My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
When Jesus died, His disciples imagined their world fallen. No more “Kingdom of God” to dream about. No more positions of authority to fight over. No more “titles” to work for. They buried their future. There was nothing more they could do. And since it was the Sabbath, the only thing they could do was “rest”.
In our lives, becoming a Christian can seem much like the disciples at that time. They did not yet realize what “following” Jesus really meant. Everything they had worked for now seemed to have been a waste. Would you be willing to bury all you had worked for?
We are to give up this world and everything in it. We are to become “new” creatures, not made-over old ones. To give up everything you have worked for may seem a waste, but if you “rest” in Jesus and wait, God will make all things plain. All you have to do is be willing to give up and bury your old life and arise and work in the new life.
Mark 16:1 to Mark 16:20
When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him.
I am sure that was one of the longest Sabbaths in their lives. Instead of recounting the wonderful words He had spoken to them about His resurrection, they probably were mourning His death. Because they did not listen to Jesus, they wasted their money. We do the same. We are so involved in our own thoughts, desires and feelings, we just aren’t listening to Jesus. We could avoid so much trouble and waste in our lives if we did. Many are buying expensive “spices”, ornaments, organs, pianos, rugs, podiums and other church paraphernalia – all a waste. Jesus is coming. Stop going to church to anoint a dead body.
An interesting thought, I have often wondered why God created the Sabbath from sundown to sundown. One Sabbath, while talking to Jesus about it near the close of the Sabbath, it was revealed. God is a practical God. He is not a tyrant. He loves us and understands “real” life. He recognized that the Sabbath “day” still has duties and responsibilities that have to be attended to. Therefore, when the sun sets on the Sabbath, the Sabbath is over. And yet, there is still “light” to do some “worldly” chores that may need accomplishing. The women going to buy spices is an example of this. The “Sabbath was past”, and yet there was still light and visibility to do what was needed to be done. Then they went home and waiting until Sunday morning to go to the tomb.
And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb.
Many are going to church, a dead, dark tomb, in hopes of finding Jesus. He isn’t there. Instead of going to church when the sun rises, we need to go to Jesus. And let me make this very plain. You may not be going to church physically, but if you are viewing or listening to the TV, radio or internet religious programs, you are still psychologically in “church”. Turn them all off and sit quietly with Jesus and begin reading how to change your life.
And they were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?”
There are lots of perceived stones in our way that need to be rolled away. For many Christians, life is nothing but perceived stones standing in the way of their joy, happiness and success. Especially when asked to go and share the good news. Boy, can we find lots of stones in our way. But if we look up to Jesus, we will find that what we were dreading, fantasizing about and fearing has been rolled back for us.
Church and religious organizations can also be “stones” in our way. They obscure our vision so we do not see Jesus. The Jews allowed their religious organization to blur their vision. They can get us all worked up over the “soon coming of Jesus”, health and a million other things that are not essential for our character development in order to go to Heaven. Turn them all off and go to Jesus.
And looking up, they saw that the stone had been rolled back—it was very large. And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and they were alarmed.
More likely than not, the imagination of stones in our way is “very large”. However, the reality is, in Jesus they are nothing at all. In fact, they are push-overs. Then, when we look around, we will find those sent by God to help us stay calm and “not be alarmed”.
And he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him.
Facing our fears, imaginations and anxieties can be difficult to handle. But we will find that they are “not here” when we go to Jesus. They can all be laid to rest and we can stand up and walk in joy, peace and confidence in Jesus.
But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.”
Jesus does tell us where to go find Him. He didn’t tell them to go to church. He didn’t tell them to go to their pastor. He didn’t tell them to join a denomination. They were to go where Jesus told them. He is telling us to find Him in peace, quietness, nature and the “inner room”. Not one text in all the Bible tells us to go find Jesus in church, on the TV, radio or internet. The material on our website is not about a religion, church or us. It is about Jesus and how you can find Him.
And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.
Most who hear the good news that they don’t need to worry about church, their “stones” or the religions of the world, do flee, trembling with astonishment. Many are afraid to say anything to anyone. But that will soon pass. The joy of knowing the truth about Jesus and how to serve Him will overshadow everything else in our lives.
Now when he rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons. She went and told those who had been with him, as they mourned and wept. But when they heard that he was alive and had been seen by her, they would not believe it.
When Jesus rose on the first day of the week, nowhere in the Bible do we find Him telling anyone that He had changed the Sabbath. He kept the Sabbath by resting from His work, His labors. Then, He rose in obedience to the commandment and went back to work on the first day of the week. He never broke the Ten Commandments or the Sabbath. He didn’t change any of them either. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8. “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” Matthew 5:17. And so it is with us. Do not abolish the law in your life. Fulfill the Ten Commandments as Jesus did. Follow the example of Jesus, not church.
Another interesting note. He didn’t appear first to the president of the church. He didn’t go to the church leaders. He didn’t call a church committee meeting. He appeared first to a prostitute, to one who had been redeemed from sin. I am sure that concept doesn’t sit very well with those going to church.
Too often we are morning and weeping over things that just aren’t so. I suppose that is why we are instructed to rejoice in the Lord always because we never really “know” what is going on around us. What we “perceive” probably isn’t reality. We waste a lot of time mourning and weeping over “perceived” beliefs when we could be rejoicing. I think the greatest handicap to rejoicing is the fact that we are not listening to what Jesus says. We are way too busy listening to our churches. Few sitting in church or involved with independents and religions believe those of us who have been sent to bring them good news.
After these things he appeared in another form to two of them, as they were walking into the country.
How interesting. Jesus appeared, not to those sitting in church, but to those out walking in the country. Where are you “walking”? Do you want Jesus to appear to you? If so, get out of your church and go walk with Jesus in the “country”. Interesting observation, it was while my son and I were out walking in the mountains one Sabbath morning that the angel was sent to us.
And they went back and told the rest, but they did not believe them.
Most of those sitting in church will not believe you either. They have “church” to tell them. They are listening to their independents or sitting in church. That is a lot more comfortable than walking in the country. Listening to preachers with degrees from universities is far more acceptable to our ego and pride than listening to a poor ministry of inmates sent by Jesus.
Afterward he appeared to the eleven themselves as they were reclining at table, and he rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed those who saw him after he had risen.
Jesus does a lot of rebuking. Reclining in church can make us unbelieving and produce hardness of heart. I wonder if there are a lot of heart attacks among people sitting in church. Interesting to note, He didn’t tell them to set up churches or denominations. He didn’t instruct them to create a religion. He didn’t even tell them to go to church. They were “reclining at table”. I suppose they were doing what I do when I am discouraged and downhearted: eat.
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.
Every individual who takes upon himself the name “Christian” must stop reclining at church and “go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation”. Many are not in a situation to physically “go into all the world”, but they may “go” by sending their tithes, offerings and donations so we can take the gospel to the whole world. Many could open their doors and invite their family, friends and neighbors. Many can take our flyers with them to pass out wherever they go. Juan rides about a one and a half hour trip each way on public transportation to and from work. He takes flyers he has printed at home and places them on the seats, in the windows and other places. These flyers have our website on them. There are many ways to “go into all the world”. Sitting in church is not one of them.
In truth, I don’t know of any church, religion, independent or denomination that is proclaiming “the gospel”. “And Jesus went about all the cities and the villages teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the gospel.” Matthew 9:35. The “gospel” that Jesus taught was to stop sinning, be perfect and to keep the Ten Commandments in order to get eternal life. John 5:14, Matthew 5:48; 19:17. Is your church teaching you “the gospel”?
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
It is the “believes” part that is essential to “be saved”. The “baptized” part was in place of circumcision. It was a physical act that demonstrated one’s commitment to live in obedience to the gospel: perfect, sinless and commandment keeping. Baptism itself has noting to do with eternal life. But today, churches have perverted baptism and have made it their salvation. Their “belief” is only a mental assent to some Bible texts. There is no longer an active teaching to live as Jesus commands: perfect, sinless and commandment keeping. That is why the churches have become perverts and have been condemned in Revelation. All churches are considered “prostitutes” in God’s eyes. They have all come from “Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth’s abominations”. Revelation 17:5. Get out or you will be condemned.
Baptism and circumcision were specific physical acts to demonstrate one’s loyalty and commitment to a belief and were not to be thought of as “necessary for salvation”. They were not. They were simply signs and symbols. “Truth” is constantly unfolding. That doesn’t mean that it is “salvation truth”. Only that God has certain signs and symbols for certain ages in order to accomplish certain tasks. The sacrifices of the lamb was a specific requirement of God, but it had nothing to do with eternal life. The bronze snake Moses made was a specific requirement of God, but it had nothing to do with eternal life. Carrying a poop stick was a command of God, but it had nothing to do with eternal life. All these and more are no longer needed today.
“The Reformation did not, as many suppose, end with Luther. It is to be continued to the close of this world’s history. Luther had a great work to do in reflecting to others the light which God had permitted to shine upon him; yet he did not receive all the light which was to be given to the world. From that time to this, new light has been continually shining upon the Scriptures, and new truths have been constantly unfolding.” GC 148.
New light is continuing to shine upon Scriptures today. Church was a medium God “winked” at for 1500 years. But today, church is destroying souls. That is why Revelation is so very plain that we must get out. The “new light” being shined upon Scriptures today is revealing the necessity of getting out of our churches.
And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
Just as baptism was a symbol of obedience for those of that era who became converted, so the “signs” were specifically intended for those of that era. “Demons” were a “known” phenomenon back then. Today we might call it schizophrenia, bipolar and a host of other medical terms.
Speaking in “tongues” was necessary since they did not have Google to translate for them. They had to reach the world with the gospel in a very short time span, therefore, God gave them the ability to speak every major language of the world.
Walking from place to place put you in danger of meeting serpents. God had to protect His messengers. Remember Paul after the shipwreck, on the island, and the poisonous snake that bit him? None of these “signs” were “new”. Remember, the Israelites in the desert were also protected from snakes. They simply were reinforced upon the new believers to trust in God. However, the people did not go around playing with poisonous snakes just to “prove” God. That is called presumption.
Poisoning your opponent in those days was an acceptable way of getting rid of him. They didn’t have the FBI to “test” for poisons back then. Again, God had to protect His messengers.
They also didn’t have state of the art medical facilities. God had to get the attention of the world, and no better way than healing the sick. Again, this wasn’t a “new” sign. Raising the dead had been done in the Old Testament. Nothing in the “New” Testament is any different from the Old. God doesn’t change.
However, I want to stress that those today who proudly proclaim they are of God because they play with snakes, or speak in babbling noises, etc., are not of God. The condition was, “And these signs will accompany those who believe”. To “believe” back then was far different from “believe” today. Today, to “believe” is simply a mental affirmation. Back then, to “believe” meant you put your life into that belief. You committed yourself to that belief. You lived it. They lived the sinless, Commandment keeping life, perfectly. That is why Jesus was able to work through them. They were living His life. It has been the same since Adam for those who “believe”. Nothing has changed.
So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.
Jesus is still searching for those who will “believe”, not sit in church. Sitting in church is presumption. Jesus set the example of what true “belief” was. He died believing. Have you died to your old life? Are you living your “belief”? Isn’t it time for you to “repent and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1:15.
We have nothing to fear. Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God Almighty. He has all power at His disposal. I am finding more and more each day how powerful that power is. I am amazed at the power He is revealing through this ministry.
And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs.
He will do the same for you when you get out of your church and begin living as Jesus has commanded you. Have you gone out preaching everywhere? How can we keep silent when every soul around us will hold us accountable on the judgment day for not letting them know?
Dear JCPM,
I am writing do to the fact I read one of your introduction flyers after being asked to pass out mail by a C/O at the facility I’m at, and not being able to find the inmate your flyer was addressed to until after “lock down”. I admit, I’m sort of skeptical, but also would like to know more about your “Career Opportunity”. I am 24 years old.
Edward, TN
Dear Ron,
I read the “History of the Ministry” and would like to continue learning. I have been in prison for 23 years and I have under 4 years remaining. God has kept me all those years. But I’m a runner who hasn’t fully given Him my all. I don’t know how you got my name to send me the booklet, but I’m hoping this can bring me closer to God.
Mike, NC
I’m a recent Christian and got this address from another inmate. He said that you might help in getting a bible course. I am truly searching and trying to understand God, Jesus and the Word. I’m currently struggling very hard and would greatly appreciate any and all help I could get as far as Bible studies.
James, TN
I want to take this time to thank you for sending me the “History of the Ministry”. My buddy started reading your book and says I need patience and to wait for my copy. He insisted he read your book and he’s way more happier.
Adam, CA
Dear JCPM,
I have read the “History of the Ministry” and now I’m requesting the “Change Your Life Biblically” so I can continue my studies.
Markees, FL
Dear JCPM,
I just finished reading “History of the Ministry” and I would like to continue learning the truth. I wish to receive your Bible study. I would like to receive “Change Your Life Biblically”. I was Wiccan, mostly because I did not like the way most Christian churches teach. Too much controversy. I will not play the games these so-called “Christians” here do. Hope to hear from you soon.
Ernest, TX
Brother Ron,
I’ve read the introductory newsletter that I received about 2 weeks ago several times. I admit, I was not only impressed with the works of God through Jesus Christ and the way He has been prevalent in your life, I’m very much intrigued and excited about how I can receive the Holy Spirit in such a way. I myself have just recently been converted, or at least completely committed to living the Christian life. So, please send me your “Change Your Life Biblically” workbook that I may further my Christian journey.
David, TX
Brother Ron,
I had got some mail the other day. I was shocked because I never get mail. But the mail I got was from you. It was a little booklet. I have read it the past 3 or 4 days and I am very interested in what it talks about. I’m writing to you in hopes for more knowledge on the Lord. I would like a copy of your “Change Your Life Biblically” workbook. I am a beginner on believing, but I am learning more and more every day. I have to serve 5 years. I am 20 years old.
Rodney, IL
Dear Ron,
Great testimony! I’m writing to receive your book, “Change Your Life Biblically”. I have 19 years in on a 30 to life sentence. I look forward to hearing from you,
Jermaine, NJ
I’ve been in prison most of my life. I am sick and tired of it. It is time now to go home and stay there. I would love to start your correspondence course.
Sergio, TX
Dear Ron,
Thank you for sending me your booklet. Yes, I want to continue in this Bible study. I believe in God and Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I know that Saturday is the Sabbath day and because of society and religion, it has been changed to Sunday with no authority from God. Terrible that people can just make up whatever is convenient. I appreciate you and your ministry spreading the undoctored truth.
Brad, MI
To Whom Receives This,
Thank you very much for the short story. I really enjoyed it. Prison changed me and probably saved my life as well. I was drinking and using drugs.
Corey, NJ
I would like to be a part of your Bible studies.
Felipe, TX
Dear Ron,
Aye Matey, I just finished reading your “History of the Ministry”. Pretty intense. Sign me up for Bible studies. I’m 69 years old. I’ve done 25 years flat time.
Stacey, TX
I would be interested in your workbook, “Change Your Life Biblically”. I have studied a lot of Scripture over the past 16 years of imprisonment. I wish to study what the Holy Spirit has led you to write.
Bud, IN
Dear Ron,
“Change Your Life Biblically” is a wonderful book. It’s a lot to take in, but the truth can’t be faked. Please send copies of your book to my brothers so the truth can be seen within their eyes.
Mark, MN
Dear Ron,
I am writing you concerning this wonderful introduction of your ministry. I was truly blessed by what I read. I want your wonderful book, “Change Your Life Biblically” so I can receive the blessings that everyone else is receiving.
Frederick, VA
Hello Brother Ron,
I want to thank you for everything you do for all of us behind bars. You truly are a blessing. I’m glad and thankful to have you as my brother-in-Christ. Give Duke a pat on the head and itch between the ears for me.
Ashlei, AZ
Hey Ronald,
I just got your letter and I’m always grateful to hear from you. I just got done reading “False Prophets” and I feel that sometimes I fall into that category. But I ask God to show me how to minister better and wholeheartedly. I don’t want to be false. I want to be able to lead people the right way. When I started “Change Your Life Biblically” I started to understand more, really talking to God and asking for understanding.
Morgan, TX
Will you please send me the “Change Your Life Biblically” book and include me in the Bible studies.
John, IN
Dear Brother Ron,
Thank you for your letter and the pictures of your busy “staff”. I had to share it with my parents. (I showed him pictures of my “staff”: two ducks, two turtles and two dogs.) I received “Change Your Life Biblically”. The colored graphics are great addition to your study. Also, I see my name on the front cover. Thank you. I am enjoying your study.
John, MD
Somehow I came across the information for your prison ministry. What caught my attention is the fact that it was started by someone who has actually been locked up, actually knows and understands what it’s like on this side of the wall. That means something to me. I’m a struggling Christian and would like to sign up for the “Change Your Life Biblically”. I’d like to see what I can gain from doing it. I could probably use some changes in my life.
David, PA
To Whom It May Concern,
The day I received your story about going to prison and succumbing all of the trials the devil set before you and overcoming all in Jesus name, I was thrilled. When I saw the book “Change Your Life Biblically” I was enthralled to read this book.
Jackson, OR
Dear JCPM,
I just read about the history about your ministry. I also read about the part about the workbook, “Change Your Life Biblically”. I’m interested in the program to learn more about God and to really change my life. If you could, please, I’m ready to start.
Castillo, PA
Brother Ron,
I received your introduction pamphlet at exactly the right time. I needed a sign and the Lord came through. I am currently in prison for my third time. I’m looking to become a better man. Thank you for your time and effort in any way you can help me.
Brian, TX
Dear Ron,
Thank you for sending me your introductory issue. I’m even more glad that I took the time to read it. I look forward to reading your book.
James, MD
Dear JCPM,
I am truly intrigued by your story. I would like to continue learning. I look forward to hearing from you again soon and receiving the Bible study.
Don, TX
Dear Brother Ron,
To be completely honest with you, I have no recollection of writing to JCPM. I’m actually glad that I have received this pamphlet of your story. It’s not only heartwarming, but it gives the reader hope that he may have lost over the years. For the last 5 days or so, I’ve been praying to God for the right path. Out of nowhere your pamphlet showed up in the mail. As I sit here thinking about it, I know I never sent for these studies. So, it’s a blessing or a calling if you will. After reading the pamphlet, you ask if I would like to continue my learning. Of course. I would be most grateful.
DeWayne, WV
I received your pamphlet. I would like to continue in studies and receive your book. I only have 3 years left. I’m trying to find new people to talk to. I’m afraid I’m going to get out and talk to, hang out with and run with the same crowd. It’s never worked for me before.
Larry, VA
Dear Brother Ron,
I just received your JCPM brochure that you sent me. I appreciate that. How can I complete the book? I really, really am happy that you reached out to me. Thanks.
Anthony, SC
Dear Ron,
Before I wrote this letter, I just want to say that I read “History of the Ministry” twice. The time and faith that you spent during your prison years. Often, I myself ask God, “What is my purpose?” It’s to help others. I volunteer in the infirmary. God has allowed me to move around and spread His love and message. Thank you for continuing to send me the message through the mail. I’m ready to receive “Change your Life Biblically”.
Ronnie, IN
Greetings My Beloved Brother in Christ,
I am very interested in doing the Bible workbook. I hope it don’t cost much. God will make a way. Please do send it real soon.
Marvin, IL
I love your story. I would love to continue learning and to continue Bible studies. Please send me the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.
Stephanie, KY
I have read the “History of the Ministry” and I would like to continue learning. I want to do the Bible studies. I will pass out flyers and share with those around me. I want to thank you for this opportunity. I’m really looking forward to reading your work
John, MI
This letter is in response to volume 1. The section on “Faith” has opened up my mind to grasp a more meaningful understanding of it. All my life I’ve been taught that in order to have salvation you must belong to a church. I now realize I don’t need a church to have it, I just need to listen and obey God’s Word. I felt good after reading that.
Another thing is how grace and faith are different. Grace is what saves us from immediate death so that we can live the obedience that comes from faith in order to have eternal life. Awesome! A lot of people do not truly realize the difference between the two. A lot of people think that to be eternally saved all they have to do is confess that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. I was one of those people. Only I can “save” myself eternally, not God. I will have to admit that I was shocked, but I’m starting to understand it now. We can only save ourselves eternally by going through Jesus’ way, by believing in His truth. I definitely agree when you said, “If we refuse His way or His truth, then we cannot have the eternal life”. A lot of modern preachers and pastors are just false prophets.
I also did not know that Saturday is the actual 7th day and the holy day of the Sabbath. Literally, every Christian church that I’ve been to has worship on Sunday. By reading this first volume, at first I was a little skeptical. (I admit that sadly.) But now, I feel like I’m more and more interested in learning the actual truth.
I honestly feel like this first volume, and these next two volumes, will open my eyes to the truth and help me change my life. I also highly appreciate you blessing me with this book without financially charging me.
I really like how you explained what “Judgment” is and how it works. But as for “God’s Judgement” I did not know there are two basic judgments with God. That God has been showing us examples of His judgment since the beginning of Genesis. I have learned that God will judge us by our actions. The way to get into heaven is by abiding by the Ten Commandments perfectly. I learned that I’m not doomed, even though I have broken God’s law in the past. But through Him and His divine power we can have everything we need for life and godliness and the strength to follow the law.
It is true, millions and millions of people are blind and deaf to what being “Spiritually blessed” actually means. I did not know how blind I was either until I read this. I was one of those people who would walk into a church and see expensive materialistic things such as: instruments, electronics, etc. I would think that the church was spiritually blessed. I don’t think that any more though.
I will begin this on the section “Church”. At first when I was reading this section, I once again became skeptical. But then, again, as I mentioned above, I started off as skeptical, but then after finishing the volumes, re-reading them and thinking them over, it’s all starting to make sense to me. I want to learn more. It is saddening to know that the churches of today, as a whole, would rather teach false things instead of doing the righteous things, teaching the truth of Jesus. A lot of people do not realize that they are actually idolizing their churches and pastors and preachers.
For somebody to read your facts and not believe them, they would really have to be blind. Your books have impacted more than I can explain. I’ve read it twice through already and now I’m on my third time.
Antonio, OR
I’m 20 years old. I’m really trying to give my life to Jesus Christ. I honestly believe God put my name on your flyer and I received it in the mail tonight. I would definitely like a copy of “Change Your Life Biblically”. What is the “Career Position” that your ministry has to offer. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Zackary, TX
Well, I’ve started reading the Bible. I’m learning slowly. I know a little bit. But I want to know more. So, however you can help me with my path to learning about God and the Bible, I’m with it 110%.
Robert, OH
Dear Brother Ron,
I just received your “Introductory Issue” letting me know about the ministry. I don’t know how you came across my info, but I want to thank God. Just reading what I read brought tears to my eyes. I’m locked up on a 50 year sentence for first degree murder. I’ve been down since 2009. I am 31 years old. I have a 10 year old daughter I have not seen since she was 8 months. But what I have read what you went through and how God has blessed you and helped you, I have hope and I want to change my life for Jesus Christ. Brother Ron, I’m tired of this life. I want to read your book called, “Change Your Life Biblically”. Can you please send me a copy so I can read it.
Javier, TX
I have just completed reading “History of the Ministry” and I would like to continue in Bible studies. Can you please send me the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”?
Sinsamouth, CA
I found this “Change Your Life Biblically” registration form when I was moved into a new cell. I’m in a program where we are segregated for a period of up to 24 months, locked down alone for 23 hours a day. I would really like to learn more and would greatly appreciate your workbook.
Willis, WV
I’m doing 7 years. I got your pamphlet from someone else on my unit. I am interested. If at all possible, could you send me the “Change Your Life Biblically” workbook. I really want to go further with my religion and gain a better relationship with God.
David, WI
Hey Ron,
Just finished volume 1. Again, I want to thank you so much for the insight on salvation. After reading and studying Scripture about the Sabbath, never would I have a thought I was being brainwashed by the society I so loved. I started trying to show folks in my pod the book, just giving them nibbles of information. My walk since I started the book, “Change Your Life Biblically” has been tough, yes. I question certain preachers, books, pamphlets, etc. The book is really building my spiritual being – character – to a more mature level. I’m trying to study the 10 Commandments and give our “Abba” his Father’s day on Saturday. I’m getting into volume 2. Thank you Ron for the letters and your book that motivated me and told my heart that it’s not to late to turn away from my sinful nature and open my heart to God. Tell Duke I said “Hi”.
Morgan, TX
Dear Brother Ron,
Regarding my writing you. I received the excellent, beautiful “CYLB” book with my name on it. Such a wonderful blessing. I have seen many things happen and I have learned a lot. All of my experiences I feel were getting me ready for this day. The most important part of this book is what I am about to say and write about. It is very controversial to those who have been taught wrong for so many years. I am one of them. While reading “CYLB” my eyes were opened to the truth and my life filled with it. All I ever wanted to do was learn about Christ and the truths of the Bible. In my 54 years I have never heard anyone ever say what your saying in your message. It is not a fantasy, it is facts. Every believer and unbeliever need to experience “CYLB”. The truth doesn’t always make you happy when you have been deceived all your life. The young and the old are looking, listening and waiting for someone to come along with a message of truth and a way of life. Brother Ron, you are that messenger that is giving the message. I appreciate you and your ministry. Thank you for sending me “CYLB”. I could not understand how I had went through all those years blinded to the truth. May your “CYLB” continue to change the hearts of many. Brother Ron, it is a pleasure to have met you.
Frederick, VA
Dear Ron,
I woke up this morning to a copy of your brochure which had the history of your ministry in it. I have been praying for God about how to change my life. This morning your brochure showed up on top of my Bible. I am taking this as answer to my prayer. I was truly encouraged and blessed by how you trusted God from the beginning. Throughout your prison sentence and even after your sentence you believed and trusted Him every time He told you to do something. That is the kind of relationship that I want with Christ. I would like a copy of your book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.
Jack, NC
Dear Ron,
I received your introductory issue and I would love to continue your Bible study. Please send me “Change Your Life Biblically”.
Daniel, TX
Brother Ron,
Let me start by saying, “May the Lord bless you always”. A friend gave, or should I say, shared a leaflet you had sent him and I found it moving, spiritually. I was hoping I could also start receiving literature. Also, “Change Your Life Biblically”.
Christopher, NM
Please send me whatever you can to help me grow more and more in Christ. Thank you.
Jonathan, TX
I grew up Catholic but did not know who or what I was following; even as an altar boy. I am praying a lot for guidance. Can you help me? I need a spiritual mentor. I know you are far away, but what I read in your book is great and true.
Brandon, MN
Dear Ron,
I was blessed to receive a booklet called, “History of the Ministry”. I have found myself quite curious and really enthusiastic to read your book. I want to learn what you learned through your pursuit to know Jesus. I am sad to say, I hung around with the “Homies” and ended up taking someone’s life away and ended up in prison at the age of 19. I am tired of this life. I want to change, but I need to find a new way. Help me to come to know the real Jesus Christ.
Jorge, NM
Dear Brother Ron,
I was very happy to receive this book. “Wow”! I just started reading it and learned so much in just a chapter or two that I had to re-read it. I have to read it over and over and I get different things each time I read the same paragraph.
Troy, TN
Hey, I was surprised to get something in the mail from a ministry. I grew up in a Christian home. But since coming to prison in 2012, I had kind a put my faith. For my first five years in I got hooked on heroin. It made my life hell. The past couple of months I have seriously considered going to church, but as you know, prison church can be full of people with ulterior motives. When I got your mail today, I took it as a sign. I would definitely like to partake in your studies.
James, AZ
Dear JCPM,
I have read the introductory issue and am interested in the “Change Your Life Biblically” workbook. Please send soon as possible.
Daniel, AZ
Dear Friends,
Hello there. Would you please place me on the mailing list for your newsletter. I would appreciate it very much.
Edward, FL
I’m writing in regards of “Change Your Life Biblically” workbook. I would gladly love and appreciate to be a part of your program.
Davon, NY
My husband, I guess, is a friend of yours whom you have been corresponding with for a little while now. He won’t stop bugging me to write you and ask you for a copy of your book. I kind of forgot the name. I was wondering if you could please send me a copy of this book. My babe I love that he is into God now and am very interested in seeing what Greg is bugging me about. Thank you.
Jennifer, CA
My brother Michael Readd leads a bible study in prison. He would like your newsletter.
Stacy, Email
My Dear Family in Christ,
How are your “gardening” skills? Are you ready to “plant” seeds? All who claim to be “Christian” are to be skilled “gardeners”. We must know how to sow the gospel. We are to follow the example of Jesus and sow the gospel wherever we are. How many “gardens” have you cultivated and planted in?
There are many who sit in church, or, instead of going to church, they are listening to or watching other “church” and religious programs on TV, radio or online. But that is not being a “gardener” for Jesus. Turn off all those “religious” stations and go to work for Jesus.
The Gospel Sower
The parable of the gospel sower, which Christ presented before His hearers, contains a lesson that we should study. Those who preach present truth and scatter the good seed will realize the same results as the gospel sower. All classes will be affected more or less by the presentation of pointed and convincing truth. Some will be wayside hearers. They will be affected by the truths spoken; but they have not cultivated the moral powers, they have followed inclination rather than duty, and evil habits have hardened their hearts until they have become like the hard, beaten road. These may profess to believe the truth; but they will have no just sense of its sacred, elevated character. They do not separate from the friendship of the lovers of pleasure and corrupt society; but they place themselves where they are constantly tempted, and may well be represented by the unfenced field. They invite the temptations of the enemy and finally lose the regard they seemed to have for the truth when the good seed was dropped into their hearts.
In today’s world, our churches are the greatest facilitators of “these may profess to believe the truth; but they will have no just sense of its sacred, elevated character.” It is so easy to go to “church”. A “church” can preach “present truth”, and we sit congratulating ourselves on “believing” the “truth”. But there is no corresponding action that they have been “affected by the truths spoken”.
Some are stony-ground hearers. They readily receive anything new and exciting. The word of truth they receive with joy. They talk earnestly, with ardor and zeal, in reference to their faith and hope, and may even administer reproof to those of long experience for some apparent deficiency or for their lack of enthusiasm. But when they are tested and proved by the heat of trial and temptation, when the pruning knife of God is applied, that they may bring forth fruit unto perfection, their zeal dies, their voices are silent. No longer do they boast in the strength and power of truth.
How our churches love to coddle “stony-ground hearers”. Churches are filled with “anything new and exciting” to keep money flowing in. Independent ministers “talk earnestly”. Preachers preach with “ardor and zeal”. But when they are called to “bring forth fruit unto perfection”, not a sound is heard. Truth is not in their lives. It is all about money, power, ego and position. Even if the “religious” programs we are watching are about Jesus or His “soon coming”, they are not preparing your characters to live the perfect, sinless and commandment keeping life. Turn them off.
This class are controlled by feeling. They have not depth and stability of character. Principle does not reach down deep, underlying the springs of action. They have in word exalted the truth, but are not doers of it. The seed of truth has not rooted down below the surface. The heart has not been renewed by the transforming influence of the Spirit of God. And when the truth calls for working men and women, when sacrifices have to be made for the truth’s sake, they are somewhere else; and when trials and persecution come, they fall away because they have no depth of earth. The truth, plain, pointed, and close, is brought to bear upon the heart and reveals the deformity of character. Some will not bear this test, but frequently close their eyes to their imperfections; although their consciences tell them that the words spoken by the messengers of God, which bear so closely upon their Christian characters, are truth, yet they will not listen to the voice. They are offended because of the word and yield the truth rather than submit to be sanctified through it. They flatter themselves that they may get to heaven an easier way.
Our churches, religions, independents and denominations are all guilty of that paragraph. They “flatter themselves that they may get to heaven an easier way”. Therefore, they preach “saved by grace” and the “unconditional love of God”. Neither are in the Bible. They “close their eyes to their imperfections” and teach church members to do the same. They refuse to listen to the voice of God because it doesn’t suit their feelings or their membership. Money, money, money.
Still another class is represented in the parable. Men and women who listen to the word are convinced of the truth and accept it without seeing the sinfulness of their hearts. The love of the world holds a large place in their affections. In deal they love to get the best of the bargain. They prevaricate, and by deception and fraud gain means which will ever prove as a thorn to them; for it will overbalance their good purposes and intentions. The good seed sown in their hearts is choked. Frequently they are so full of care and anxiety, fearing that they will not gain means, or that they will lose what they have gained, that they make their temporal matters primary. They do not nourish the good seed. They do not attend meetings where their hearts can be strengthened by religious privileges. They fear that they will meet with some loss in temporal things. The deceitfulness of riches leads them to flatter themselves that it is duty to toil and gain all they can, that they may help the cause of God; and yet the more they increase their earthly riches the less are their hearts inclined to part with their treasure, until their hearts are fully turned from the truth they loved. The good seed is choked because overgrown with unnecessary worldly cares and needless anxiety—with love for the worldly pleasures and honors which riches give.
Unfortunately, our churches, religions and denominations have followed the political landscape instead of presenting God’s truth to it. Instead of standing up for God and His truth, churches, religions and denominations have followed the “higher good” by destroying the “good” Jesus gave us: the Ten Commandments. It is all about “love for the worldly pleasures and honors which riches give”.
The Wheat and Tares
In another parable which Jesus presented to His disciples, He likened the kingdom of heaven to a field wherein a man sowed good seed, but in which, while he was sleeping, the enemy sowed tares. The question was asked the householder: “Didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.” If faithfulness and vigilance had been preserved, if there had been no sleeping or negligence upon the part of any, the enemy would not have had so favorable an opportunity to sow tares among the wheat. Satan never sleeps. He is watching, and he improves every opportunity to set his agents to scatter error, which finds good soil in many unsanctified hearts.
Sleeping is what our churches love to do. Oh, they may be singing, dancing and praying, but their minds are sound asleep. None are improving their lives to become perfect, sinless and commandment keeping. It is all about sitting peacefully on a church pew, in front of the TV, radio or internet.
The sincere believers of truth are made sad, and their trials and sorrows greatly increased, by the elements among them which annoy, dishearten, and discourage them in their efforts. But the Lord would teach His servants a lesson of great carefulness in all their moves. “Let both grow together.” Do not forcibly pull up the tares, lest in rooting them up the precious blades will become loosened. Both ministers and church members should be very cautious, lest they get a zeal not according to knowledge. There is danger of doing too much to cure difficulties in the church, which, if let alone, will frequently work their own cure. It is bad policy to take hold of matters in any church prematurely. We shall have to exercise the greatest care, patience, and self-control to bear these things and not go to work in our own spirit to set them in order.
The work done in —– was premature and caused an untimely separation in that little church. If the servants of God could have felt the force of our Saviour’s lesson in the parable of the wheat and tares, they would not have undertaken the work they did. Before steps are taken which will give even those who are utterly unworthy the least occasion to complain of being separated from the church, the matter should always be made a subject of the most careful consideration and earnest prayer. Steps were taken in —– which created an opposition party. Some were wayside hearers, others were stony-ground hearers, and still others were of that class who received the truth while the heart had a growth of thorns which choked the good seed—these would never have perfected Christian characters. But there were a few who might have been nourished and strengthened, and have become settled and established in the truth. But the positions taken by Brethren (church members) brought a premature crisis, and then there was a lack of wisdom and judgment in managing the faction.
In the late 1800’s, when this was written, the “church” was made up of people who had been taught to live the perfect, sinless and commandment keeping life. As such, some went to the extreme in “pulling up” the tares. However, today, we are pulling up the wheat and burning it. We love the tares. Churches have become barns filled with tares.
If persons are as deserving of being separated from the church as Satan was of being cast out of heaven, they will have sympathizers. There is always a class who are more influenced by individuals than they are by the Spirit of God and sound principles; and, in their unconsecrated state, these are ever ready to take sides with the wrong and give their pity and sympathy to the very ones who least deserve it. These sympathizers have a powerful influence with others; things are seen in a perverted light, great harm is done, and many souls are ruined. Satan in his rebellion took a third part of the angels. They turned from the Father and from His Son, and united with the instigator of rebellion. With these facts before us we should move with the greatest caution. What can we expect but trial and perplexity in our connection with men and women of peculiar minds? We must bear this and avoid the necessity of rooting up the tares, lest the wheat be rooted up also.
“In the world ye shall have tribulation,” says Christ; but in Me ye shall have peace. The trials to which Christians are subjected in sorrow, adversity, and reproach are the means appointed of God to separate the chaff from the wheat. Our pride, selfishness, evil passions, and love of worldly pleasure must all be overcome; therefore God sends us afflictions to test and prove us, and show us that these evils exist in our characters. We must overcome through His strength and grace, that we may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. “For our light affliction,” says Paul, “which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” Afflictions, crosses, temptations, adversity, and our varied trials are God’s workmen to refine us, sanctify us, and fit us for the heavenly garner.
The “divine nature” is no longer desired or wanted in the churches of the world. Churches love worldly pleasures, evil passions, pride, selfishness and the “chaff”. The wheat is being ground under the feet of churches. Of course, that “grinding” creates the “Afflictions, crosses, temptations, adversity, and our varied trials are God’s workmen to refine us, sanctify us, and fit us for the heavenly garner”. It’s just too bad church members are not being fitted for Heaven. Today, the Bible calls us to come out of the churches. It is time to be obedient.
The harm done to the cause of truth by premature moves can never be fully repaired. The cause of God in —– has not advanced as it might, and will not stand in as favorable a light before the people as before this work was done. There are frequently persons among us whose influence seems to be but a cipher on the right side. Their lives seem to be useless; but let them become rebellious and combative, and they become zealous workmen for Satan. This work is more in accordance with the feelings of the natural heart. There is great need of self-examination and secret prayer. God has promised wisdom to those who ask Him. Missionary labor is frequently entered upon by those unprepared for the work. Outward zeal is cultivated, while secret prayer is neglected. When this is the case, much harm is done, for these laborers seek to regulate the consciences of others by their own rule. Self-control is much needed. Hasty words stir up strife. Brother (church member) is in danger of indulging a spirit of sharp criticism. This does not become ministers of righteousness.
Brother (church member), you have much to learn. You have been inclined to charge your failures and your discouragements to Brother (church member), but close investigation of your motives and of your course of action would reveal other causes which exist in yourself for these discouragements. Following the inclinations of your own natural heart brings you into bondage. The severe, torturing spirit in which you sometimes indulge cuts off your influence. My brother, you have a work to do for yourself which no other person can do for you. Each must give an account of himself to God. He has given us His law as a mirror into which we may look and discover the defects in our characters. We are not to look into this mirror for the purpose of seeing our neighbor’s faults reflected, of watching to see if he comes up to the standard, but to see the defects in ourselves, that we may remove them. Knowledge is not all that we need; we must follow the light. We are not left to choose for ourselves and to obey that which is agreeable to us and to disobey when it best suits our convenience. Obedience is better than sacrifice. 3T 111-116.