My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We read our Bibles, but we don’t listen. We read, but our brains are interpreting what we read according to our religious ideology. The wicked will be destroyed, not because they didn’t “know”, but because they allowed their religious organizations to interpret what they thought they “knew”. The Spirit of God wants to “interpret” what we are reading for our eternal life. No church can do that for us. “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything that I have told you.” John 14:26. Unfortunately, the church system, religious organizations and independents have usurped the Holy Spirit’s mission.
Through this ministry God is attempting to open eyes, ears and hearts to the truth needed for salvation. Yes, many have heard the words a thousand times, yet, few understand. If we understood, we would be taking the information Jesus taught to everyone around us. We would not sleep until we have invited every member from our church to hear the truth. If the truth means nothing to us, we mean nothing to Jesus.
“Shout aloud! Don’t hold back! Lift up your voice like a trumpet! Declare to My people their rebellions, and to the house of Jacob (churches) their sins. They seek Me day after day, and are eager to know My ways, as if they were a nation (church) that practices righteousness and has not forsaken the justice of their God. They ask Me to reveal just decisions; they are eager to draw near to God.” “Instead, your iniquities have been barriers between you and your God, and your sins have concealed His face from you so that He won’t listen.” Isaiah 58:1, 2; 59:2
It was the Sabbath-keeping, tithe-paying, church-going people who betrayed Jesus. It was the religious who used the civil authorities to kill Jesus. It was the religious who refused to believe Jesus. It was the religious who kept its members under the control of the devil. The church taught its members to be afraid of “off-shoots”. Jesus was an “off-shoot”.
And yet, they looked so nice on the outside. Church members and their leaders were so cordial, “loving” and urbane. They didn’t look like demons. They didn’t act like demons. No, they were very religious, sanctimonious, pious, educated and conscientious to live in obedience to church rules. The next time you go to church or listen to religious programs on TV, radio or internet, look around and see if you know anyone like that.
The only problem was, and is, religious organizations are not obedient to Jesus. He didn’t command us to go to church on the Sabbath or belong to any religious organization. He didn’t command us to obey our church leaders. He didn’t command us to support our church. He didn’t command us to read our church papers. No, He commanded us to live the perfect, sinless and commandment keeping life. Then, He commanded us to teach our families, church members, our neighborhoods, our coworkers and everyone else, “to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:20. How hard it is to put down the Catholic church system from our lives in order to follow Jesus. Put down your own opinions and pick up your Bible and study.
Mark 15:1 to Mark 15:47
And as soon as it was morning, the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council. And they bound Jesus and led him away and delivered him over to Pilate.
Are you afraid to go against your church leaders, councils and elders? Then you have denied Jesus. You have made “church” your god. We are not to concern ourselves with the consequences. We are not to be afraid. Jesus tells us not to fear. We must live in obedience to Jesus. But to do that, we must know what Jesus commands of us. So, instead of going to church, go to the Word of God and begin at Genesis and read through your Bible listening to everything God commands you for your eternal life. When you are done, do it again, and again and again and again and again. . .
And Pilate asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” And he answered him, “You have said so.”
Only one thing concerned Pilate: Who was Jesus! If He didn’t pose a threat to Pilate’s career, so what? He understood how corrupt the church system was. After all, the church paid the civil government lots of money in order to get what they wanted. If only the people knew!
And the chief priests accused him of many things.
Ok, “king of the Jews” might not cut it, what else do we have to accuse Him of? At least we can make lots of noise. That always does the trick. Rabble-rousing works wonders. The church is good at making a lot of noise and stirring up the rabble.
And Pilate again asked him, “Have you no answer to make? See how many charges they bring against you.”
Hum, He isn’t the “normal” prisoner. I might actually have to do my duty. Oh, how tiring.
But Jesus made no further answer, so that Pilate was amazed.
OK, how quickly can I get this over with. Let’s see, I have heard that the people actually love Jesus. That He healed their sick and fed them. I’ll give them a choice between a “real” criminal and this nice guy the church has delivered up to me. The people always know what’s best, right?
Now at the feast he used to release for them one prisoner for whom they asked. And among the rebels in prison, who had committed murder in the insurrection, there was a man called Barabbas. And the crowd came up and began to ask Pilate to do as he usually did for them.
Yep, churches, independents and religions are full of truth, righteousness and doing what is right, right? Don’t question the religious organization, just do what it tells you. After all, it is of God, right?
And he answered them, saying, “Do you want me to release for you the King of the Jews?” For he perceived that it was out of envy that the chief priests had delivered him up.
Even though he wasn’t stupid, he understood the power of the church. It surely wasn’t like the humble Jesus. You don’t want to stand in the way of religious organizations or their leaders. Have you noticed that in your church and the independents you support? Mob mentality. No one is allowed to speak truth, only what is sanctioned by the religious organization. How Catholic.
Our churches, educational institutions, medical institutions, independents and other religious institutions are no different now then they were in the days of Martin Luther. “He wrote thus of the universities: ‘I am much afraid that the universities will prove to be the great gates of hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, and engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not unceasingly occupied with the word of God must become corrupt.” GC 140. That pertains most assuredly to all, including those who go to church on Sabbath. No longer do Scriptures “reign paramount” in our churches, educational institutions, independents or denominations. Now it is all denomination and man-made wisdom. It is all about “I believe”. “Higher education” is destroying Christianity and is leading to the “gates of hell”.
But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have him release for them Barabbas instead.
Maybe the people actually were going to have Jesus released. Maybe they had asked Pilate to do what he normally did because they were hoping to do an end-run around the church leaders and release Jesus. But the leaders of the church could not allow that, so they “stirred up the crowed”. OK, we will listen to our churches, independents, religious organizations and denominations but not our consciences or truth.
And Pilate again said to them, “Then what shall I do with the man you call the King of the Jews?”
The wicked are always “stirred up”, rioting, making a lot of noise and commotion. No wonder the Bible tells Christians to “be still”, to shut up. We need to be listening to the Spirit of God, not our churches, independents or religious organizations.
And they cried out again, “Crucify him.”
Yep, the church is always right. It is crucifying Him constantly. Every church service is a crucifixion of Jesus. Nothing is done as Jesus commands. It is all Catholic. Stand up, sit down, stand up, kneel, sit, kneel, stand up, sit and be quiet while the church tells you what it thinks you need to know.
In the early Christian church, after Jesus, the people were not “members” of a church. They did not gather to “listen” to the church leader. They gathered to talk about Jesus and what He was doing in their lives. Each member talked and shared his experience in living the Christian life. They helped each other to stop sinning. They had compassion for each other. It was teamwork to overcome sin. That is why they spent the whole Sabbath in assembly. You won’t find that in our churches today.
And Pilate said to them, “Why? What evil has he done?” But they shouted all the more, “Crucify him.”
Don’t ask us that question! We don’t care if He has done any evil or not. All we care about is the fact that He doesn’t honor our church. He is taking people away from our church and authority.
Leave it to the church to shout louder in order to get its way. I have experienced that. They ask me a question, but before I can tell them the truth, they open their mouths to keep from hearing the truth. Reason, truth, righteousness go right out the door when we are involved with religious organizations.
So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, released for them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.
Many church members have been delivered up to be crucified by the church board, committee meetings, leaders, elders and pastors. Jesus is not welcome in the church. It is all about protecting the churches, independents and religious organizations from the truth Jesus taught.
And the soldiers led him away inside the palace (that is, the governor’s headquarters), and they called together the whole battalion.
Well, if the church says it’s OK, then it’s OK. We will scourge Him, whip Him, beat Him and insult Him. The church does that every Sabbath. Not once will you hear the church teach you how to live as Jesus commands. But they surely will tell you how to live as the church commands.
And they clothed him in a purple cloak, and twisting together a crown of thorns, they put it on him. And they began to salute him, “Hail, King of the Jews!”
Have you noticed how the churches do the same. The churches, independents and religious organizations “clothe” Jesus in praises, fine sounding speeches, “salute Him” and hail Him “King of the Jews”. But what they can’t seem to do is teach their members to live in obedience to Jesus and His teachings.
And they were striking his head with a reed and spitting on him and kneeling down in homage to him. And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the purple cloak and put his own clothes on him. And they led him out to crucify him.
Churches strip Jesus of His royalty by refusing to live in obedience to Him. They lead Him out to crucify Him by refusing to teach His teachings. He is mocked, stripped and struck while all the time claiming to love Him by “kneeling down in homage to Him”. What a farce. Jesus didn’t ask us to do any of that. He asked us to get up and go live the perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping life. Throw out the Catholic church systems, symbolisms, traditions, ceremonies and rituals.
“The accession of the Roman Church (the religious systems of today) to power marked the beginning of the Dark Ages. As her (religious systems) power increased, the darkness deepened. Faith was transferred from Christ, the true foundation, to the pope of Rome (religious and church leaders of today). Instead of trusting in the Son of God for forgiveness of sins and for eternal salvation, the people looked to the pope (religious and independent organizations), and to the priests and prelates (pastors and ministers) to whom he delegated authority. They were taught that the pope (religious leaders) was their earthly mediator and that none could approach God except through him (religious organizations); and, further, that he (religious organizations) stood in the place of God to them and was therefore to be implicitly obeyed. A deviation from his (religious organizations and independents) requirements was sufficient cause for the severest punishment to be visited upon the bodies and souls of the offenders. Thus the minds of the people were turned away from God to fallible, erring, and cruel men, nay, more, to the prince of darkness himself, who exercised his power through them (the religious systems). Sin was disguised in a garb of sanctity (churches, independents, religious organizations). When the Scriptures are suppressed, and man comes to regard himself as supreme, we need look only for fraud, deception, and debasing iniquity. With the elevation of human laws and traditions was manifest the corruption that ever results from setting aside the law of God.” GC 55.
All churches, denominations, independents and religions of today have set aside the law of God. Even those who go to church on the Sabbath day, as the Jews did. God never asked you to “go to church” on the Sabbath day or any day. He commanded you to stop sinning and live His Commandment-keeping life perfectly.
And they compelled a passerby, Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to carry his cross.
The “good” church members wouldn’t think of stooping to help. That was beneath their dignity. However, Simon, who was not a church member, was “compelled” to carry the cross for Jesus. It changed his life. I wonder if Alexander and Rufus were raised up to “carry” the cross of Jesus in their lives after the experience of their father? Paul says in Romans 16:13, “Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord…” I wonder if the whole family became converted from a simple act of being “compelled” (chosen) to carry the cross. How many of us voluntarily carry the cross? How many of us avoid the cross at all costs? How comfy we are in our churches!
And they brought him to the place called Golgotha (which means Place of a Skull). And they offered him wine mixed with myrrh, but he did not take it.
No, He would not. Alcoholic beverages would only dull His senses. He needed to stay in control of His mind in order to keep from sinning. I think that we too often allow this world to dull our senses. Churches, independents, religious organizations are good at dulling our senses. Over and over and over again we go to our religious organizations, sit in the pew or turn on the TV, radio or internet and hear the same things over and over and over again until they dull our senses.
And they crucified him and divided his garments among them, casting lots for them, to decide what each should take.
Even at the end He gave all that He had, even His clothes, and hung on the cross naked for you and me. His whole life was an open book. Is yours? Are we willing to sacrifice for Jesus? Look around, truly, what have we sacrificed for Jesus?
And it was the third hour when they crucified him.
Hour after hour He hung on the cross, voluntarily, for you and me. He could have come down. He could have gone back to Heaven. He could have said, “Nuts with this, I’m going home.” But He loved us so much He allowed sinful, prideful man, whom He created, in the spirit of their religious organization, to put Him on the cross. And then He voluntarily stayed there for you and me.
And the inscription of the charge against him read, “The King of the Jews.”
I truly wonder if He is “King” of our lives? The members of their religious organization refused to accept Him as “King” of their lives. Are we doing the same today? I think we prefer our religious organizations as “king” of our lives. Who do you support?
And with him they crucified two robbers, one on his right and one on his left.
Nope, He can’t be my “King”. He is in the midst of criminals. He just isn’t dressed right. My church, independent, religious organization is far more “righteous looking” and suits my ego. I’ll go to church, not to the cross.
And those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads and saying, “Aha! You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself, and come down from the cross!”
When God called me to this ministry, people were not impressed. They wagged their heads in disbelief and looked to their expensive, comfy churches. Their church leaders were more of the “following” type. Who would want to listen to a stupid, dumb old criminal?
So also the chief priests with the scribes mocked him to one another, saying, “He saved others; he cannot save himself.
Many use the same arguments against this ministry. Look, I’m human. I make mistakes. There are “sins” in my life I’m working on. But the truth is still the truth. Growing in Christ is not the same as being Christ. I am growing. But Jesus still uses this beat up, run down, stupid, old ex-inmate to put out His truth. Why? Probably to see if anyone is listening. And for the same reason He didn’t come as “King” of the universe the first time. People want to follow the glitz, the prideful, the show, therefore, Jesus came disguised. Would people accept truth from a vagabond, homeless, unwanted, looks-like-nothing individual? No! Therefore, their hearts were tested. How is your heart? Who are you supporting?
“Sanctification is a progressive work. Says Paul, ‘Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.’ 2 Corinthians 7:1. Those whom Paul is here addressing were Christians, yet they needed to cleanse themselves and perfect holiness or sanctification.” SLH 8.
Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross that we may see and believe.” Those who were crucified with him also reviled him.
People aren’t interested in “truth”. They want a show. They want someone or something that will bring them pride, ego, money and work a miracle. Church, independents, religious organizations will do just fine.
And when the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.
I saw a statement that went something like this, “Why was it dark when Jesus died? Because the Light of the world went out.” Many are in church without the Light of the world in their lives. They have kicked the Light out for the dim torchlight of religious organizations. Please folks, let His Light back into your life. Get out of your religious organizations and go sit at the feet of Jesus. Feel the blood as it drips onto your head. Hear His gasping for every breath. How comfy are you in your church? Who are you supporting with ALL your tithes and offerings?
And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
For thirty-three and a half years Jesus was developing the faith needed to stand through this hour of trial. What are you doing to prepare yourself for the trials about to fall upon the world. Will you still hold on to Jesus when it appears He has forsaken you? When your church is shut do to some pandemic? Probably not! Sitting in church is not facing the problems which will develop the faith necessary for what is coming.
And some of the bystanders hearing it said, “Behold, he is calling Elijah.” And someone ran and filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on a reed and gave it to him to drink, saying, “Wait, let us see whether Elijah will come to take him down.”
Do we stand with the crowd, waiting for the crowd to tell us what to do? Do we wait and see what others will do before we act? Do you wait for the church to tell you what to do? Are you waiting on the church to put “programs” together that are easy for you to follow? Are you willing to stand up, leave your church and begin sharing the truth with those around you? Are you inviting them, not to church, but to your home to change their lives? Send us all the names and addresses you can.
And Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed his last. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.
That was it! That was the last of the theocracy for the Jewish nation. Israel ceased to exist as a nation in the eyes of God. Their church was more important than God. They wanted Caesar as their king. They wanted to be like the world. They had kicked Jesus out, therefore, He sent His angel to tear apart the dividing curtain that veiled the symbolic presence of God from the nation.
There will come a day when He will again utter a “loud cry”. But this time, He will say, “It is done” (Revelation 21:6). When He cried out, “It is finished”, that was the end of Israel as a nation and all the temple services, traditions, holy days, feast days and regulations. He had finished His work for justification. Now it was time for the people to do their work of sanctification. When He calls out “It is done”, that will be the end of the world. There will be no more probation. No more repentance or confessions will be accepted. Every person will be judge by what they have done: their work. What have you done that Jesus can commend you for?
And when the centurion, who stood facing him, saw that in this way he breathed his last, he said, “Truly this man was the Son of God!”
Are those around you able to say of you, “Truly this man was the Son of God?” Is your life truly dedicated to God, or is it divided between this world, church and a bit to Jesus? To be almost saved is to be totally lost!
There were also women looking on from a distance, among whom were Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome. When he was in Galilee, they followed him and ministered to him, and there were also many other women who came up with him to Jerusalem.
Most are following Him at a distance. Most are truly afraid to let the world know that they are Christians. After all, they might get angry at us. No, let’s just go and hide ourselves under church. Then we can all feel smug that we are living for Jesus.
And when evening had come, since it was the day of Preparation, that is, the day before the Sabbath, Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the council, who was also himself looking for the kingdom of God, took courage and went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Pilate was surprised to hear that he should have already died. And summoning the centurion, he asked him whether he was already dead. And when he learned from the centurion that he was dead, he granted the corpse to Joseph.
The “day of Preparation” is Friday. That is the day we prepare for the Sabbath, which begins at sundown on Friday. This was written probably fifty years after Christ. There was no change in the Sabbath at that time. There is no explanation that Jesus changed the Sabbath. It was just as accepted fifty years after the death of Jesus as it was during the life of Jesus. Jesus did not come to change His law or His Sabbath. “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I didn’t come to destroy them.” Matthew 5:17. He died to fulfill them. Then He commands us to follow His example in sacrificing our lives in fulfillment of the Law of God as He did.
And Joseph bought a linen shroud, and taking him down, wrapped him in the linen shroud and laid him in a tomb that had been cut out of the rock. And he rolled a stone against the entrance of the tomb. Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where he was laid.
I wonder how many of us are laying our “Christianity” in a “tomb” and covering it up. That “tomb” could be your church, your behavior, your speech or anything that hides your “claim” to be a Christian. How sad. For many, Jesus is as dead in their lives as He was laying in the tomb that Friday evening.
Dear Ron,
I received your letter the other day. Thank you. I am trying to find out if I am able to place a sign-up sheet for a Bible study group someplace in my unit. I feel as though I have been reborn, brother. The old me is no more. You have opened my eyes to the truth of what I must do to enter into the kingdom of Heaven. My views of life have changed. I heed the words in the Bible. Even though I have read them a dozen times before, they have so much more clearer meaning to them now. I am going to live every day of the remainder of my life striving to live my life as Jesus lived His life. I understand now that His resurrection is not what is important. His resurrection was not required for our salvation. It was simply His reward for living His life according to the plan of salvation. His life is my example of how I am to live my life, right now, not when I build a relationship with Him. There may be no tomorrow, so I must not put it off until then. I thought that I was doing all that I could to be the person He desired of me when I was reading Scripture. But how far short I would have fallen if you had not come into my life and shown my thinking was way off course. My eyes have wondered far so long. I spent so much of my life chasing after one thing or another that I felt would make me feel good or look good, but in the end, all those things meant absolutely nothing. I know that the more I say “No” to temptations and sins, the easier it is to do so. I will be looking for you in the Kingdom of Heaven to shake your hand and thank you face to face for sharing the work the Holy Spirit inspired you to put down on paper and provide to so many who have been lost for too long.
Jamie, MI
Brother Ron,
I just read your History of the Ministry. I loved it! That was a very powerful and moving testimony. You have moved me to start working on me. I love what you are doing, and I love what you have to say. May God bless you and your ministry. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully, God willing, I will be able to meet you someday and help support your ministry. I am thankful for all you do. I have never read your book, “Change Your Life Biblically”. I would really like to. Can you please send me a copy of it?
Eldon, CA
To Whom It May Concern,
My brother Morgan gave me your info. I saw exactly what God blessed him with. I would please like to have a “Change Your Life Biblically” so I can get a better understanding about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Donald, DE
I am new to the Word. Any help you can help me with on this new path will be a blessing.
Maurice, NY
Dear Ronald,
Thank you so much for writing back and of course my own “Change Your Life Biblically” book. I handed out all of the information square papers as well so people can see how awesome God is. Even though my time now seems rough, this book you blessed me with is making a lot of sense and makes some problems easy to deal with. I’m trying to really understand how to use my whole heart to pray. How to let go of my problems and let God take the wheel. I have problems trying to trust God because it constantly seems like I just upset Him. I’m tired of coming to jail and missing important things in my life. Since I was 18 I’ve been in and out of jail. I’ve missed everything my kids have done to the point I don’t even remember their birthdays. I thank God for bringing you to me. Thank you for listening and understanding. Thank you for wisdom and knowledge you share with me.
Morgan, TX
Morgan just showed me the book and letter from you. It is amazing everything packed in that book. I’ve recently decided to give all to God and really place my life in His hands. Sometimes it is harder than others.
Allen, TX
Brother Ron,
What I’ve read so far amazed me in a lot of ways. I don’t want to be like those who come to see the “truth” and refuse to accept it. I’m really going to like this study book and I promise not to rush through it. I’m going to do my own research as well. I’m really enjoying this study book and I can just feel myself not wanting to rush through this. I just got done reading about “Grace”. What a mind-blowing section. I loved the section about “Works”. It opened my eyes. For so long I was in this “dark place” thinking this is what all life had to offer. I want to change my life for the good and Jesus.
Grant, TX
Brother Ron,
I was told about your prison ministry through a friend. About all the good work you are doing for us.
Mauricio, NM
Dear Brother Ron,
I want to thank you for sending me your intro issue of Jesus Christ Prison Ministry. I just received it yesterday. It came re-route mail. I was transferred just two months ago. However, I was puzzled how you obtained my contact info. I appreciated your intro issue. I took the time to read it and what kept me interested was that I kept finding true instances which I too have encountered. I love studying Scripture. I used to attend Protestant services at other prisons until I was sickened by all the usual instances you touched on in your issue. Especially the “grace” doctrine people try to use it towards their own preferences and gain.
Omar, CA
Dear Brother Ron,
I have just finished reading your “History of the Ministry” booklet. I would very much like to continue learning Bible principles. Can you please send me “Change Your Life Biblically” study book.
Joseph, TX
Brother Ron,
I am reaching out to you with gratitude for what you are doing with this book of yours. I was reading the Word one day in the dayroom and a young man asked me to look at your book. He said it was a big help for him. So, I would love to continue with you and study the Word.
Gerald, KY
Hello Ron,
I didn’t know if I was supposed to send the flyer or write you personally, but I would like to receive the “Change Your Life Biblically” book. I want to complete the certification process. I’ll have to be honest with you, I don’t know if I want to be “saved” or anything, but I do want to see if the Holy Spirit will inform me on and about situations as it did you. In this introductory issue you said something that really hit home to me. You spoke directly to me. I don’t know if I believe in God and Jesus because the times I grew up praying, I never got what I prayed for. I must give your book a try. I loved all the reviews about it.
Mike, TX
Dear JCPM,
I was sent a letter and a pamphlet from a friend. I am interested in learning from you. I have had some things in my life kind of point me in your direction. I am concerned about the “Sabbath switch” from last to first day of the week and the politics involved in that. I just want to live a life obedient to Christ. If you could please let me study your book, I would be grateful.
Jon, TX
Hi Ron,
I have read the history of the ministry and would like to continue my Bible studies. My friend in here has read it and says it is awesome. I am young in faith and thirst for more.
Charles, MN
I would like to thank you for sending me my “Change Your Life Biblically”. Thank you again.
Gustavo, CA
JC Ministries,
A friend turned me on to a copy of “Change Your Life biblically”. I am humbled by the wisdom and spiritual enlightenment that I received from reading the book. Since I borrowed the book from a friend, I could only breeze through it and then had to return it. I wrote down the address to write and ask for my own copy. I ask for my own copies and courses you may offer to have the opportunity to further study the works of the book. God bless you for the work you do and have done to reach out to the masses in the dark and the light you bring to each one.
Michael, LA
To Whom It May Concern,
You sent the workbook to my last prison of residence. This is how I know God must want me to study this workbook. If our mail is sent to another prison that we were at, they send it back and we don’t get the mail. But, God knows I need this study. Somehow, they forwarded it to me. This is God’s work because these people have tried to turn away religious teachings before.
Gerald, KY
I’m writing regarding letting you know I got the book you sent me. Also, I have a real good friend of mine that is in here with me that is interested in joining our study of the Bible. His name is on the slip I put inside. Thank you so much for the time you’ve been giving me.
Donald, TX
Dear Brother Ron,
After reading about your life and how you organized the Jesus Christ Prison Ministry, I was inspired to write you. It is beautiful to find somebody in society who actually cares about and understands what a brother is going through behind bars. As you know, prison can be a nightmare, living in a cesspool of hatred and negativity. Thank you for reminding me that in the darkness, light still shines. Brother Ron, to be honest with you, I am more spiritual than religious. Religion can be so dogmatic, and many preachers often stray away from the true salvation of Jesus Christ. I would appreciate it if you would send me the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.
Robert, MI
To Whom This May Concern,
I am a believer in Christ and have been raised in the Church of Christ since a very young age. That’s the only church I have ever known. It’s just where granddad rooted us. I am already doing two Bible studies, but I will take on one more. I have been doing some serious praying and how I found you was, let’s just say, it was meant to be, and I know that everything is controlled by God.
Rex, TX
I read the introduction booklet and see that Jesus Christ Prison Ministry is truly blessed. I have two years left on my sentence and I do not want to return again to the prison system. I want to do the “Change your Life Biblically” work book.
Matthew, FL
Dear Brother Ron,
I received your book, “Change Your Life Biblically”. It’s very informative. I thought it was going to be a book that I would just read through. You know, in prison, reading 1,500-page books is what we do. Especially in high security. There’s also verses that I want to memorize. It isn’t easy being a Christian in prison. Especially in a Texas prison. Every little kind gesture done by a Christian is looked at as “weak” or like the person that benefitted from your kindness is running a game on you or playing on you. So, I’m very careful who I share my kindness with.
Michael, TX
I have read your pamphlet. I would like to get the “Change Your Life Biblically” workbook. Thank you for your time and everything you do for us.
Thomas, IL
I have looked over the “Introduction Issue” and I’m very interested in continuing this Bible study. I would love to take this seriously. I appreciate the opportunity.
Damien, OR
Dear Brother Ron,
I just finished reading your testimony in the “Introductory Issue”. You truly have an amazing story and platform to share God’s Word. I would like to continue in Bible study. Will you please send me your book, “Change Your Life Biblically”?
Jeffrey, TX
I would like to first thank you for a great study. I’m in a T-com program (drug & behavior) and start each day in my studies before my door opens while everyone sleeps. After reading chapter 1 in full, I started back at the beginning. And yes, I found even more strength in the study. Even writing out and hanging verses as a daily reminder, like Proverbs 12:16, “A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.” You asked about Grace and what I’ve learned from it. Grace is one of His greatest gifts. Yet, grace alone without action will not get us into Heaven. Grace keeps us alive until we find our way clear of a life of sin. It should not be taken lightly or wasted by not staying on the right path.
Johnny, TN
Dear Ronald,
Thank you for sending the “Change Your Life Biblically” to my brothers in here. Just seeing their faces made my heart smile. Ron, what this book is doing for me I can’t really put into words. I seriously thank God for you helping me open my eyes even more. Thank you for sharing your best friend, Duke, with me. Looking at his picture, Duke seems at peace and I know one day I as well will be at peace with God. Thank you again for your letter for just hearing from you is an amazing thing. Your letters are the only letters I actually receive. With no money on my books, I have to wait until Sunday to get my indigent supplies to write you back. I read the section of “Works” and learning even more. I have wrote down the Ten Commandments and have them tooth-pasted beside my bunk so I can study and learn how to obey even better. Just as you say, I must slow down because I want everything to happen right now. But of course, I have been sinning for years upon years. So, while I study more, I ask God to teach me to meditate on His Word for I know I have to put more work into my studies and to be honest into myself. Thank you so much Ron for helping and guiding me in the right direction to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Morgan, TX
Dear Brother Ron,
I want to first start by saying that I enjoyed reading the “History of the Ministry”. It was one of the first booklets I’ve picked up in a long time and was able to read as well as understand. Most of the time my mind wonders as to what should I believe when I read or listen to studies. But what I just read struck home. In the past I’ve questioned the teachings of others in Bible studies because of their actions and just stopped going. It’s been 10 years since I’ve been locked up and I’m 29 years old. I really want to get back to being close to the Lord. I would like to continue in Bible studies and start on the new me.
Aaron, LA
Greetings to all at JCPM,
I want to thank you for sending me a copy of your introductory newsletter. I received it tonight at mail call. It was a surprise to me because I had not signed up for anything and had never heard of your ministry before. That being said, I firmly believe that God is at work in all things in the lives of His children. Your newsletter was very encouraging to me. I enjoyed reading your testimony. God spoke to my heart through the words you wrote. God used your testimony to remind me that I am not alone and that I must remain faithful to Him at all costs.
Douglas, AR
My Dear Family in Christ,
When we labor among those who are of the family of Christ, great love and humility is needed. I am still in diapers, learning. I had way too much “church” in me for 40 years. In the past 22 years I have been working hard to relay the messages I am receiving from the Spirit of God in such a way as to match His lovely Spirit. However, I am human and still learning. I pray that my behavior has not hurt anyone. I pray that the messages I give are taken in love. I struggle with “presentation” of the truth.
We are all in need of “that dependence upon God” revealed in the life of Jesus. Day by day we need to be more aware of our thoughts, our words, our actions and the way they are presented. Whether it be an inmate interacting with those around him, or a church member in discussion with another. Let us remember, we have all fallen short and need the grace of God in our lives. That grace which brought Jesus from Heaven to die for us.
Labor Among the Churches
In the work done for the church at Battle Creek in the spring of 1870, there was not all that dependence upon God that the important occasion demanded. Brethren (church members) did not make God their trust, and move in His strength and with His grace, as fully as they should.
When Brother (church member) thinks a person is wrong, he is frequently too severe. He fails to exercise that compassion and consideration that he would have shown toward himself under like circumstances. He is also in great danger of misjudging and erring in dealing with minds. It is the nicest and most critical work ever given to mortals, to deal with minds. Those who engage in this work should have clear discernment and good powers of discrimination. True independence of mind is an element entirely different from rashness. That quality of independence which leads to a cautious, prayerful, deliberate opinion should not be easily yielded, not until the evidence is sufficiently strong to make it certain that we are wrong. This independence will keep the mind calm and unchangeable amid the multitudinous errors which prevail, and will lead those in responsible positions to look carefully at the evidence on every side, and not be swayed by the influence of others, or by the surroundings, to form conclusions without intelligent, thorough knowledge of all the circumstances.
This is one of the problems with “church” as it is today. The church system does not develop true “independence of mind” but that “rashness” of church membership “I’m right, you are wrong” mentality. Because we belong to a denomination, church or religion, we get puffed up and feel safe in numbers. Then we begin trampling on those we perceive as “wrong”. Then comes the finger pointing and the unholy speaking and actions.
The investigation of cases in Battle Creek was very much after the order in which a lawyer criticizes a witness, and there was a decided absence of the Spirit of God. There were a few united in this work who were active and zealous. Some were self-righteous and self-sufficient, and their testimonies were relied upon, and their influence swayed the judgment of Brethren (church members). Because of some trivial deficiency, Sisters were not received as members of the church. Brethren (church members) should have had judgment and discrimination to see that these objections were not of sufficient weight to keep these sisters out of the church. Both of them had been long in the faith and had been true to the observance of the Sabbath for eighteen or twenty years.
Sister (church member), who brought up these things, should have urged against herself more weighty reasons why she should not have become a member of the church. Was she without sin? Were all her ways perfect before God? Was she perfect in patience, self-denial, gentleness, forbearance, and calmness of temper? If she were without the weaknesses of common women, then she could cast the first stone. Those sisters who were left out of the church were worthy of a place in it; they were beloved of God. But they were dealt with unwisely, without sufficient cause. There were others whose cases were handled with no more heavenly wisdom and without even sound judgment. Brother (church member’s) judgment and power of discrimination have been perverted for very many years through the influence of his wife, who has been a most effective medium of Satan. If he had possessed the genuine quality of independence he would have had proper self-respect and with becoming dignity would have built up his own house. When he has started upon a course designed to command respect in his family he has generally carried the matter too far and has been severe and has talked harshly and overbearingly. Becoming conscious of this after a time, he would then go to the opposite extreme and come down from his independence.
In this state of mind he would receive reports from his wife, give up his judgment, and be easily deceived by her intrigues. She would sometimes feign to be a great sufferer and would relate what privations she had endured and what neglect from her brethren, in the absence of her husband. Her prevarications and cunning artifices to abuse the mind of her husband have been great. Brother (church member) has not fully received the light which the Lord has given him in times past in regard to his wife or he would not have been deceived by her as he has been. He has been brought into bondage many times by her spirit because his own heart and life have not been fully consecrated to God. His feelings kindled against his brethren, and he oppressed them. Self has not been crucified. He should seek earnestly to bring all his thoughts and feelings into subjection to the obedience of Christ. Faith and self-denial would have been Brother (church member’s) strong helpers. If he had girded on the whole armor of God and chosen no other defense than that which the Spirit of God and the power of truth gives him, he would have been strong in the strength of God.
His wife is a perfect example of our churches. Too often, church members give up their independence for church “group think” and pressure. As church members, it is way to easy to look at the faults of others instead of our own. We need to get a backbone and begin using our own minds to do our own thinking. No one can get you into Heaven but you yourself. Begin the process of self-examination before examining others.
But Brother (church member) is weak in many things. If God required him to expose and condemn a neighbor, to reprove and correct a brother, or to resist and destroy his enemies, it would be to him a comparatively natural and easy work. But a warfare against self, subduing the desires and affections of his own heart, and searching out and controlling the secret motives of the heart, is a more difficult warfare. How unwilling is he to be faithful in such a contest as this! The warfare against self is the greatest battle that was ever fought. The yielding of self, surrendering all to the will of God and being clothed with humility, possessing that love that is pure, peaceable, and easy to be entreated, full of gentleness and good fruits, is not an easy attainment. And yet it is his privilege and his duty to be a perfect overcomer here. The soul must submit to God before it can be renewed in knowledge and true holiness. The holy life and character of Christ is a faithful example. His confidence in His heavenly Father was unlimited. His obedience and submission were unreserved and perfect. He came not to be ministered unto, but to minister to others. He came not to do His own will, but the will of Him that sent Him. In all things He submitted Himself to Him that judgeth righteously. From the lips of the Saviour of the world were heard these words: “I can of Mine own self do nothing.”
He became poor, and made Himself of no reputation. He was hungry and frequently thirsty, and many times weary in His labors; but He had not where to lay His head. When the cold, damp shades of night gathered about Him, the earth was frequently His bed. Yet He blessed those who hated Him. What a life! What an experience! Can we, the professed followers of Christ, cheerfully endure privation and suffering as did our Lord, without murmuring? Can we drink of the cup and be baptized with the baptism? If so, we may share with Him His glory in His heavenly kingdom. If not, we shall have no part with Him.
Brother (church member) has an experience to gain, without which his work will do positive injury. He is affected too much by what others tell him of the erring; he is apt to decide according to the impressions made upon his mind, and he deals with severity, when a milder course would be far better. He does not bear in mind his own weakness, and how hard it is for him to have his course questioned, even when he is wrong. When he decides that a brother or sister is wrong he is inclined to carry the matter through and press his censure, although in doing so he hurts his own soul and endangers the souls of others.
We live in a world of churches that have way too much pride, arrogance and wealth. We do not have pity, graciousness and love for those around us who are different from us. There is way too much judging going on.
Brother (church member) should shun church trials and should have nothing to do in settling difficulties, if he can possibly avoid it. He has a valuable gift, which is needed in the work of God. But he should separate himself from influences which draw upon his sympathies, confuse his judgment, and lead him to move unwisely. This should not and need not be. He exercises too little faith in God. He dwells too much upon his bodily infirmities and strengthens unbelief by dwelling upon poor feelings. God has strength and wisdom in store for those who seek for it earnestly, in faith believing.
That is precisely why we need to get out of our churches. They are no longer of God. It is all about ego, pride, arrogance and money.
I was shown that Brother (church member) is a strong man upon some points, while upon others he is as weak as a child. His course in dealing with the erring has had a scattering influence. He has confidence in his ability to labor in setting things in order where he thinks it is needed, but he does not view the matter aright. He weaves into his labors his own spirit, and he does not discriminate, but often deals without tenderness. There is such a thing as overdoing the matter in performing strict duty to individuals. “And of some have compassion, making a difference: and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.”
Duty, stern duty, has a twin sister, which is kindness. If duty and kindness are blended, decided advantage will be gained; but if duty is separated from kindness, if tender love is not mingled with duty, there will be a failure, and much harm will be the result. Men and women will not be driven, but many can be won by kindness and love. Brother (church member) has held aloft the gospel whip, and his own words have frequently been the snap to that whip. This has not had an influence to spur others to greater zeal and to provoke them to good works, but it has aroused their combativeness to repel his severity.
If Brother (church member) had walked in the light, he would not have made so many serious failures. “If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world. But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him.” The path of obedience is the path of safety. “He that walketh uprightly walketh surely.” Walk in the light, and “then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble.” Those who do not walk in the light will have a sickly, stunted religion. Brother (church member) should feel the importance of walking in the light, however crucifying to self. It is earnest effort, prompted by love for souls, which strengthens the heart and develops the graces.
Churches today are not teaching their members to “walk in the Light”. Churches are filled with darkness. We sit in church with absolutely no “love for souls, which strengthens the heart and develops the graces”. We go to church to pat ourselves on the back, get approbation and feel good living in sin.
My brother, you are naturally independent and self-sufficient. You estimate your ability to do, more highly than it will bear. You pray for the Lord to humble you and fit you for His work, and when He answers your prayer and puts you under the course of discipline necessary for the accomplishment of the object, you frequently give way to doubts and despondency, and think you have reason for discouragement. When Brother (church member) has cautioned and held you back from engaging in church difficulties, you have frequently felt that he was restraining you.
I was shown your labors in Iowa. There was a decided failure to gather with Christ. You distracted, confused, and scattered the poor sheep. You had a zeal, but it was not according to knowledge. Your labors were not in love, but in sternness and severity. You were exacting and overbearing. You did not strengthen the sick and bind up the lame. Your injudicious harshness pushed some out of the fold who can never be reached and brought back. Words fitly spoken are like apples of gold in pictures of silver. Words unfitly spoken are the reverse. Your influence will be like desolating hail.
Are our words bringing people to Jesus, or to church? Are our labors directed to bringing the “distracted, confused, and scattered” sheep to Jesus? Or do we take them to church? To walk with Jesus is not walking in church.
You have felt restless under restraint when Brother (church member) has cautioned, advised, and reproved you. You have thought that if you could be free and act yourself, you could do a good and great work. But your wife’s influence has greatly injured your usefulness. You have not ruled well your own house; you have failed to command your household after you. You have thought that you understood how to manage your home matters. But how have you been deceived! You have too often followed the promptings of your own spirit, which has resulted in perplexities and discouragements, and these have clouded your discernment and weakened you spiritually so that your labors have been marked with great imperfection.
So many church members have been deceived by church. It is so easy to look around and deceive yourself into thinking that if the others are “doing it”, then it must be all right for you to do it. Church does not lift the eyes to Jesus and His truth. It will injure your usefulness for Jesus and eventually destroy you.
The labors of Brethren (church members) were premature. These brethren had their past experience with its mistakes before them, which should have been sufficient to guard them from engaging in a work that they were not qualified to perform. There was enough that needed to be done. It was a hard place in which to raise up a church. Opposing influences surrounded them. Every move made should have been with due caution and prayerful consideration.
These two brethren had been warned and reproved repeatedly for moving injudiciously, and they should not have taken the responsibilities upon themselves that they did. Oh, how much better would it have been for the cause of God had they been laboring in new fields! Satan’s seat is in (that place), as well as in other wicked cities, and he is a wily foe to contend with. There were disorderly elements among the Sabbathkeepers in (that place) that were hindrances to the cause. But there is a proper time to speak and act, a golden opportunity which will show the best results of labor put forth.
If each Sabbathkeeper would simply live under the Spirit of God, doing as He directs, how quickly would the work be finished and we could go Home. But church has Sabbathkeepers bound up and tongue-tied. They refuse to take responsibility for their own salvation and do the work God has required of each of us.
If things had been left to more fully develop before they were touched, there would have been a separation of the disorderly, unconsecrated ones, and there would not have been an opposition party. This should ever be saved if possible. The church might better suffer much annoyance, and exercise the more patience, than to get in a hurry, drive matters, and provoke a combative spirit. Those who really loved the truth for the truth’s sake should have pursued their course with the glory of God in view and let the light of truth shine out before all.
In the late 1800’s, Sabbathkeepers were more in line with truth in their lives. The physical churches raised up at that time were by people who truly wanted to live the perfect, sinless and commandment keeping life. Today, there are none left. The devil is truly in all the churches. They have fallen. They have become confused and dissatisfaction with truth has led to whole churches teaching “saved by grace” and other satanic delusions.
They might expect that the elements of confusion and dissatisfaction among them would make them trouble. Satan would not remain quiet and see a company raised up in (that place) to vindicate truth and to dispel sophistry and error. His ire would be kindled, and he would institute a war against those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus. But this should not have made the faithful believers impatient or discouraged. These things should have had an influence to make the true believer more guarded, watchful, and prayerful—more tender, pitiful, and loving to those who were making so great a mistake in regard to eternal things. As Christ has borne, and continues to bear, with our errors, our ingratitude, and our feeble love, so should we bear with those who test and try our patience. Shall the followers of the self-denying, self-sacrificing Jesus be unlike their Lord? Christians should have hearts of kindness and forbearance. 3T 104-110.