destroying the pursuing host of Pharaoh. In their unbelief they were limiting the work of God and distrusting the hand that had hitherto safely guided them. In this instance they repeated their former error of murmuring against Moses and Aaron. “This, then, is the end of all our high hopes,” said they. “This is the land we have traveled all the way from Egypt to possess.” They blamed their leaders for bringing trouble upon Israel and again charged them with deceiving the people and leading them astray.

Moses and Aaron lay prostrate before God, their faces in the dust. Caleb and Joshua, the two who, of all the twelve spies, trusted in the word of God, rent their clothes in distress when they perceived that these unfavorable reports had discouraged the whole camp. They endeavored to reason with them; but the congregation were filled with madness and disappointment, and refused to listen to these two men. Finally Caleb urged his way to the front, and his clear, ringing voice was heard above all the clamor of the multitude. He opposed the cowardly views of his fellow spies, which had weakened the faith and courage of all Israel. He commanded the attention of the people, and they hushed their complaints for a moment to listen to him. He spoke of the land he had visited. Said he: “Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.” But as he spoke, the unfaithful spies interrupted him, crying: “We be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we.”

These men, starting upon a wrong course, set their hearts against God, against Moses and Aaron, and against Caleb and Joshua. Every step they advanced in this wrong direction made them firmer in their design to discourage every attempt to possess the land of Canaan. They distorted the truth in order to carry their baneful purpose. They represented the climate as being unhealthful and all the people of giant stature. Said they: “And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.”

This was not only an evil report, but a lying one also. It was contradictory; for if the land was unhealthy, and had eaten up the inhabitants, how was it that they had attained to such massive proportions? When men in responsible positions yield their hearts to unbelief, there are no bounds to the advance they will make in evil. Few realize, when they start upon this dangerous course, the length that Satan will lead them.

The evil report had a terrible effect upon the people. They reproached Moses and Aaron bitterly. Some groaned and wailed, saying: “Would God that we had died in the land of Egypt! or would God we had died in this wilderness!” Then their feelings rose against the Lord; and they wept and mourned, saying: “Wherefore hath the Lord brought us unto this land, to fall by the sword, that our wives and our children should be a prey? were it not better for us to return into Egypt? And they said one to another, Let us make a captain, and let us return into Egypt.”

Thus they manifested their disrespect for God and for the leaders He had appointed to conduct them. They did not ask the Lord what they should do, but said: “Let us make a captain.” They took matters into their own hands, feeling themselves competent to manage their affairs without divine aid. They not only accused Moses of deception, but God also, in promising them a land which they were not able to possess. They actually went so far as to appoint one of their number as a captain to lead them back to the land of their suffering and bondage, from which God had delivered them with His strong arm of omnipotence.

Moses and Aaron still remained prostrate before God in the presence of all the assembly, silently imploring divine mercy for rebellious Israel. Their distress was too deep for words. Again Caleb and Joshua press to the front, and the voice of Caleb once more rises in sorrowful earnestness above the complaints of the congregation: “The land, which we passed through to search it, is an exceeding good land. If the Lord delight in us, then He will bring us into this land, and give it us; a land which floweth with milk and honey. Only rebel not ye against the Lord, neither fear ye the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defense is departed from them, and the Lord is with us: fear them not.”

The Canaanites had filled up the measure of their iniquity, and the Lord would no longer bear with them. His defense being removed from them, they would fall an easy prey to the Hebrews. They were not prepared for battle, for they felt so strong that they deceived themselves with the idea that no army was formidable enough to prevail against them.

Caleb reminded the people that by the covenant of God the land was ensured to Israel; but their hearts were filled with madness, and they would hear no more. If only the two men had brought the evil report, and all the ten had encouraged them to possess the land in the name of the Lord, they would still have taken the advice of the two in preference to the ten, because of their wicked unbelief. But there were only two advocating the right, while ten were in open rebellion against their leaders and against God.

The greatest excitement now rages among the people; their worst passions are aroused, and they refuse to listen to reason. The ten unfaithful spies join them in their denunciations of Caleb and Joshua, and the cry is raised to stone them. The insane mob seize missiles with which to slay these faithful men. They rush forward with yells of madness, when, lo! the stones drop from their hands, a hush falls upon them, and they shake with terror. God has interposed to check their rash design. The glory of His presence, like a flame of light, illuminates the tabernacle, and all the congregation behold the signal of the Lord. One mightier than they has revealed Himself, and not one dares continue his resistance. Every murmurer is silenced, and the spies, who have brought the evil report, crouch terror-stricken, with bated breath.

Moses arises from his humiliating position and enters the tabernacle to commune with God. Then the Lord proposes to immediately destroy this rebellious people. He desires to make of Moses a greater nation than Israel; but the meek leader of His people will not consent to this proposition. “And Moses said unto the Lord, Then the Egyptians shall hear it, (for Thou broughtest up this people in Thy might from among them;) and they will tell it to the inhabitants of this land: for they have heard that Thou Lord art among this people, that Thou Lord art seen face to face, and that Thy cloud standeth over them, and that Thou goest before them, by daytime in a pillar of a cloud, and in a pillar of fire by night. Now if Thou shalt kill all this people as one man, then the nations which have heard the fame of Thee will speak, saying, Because the Lord was not able to bring this people into the land which He sware unto them, therefore He hath slain them in the wilderness.”

Moses again refuses to have Israel destroyed and himself made a mightier nation than they. This favored servant of God manifests his love for Israel and shows his zeal for the glory of his Master and the honor of His people. Thou hast forgiven this people from Egypt even until now; Thou hast been long-suffering and merciful hitherto toward this ungrateful nation; and however unworthy they may be, Thy mercy is the same. He pleads: Wilt Thou not therefore spare them this one, and add this one more instance of divine patience to the many Thou hast already given?

Moses prevailed with God to spare the people, but because of their arrogance and unbelief the Lord could not go with them to work in a miraculous manner in their behalf. Therefore in His divine mercy He bade them adopt the safest course and turn back into the wilderness toward the Red Sea. He also decreed that, as a punishment for their rebellion, all the adults who left Egypt, with the exception of Caleb and Joshua, should be forever excluded from Canaan. They had utterly failed to keep their promise of obedience to God, and this released Him from the covenant that they had so repeatedly violated. He promised that their children should possess the goodly land, but declared that their own bodies should be buried in the wilderness. And the ten unfaithful spies, whose evil report had caused Israel to murmur and rebel, were destroyed by the power of God before the eyes of the people.

When Moses made known to Israel the will of God concerning them, they seemed sincerely to repent of their sinful conduct. But the Lord knew that they sorrowed because of the result of their evil course, rather than from a deep sense of their ingratitude and disobedience. But their repentance came too late; the just anger of God was awakened, and their doom was pronounced, from which there was no reprieve. When they found that the Lord would not relent in His decree, their self-will again arose, and they declared that they would not return into the wilderness.

In commanding them to retire from the land of their enemies, God tested their apparent submission and found that it was not real. They knew that they had deeply sinned in allowing their rash feelings to control them and in seeking to slay the spies who had urged them to obey God; but they were only terrified to find that they had made a fearful mistake, the consequences of which would prove disastrous to themselves. Their hearts were unchanged, and they only needed an excuse to occasion a similar outbreak. This presented itself when Moses, by the authority of God, commanded them to go back into the wilderness.

They had rebelled against His commands when He bade them go up and take the land that He had promised them, and now, when He directed them to retreat from it, they were equally insubordinate, and declared that they would go to battle with their enemies. They arrayed themselves in warriors’ dress and armor, and presented themselves before Moses, in their own estimation prepared for conflict, but sadly deficient in the sight of God and His sorrowful servant. They refused to listen to the solemn warnings of their leaders that disaster and death would be the consequence of their audacity.

When God directed them to go up and take Jericho, He promised to go with them. The ark containing His law was to be a symbol of Himself. Moses and Aaron, God’s appointed leaders, were to conduct the expedition under His watchful direction. With such supervision no harm could have come to them. But now, contrary to the command of God and the solemn prohibition of their leaders, without the ark of God and without Moses, they marched out to meet the armies of the enemy.

During the time consumed by the Israelites in their wicked insubordination, the Amalekites and Canaanites had prepared for battle. The Israelites presumptuously challenged the foe that had not dared to attack them; but just as they had fairly entered the enemy’s territory, the Amalekites and Canaanites met them in force and fiercely repulsed them, driving them back with great loss. The field of carnage was red with their blood, and their dead bodies strewed the ground. They were utterly routed and defeated. Destruction and death were the result of their rebellious experiment. But the faith of Caleb and Joshua was richly rewarded. According to His word, God brought these faithful ones into the land that He had promised them. The cowards and rebels perished in the wilderness, but the righteous spies ate of the grapes of Eshcol.

The history of the report of the twelve spies has an application to us as a people. The scenes of cowardly complaining and drawing back from action when there are risks to be encountered are re-enacted among us today. The same unwillingness is manifested to heed faithful reports and true counsel as in the days of Caleb and Joshua. The servants of God, who bear the burden of His cause, practicing strict self-denial and suffering privation for the sake of helping His people, are seldom better appreciated now than they were then.

Ancient Israel was repeatedly tested and found wanting. Few receive the faithful warnings given them of God. Darkness and unbelief do not decrease as we near the time of the second advent of Christ. Truth becomes less and less palatable to the carnally minded; their hearts are slow to believe and tardy to repent. The servants of God might well become discouraged, were it not for the continual evidences their Master gives them of His wisdom and assistance. Long has the Lord borne with His people. He has forgiven their wanderings and waited for them to give Him room in their hearts; but false ideas, jealousy, and distrust have crowded Him out.

Few who are professedly of Israel, and whose minds have been enlightened by the revelations of divine wisdom, dare to come boldly forward, as did Caleb, and stand firmly for God and the right. Because those whom the Lord has chosen to conduct His work will not be turned from the course of integrity to gratify the selfish and unconsecrated, they become the target for hatred and malicious falsehood. Satan is wide awake and working warily in these last days, and God calls for men of spiritual nerve and stamina to resist his artifices.

Thorough conversion is necessary among those who profess to believe the truth, in order for them to follow Jesus and obey the will of God—not a submission born of circumstances, as was that of the terrified Israelites when the power of the Infinite was revealed to them, but a deep and heartfelt repentance and renunciation of sin. Those who are but half converted are as a tree whose boughs hang upon the side of truth, but whose roots, firmly bedded in the earth, strike out into the barren soil of the world. Jesus looks in vain for fruit upon its branches; He finds nothing but leaves.

Thousands would accept the truth if they could do so without denying self, but this class would never build up the cause of God. These would never march out valiantly against the enemy,—the world, the love of self, and the lusts of the flesh,—trusting their divine Leader to give them the victory. The church needs faithful Calebs and Joshuas, who are ready to accept eternal life on God’s simple condition of obedience. Our churches are suffering for laborers. The world is our field. Missionaries are wanted in cities and villages that are more certainly bound by idolatry than are the pagans of the East, who have never seen the light of truth. The true missionary spirit has deserted the churches that make so exalted a profession; their hearts are no longer aglow with love for souls and a desire to lead them into the fold of Christ. We want earnest workers. Are there none to respond to the cry that goes up from every quarter: “Come over …and help us”?

Can those who profess to be the depositaries of God’s law, and who look for the soon coming of Jesus in the clouds of heaven, stand acquitted of the blood of souls if they turn a deaf ear to the crying needs of the people who walk in shadows? There are books to be prepared and distributed, there are lessons to be given, there are self-sacrificing duties to be performed! Who will come to the rescue! Who will, for Christ’s sake, deny self and extend the light to those who sit in darkness? 4T  148-156.