Now that’s a toughie.  When was the last time you were “patient”?  Did you see something that you did not like and jumped in to change it?  Did you hear something that disagreed with your way of thinking and jumped in to correct it?  Did you wait around to listen to the other person’s opinion?  Or did you turn and leave in an impatient manner?  Are you patient with those who just irritate the &%$#@ out of you?  Boy, do we need a lot of work on that one.  What does patience have to do with the Ten Commandments?  Try stealing.  You could have waited patiently until you earned it instead of stealing it.   Or, you could be stealing that person’s dignity by not listening to his/her point of view, etc.  Can you think of any other commands you could be breaking?

What about road-rage?  Driving can try anyone’s patience.  Try driving the speed limit and watch all the “patient” drivers behind you.  Just try driving the speed limit with passengers.  Patience!  Wow, how hard to live the Christian life.  We have so abused the term “Christian” that it has become anything we want it to be.  We could even say, “That was a Christian killing”.  Do we ever stop to actually think?

I am sure you have all heard the “prayer”, “Lord give me patience, and give it to me right now!”  So few are going to heaven.  Jesus has made that very plain.  Are you starting to get the picture?  Christianity isn’t what you think it is, it is what God says it is.  Are you living up to what God says you must be?

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