My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I can not stress enough how profoundly the churches, religions, denominations, independents and those claiming to be “Christian” hate the truth.  They hate Jesus.  Oh, they love throwing His name around.  They love quoting texts that are taken out of context and abused in order to say what they want them to say.  However, to live in obedience to Jesus, never!

As I interact with people, the hate they have for Jesus is amazing.  And these are people who claim to be “of God”.  If you go to church, or are involved with organizations who do not teach the teachings of Jesus, you are standing with the devil.  I cannot stress enough the psychological hold the devil has over those who are involved with religious organizations.  The Catholic system of church, no matter what denomination you belong to, is of the devil.  The hold the devil has over all religious organizations is amazing.  Church members prefer religion to Jesus.  If you are going to religion, you are not going to Jesus.  Religion makes you feel good.  Jesus tells you to stop sinning.  But the religious organizations tell you God loves you in your sins.  Jesus tells you to be perfect, the religious organizations say you can’t be perfect.  Jesus tells you to keep the Ten Commandments to get your eternal life, the religious organizations tell you that you can’t “get” your eternal life.  Choose you this day whom you will serve.  Me, I will serve and obey Jesus.  Get out of your religious organizations or you have no eternal life.

It is no different today than it was in Christ’s day.  The religious organizations hate Jesus and those who follow Him.  They want you in their religious organizations following man.  The religious organization’s leaders hate the truth.  It must be their organization alone.  They have no room for the Truth Jesus teaches.  The religious organizations will come together, all of them, including those going to church on the Sabbath, for the purpose of destroying us who live in obedience to Jesus.  They will take us to court, trials and give us persecutions.  Get out now to save your soul.

At the time of Jeremiah, it was the same.  The Sabbath keeping church persecuted Jeremiah as all religions today are persecuting this little ministry for telling the truth.  The church system has always been on the side of the devil.  Man runs the church system.  God is not wanted by church members.  Throughout history the church system has always been in opposition to Jesus and His spiritual assembly.

Look around your church congregation, the ministries and independents you support.  Who do you see weeping for their sins?  Who do you see praying with others to overcome sin?  Who do you see confessing their sins before those they have sinned against?  Who is truly seeking for truth?  Instead, they are simply sleeping through their Sabbath School Lesson and feeling secure in their sins.  “And no church can advance in holiness unless its members are earnestly seeking for truth as for hid treasure.”  GC 521.

Waiting for the church to hand you the “truth” is not “seeking for truth”.  Get out of your church and go to your Bible and kneel before the Lord and earnestly seek for His truth for your eternal life.  Stop supporting any church, religious organization or independent that is not teaching the teachings of Jesus to stop sinning, be perfect and keep the Ten Commandments to get your eternal life.  You can’t buy your way into Heaven.  God has told us who He wants us to support.  Are you listening?  Do you really care?  Is what you “believe” more important than what God wants you to believe?  Remember Cain?  He did it his way and was rejected by God.

Mark 14:53 to Mark 14:72

And they led Jesus to the high priest. And all the chief priests and the elders and the scribes came together. 

Nothing brings the wicked together like fighting truth does.  No matter what the differences between church members, all you have to do is teach them the truth and they will all unite against you.  Purity is not wanted in the churches.  All churches want are systems, traditions, services and ordinances to keep the people busy with programs in order to take their money and their eyes off Jesus.

And Peter had followed him at a distance, right into the courtyard of the high priest. And he was sitting with the guards and warming himself at the fire. 

Unfortunately, there are too many Peter’s.  They don’t want to stand up for what is right.  They may agree, but they are too timid to stand up and defend truth.  Those who deny Jesus will be denied by Jesus when He comes.  Peter, while his probation was still open, repented and forsook his sin of denying Jesus.  He did it immediately after recognizing it.  Most today just go to church.  While God’s ministries and ministers, those teaching the teachings of Jesus, are being hated, abused, maligned and ridiculed, church members sit idly by letting truth be trampled in the dirt.  Unless you immediately repent and turn from your sin of apathy, you will continue to harden your heart to the truth and eventually apathy wins, and you die.

Now the chief priests and the whole council were seeking testimony against Jesus to put him to death, but they found none.

When I witness about the truths of Jesus, none are able to stand up against the truth.  Therefore, I get lots of personal attacks.  They just don’t want to surrender their hearts to Jesus.  Since they can’t refute the truth, they go after the messenger.  Church members do the same.  (The word “church” in these newsletters refers to all religious organizations, ministries and independents who do not teach the teachings of Jesus to stop sinning, be perfect and keep the Ten Commandments to get eternal life.)

For many bore false witness against him, but their testimony did not agree.  And some stood up and bore false witness against him, saying, “We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days I will build another, not made with hands.’” Yet even about this their testimony did not agree. 

It is amazing, speak against the church and your life will be in danger.  The church, the devil’s system of control, is more important than truth.  Whether you are a Jew, a Messianic Jew, a Catholic, a Mormon, a Jehovah’s Witness, a Seventh-day Adventist, an Anglican, a Baptist, a Muslim or any other religion or denomination, it all revolves around “my church”.  Every religion, independent, denomination and church today would do the very same thing to Jesus since He refuses to accept their organizations.

And the high priest stood up in the midst and asked Jesus, “Have you no answer to make? What is it that these men testify against you?” 

The other day, many online were angry at me when I explained the history of the “church” and where it came from.  It came not from God but from the devil.  It is a pagan invention to keep people from Jesus.  The Catholic Church perfected it from the pagans and every Protestant denomination has adopted some portion of it.  None of it will get you into heaven.  Yet, it will take you to hell.

During the first couple hundred years after Christ, the “assembly” was not a “church” as we understand “church” today.  Today, church is entertainment, membership and money.  The early “assembly” came together for the purpose of getting rid of sins in their lives.  “But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or outsider enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all, the secrets of his heart are disclosed, and so, falling on his face, he will worship God and declare that God is really among you.”  1 Corinthians 14:24, 25.  When was the last time an “outsider” came to your church or listened to your independent ministry and was convicted by all of the secrets of his heart?  When was the last time you were convicted, repented and fell on your face after listening to your church, independent or religious organization? Would any outsider “declare that God is really among you”?  Probably not.

The “goody-goody” religion that is taught by our churches, denominations, independents and religions, is of the devil.  God’s true church would be teaching you “That they should repent and turn to God, performing deeds in keeping with their repentance. . .  Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out. . .  Repent, therefore, of this wickedness of yours, and pray to the Lord that, if possible, the intent of your heart may be forgiven you.”  Acts 26:20; 3:19; 8:22.  That was the true “assembly” of God.

However, today, we congregate (whether in church, over the internet, on radio or TV) to make our sinful lives feel better in sin.  We look around at all the other “saints” who are sinning and therefore, we sit smugly in our seats feeling “saved” in our sins.  Is it any wonder God commanded that churches were to be closed, destroyed and forsaken?  Instead of rushing to get to church on Sabbath, you need to reach over to the bedside table, pick up your Bible and quietly, in peace, lie, sit, kneel or walk before God listening to Him.  Forget what man has to say.  Spend the Sabbath with Jesus in His Word and live in obedience to Him.

But he remained silent and made no answer. Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?” 

When it was accusations about the church, He didn’t answer because the “church” was not His.  He never asked them to make a “church”.  They could do what they wanted with their church.  However, when it came to His honor and the honor of His Father, that was a different matter.  We are not to fight, argue and defend the “honor” of our religion.  That is Catholicism.

And Jesus said, “I am, and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.” 

While they were all concerned over, agitated over and willing to kill over their church, Jesus let them know that He would come back and judge them.  Their church had nothing over the “Power” He had.  Jesus says the same to us today.  You can make all the fuss you want over your religious beliefs, but it will do you no good at the end.  When Jesus comes, all He is going to ask is, did you live as I commanded you: perfect, sinless and Commandment keeping?  Nothing about church in all of that.

And the high priest tore his garments and said, “What further witnesses do we need?

While religious organizations and independents put on a show of sanctity, holiness and reverence toward God, they have hate in their hearts.  It is all whitewashing.

You have heard his blasphemy. What is your decision?” And they all condemned him as deserving death. 

Truth became “blasphemy”.  “Blasphemy” became truth.  So it is today.  Teach for the religious organization and your “blasphemy” is considered truth.  Teach the teachings of Jesus and your teaching is considered “blasphemy”.  2 John 1:8-11 is very clear, those who do not teach the teachings of Jesus do not have God.  It doesn’t matter what day of the week you go to church on.  God never asked you to go to church.  He commanded you to stop sinning, be perfect and to keep the Ten Commandments to get your eternal life.

And some began to spit on him and to cover his face and to strike him, saying to him, “Prophesy!” And the guards received him with blows. 

I receive the same response from most.  Sharing the incredible fact that God used this poor, stupid, good-for-nothing, washed-up, ex-inmate to dictate and direct His truth is not appreciated by church members.  They have no control over this little instrument to tell them what they want to hear.  But as long as they “buy” the opinions of their religious organizations to tell them what they want to hear, great.

And as Peter was below in the courtyard, one of the servant girls of the high priest came, and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked at him and said, “You also were with the Nazarene, Jesus.” 

It causes me great pain to see people deny Jesus in their lives.  They are enclosed in the bubble of their church, religious organizations, independent doctrine, their home and job and refuse to lift their heads to acknowledge what God has done for them.  They deny Him when they see and hear others break the Ten Commandments without sharing with them what will happen when Jesus comes.  They deny Him while sitting in church instead of opening up their homes to teach the teachings of Jesus to their family, friends, neighbors and coworkers.

But he denied it, saying, “I neither know nor understand what you mean.” And he went out into the gateway and the rooster crowed. 

Many “Christians” express the same to those around them, either by word or by action.  The problem is, most church members today have given their salvation to the church.  They are not taking the Bible at its word to “work out your salvation”.  They are not reading to learn, they only read what the church tells them to read.  They only accept what the church interprets.  I really don’t know of any church members who are actually doing real Bible study for truth.  If they were, they would not be sitting in church or listening to religious programs.

And the servant girl saw him and began again to say to the bystanders, “This man is one of them.”  But again he denied it. And after a little while the bystanders again said to Peter, “Certainly you are one of them, for you are a Galilean.”  But he began to invoke a curse on himself and to swear, “I do not know this man of whom you speak.” 

And that is correct.  Those who deny Jesus are invoking “a curse” on themselves.  The “love” of God will not save one sinner.  All sinners are to repent and turn from their churches, their sins, and return to Jesus.

And immediately the rooster crowed a second time. And Peter remembered how Jesus had said to him, “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” And he broke down and wept. 

I pray that you will break down and weep.  That you will repent of your prideful sins and return to Jesus before it is too late.  “The error that had led to Jacob’s sin in obtaining the birthright by fraud was now clearly set before him. He had not trusted God’s promises but had sought by his own efforts to bring about that which God would have accomplished in His own time and way. As an evidence that he had been forgiven, his name was changed from one that was a reminder of his sin, to one that commemorated his victory. “Thy name,” said the Angel, ‘shall be called no more Jacob [the supplanter], but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.’” PP 197.


Dear Ron,

I received the Jesus Christ Prison Ministry pamphlet.  Thank you.  I would also like to continue my learning.  I’ve been incarcerated in prison for over 26 years.

Terrence, NV

Dear JCPM,

I received a little booklet that explains how you were incarcerated and started this ministry.  I was surprised to get this little book.  I am very glad I did.  I am 34 years old.  I’ve been locked up for about 9 years on a life sentence.  What really got my attention is how you truly encourage people to Christ.  I would love to do your workbook.

Rafael, AZ

Dear Sir,

I would like to receive the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  Thank you for your kindness.

David, TX


I received your Jesus Christ Prison Ministry pamphlet and it really caught my attention.  I was raised a Catholic, but at this part in my life, all I want is to live a Christ-like life and just going out of the Bible.  So, thank you for your help. I’ve also had a conversation with a buddy and he is also interested.

Ray, OR

Dear Brother Ron,

I think this was one of the best books I have ever read or studied.  It taught me a lot about truth.  I never knew a lot of the things this book showed me.  And a lot of the things I didn’t know, I believe because it just makes sense.  I know now that I have a lot of work to do to get the reward of heaven.  And that I have to quit rationalizing and making excuses for my sins.  I know that I can do that if I stay close to God.  If I stay persistent in prayer and meditation.  Thank you for this book.  It has opened my eyes in ways you will never know.

John, VA

Dear Brother Ron,

Please add me to your Bible study list.  I am in prison because of drugs.  I was addicted to heroin.  I believe God saved my life by me being here.  I want to be a better person.  I know the only way to do that is to give my life to Christ.  I know I want to be closer to God.  I want to learn His Word.  I try to only be around believers, but as you know, they are hard to find here.  In Bible study groups they know a lot about the Bible, but when class is over, they don’t apply it to their lives.  Please, help me get a better relationship with Jesus Christ.

Robert, IL

Brother Ron,

Can we follow the Commandments in prison?  The book talks about love.  When you break it down like that, and love people, but now I really know what love is and how I should start loving people.  I have to do a better job now and love from within my heart.  It is the good things in life that seem hardest to do than the bad.  I would not have known how to do any of these things if God had not put you into my life.  You sent me this “Change Your Life Biblically”.  It is an eye opener for me.  I like how you break it down and explain it.  I saw and read about self-control and I know that I have a lot of bad habits.  Since I read how I can purify myself, I started to use some of the principles.  I thought it was normal for someone to have sexy photos of women in prison until I read this book.  It very hard, but I have to change my way of life.  You made me realize how dirty my body, mind and soul were as I read this wonderful book.  You are so right.  I was serving the material world.  I have been through 21 hard, poor and very abusive life in Guyana.  I have been through 17 years of very hard and lonely life in prison.  I did many Bible studies, but I did not know nothing about God’s Word and how to be a Christian.  It takes a lot of work to walk in faith.  I now understand a lot about the Bible and faith because you break down this book really good and you explain every part very good.

Ganesh, CT

Dear Brother Ron,

I am 31 years old and serving an 18 year to life sentence for murder.  I have been locked up over 12 years.  I want to live for Christ.  Brother Ron, this is my first contact with you and your ministry.  After reading your pamphlet I received yesterday in the mail, I feel like I know you and trust you.  I killed a man and attempted to kill another for no reason when I was 18.  I am truly sorry.  Not that I got caught, but for doing Satan’s work.  I have come to understand that we must heal instead of hurting people.  I am lost brother Ron.  I want a better life.  You are a very remarkable man and your story gives me hope and inspiration.  Thank you for all you do brother Ron.

Gerald, OH

Hello Mr. Ron,

About 9 months ago, someone sent me this little pamphlet of yours telling me of your story.  I just read it today.  After all those months, I never threw it away.  I was cleaning out my paperwork and saw it and read it, and I was touched by your story the way the Holy Spirit touched you and so I want more.  I’ve enclosed several other names as well to receive the “Change Your Life Biblically” workbook.  I thank you for your story and I thank God for you.  You are an awesome vessel for our Lord and Savior.

Henry, MI

Dear Brother Ron,

I want to thank you for giving me the chance to do your Bible study.  I can’t wait to receive it and get started.

Jonathan, OH


I just received a Jesus Christ Prison Ministry booklet.  Thank you very much.  I would like to receive a book and a certificate.  I am so interested to know more about God.

Arthur, CO


Thank you for reaching out and giving me the opportunity to be a part of your ministry.  I am very interested in the “Change Your Life Biblically” book.  I would be very pleased to read it.

Kasey, CA

Dear Brother Ron,

Ever since I received the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”, reading and studying it, I became even a more better “volunteer Missionary” for Jesus inside this prison.  Your book I have found “truth” of real Bible teaching.  I’m no longer walking around in darkness following some preacher that were leading the sheep to the slaughter house.  Your book has helped awake the ignorance of my mind.  The continuing of reading “CYLB” while ministering to people, God begin to bless me.  I been locked up in prison for 30 years.

Frederick, VA


I’m very interested in your book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  Is there any way you could send my brother one also?  We were both in gangs, but we decided to give our lives to the Lord.  We both are seeking peace, wisdom, hope and understanding.  We don’t have anyone.  It’s just us two and the Lord.  Charles, MS

Hello Brother Ron,

I thank God for you and this ministry.  It is the truth about being true Christians and what it takes to get to heaven.  Something very few people know or understand.  My life has been changed so much knowing what God says I must do.  Each day, because of your Bible study material, I am maturing spiritually.

James, LA

Brother Ron,

I just received this “Introductory Issue” in the mail.  It was addressed to another prison, but I received it.  I don’t remember writing you.  You got my name and address from somewhere.  A lot of the things you shared ring true.  There is no sugar coating what is going on in prison, or the community from behind the pulpit.  It is no longer about God’s truth but being politically correct.  Many people who will tell you that they are Christian, will sadly hear Jesus tell them, “Get away from Me, I never knew you!”  Your issue was filled with some beautiful truth.

Thomas, CA


I would like to request the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I am really interested in learning as much as possible of the Word of God.  Thank you for your time.  If possible, could you also send my husband one?

Laura, TX

Dear Jesus Christ Prison Ministry,

I was surprised to get mail since I don’t ever get any.  However, I am interested in all you have to offer.  I would like to do the Bible study.  I am 32 years old and tired of going to the same things and coming back to prison.  Thank you.

Jesse, TX


I read the testimony in a little book with this address from another inmate.  I’m new in my faith.  I gave my life to God.  I have so much to talk about, but no one really to talk to.

Paul, MS

Dear Brother Ron,

Thank you for your letters of encouragement.  They have been very welcomed.  In times like these, one needs words of encouragement.  Especially from a fellow Christian.  I had no knowledge you were doing this solo.  With the progress you made over the years, I naturally assumed you had a functional system with a crew on hand.  By the way, I love how your current “staff” looks.  A mighty cute bunch.  (I put in pictures of my “staff” for him: two turtles, two ducks, two dogs.)  God has truly blessed you.

Charles, IL


Thank you and God bless your heart for what you do.  I’m interested in that “book”.  Thank you,

Jose, CA


I’m so interested in receiving all that comes with the packet that will change my life biblically.  I was lucky and came across one of the brothers in the dorm.  He had this piece of information.  I needed to reach you.  I was really blessed.  I have been locked up for the past 18 years of my life.

Raymond, LA

Hello Brother Ron,

I learned the difference between Bible facts and Bible truths.  I thought because the Bible was the Word of God, everything in there was the Word of God, truths.  But they are not.  Big difference I didn’t ever really realize.  I’ve learned about grace and what grace really is.  At one time I thought that “once saved always saved”.  By the grace of God, I found out Jesus never taught grace for salvation.  It is never mentioned anywhere in the Bible as a means for salvation.  In order to know the truth, you must have knowledge of the truth.  This is the Old and New Testament teachings.  You must take the Ten Commandments and engrave them in your heart.

Andrew, FL

Dear Mr. Ron,

I am so into “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I’m not really a “scholar”, but I do read the Bible.  And I got to admit, all I thought was right and what I believed all these years, come to be the opposite.

Benito, TX


Thank you so very much for what you sent me.  Yes, I would love to try “Change Your Life Biblically”.

Luis, IL

Dear Brother Ron,

Let me start with a huge “thank you”.  I got the bookmarkers, certificate and pen-pal paper.  They are greatly appreciated.  I am still on fire for Jesus.  I continue to direct people to Him and His truth to save their lives.

Bradley, IL

Brother Ron,

I was happy to hear you got my tithes.  I pray that God will touch the hearts of many people to donate to the ministry.  I was saddened to hear the ministry lost some donors, but we know God always provides for each day.  Even though your letters are short, they encourage and uplift my spirits.  I have very little outside communications.  I only make 0.12 an hour prison pay, but once the shop is back open, then I will send more tithes.  Thank you for sharing Duke.  He is a beautiful dog.  I’m not really an animal person, but if I had a pet, it would be a dog.  I really enjoy the material you send.  I have learned so much all ready.  I won’t lie.  A lot of people are leaving my life.  I know it is because I speak the truth.  But I know and accept that all things are God’s will.

James, LA


I received your introductory issue with the “History of the Ministry” a while ago.  I’ve read the “history of the Ministry” and would like to continue my learning.  I’m writing you to let you know that I want to continue in Bible studies.  I’m sending along at least one name to share your Bible studies with.  Sunny and Ismael are both brothers in Christ and wish to do the Bible studies together.  I need to keep in the Word of God and am ready to learn.

Richard, CA

Brother Ron,

It is a pleasure to sit here and write to you.  I would first like to say, “Thank you” for sending me your book titled, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I gave my life to Jesus 11 years ago, after living my life as a Muslim for 10 years.  I have spent many days and nights searching the Scriptures for the truth in God’s Word.  I have studied many religious books and read many different commentaries and listened to many different men preach from their denominations.  So, I am not new in my walk with the Lord.  I have never read anything like your book before.  I wish I could come and sit with you while we discuss the truth about what the Word truly says and what it means.  I must say, the way you addressed the “Brainwashing” part of so many believers was a true eye opener.  It seemed like the only explanation to the story being told, then the picture of the man with what looks like was a bag of money, that “home” was being robbed.  I had to laugh when I turned the page and saw the photo of two men at home plate.  You did a great job in your well-put together explanation of the titles of God, or should I say, the word “God” is His title.  Going into how people in prison are called “inmate” and by a number, that I could really relate to.  Being able to explain who the Father is, who Jesus is, and who the Holy Spirit is, is truly important.  I say that because when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I struggled with accepting and believing that He is God.  I am sure that there are those who may have that same struggle.  But you, in your book, took the time out to show from Scripture that Jesus is God.  Pointing out the importance of the Hebrew Scriptures shows that you believe the whole Bible and not just the parts that go along with what you believe to be true.  I love the Word of God.  It lives inside of me.  The Ten Commandments.  Now that’s a topic that will make a lot of church folks angry with you.  I have heard it said that Christians don’t have to follow the Ten Commandments.  That the Law is bondage and Jesus has set the believers free with His death upon the cross.  I believe God gave us the Ten Commandments for a reason and that reason was to show us what sin is and in showing us showed us how to live.  The life changing power of Christ is the only reason I am no longer who came to prison.

Rodney, CA

Brother Ron,

I just started back on my road to Jesus and out of nowhere, I get your pamphlet in the mail.  I don’t know who ordered it for me, but I’m very glad I got it.  Please send me a copy of “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I would truly appreciate it.  I am currently doing 91 years on two counts of first-degree murder.

Jamal, VA

Dear JCPM,

This is my first time behind bars.  You can imagine how hard it has been on my family and I.  Since being in, I’ve given my life over to God.  There is very little material available here where I’m being held.  So, I’m writing you in hopes you could add me to your mailing list for your newsletter.

Chad, NH


Please send me your workbook, “Change Your Life Biblically”.

Satchell, CA

Brother Ron,

I told myself to always stay open to information and to seek the truth within it.  I must say, you did an outstanding job.  I have learned much.  What stood out the most was the paganism that was being practiced before the birth of Christ, during His time on earth and after He returned.  It is so easy to see why things are so backwards in the churches today.  And do you know, even though you point out this truth, people will not believe you.  They will call you the “anti-
Christ” and an “enemy of the state”; I mean, “Church”.  I cannot thank you enough for making this information available.  As I stated in an earlier letter, I believe I did a poor job at keeping the Sabbath.  Because you have stressed the importance of keeping the Sabbath, I appreciate you pointing out the importance of following and obeying what the Word of God says.

Rodney, CA

To Whom It May Concern,

I’ve lost a lot of faith in the Lord over my case/situation, but I’m trying to gain it back.  They say everything happens for a reason.  I’m trying to believe that.  Well, I’m writing for Bible studies.

Carl, TX


Yes, finally, I don’t feel alone.  I have been spreading the importance of keeping the Sabbath and how Sunday isn’t the Lord’s day.  And also, how Christmas is a pagan holiday along with other things that need to be removed out of Christianity which have become stumbling blocks.  So, yes, sign me up for your Bible study.

Malik, VA


So, I got this in the mail.  I want to know, how can I get the book, or was the one with the flyer?  I would love to read that book.  I have been reading the Bible and understanding anything and everything I can about God.  But there are so much more that I need to learn.  Things that I don’t understand.  I’ll appreciate if you can send me the book.

Gerardo, CO

Dear Brother Ron,

I wanted to take a moment to write you and thank you for the NIRV Bible you sent me.  I have not been able to put it down.  It is feeding my soul in so many ways.  I can easily follow and understand the Bible like never before.  I continue my work for the Lord in this sin darkened world.  I feel God and I’m growing closer by the day.  I thank you for all you and the ministry has done for me.

Bradley, IL


I heard about the prison ministry that you guys are involved in.  Man, I would really like to know more about this stuff, if it is possible.  I have been locked up for a while, but I recently surrendered my life to the Lord.  I feel like my life has been turned upside down.  It’s like, where do I go from here?  Well, I really don’t know what to say, so I guess I will close but I do hope to hear something back.

Jose, TX


I am looking for Bible study courses.  Anything that will help me to study God’s Word.

Rodney, NC

Brother Ron,

God bless!  I want to thank you for what you are doing with this Bible study course.  I know that God lives inside of you and that you strive to live out God’s Words and His will on a daily basis.  It’s so helpful with how you have formatted this whole volume from beginning to end.  You are very clear, precise and profoundly in-depth with everything enclosed in this book.  You just don’t speak on things and leave it surface level.  You break everything down so that we can have a clear understanding.  From reading this study, it has allowed me to view things differently also.  Like in the beginning of the book, about the guy jogging and the masked men.  The history behind everything is amazing.  This Bible study is tremendous.  I will take everything I have read from it to help me to continue with my growth in God and my relationship with God.  I will also constantly re-read it so that I can continue to absorb and apply everything to my daily life.

Shawn, NJ


I received your book.  I began reading it the night I got it.  The first thing that I learned is related to the one thing that I had the most trouble with: faith.  I appreciated the history part in the “Proof of the Bible” part as well.  It helped me understand the part about the multi-material statue in the dream.  The “Plan of Salvation” section just confirmed that I didn’t need anyone or anything to be saved.  It also helped me to see how in the beginning God was already making a plan to save us from ourselves.  The fact that it’s that easy is nice.  Also, I finally understand what is meant by the “new” covenant.  And the fact that the symbolism was what was changed as well as the regulations were removed.  I am very thankful that you have put all this into easy to understand examples.

Bruce, MS

Dear Brother Ron,

I’m writing you this letter to let you know that I got your book and it is helping me a lot.  Thank you very much for your help.  I need a big favor from you brother.  Here are 4 addresses of 4 people that I love very much and don’t want them lost.  So, if you can send them a book, please.  Thank you.  My sister, my brother, my son and the love of my life.

Gilbert, TX

Dear Ministry,

I was given your information by one of my brothers in Christ.  I would like to receive “Change Your Life Biblically”.  Thank you for listening to God’s voice and taking a step of faith.

John, TX

To Whom It May Concern,

I received your Jesus Christ Prison Ministry “Introductory Issue” in the mail.  I must be honest and admit, at first, I just turned the pages to see what was in it and set it down on my pillow when I was done.  Just looking through it.  Then, I picked it back up and was about to repeat the same motion until I stumbled upon page one where there is a story about prison life.  Instantly I was curious.  So, I decided to read the story.  The next thing I knew, I was reading the whole “Introductory Issue”.  Then, before I knew it, I was done with the entire issue.  I sat back in my cell and thought to myself about not only those stories in the “Introductory Issue”, but my life as well.  I’ve come to the conclusion and have finally made up my mind that I was going to make changes in my life and admit to myself that it is time to let God into my life.

Darren, IL

Dear Ron,

I just read the “Introductory Issue”.  Wow!  That was powerful.  Wow!  You just kept plugging and plugging regardless of what came up.  You knew Jesus had your back.  That was an awesome read, brother.  Please send me a copy of “Change Your Life Biblically”.

Jason, NH


I have taken my time reading and re-reading the book.  I wanted to make sure I was understanding what was being said.  I am very new to all this.  I have only had bad experiences with churches from my youth.  From being treated as an outsider, to actual sexual abuse.  The thoughts provided in the book would probably not be liked by a lot of religious people.  However, I had no preconceptions since I have only just started learning the Bible.  I learned from the book that my problem with faith isn’t a problem, it’s just a step on the ladder.  I’m not broken, just at a point where I was missing some steps.  So, when I read about the 8 steps to Christian perfection, all of the things I had been feeling made sense.  I was still at the first step and stuck because I didn’t know any better.  From what everyone was saying to me was that Jesus would come in and make me a new heart, one free from sin and filled with the love of Jesus.  That was what had me stuck.  I was astounded with the revelations so far in the book.  This has helped me to understand a lot of things that were really bothering me.  So, I have a lot of respect for you and a great deal of gratitude.  It feels like I was never going to have faith.  But now I know not to sit around waiting for it.  I have to start sharing the things I have been blessed with from others.  And it seems the more I give away, the more comes to me.  I have been sleeping much better.  I can’t wait to see what other revelations are to come in the book.  I am also very thankful.

Bruce, MS


I would like to receive a copy of your book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I’m 62 years old and need to make changes in my life.  I’m tired of ending up in prison.  I have heard a lot of good stuff about people who have received your book and followed the path that you have suggested for us to turn our lives over to God.

James, CA


I am writing because I would like to receive the workbook titled, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  An inmate gave me this address and recommended I write to you for the workbook.  I do not know when or if I will be moved.  Thank you.

Michael, TX

Dear JCPM,

I’ve just received your introductory issue and it was very eye opening.  I would really like to start getting your Bible study, please.  I would greatly appreciate it.  I’m trying to turn to the Lord for new direction and out of the blue this booklet showed up.  To me, that was a sign.  Thank you.

Jerry, NC

Dear Sir,

I am writing you in regards to the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  Please kindly send me a copy of the book.

Ayelotan, IN

Brother Ron,

You are so correct!  I have been afraid that many of these men have grown cold with no real push.  Some of them are firmly planted in “church” and can’t get out of that mind-set.  I will do more to encourage the men to write and to do the studies.  I pray that the Lord Jesus will open their eyes and remove the “church” blinders, so they can be set free.  These last four men I sent the names for have been very attentive as I have been showing many of God’s truths to them.  I have shared my book, “CYLB” and they loved what we studied on and wanted their own.  I know it cost to send them, so I will speak to them about being diligent to put it to good use.

Darby, VA


My reason for writing you is because I came across one of your flyers/booklets that shares the Word.  I am very interested in the “Change Your Life Biblically” workbook.

Julian, CA


One of my brothers have told me about your program and ministry.  I would love to start the “Change Your Life Biblically” course, if possible.  I look forward to seeing what God reveals to me and places in my life through your ministry.

Everett, TX

Dear JCPM,

I have been in prison going on 14 years.  I’m 42 and my earliest release date is 2026.  An inmate in here gave me your address.  Will you please send me “Change Your Life Biblically”?

Carl, FL

Dear Ministry,

I have a friend that told me about your ministry and that you would be able to help me.

Christian, FL

To Whom It May Concern,

I have heard about your book and Bible study.  I’ve also read your testimony.  It was very encouraging.  I would like to obtain a copy of your book and Bible study.  Thank you brother for sharing your story.

Ronald, TX

Dear Brother Ron,

It is amazing the fact how the truth so well explained through the book, “Change Your Life Biblically”.  I surely do appreciate all effort you put on this workbook.

Benito, TX

Dear Brother Ron,

First, thank you for sharing the truth with me and opening my eyes to God’s Word.  I truly enjoyed reading Rebel and it was a heart touching story of how God can and does use everything to teach and enhance our spiritual growth.  I’m still amazed at how God led me to you and this ministry.  Why?  Because I had over 80 pen-pal places to write and God placed JCPM on my heart to write.  But I also wrote to about 5 others and even spent $40 on one that I never got one response from.  But here is the kicker, JCPM is the one that I needed to really know God and come to the place I have always searched for.  I was living in sin for over 40 years, and not even knowing I was because of the teachings I had been following.  My life has changed for the better and each day I move closer to perfection in Christ.  I struggle in some of my thoughts.  I see how we allow things of this world to control us, making them our idols or gods.  I share daily with the few who will listen.  There are 32 different churches here and none preach or practice the truth.  I have 3 guys who Bible study with me.  They are coming along slowly but still try to hold on to their old teachings.  My family thinks I have lost my mind because they refuse to accept they have been brainwashed.  I am reading CYLB again more slowly and planting what I read in my heart so when I meet others, the Spirit of God speaks and not me.  I am beginning to see and understand I need to spend more time with God.

James, LA


My Dear Family in Christ,

Church members are like the “Prodigal Son”.  They have left Jesus for the church.  They have separated themselves from their Heavenly Father for a “house” full of human wisdom.  They have selfishly withdrawn themselves from the “family of God” to join with those who want to be like the world.  The world has its churches.  The world has its religions.  The world is full of ministers, pastors, independents and teachers who claim to love God and offer lots of exciting entertainment.  But the Father waits for them to return.  Will they?

The Prodigal Son

 My attention was called to the parable of the prodigal son. He made a request that his father should give him his portion of the estate. He desired to separate his interest from that of his father, and to manage his share as best suited his own inclination. His father complied with the request, and the son selfishly withdrew from his father, that he might not be troubled with his counsel or reproofs.

 The churches of today have done the same as the Prodigal Son.  They have separated themselves from God so they can manage themselves.  It is all about fulfilling their own inclinations, “what I believe”.  God will not stop you.  You have free will.  He has plainly stated in His Word what are the conditions of entering eternal life.  And nowhere in those conditions will you find “going to church” or “what I believe” as a condition.  Many are going to church in order “not be troubled with His counsel or reproofs”.  Listening to the church speak acceptable things is what church members want.

 The son thought he should be happy when he could use his portion according to his own pleasure, without being annoyed by advice or restraint. He did not wish to be troubled with mutual obligation. If he shared his father’s estate, his father had claims upon him as a son. But he did not feel under any obligation to his generous father, and he braced his selfish, rebellious spirit with the thought that a portion of his father’s property belonged to him. He requested his share, when rightfully he could claim nothing and should have had nothing.

 Churches today are bracing their “selfish, rebellious spirit” by leaving God and His Word in order to find what they want in the Catholic pagan system.  That way, they can make up any worship they so choose.  They can claim to belong to God while doing it their own way and believing what they want.

 After his selfish heart had received the treasure, of which he was so undeserving, he went his way at a distance from his father, that he might even forget that he had a father. He despised restraint and was fully determined to have pleasure in any way and manner that he chose. After he had, by his sinful indulgences, spent all that his father had given him, the land was visited by a famine, and he felt pinching want. He then began to regret his sinful course of extravagant pleasure, for he was destitute and needed the means that he had squandered. He was obliged to come down from his life of sinful indulgence to the low business of feeding swine.

 Soon, a wasting famine will be poured out on the world.  People are beginning to find that their churches are not fulfilling their lives.  They are becoming starved for their Father’s love.  Unless they go back to their Father, they will die.

 After he had come as low as he could he thought of the kindness and love of his father. He then felt the need of a father. He had brought upon himself his position of friendlessness and want. His own disobedience and sin had resulted in his separating himself from his father. He thought of the privileges and bounties that the hired servants of his father’s house freely enjoyed, while he who had alienated himself from his father’s house was perishing with hunger. Humiliated through adversity, he decided to return to his father by humble confession. He was a beggar, destitute of comfortable or even decent clothing. He was wretched in consequence of privation and was emaciated with hunger.

 God is waiting for you to humbly confess your sin of putting man and church above God.  The Father is waiting for you to return to Him with all your heart, soul and mind, not just a portion.  The churches are starving you.  They are not feeding you the “truth” as Jesus teaches it.  You cannot live on the entertainment, the hype, the emotional and feelings of the religious systems.  Get out, go to Jesus.

 While the son was at a distance from his home, his father saw the wanderer, and his first thought was of that rebellious son who had left him years before to follow a course of unrestrained sin. The paternal feeling was stirred. Notwithstanding all the marks of his degradation the father discerned his own image. He did not wait for his son to come all the distance to him, but hastened to meet him. He did not reproach his son, but with the tenderest pity and compassion, that, in consequence of his course of sin, he had brought upon himself so much suffering, the father hastened to give him proofs of his love and tokens of his forgiveness.

 The Father is waiting and willing to forgive.  But He must have your complete surrender.  He will not share your heart with church, religion, denomination, independents or anything of this world.  You must come to the Father ready and willing to give Him total and complete obedience.

 Although his son was emaciated and his countenance plainly indicated the dissolute life he had passed, although he was clothed with beggar’s rags and his naked feet were soiled with the dust of travel, the father’s tenderest pity was excited as the son fell prostrate in humility before him. He did not stand back upon his dignity; he was not exacting. He did not array before his son his past course of wrong and sin, to make him feel how low he had sunk. He lifted him up and kissed him. He took the rebellious son to his breast and wrapped his own rich robe about the nearly naked form. He took him to his heart with such warmth, and evinced such pity, that if the son had ever doubted the goodness and love of his father, he could do so no longer. If he had a sense of his sin when he decided to return to his father’s house, he had a much deeper sense of his ungrateful course when he was thus received. His heart, before subdued, was now broken because he had grieved that father’s love.

 This is where churches, religions, denominations, pastors, independents and ministers get it all wrong.  The Father had always had love and compassion for His son.  But the Father could not demonstrate that love and compassion until the son humbled himself and came back to the Father.  It was the son who left, not the Father.  Therefore, it was the responsibility of the son to come back to the Father, in humility, recognizing his sins and being willing to forsake them.  If the son had come back with the same spirit he left, the Father would not have been able to receive him as he did.  The same goes with us.  We love the sinner, but unless the sinner repents and in humility recognizes his need to change, we cannot invite him into our lives.  Sinful lives will only contaminate us.  But if sinners desire to change their lives, then we are to accept them as God accepts us.

 The penitent, trembling son, who had greatly feared that he would be disowned, was unprepared for such a reception. He knew he did not deserve it, and he thus acknowledged his sin in leaving his father: “I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.” He begged only to be accounted as a hired servant. But the father requested his servants to pay him special tokens of respect and to clothe him as if he had ever been his own obedient son.

 Will you admit that you are sinning “against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son”?  Or do you feel that you are worthy of being a “son” because you go to church, support independents and other religious organizations?  Because you know which day the Sabbath is?  Because you have memorized certain verses of the Bible?  None of that makes you worthy.  You must surrender completely to Jesus to be “worthy”.  The son knew all the rules his father had taught him from birth.  The son knew all the rituals, traditions and routine used around the Father.  The problem was, knowing will not get you into Heaven.  Lucifer knows them all.  Only obedience will get you into heaven.

The father made the return of his son an occasion of special rejoicing. The elder son in the field knew not that his brother had returned, but he heard the general demonstrations of joy and inquired of the servants what it all meant. It was explained that his brother, whom they had thought dead, had returned, and that his father had killed the fatted calf for him because he had received him again as from the dead.

 I understand this completely.  I was an inmate.  I was a sinner.  My life was a Sabbath-keeping, church-going, tithe-paying member, but knew nothing of Jesus.  In my case, I loved Jesus, as I understood Him.  But I had no example to follow.  The churches I grew up in, and the Sabbath-keeping church schools I attended from 1st grade through college, never taught me how to be a Christian.  Therefore, when I learned how far away I was from my Father, and returned to him by leaving the church systems, He welcomed me with open arms.  He has blessed me beyond anything I could ever imagine.  That is why I sacrifice my life daily for Him.  I have been raised from the dead.

The brother was then angry and would not go in to see or receive his brother. His indignation was stirred that his unfaithful brother, who had left his father and thrown the heavy responsibility upon him of fulfilling the duties which should have been shared by both, should now be received with such honor. This brother had pursued a course of wicked profligacy, wasting the means his father had given him, until he was reduced to want, while his brother at home had been faithfully performing the duties of a son; and now this profligate comes to his father’s house and is received with respect and honor beyond anything that he himself had ever received.

 Many in church feel the same way about “real” sinners.  Many feel that inmates are not worthy of supporting through this ministry.  They feel that since they have been going to church and have been “performing the duties” of the church, they are worthy, but the inmate is not.  That he has to “prove” himself.  And of course, God looks the same at church members.  They are dishonoring God by going to church while refusing to live in obedience to His Ten Commandments.  No one is any better than any other.

The father entreated his elder son to go and receive his brother with gladness because he was lost and is found; he was dead in sin and iniquity, but is alive again; he has come to his moral senses and abhors his course of sin. But his elder son pleads: “Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment: and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends: but as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.”

 The older son was more concerned about what he got.  He wasn’t working for his father out of love as much as what he would get someday when the father died.  He served from selfish motives.  He was dutiful to all the requirements, but he lacked one essential element: love.

 He assured his son that he was ever with him, and that all he had was his, but that it was right that they should show this demonstration of joy, for “thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.” The fact that the lost is found, the dead is alive again, overbears all other considerations with the father.

 Jesus worked for His Father, not for what He could get, but for what He could give.  He loved His Father so much, He demonstrated that love to each and every person He came in contact with.  That is all God wants of us.  He wants us to love as He loves.  To show our love as He shows us His love.

 This parable was given by Christ to represent the manner in which our heavenly Father receives the erring and repenting. The father is the one sinned against; yet he, in the compassion of his soul, full of pity and forgiveness, meets the prodigal and shows his great joy that his son, whom he believed to be dead to all filial affection, has become sensible of his great sin and neglect, and has come back to his father, appreciating his love and acknowledging his claims. He knows that the son who has pursued a course of sin and now repents needs his pity and his love. This son has suffered; he has felt his need, and he comes to his father as the only one who can supply this great need.

 This is where “church” becomes so terrible.  We look at the sinner as having sinned against our “church”.  Our “church” becomes the “testing ground” of whether or not a person loves God.  But sins are against God and have nothing to do with our churches.  While churches accept sinners, who continue to live in sin and look good to the church, God will only accept those who have repented and changed their wicked lives.  We need to change our perspective.  That can only happen when we go to Jesus and learn how to “see” through His eyes.

 The return of the prodigal son was a source of the greatest joy. The complaints of the elder brother were natural, but not right. Yet this is frequently the course that brother pursues toward brother. There is too much effort to make those in error feel where they have erred, and to keep reminding them of their mistakes. Those who have erred need pity, they need help, they need sympathy. They suffer in their feelings, and are frequently desponding and discouraged. Above everything else, they need free forgiveness. 3T 100-104.

 So many have wandered from their Heavenly Father to take up residence in the churches of human making.  They thought they could live as they pleased in a church family that would accept their sins, their pride and their ego.  But the famine of love is starving them.  They are malnourished for the lack of food only the Father can provide.  I pray that each of you will come out of your church and return to your Heavenly Father.  He waits with open arms to receive you if you will only humble yourself and admit you need Him.

He has a wealth of “food” for your soul that will bring you joy, happiness and rest.  Come home to Jesus.  Leave the world, the churches and all they offer and return to Jesus who gave His life for you.